View Full Version : Channel 4 denies coaching Goody

21-01-2007, 15:02
Channel 4 has denied warning Jade Goody about the reaction to her Big Brother appearance and coaching her before her eviction to minimise the damage.

There is widespread press speculation that Goody was briefed before leaving the house about the anger she caused.

But a Channel 4 spokeswoman said: "Jade was not coached by [production company] Endemol or Channel 4."

The broadcaster's board will discuss the furore on Monday amid criticism of the way it handled the racism crisis.

Goody was accused of leading alleged racist bullying against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty.

'Shocked and disgusted'

About 40,000 people complained to media regulator Ofcom, while politicians in the UK and India were also drawn into the debate.

Goody has denied being racist but told the News of the World newspaper she did make racist comments and she was "shocked and disgusted" by her own behaviour.

Before being evicted on Friday, Goody and other housemates were questioned in the diary room by Big Brother about the disputes and whether they were racially motivated.

But there have been claims that Goody was also told about the public reaction and how to respond to it.

Goody made up with Shetty before leaving and the usual crowd was not present when Goody emerged because of security fears.

According to press reports, Goody said before she left: "I know why there's no noise." When Shilpa asked why, Jade replied: "I know but I can't tell you."

The Channel 4 spokeswoman denied that Goody had been tipped off.

"Jade's diary room conversations that were broadcast represent the conversations between Big Brother and Jade," she said.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Times has reported that the board will consider axing the show at Monday's board meeting.

'Got it wrong'

Commission for Equality and Human Rights chairman Trevor Phillips said Channel 4 chairman Luke Johnson should be censured for failing to deal properly with the crisis.

After the board meeting, they must "make clear that they got it wrong, they intervened too little too late", he told BBC One's Sunday AM programme.

"They should censure Luke Johnson, they should wash their hands of the money - Keith Vaz the MP says give it to charity and I think that's a good idea.

"And they should think about what they can do to illuminate the reality we have now seen of contemporary racism."

Mr Johnson's future in the job was "a matter for his board and for his contract", Mr Phillips continued.

Mr Johnson refused to answer questions about the issue on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Thursday.

Government intervention

After the meeting, Channel 4 should admit "Johnson was wrong not to talk about it last week, that his executives were wrong to say that there was no racism involved", Mr Phillips said.

"If the board does not take that stand then I think [Culture Secretary] Tessa Jowell has to step in and ask if this is a board that is capable of holding a public asset in trust for us.

"I think it is that serious."

The Channel 4 spokeswoman said Big Brother would be on the agenda at the board meeting.

"It was a planned meeting prior to all the Big Brother stuff kicking off so that wasn't the reason it was called," she said.

"No doubt it will be discussed but whether it's a big agenda item I don't know."

21-01-2007, 15:52
i odubt they would have coached her, it looks bad on there part but again its obvious they would deny it if they did so you just dont know. I think that from what she said it didnt sound like she was coached.

I really couldnt care less anymore on the whole fiasco. It has had far too much publicity.

21-01-2007, 21:06
Hmmm I really dont know then again does it really matter anymore?

21-01-2007, 21:09
She lokked so shocked when she came out and there was no big crowd to meet her. NOT

Who do they think they are trying to kid.

21-01-2007, 21:11
She lokked so shocked when she came out and there was no big crowd to meet her. NOT

Who do they think they are trying to kid.

yrs but apparently she ask to come out to no crowd cause she was scared of their reaction :rolleyes:

21-01-2007, 21:37
She lokked so shocked when she came out and there was no big crowd to meet her. NOT

Who do they think they are trying to kid.

yrs but apparently she ask to come out to no crowd cause she was scared of their reaction :rolleyes:What reaction was she expecting if she was supposedly :rolleyes: locked up inside the house with supposedly :rolleyes: no communication with the real world
The whole thing stinks

Its just a pity that Carole Malone the journalist was not still in there

21-01-2007, 21:47
She lokked so shocked when she came out and there was no big crowd to meet her. NOT

Who do they think they are trying to kid.

yrs but apparently she ask to come out to no crowd cause she was scared of their reaction :rolleyes:

I thought she mentioned something about saying yes to a crowd, but it was obviously so bad that she couldn't have one?

I swear she said that on the bit they showed about what happened between the 2 shows.

Anyway, this is a blatent lie. It was obvious she knew about what had happened, and was prepared for it. Davina even let it half-slip that Big Brother had asked them to make up- though she then said "Suggested" they made up.

22-01-2007, 16:43
She lokked so shocked when she came out and there was no big crowd to meet her. NOT

Who do they think they are trying to kid.

I agree. It's a load of rubbish that they didn't tell Jade what was going on outside.
They're trying to save their own skins but unfortunatly, Jade let the cat out of the bag with her big gob. Why would they throw the biggest "celebrity" they made to the wolves?

Oh yeah, did anybody read in the paper that the "live" interview she gave was actually recorded 30mins before it was broadcast? Which gave her time to talk to her agent, who I can guess told her to turn the waterworks on and pretend she's sorry blah blah blah.

23-01-2007, 20:25
oh this is all rubbish in my opinion.

shes not being coached. Jade is genuinly sorry.

23-01-2007, 20:42
:rolleyes: Sorry she stands to lose a fortune in money:rolleyes:

23-01-2007, 21:10
Part of me thought she is genuinely sorry but then you realise what she stands to lose and she's obviously going to do anything she can to keep it...there's also that little matter of danielle and jo...she's quick to condem what they did but she was right by them when some of it happened...when danielle said eff off back home she was in the same room, they were at the table together when jo and dani were making comments while she makes excuses about not hearing them....she has been coached through out...the girl is not too bright yet she magically managed to figure out what the public reaction would be...don't think so.

23-01-2007, 21:22
Part of me thought she is genuinely sorry but then you realise what she stands to lose and she's obviously going to do anything she can to keep it...there's also that little matter of danielle and jo...she's quick to condem what they did but she was right by them when some of it happened...when danielle said eff off back home she was in the same room, they were at the table together when jo and dani were making comments while she makes excuses about not hearing them....she has been coached through out...the girl is not too bright yet she magically managed to figure out what the public reaction would be...don't think so.

I feel sorry for abit when she mentions that this could in turn affect her Kids but then again they were always going to get something mentioned to them about being Jade goody's kids, well possibly.

23-01-2007, 21:27
I feel sorry for her kids...if she is serious about how she wants to help them and see a psychologist about her behaviour then good for her...I just hope she's not using them as sympathy. I don't think anyone is cruel or stupid enough to take out her behaviour on her children.

23-01-2007, 21:32
I feel sorry for her kids...if she is serious about how she wants to help them and see a psychologist about her behaviour then good for her...I just hope she's not using them as sympathy. I don't think anyone is cruel or stupid enough to take out her behaviour on her children.I know hopefully theres isnt but there may be the odd few that make comments to her about what she has done to her kids, if that makes sense.

23-01-2007, 21:38
yeah I know what you mean, but again I doubt it would effect her kids, just her, and that's justified. Seeing the attitude of her mother and her boyfriend, plus the way she behaves she needs reminding until she does something about her attitude. I don't think she is a bad mother, I just think she needs to watch what example she sets to her kids otherwise it'll just be a sick cycle.

23-01-2007, 22:57
I don't think she is a bad mother, I just think she needs to watch what example she sets to her kids otherwise it'll just be a sick cycle.
Exactly, well at least she has gotten something out of this, I suppose.

24-01-2007, 16:23
Her kids are 3 and 4 - how the hell is it gona affect them? I doubt their little friends will watch the program and bully them at nursery. She definatly needs to see a psychiatrist, all that fame has gone to her head.