View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 31st January & 1st Feb 2007

15-01-2007, 22:24
Just a few hours after dumping PC Honey Harman’s (Kim Tiddy) lifeless body in the river, DC Zain Nadir (TJ Ramini) wakes up in hospital dazed and confused. DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) is by his bedside and tells him that although Paul Haskew (Gary Webster) is dead and Jose Alvarez (Andy Lucas) is being interrogated by SOCA (Serious Organised Crime Agency), Kristen Shaw (Christine Stephen-Daly) and Eva Garcia (Beatriz Romilly) are nowhere to be seen. Zain explains that he doesn’t know where Kristen is and doesn’t remember a lot about what happened at the boatyard. Ignoring Phil’s concerns, he discharges himself from St Hugh’s Hospital and returns home. He is stunned when Kristen emerges from another room and they embrace - both frightened, breaking down in tears.

Meanwhile, back at Sun Hill, Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) congratulates DI Neil Manson (Andrew Lancel) and DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) on a good result and explains that SOCA will now take over. Jack later admits to Neil that Zain has been having a sexual relationship with Kristen and Neil admits he is very suspicious - his intelligence was wrong for a start. Jack asks Neil to go through all of Zain’s statements and paperwork since the start of the undercover operation looking for any anomalies.

The following morning, Heaton briefs the team on Kristen who managed to escape arrest last night. She is lying low somewhere and they must find her. Back at his flat, Zain and Kristen start working on a getaway plan. He tells her that as far as everyone is concerned, Honey has gone on holiday to Tenerife. If she doesn’t return, the first thing the police will do is check she got on the plane. Zain soon manages to break into Honey’s flat taking her passport and luggage back with him despite almost being caught by PC Will Fletcher (Gary Lucy) who has visited her flat wanting to talk to her before she leaves about drugs mule, Eva Garcia (Beatriz Romilly), who has also gone missing.

Worried Will returns to Sun Hill to tell Sergeant Nikki Wright (Gillian Taylforth) that Honey is nowhere to be seen. He asks whether it is worth leaving a message for her at the airport but Nikki tells him to leave it – she’s on holiday.

In CID, Phil tells Jack that there are signs that two people had been tied up at the boatyard. They know that one of them was Zain but who was the other? Jack and Neil call Zain in for a debrief telling him they need answers to their questions. They are surprised when Zain hands over a statement detailing his version of last night’s events. Neil asks him if he knows where Kristen went and he responds with a lie saying that Kristen was playing him all along and he has no idea where she is. He also tells them that he didn’t see anyone else tied up at the boatyard. Their conversation is interrupted when Phil enters with the news that a woman’s body has been pulled out of the river. Zain is relieved when Jack visits the morgue and discovers that the dead woman is Eva. Zain’s relief is short-lived when Jack demands to question Alvarez now that he is suspected murderer. Soon after, the corrupt cop is called to see Jack and Heaton - has Alvarez told them about Honey’s part in last night’s showdown.

Thursday 1 February

As the Sun Hill cops continue to investigate the disappearance of Kristen Shaw (Christine Stephen-Daly), Inspector Gina Gold (Roberta Taylor) begins to wonder why PC Honey Harman (Kim Tiddy) hasn’t turned up for work. Gina calls the airport and discovers that although she is shown to have flown out to Tenerife, Honey didn’t check in to fly back to Gatwick. Concerned, Gina checks Honey’s mobile phone records and on discovering her last call was made to CID on the night of the raid, decides to treat her as a missing person. Corrupt cop, DC Zain Nadir (TJ Ramini) starts to panic when DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) discovers that the woman who got on the flight to Spain was not Honey and starts looking into where she was at the time of her last call. Zain secretly arranges to meet Kristen and during their rendezvous, tells her that his colleagues have started searching for Honey. He says that they haven’t got long to get away. Cool, Kristen warns Zain to keep calm and she’ll organise a safe way of escaping the country.

Meanwhile, DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) briefs CID on a search of where Honey was last seen. Zain returns to help with the search and is stunned when her phone is found. Jack asks Zain to try and remember some more details about the night of the drugs raid. Back at the station, Jack receives a call from forensics to say that Honey’s fingerprints have been found at Bonham Wharf – despite Zain insisting she wasn’t there.

Since Eva’s body was pulled out of the river at Bonham Wharf and Honey was her liaison officer, a determined Jack briefs the Sun Hill team and tells them he wants a fingertip search of the whole area surrounding the warehouse. When Jack tells Zain that Jose Alvarez (Andy Lucas) has been called in to be questioned, a terrified Zain calls to meet Kristen who reassures him by saying she has secured plans for them to leave tomorrow.
Jack and Phil interview Alvarez and when asked about Honey, he eventually admits that the PC was at Bonham Wharf with Zain that night but he didn’t harm her. Alvarez confesses he tied her up and left her with Kristen and Zain but when he returned to the warehouse, all three had disappeared.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Smithy (Alex Walkinshaw) leads the search at Bonham Wharf and when forensics confirm Honey’s blood is found on a bridge, Jack requests for divers to search the canal. Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) makes his way to Bonham Wharf and the sombre officers look on as Honey’s body is pulled up from the bottom of the river bed.

Back at the station, the news about Honey has made its way to Zain. Scared, he runs through the station in a desperate attempt to escape. As he vanishes through the main doors, Jack and Phil appear behind him and call him back inside. Is the net closing in on the renegade cop?

Elsewhere, after getting caught up in a Sun Hill investigation, Heaton’s wife Rhiannon (Rebecca Charles) comes into the station with their daughter, Charlie (Jennifer Da Silver). After giving DC Mickey Webb (Chris Simmons) a statement about a recent burglary, Rhiannon tells Heaton that it is best he moves out – they are miserable together.

And, Dan Casper (Chris Jarvis) and Will arrange a boxing match to see who will take part in the upcoming charity tournament. But when CPS Lawyer Matt Hinckley (Mark Dexter) discovers his wife, PC Emma Hinckley (Melanie Gutteridge) is planning to go, he reminds her that she can’t as they are visiting his mother. After checking in his diary, Emma challenges Matt and she is shocked when he gets physical…

15-01-2007, 22:46
These are really good, I can't wait. Wonder if Zain and Kristen will leave the country before he gets rumbled.

Back at the station, the news about Honey has made its way to Zain. Scared, he runs through the station in a desperate attempt to escape. As he vanishes through the main doors, Jack and Phil appear behind him and call him back inside.

That was a bit silly, he's blown his cover.

Who shot Honey?

15-01-2007, 22:50
Looking through the other spoilers - Kristen JB :)

baby oranges
16-01-2007, 12:47
these look really really good! i can't wait! i think zain will get away with it and get out of the country with kristen! maybe i'm just hoping though, because i'm a sucker for love stories!

16-01-2007, 13:14
Lol, baby orange, in a way i hope they get away too, but it would also be intresting to find out what actually will happen to Zain for being invovled in all this.

16-01-2007, 14:23
I hope Zain doesnt get away with it - he's got blood on his hands. He may not have pulled the trigger, but if I've read the spoilers right, he dumped Honey's body. The pair of them deserve punishment, not escape to happiness together.

samantha nixon
16-01-2007, 16:27
i have loved this storyline since it began and dont and it to end :( as TJ and Chrsitne are great in it and baby orange i agree i would love Zain and Kristen to disappear into the sunset as welll lol

16-01-2007, 16:56
i would love Zain and Kristen to disappear into the sunset as welll lol
They need to pay for all they have have done especially for Honeys's death

samantha nixon
16-01-2007, 17:52
i would love Zain and Kristen to disappear into the sunset as welll lol
They need to pay for all they have have done especially for Honeys's death

yh well Honey never was never my favourite character, but Kim is a great actress and they havent really done anything bad except for killing Honey

16-01-2007, 17:58
i would love Zain and Kristen to disappear into the sunset as welll lol
They need to pay for all they have have done especially for Honeys's death

yh well Honey never was never my favourite character, but Kim is a great actress and they havent really done anything bad except for killing HoneyWHAT!!!!!!! Impotation of Drugs, beating people up, kinapping police officers isnt bad:rolleyes:

samantha nixon
16-01-2007, 18:49
i would love Zain and Kristen to disappear into the sunset as welll lol
They need to pay for all they have have done especially for Honeys's death

yh well Honey never was never my favourite character, but Kim is a great actress and they havent really done anything bad except for killing HoneyWHAT!!!!!!! Impotation of Drugs, beating people up, kinapping police officers isnt bad:rolleyes:

:rotfl: Well now you put it like that lol But i like them so dont want them in prison

17-01-2007, 08:49
zain is a bent cop and should never have got involved with anyone involved in crime. he deserves to be punished for his crimes and i hope they get caught and locked up for a long time!
i am a sucker for a happy ending too but zain has annoyed me from the start messing up all the investigations and getting involved with a criminal. i like seeing justice done!

17-01-2007, 09:20
i would love Zain and Kristen to disappear into the sunset as welll lol
They need to pay for all they have have done especially for Honeys's death

yh well Honey never was never my favourite character, but Kim is a great actress and they havent really done anything bad except for killing Honey
EXCEPT for killing Honey!!!???

Oh, well that's all right then...:angry:

baby oranges
17-01-2007, 09:47
no, it's just . . . . i don't know. i know he has been pretty corrupt, ok, a lot corrupt, but at the end of the day it's a TV show and the writers have to think about what the viewers what. and personally, i want them to get away with it! i don't want to upset anyone on here, but that's just my opinion!!!

by the way, i absolutely LOVE your banner samantha_nixon! it's brilliant!

17-01-2007, 10:01
no, it's just . . . . i don't know. i know he has been pretty corrupt, ok, a lot corrupt, but at the end of the day it's a TV show and the writers have to think about what the viewers what. and personally, i want them to get away with it! i don't want to upset anyone on here, but that's just my opinion!!!

by the way, i absolutely LOVE your banner samantha_nixon! it's brilliant!

ANYONE involved in the death of a Police Officer MUST be punished. The fact that Zain is also a Police Officer makes this even more the case. Yes of course its a TV programme and full of flaws but it should have some sort of realism in this. His being caught show his colleagues up for the fools that they are except DI Manson/Shearer who was the only one suspicious about his extra cirricular activities

17-01-2007, 13:31
this sounds like a great ending to the storyline! up until now i would ahve liked seeing Zain and Kristin to go off together but this is exteme and they shouldn't get away with it. even though i don't like Honey she still shouldn't have been killed and they need to pay for this!

samantha nixon
17-01-2007, 17:13
no, it's just . . . . i don't know. i know he has been pretty corrupt, ok, a lot corrupt, but at the end of the day it's a TV show and the writers have to think about what the viewers what. and personally, i want them to get away with it! i don't want to upset anyone on here, but that's just my opinion!!!

by the way, i absolutely LOVE your banner samantha_nixon! it's brilliant!

i agree in real life yh he should get put away for it but its a show and would be better for them to go off together
and thanks lea made the banner for me i :wub: it

17-01-2007, 21:05
no, it's just . . . . i don't know. i know he has been pretty corrupt, ok, a lot corrupt, but at the end of the day it's a TV show and the writers have to think about what the viewers what. and personally, i want them to get away with it! i don't want to upset anyone on here, but that's just my opinion!!!

by the way, i absolutely LOVE your banner samantha_nixon! it's brilliant!

ANYONE involved in the death of a Police Officer MUST be punished. The fact that Zain is also a Police Officer makes this even more the case. Yes of course its a TV programme and full of flaws but it should have some sort of realism in this. His being caught show his colleagues up for the fools that they are except DI Manson/Shearer who was the only one suspicious about his extra cirricular activities

I want to see them both go down for it. It's not very interesting watching them leave the country. I'd prefer Zain to be interrogated by Neil or John. That would be good to watch :)
Yeah, it is a tv show but I think it also has to have a bt of reality in it. If they didn't catch on that Zain was planning to leave the country they'd be pretty foolish.

18-01-2007, 20:00
I hope they get caught for killing Honey, the character was a bit annoying but she didn't deserve to be murdered. If they do escape, I hope they continue the chase to find them, catch up with them and then send them down for murder and corruption. :D

18-01-2007, 22:26
I use to really like Zain but now they've ruined him with this storyline I hope that justice will be done and I believe it will do you think they'll really let a cop killer and a drug dealer run off into the sunset with her dim lover I don't think so Zain Nadir your time is up

28-01-2007, 21:51
Meanwhile, Sergeant Smithy (Alex Walkinshaw) leads the search at Bonham Wharf and when forensics confirm Honey’s blood is found on a bridge, Jack requests for divers to search the canal. Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) makes his way to Bonham Wharf and the sombre officers look on as Honey’s body is pulled up from the bottom of the river bed.

How do forensics confirm it is Honey's blood? Do they already have a sample from when she was alive?

28-01-2007, 22:09
Meanwhile, Sergeant Smithy (Alex Walkinshaw) leads the search at Bonham Wharf and when forensics confirm Honey’s blood is found on a bridge, Jack requests for divers to search the canal. Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) makes his way to Bonham Wharf and the sombre officers look on as Honey’s body is pulled up from the bottom of the river bed.

How do forensics confirm it is Honey's blood? Do they already have a sample from when she was alive?Probably from her dna. They would be able to obtain that from personal items in her locker