View Full Version : Did Tracey mean to kill Charlie all along? Discuss

13-01-2007, 23:33
i've been having this debate with my mum; when Tracey first concocted her plot against Charlie after his fling with Maria, was it always going to end with his death?

i myself don't think so. i think you'd have to be rather unhinged to plot to kill your boyfriend over a series of weeks just because he'd cheated on you. i think her original plan was to set up this whole domestic abuse thing, and then push him far enough one day that he would beat up someone like peter (maybe a connor brother or similar) and then maybe hit her in front of witnesses in order to have him put in prison. family and neighbours etc would have easily backed her up, the only support he would have had would have been Jason. BUT i think that Charlie was always on to her, and after he beat up Peter he called her bluff and raised the stakes significantly. and only THEN did she decide she'd have to kill him.

what do others think?

14-01-2007, 11:58
I actually agree with you I really think that she was setting him up for something. I think she's a lot more twisted than that and killing him would have been a bit cliche and boring for her.

14-01-2007, 12:30
yes she definalty did, they way it was done was so calculated, i think she always wanted to from the start. Especially with the stuff about being abused and getting Claire on side.

14-01-2007, 12:56
Yes she definitely meant to do it. Charlie had turned their relationship into a Game, as he does with all his realtionships, only this time he had well and truly met his match. So after Charlie cheated on her with Maria Tracy devised her own game plan the final game being Charlie's death, she would win the game once and for all, Charlie would loose.

Tracy wil carry the "game" on to ensure that her very final part of the game happens and that is she will get away with Charlie's death, playing out the part of the victim. Whether or not she will succeed remains to be seen...

14-01-2007, 13:08
I think she'd always planned to kill him ever since she found out he'd been with Maria. I think all the stuff with pretending she'd been abused and the thing with the iron was so that when she eventually did kill him, she could just cry self defence and she'd have people like Claire to back her up (exactly what's happened). I also remember just after she'd found out about him sleeping with Maria, she came out of the pub that time with Deirdre and saw him taking some blonde girl back to the house and she said to Deirdre "Im going to kill him" - she meant it and I think she had it all planned out ever since that moment. Yeah she definitely meant to do it.

14-01-2007, 17:31
Yes she did plan this all since she found out about Maria, well I dont think straight away but in the end she came up with that.

14-01-2007, 18:39
When does he go out of it? Cos when Friday's episode was on, he eneded up having an oxygen mask on while being taken to the ambulance, so she must do something else to kill him. Perhaps the statue round the head the second time wasnt enough.

16-01-2007, 19:46
I've been watching the repeats and I think you all were right when you said she wanted to kill him. I thought because she seemed desperate to stay she had something else plotted but I think her desperation came from her plan coming undone too soon.

16-01-2007, 20:04
I think she had it planned the minute she started her whole 'abuse' game.

Very calculated .. but would you also lay fault at Charlies door? After all he has played with her mind hasnt he ?

16-01-2007, 21:16
I don't think she planned it just from finding out about Maria. I think over time though, she did start to plan it. Particularly at the end when he was cottoning onto her.

Chloe O'brien
17-01-2007, 12:29
I don't think she planned to kill him just because of the affair with Maria but she did want to punish him. I think the idea to convice everyone that he was abusing her was to get him put in prison and she was probably planning to do a runner with his money. But when he was released and given community service you seen her looking at the statue when Charlie was telling her to pack her bags.

22-01-2007, 18:00
No i don't think she was planning to kill him until he got released after beating up Peter, and when he challenged her to kill him, i think that was the final straw for her and she realised that she had to kill him to get him out of the way.

I think Tracy's previous plan was just to make out she was being abused by Charlie so he would go to prison. I don't think she would have planned to kill him for weeks, that is just very calculating and i never had Tracy down as a calculated murderer.