View Full Version : Would YOU ever go on Big Brother?

13-01-2007, 22:01
Serious question, would you ever apply? I definitely wouldn't, I think it can really change a person :hmm:

13-01-2007, 22:04
Me and my mates were talking about this the other day. I said no. I'm not confident enough to go on that, I'd just be really boring :lol: and I agree with Chris, that it can change a person.

Chloe O'brien
13-01-2007, 22:07
If I was younger and had no comitments then yes I would love to go on Big brother. But I would propbably be the first one out as compared to some of the housemates that have been in there I am really boring.

13-01-2007, 22:11
I would have applied in the first couple of years of it starting, but i think it has gone really downhill this last 2 / 3 years.

13-01-2007, 22:18
Yeah, i am going to apply when i'm old enough!! :D

13-01-2007, 22:42
YES, of course and Im going to auditon when im old enough.

13-01-2007, 22:55
I would of in the first few serieses. but now all they seem to want is freaks and the bigger the freak the better so no i wouldnt nowdays because I wouldnt want to pretend to be a freak in order to do it.

And secondly they dont do any auditions near me

13-01-2007, 23:08
funny you should start this thread. me and my two friends are applying but only to see who will get further if we chosen i guess the last laughs on us.

13-01-2007, 23:54
No way I could do it....the thought of being confined in a house for up to 3 months, with a bunch of loonies whilst the whole nation is watching your every move, including going to the loo, and washing your smalls, fills me with horror....:eek:

Rather go into a real prison....btw Im not actually a criminal mastermind, so there's no chance of me going to prison!!!

14-01-2007, 00:10
Don't see the point in being locked up in a house for 12 weeks with nothing to do. No contact with the outside world, no phones, no internet, would bore me to death.

14-01-2007, 11:27
no i couldnt stand it. I would get so bored probably just sleep all day. I remember not having TV for a week or Newspapers It was horrible not knowing what was going on.

14-01-2007, 11:30
I couldn't go on it, but a girl from college has applied and she has been for auditions but the scary thing is i think she actually has a chance of getting on the show, she's that mad.

14-01-2007, 11:48
definatley! it's something I would love to do! it would be a life changing experience and you make tons of dosh when you leave the house with press interviews and stuff.

I was going to apply this year but my a level exams would clash with the start date, so it's kind of pointless applying. But I WILL apply in the future, maybe during Uni, or after, but I will deffo keep on applying until I get in! :D

14-01-2007, 11:50
I wouldn't - no way thank you very much. If you win, all the secrets start coming out of the closet, the press hounds trying to find out skeletons from your closet and will pick up on anything. Go out clubbing and get out of the car wrong, maybe showing that little bit too much flesh and your knickers are printed in Heat magazine. I think its lost its appeal to be honest, it may be nice to watch some of the evilness that is shown, but me for one, have stopped enjoying watching it, and I certainly wouldn't want to be treated the way they treat their contestants.

No thank you...

14-01-2007, 12:56

I spend time with people I want to.

I tell them things that I want to, and have privacy when I want it.

I eat what I want to, when I want to etc etc

Why would I want to give up my freedom to be exposed to the public?

14-01-2007, 16:55
I wouldn't - no way thank you very much. If you win, all the secrets start coming out of the closet, the press hounds trying to find out skeletons from your closet and will pick up on anything. Go out clubbing and get out of the car wrong, maybe showing that little bit too much flesh and your knickers are printed in Heat magazine. I think its lost its appeal to be honest, it may be nice to watch some of the evilness that is shown, but me for one, have stopped enjoying watching it, and I certainly wouldn't want to be treated the way they treat their contestants.

No thank you...

i thought of all that stuff when me and my friends were saying about apply for big brother the only thing is i dont have any secrets im the most boring teenager.so the changes of my even geting through the 1st audtion is highly unlikely considering them facts.
i did however like the fact that no matter how long your in the house for your life is changed fro a while after. i mean you get your pictures taken for 'interviews' about what went on in the house and you go on big brothers little brother etc even if it is only for the week you were kicked out thats a week in your life where you can say well its something thats doesnt happen everyday! thats what makes me wana go in.:angel: then you can go back and be a nobody but someone that was once on big brother hopefully.

14-01-2007, 17:07
I think its selfish, really. I mean, all that time in the house, anything could happen to your friends/family, and they might need you. The BB people only tell you if something happens to a close member of your family (Husband, Wife, Parents, Siblings), but other people could need you as well in that time.

And seriously, whats the point? Its a gameshow, which just demoralises you, and makes you "public property". Its a freak-show in there- something i really wouldn't want to be deemed as well!

15-01-2007, 15:19
Completly agree about the family/friends thing Abi. Plus you haven't got a clue what stories the press are running about you and how many "friends" have sold stories about you.
You might get to do interviews for a short while after you come out but what happens after that if you came no where close to winning? Go back to a day job where everybody knows every little detail about your personal life, about your eating disorder, mental problems or whatever?

17-01-2007, 19:49
couldn't think of anything worse!! Stuck with a bunch of people that you are likely not to get on with, being watched 24hours, bigbrother manipulating everything and then when you get out you get labelled as one of those c/z-list "celebs" - sounds horrible to me! It's interesting actually looking back at the previous posts that it does tend to be the younger posters that are more kean to go on BB. I'm not saying that all the younger ones definetly want to go on it and the older ones don't, it's just what I noticed.

18-01-2007, 20:57
They want to get into BB because they see it as a step on to the ladder to fame, when clearly the easiest way is to go to drama classes become a great actor.

Oh sorry that was hard work doing it that way.:rotfl: