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13-01-2007, 10:35
Episode 3.01

Six months after Mike was run over, he's still in the hospital in a coma. Susan visits him every day and remains hopeful that he'll wake up soon, despite his showing no improvement. She gets to know another regular visitor, Ian, whose wife Jane has been in a coma for three years. Soon he and Susan are sharing coffee and then one day he asks her if she'll go to dinner with him. She's so surprised, she spills her coffee all over Jane, and then covers the spill up with a blanket. She later tells a comatose Mike that she won't go if he'll just wake up, but he doesn't.

Tom is doing everything he can to include his love child, Kayla, in Scavo family activities, including the Christmas portrait. But her mother Nora decides she needs to be in the picture too, which is not okay with Lynette. No Nora, no Kayla, Nora decides, so the Scavos give in.

For Parker's birthday party, Lynette invites Kayla, but lies to Nora that they're just having "a quiet afternoon at home." Tom is worried what Nora will do when she finds out the truth and then has to reassure Lynette that he's more scared of her than he is of Nora. Nora calls to check on Kayla and correctly guesses that there's a party going on, but Lynette tells her, no, they're taking the kids out for ice cream. Knowing Kayla's on her way over, they bundle the whole party -- kids, clown, balloons, donkey and all -- to Gabby's backyard.

Nora shows up to an empty house and apologizes for thinking Lynette was lying -- until a kid with a party hat emerges from the bathroom and asks where everybody went. Tom is ready to cave again and let Nora into the party until Lynette tells him she always puts Tom first and she needs to know he'll do the same for her. So he tells Nora she can take Kayla home if she's not happy, but Kayla begs to stay and now it's Nora's turn to cave in.

Edie is trying to sell Paul Young's house, but Mrs. McCluskey keeps telling prospective buyers about the severed fingers found in the garage.

Carlos is living in an apartment and Gabrielle is busy drawing up divorce papers and reluctantly waiting hand and foot on a very pregnant Xiao Mei. Fed up by Xiao Mei's demands, Gabrielle tells her that after she has the baby, she's going to have her deported back to China and working in a rice paddy. Xiao Mei runs away and Gabrielle goes to Carlos to help him find her. She finally turns up, hiding in the Youngs' empty house when Edie opens a closet while showing the house.

In flashback, we find out that an Alma Hodge finally got tired of waiting on her exacting, perfectionist husband -- Orson -- and tried to sneak away when he was at work one day. But he comes back early and finds her bags packed. The next day, a nosy neighbor, Carol, finds Orson mopping the kitchen floor and he tells her that Alma left him, but her parrot keeps saying, "Orson, no!" Next we see, the empty birdcage is put out with the trash.

After six months of dating, Orson surprises Bree with a ring. She's hesitant, saying she hasn't been very lucky since Rex's death, but finally says yes. She tells her friends, who are surprised at her haste, but even more shocked to hear that she and Orson haven't had sex yet.

Orson tries to convince Bree not to wait until the wedding, but she is firm in her convictions. That is, until his obsessive wineglass cleaning gets her hot and bothered. They hit the sheets and Orson attempts to go down on her, but she tells him she doesn't do that, saying "I'm a Republican." He talks her into it and then she suddenly says she has to leave. Bree rushes to see her doctor, telling her she fears she may have had a small stroke -- the doctor determines that she really just had her first orgasm.

At Bree and Orson's engagement party, an uninvited guest shows up: his old neighbor Carol. In front of everyone, she warns Bree that Orson killed his first wife, and that if Bree marries him, she'll be next.

13-01-2007, 10:36
Episode 3.02

On Susan's first date with Ian, his in-laws show up at the same restaurant. So as not to alarm them, he introduces Susan as "Dr. Mayer." She fakes an emergency phone call to make her escape when they start peppering her with medical questions.

She tells Ian they should just be friends and he says he thinks of her as more than a friend, so she replies she can't see him anymore.

Just two weeks after their engagement party, Bree and Orson are getting married! Her friends try to tell her it's too fast, but can't bring themselves to ruin her joy.

Gabrielle and Carlos can't come to terms in their divorce talks and the lawyer advises them that since they're going to be sharing custody of a baby soon, they'd better find a way to get along. Carlos makes a grand gesture, giving Gabrielle his mother's pearl necklace. She makes nice and invites him to Bree's wedding reception, which will be held at their house.

Edie's nephew Austin moves in with her. His loud music draws Julie away from her studying, but she's less than impressed with his strutting around shirtless.

Hours before the wedding, Susan sees Orson angrily taking a knife to the cans and "Just Married" sign someone stuck on the back of his car. She pays a visit to Carol, the woman who accused Orson of murdering his first wife, Alma. Carol tells Susan that Orson was the prime suspect, but that they never found a body or any trace of Alma in the house since every surface had been thoroughly cleaned with bleach.

Susan tells Gabrielle and Lynette, who confront Bree right before the ceremony. Just as she'd reassured Orson privately, Bree says she absolutely trusts her future husband and that if they don't drop the matter, she'll never forgive them. So the wedding is on --except that before the vows are exchanged, Bree pulls Orson aside and asks him, "Did you kill your wife?" He admits he didn't tell her about the investigation, but explains the rest away by saying that when he's upset, he cleans. She believes him and the wedding continues.

At the reception, Susan is surprised to see Ian, who's finagled an invitation just to see her. She's even more surprised when he toasts Bree and Orson, whom he doesn't even know, by saying how much he admires their giving love a chance for the second time. Much to the newlyweds' confusion, Susan counters with a toast that advises caution. Ian offers a rebuttal saying that when you find someone who makes you feel alive, you can't let them go. By the smile on Susan's face, it looks like she's convinced.

Lynette loves Nora's scary new trucker new boyfriend, because he keeps Nora out of her and Tom's hair. But when they break up, she's desperate to hook Nora up with someone new. At the wedding reception, she places her at a table full of single men, most of them Tom's friends, but Nora declares them all boring.

Because Gabrielle is being nice to him and fussing over his tie, Carlos thinks she wants to get back together. To prove he's wrong, she immediately starts flirting with the nearest waiter. Hearing Carlos say he's looking for single women, Lynette steers him toward Nora, and the two are soon dirty dancing. When Gabrielle sees them, she and Carlos start to fight, and soon Mama's pearls are scattered all over the dance floor. As they scramble for each pearl, Xiao Mei appears to say it's time, and then her water breaks.

The delivery goes smoothly, until the baby arrives and it's African-American! The fertility doctor admits there was a mix-up in the lab, but there's no baby to swap since their embryo didn't take. Without a baby in the picture anymore, Carlos says he's relieved their divorce will be less messy, at least.

A policeman pulls Bree and Orson from their reception, saying that they've found a body that might be Alma and they need Orson to identify it, right now. Orson says it's not his wife, and then Carol appears to prove him wrong. Only she has to admit she doesn't recognize the body either. She gives Bree a fresh warning, but Bree simply tells her to leave them alone.

But she doesn't hear Orson say "Tu me manques (I miss you), Monique," to the body.

13-01-2007, 10:37
Episode 3.03

Bree and Orson are ready to leave for their honeymoon when Bree sees a TV interview with a homeless teen -- Andrew! To Orson's dismay, she insists they cancel their honeymoon and go find Andrew. She finds him at a soup kitchen, but he says he wants nothing to do with her. She finally tells Orson the truth: Andrew didn't run away, she left him by the side of the road.

Without telling Bree, Orson tracks Andrew down and offers to buy him lunch. Andrew agrees, only later realizing Orson's his new stepfather. Orson asks Andrew how he's been living and Andrew admits he's "done things for money." Orson suggests Andrew just wants to keep punishing Bree for abandoning him. He tells Andrew that he knows something about rage, and that it has some ugly consequences. And that Andrew has a home to come back to to if he wants it. The next day, Bree opens the door to find Andrew on the doorstep.

Gabrielle and Lynette are heading off for a spa weekend -- Gaby to get away from her messy divorce, Lynette to get some much-needed rest. Tom has taken the kids, including Kayla, camping, but he calls Lynette almost immediately. His back has gone out and he needs her to come get him.

When she arrives home, she finds Nora sitting on the front porch. She insists on coming along so that Lynette doesn't look like the better mother. Lynette is less than thrilled -- it's an eight hour drive!

Nora quickly gets on her nerves and Lynette finally snaps, telling her what a nutjob she is. Nora decides to show her what crazy really is and grabs the steering wheel, forcing them into oncoming traffic. Lynette says if Nora wants to kill herself, go right ahead. Nora tells her to stop, she's going to hitch a ride with the first trucker. To her surprise, Lynette doesn't try to stop her.

A few miles later, she finds Nora sitting on the side of the road because the trucker got fresh. She tells Lynette that her comment about suicide hit a little too close to home. "You have everything, your life is perfect," she tells Lynette, who insists her life is far from perfect. She works 12 hours a day, it feels like she has 33 kids instead of four, and Tom still hasn't found another job.

Nora reveals that Tom doesn't want to work in advertising anymore, something he's never told Lynette. Instead of confronting him about it, Lynette tells Tom maybe it's time to think about pursuing whatever dream job he gave up on a long time ago.

Gabrielle starts to feel lonely seeing all the other romantic couples at the spa. And then she bumps into her ex-lover, John. He's looking elegant and grown-up. He now runs a landscape company that services the hotel and may soon have the entire hotel chain as a client. She's impressed, so much so that they end up in bed together again. Then he gets a call: his fiancee is arriving early! And she's not just his fiancee, her father owns the hotel chain, so it's imperative she not find Gabrielle in John's room. Gabrielle hides in a suitcase and John wheels her out. She has to unzip herself when she's accidentally left in the elevator. The next day, she tells John she's single now and wants to keep seeing him. But he loves his fiancee and doesn't want to risk losing her.

Susan goes off for a romantic weekend with Ian at his cabin. They seem to have the same thing in mind, as they both find out when they accidentally open each other's suitcases: His is full of condoms, hers has sexy lingerie inside. But Ian lets it slip that his wife is the only woman he's ever been with. Susan assures him it's just a number and numbers don't matter. He then wants to know what her number is. When he finds out it's 11, the mood is ruined. But when she hears him playing the piano in the middle of the night, numbers don't seem to matter anymore.

Edie warns Julie not to fall for her bad boy nephew Austin, who had come over to help Julie restore her electricity and Julie assures her that won't happen.

Edie is looking for her CD player, which she loaned to Susan. Julie tells her that it's at the hospital with Mike. Edie pops in to take the CD player and just happens to be there when Mike opens his eyes.

13-01-2007, 10:38
Episode 3.04

Since Susan is with Ian at his cabin, she's the last to hear that Mike has woken up from his coma.

In the meantime, Edie has been badmouthing her to Mike, who has retrograde amnesia and can't remember the last two years, including his relationship with Susan. He's been told Susan came to see him often, but Edie paints her as a stalker and insists the two of them were never in love.

Susan tells Ian that the two of them "never should have happened," and rushes to see Mike. She is taken aback when he doesn't remember her, but even more so when he tells her not to bother coming back.

Orson is anxious when he finds out that Mike has come to, until he hears that Mike's lost his memory.

Carlos is furious when he finds Gabrielle selling off his possessions. She says the alimony he's offering isn't nearly enough, so she needs to raise some cash. He tells her he's going to give her the amount she's asking for, but to be able to afford it, he has to give up his apartment -- and move back in with her! At the first opportunity she changes the locks, and then calls the police on him when he tries to break in. When the officers arrive, one cop is fresh off a bad divorce, so he takes Carlos's side. Gabrielle chews them out for taking sides, so she's the one who ends up being dragged away in handcuffs.

Carlos bails her out. On the way home, he says they should drop all this nonsense because they both know they're going to get back together eventually. She assures him they are not, because she doesn't love him anymore. When he doesn't believe her, she tells him that she slept with John again. He stops the car and throws her out on the side of the road.

Parker hates baseball because he isn't any good and quits the team, but Lynette won't let him. She tells Tom, who had given his okay, that she doesn't approve of quitting. Parker gets better with practice, but not good enough to get any hits against a star pitcher. She bribes the pitcher to throw him some slow balls. Parker hits one, but it knocks the pitcher out! His mother discovers the $50 in his pocket and he fingers Lynette. The only way to get Parker back on the team is another bribe -- to the coach, for new batting helmets.

At Parker's next game, Tom takes Lynette's insistence on not quitting personally, especially since Lynette keeps mentioning an open advertising position. He reminds her she swore to support him in looking for his dream job. She admits she's resentful, because she can't quit her job. He decides to apply for the advertising job to make her happy, but she insists she's going to back him while he figures out what he really wants to do.

Parker, meanwhile, has scored a run and they fear that now he'll never give up on the game. But they're thrilled when he twists his ankle and he's done with baseball for good, or at least for the season.

Bree decides to explain Andrew's absence by saying he was at a drama camp. At a school event, a man recognizes Andrew, who readily supplies the context: He was one of Andrew's johns. Orson finds out and decides to tell Bree, including breaking the news to her of how Andrew earned a living when he was on the streets. She's appalled, but more so with the man, who's a seemingly respectable doctor.

She asks Lynette and Gabrielle if she should tell the doctor's wife. Gabrielle advises her that most women who say they want to know really don't, but Bree decides it's her duty. The wife, who had her suspicions, is less than pleased to now have a vivid mental image of his infidelity. She retaliates with a juicy bit of gossip of her own: Bree's daughter Danielle is sleeping with her history teacher.

Bree confronts Danielle, who runs out of the house, insisting that she's in love. Bree tells Andrew she's tired of feeling like the worst mother on earth. Andrew assures her that she did teach them right from wrong, just that sometimes when someone is pushed in one direction, "the other direction starts looking pretty entertaining." She puts her arm around him and tells him that if he ever wants to talk about what happened when he was away from home, she'll listen. He says he's not ready yet.

13-01-2007, 10:39
Episode 3.05

Despondent over Bree trying to stop her affair with her history teacher, Danielle makes a halfhearted attempt to kill herself. Andrew refuses to take the whole thing seriously -- she did try to cut her wrists with a spoon, after all -- and Orson's outburst about how suicide ruins families prompts Bree to take them all to family counseling.

When Bree assures Danielle that she would be devastated to lose her, Danielle says he's going to start dating her teacher, Mr. Faladi, again and if Bree tries to stop her, she'll leave home for good.

Bree's next move is to visit Mr. Faladi and dump Danielle's suitcases on him. She says they have her blessing, but that they'll have to be discreet so Mrs. Faladi won't find out. Recognizing an unwanted complication when he sees one, Mr. Faladi promises to end it with Danielle, but without mentioning Bree.

Danielle is so furious about being dumped that she informs both the school and Mrs. Faladi of the affair. "I wonder where she gets it from," Bree calmly remarks about Danielle's underhanded tactics.

Austin asks Julie to help him with a paper on Othello. She's reluctant, until he tells her why he was in juvie: His mother called the cops on him when he tried to defend her against her abusive boyfriend. Moved by his tale of woe, Julie writes the whole paper. Her temporary good opinion of Austin is shattered when she finds him making out with her friend Sarah. Julie's mad because Sarah blew her off for a movie date, but Austin thinks she must be jealous. When the paper Julie wrote for him earns a D-, she admits she didn't give him the essay she'd actually written on the subject. He says he did learn one thing about Iago -- he was motivated by jealousy.

Susan is trying to jog Mike's memory by playing their song, "Car Wash," and trying to reenact the night they danced to it, but he's completely indifferent. Susan figures out why when she learns that Edie has been visiting Mike -- and that she was the one who was there when he came to. Even worse, the nurse on duty is new and thinks Edie is Mike's girlfriend and that Susan is some crazed stalker.

Susan comes up with a plan to get Mike alone: She hires an ambulance and kidnaps him from the hospital! She takes him on a tour of Wisteria Lane, pointing out the sites where he saw her naked in the bushes and where they had their first kiss, but he doesn't remember any of it. But her tripping on the curb seems familiar to him and she's thrilled he's making progress.

Just then, Edie arrives with her own ambulance to take Mike back. She tells Susan that now it's her turn with Mike and Susan is out of luck. Susan insists that good will triumph over evil, which Edie finds only mildly insulting.

Tom tells Lynette he finally knows what he wants to do: Open a pizzeria! She tries to be supportive, but she confesses to her friends that she thinks he'll fail. Nora overhears this and advises Lynette to nip Tom's dream in the bud or they'll all be broke. So Lynette tries to carefully let Tom down, suggesting he try catering for a few years first. He's hurt that she thinks he won't be a success, so when Nora tells him she thinks he'd be a whiz at it, he's all ears. As Nora tells Kayla, she's working on having Daddy live with them and not his other family.

Gabrielle thinks Carlos is trying to seduce her when she finds her bedroom full of candles and strawberries -- until she finds a pretty blonde in her bath tub! He admits he's just trying to make her jealous, and that introducing your spouse to someone you're about to have sex with is something you'd only do if you really hated them.

Which is the point Gabrielle says she's making when Carlos comes home to find a hated business rival, Phil Lopez, having cocktails with her. He's appalled by their noisy lovemaking, which turns out to just be Gabrielle shaking the bed and shouting Phil's name. Instead of being mad, Carlos takes it as a sign she still loves him, because she had another man in her bed and couldn't "pull the trigger."

She says they'll talk about it in the morning. He's all smiles when he brings her breakfast in bed, and then he sees a strange man asleep next to Gabby. She says she picked him up last night and they spent the whole night "pulling the trigger."

There's a new clue to the identity of the woman whose body the police thought might have been Orson's first wife: A phone number written on her hand. The detective dials the number and gets a recording -- Mike Delfino Plumbing!

13-01-2007, 10:40
Carlos tells his lawyer to give Gabrielle everything she wants in the divorce settlement, but Gabrielle suspects he is up to something. Her suspicions are confirmed when she finds a lucrative new job contract he's locked away. Her lawyer tells her that once the divorce is final, she won't have access to any of Carlos's funds.

Ian invites Susan to a shindig at his house. But she says it's best if they don't see each other. Susan surprises Mike at the hospital, but she's the one who's surprised when she finds him making out with a half-naked Edie!

Lynette is less than impressed when Tom shows her the rundown site for his pizzeria. She's furious he signed a lease without asking her. He reminds her that she promised to support his dream. She retorts that she thought he'd come up with a dream with supporting. She storms out and he decides to spend the night at the restaurant.

Lynette hits the margaritas hard and invites a depressed Susan to join her. They're quickly joined by Gabrielle, who confesses she still loves Carlos. Lynette admits she's been a bitch to Tom and Susan regrets sending Ian away.

So when a cab shows up for a neighbor, a very drunk Susan grabs it and heads to Ian's to tell him how she really feels. But she didn't realize it's the night of his party. She proceeds to throw up noisily in the bathroom. She wakes up back at her house the next morning and Ian is there, having brought her home and slept on the couch. She can't remember a thing, so he tells her what she said -- that she misses him and wants to give it another chance, asking if that was "Susan or the booze." She admits she really does feel that way.

Kayla overhears Lynette tell her boys where Daddy is and why he's not coming home tonight. Kayla calls Nora, who goes to the pizzeria with dinner and plies Tom with wine and compliments. After he's tipsy, she kisses him. When he asks her what the hell she's doing, she can't believe he's rejecting her. Especially since Lynette thinks he's a "loser." He says he'd rather be with a woman who keeps him from making a foolish decision, and goes home to Lynette.

Before he can apologize, Lynette says she's sorry and insists he should open the pizzeria and they'll find a way to make it work. Then he tells her about Nora. Lynette kicks in Nora's door and is about to tear her apart when Kayla comes in. Thwarted, Lynette says she "needs to give Nora a hug," before she leaves. Out of earshot of Kayla, she tells Nora that she can never see Tom again and that when she drops Kayla off, she will do so a block away from the house. And if she doesn't, "I'll do to your spine what I just did to your door." Nora nods her agreement.

Detective Ridley visits Mike at the hospital to ask him about Monique, and finds Mike's amnesia "convenient." He shows Mike a photo of her but Mike draws a blank -- until Edie dresses up for him in a naughty nurse's outfit and he gets a flash of Monique in a doorway, in lingerie. "I think I knew her," he tells Edie.

Bree is surprised when Carolyn Bigsby shows up at her doorstep. But it's not to make more accusations against Orson. Caroline's husband Harvey is forcing her to apologize. Bree graciously accepts her apology, but tells Orson she wants nothing to do with them.

Bree is puzzled when she's snubbed for the second time in a week at the country club. Her tennis partner explains it's because Carolyn is good friends with just about everyone there and they all are convinced Orson is a murderer. Bree has no choice but to invite the Bigsbys to dinner at the country club so everyone can see there's nothing to the rumors. The women go to powder their noses and Carolyn shows Bree a photo of Alma, looking horribly battered, and of the police report that went along with the incident. Bree can't believe Orson beat his first wife, but Carolyn insists photos never lie.

Meanwhile, Harvey confesses to Orson that he'd been having an affair with a French stewardess named Monique. He shows her photo to Orson -- she had long red hair, just like Alma. Orson places an anonymous call to Detective Ridley, tipping him off about Harvey's affair with Monique.

Gabrielle summons Carlos to her bedroom to help her with the stuck zipper -- which she glued shut -- on her dress. She strips down to her bra and panties and they fall into bed. The next morning she tells him maybe they should rethink the divorce and stay together.

He tells her how long he's waited to hear her say that, but then starts laughing. The whole job offer was a scam to get her to sleep with him. He says he can't stand to see her get off scott-free in the divorce, so turning her down now is his revenge. She's so mad, she pushes him out the window -- of the second floor! The hedges break his fall but as he limps back into the house he says, "Oh, it's on!"

13-01-2007, 10:41
Lynette dreams about Mary Alice and regrets not stopping her from killing herself. Gabrielle and Susan tell her there was nothing she could have done, but she is still troubled.

Bree confronts Orson with the police report Carolyn gave her and he explains that he never hit his first wife, but was only defending himself when she attacked him. He says if Carolyn paid enough attention to her own marriage, Harvey would never have cheated on her with some stewardess named Monique.

Bree accepts his version of events, so when Carolyn drives by, Bree tells her she doesn't believe that Orson beat his wife. When Carolyn won't let it drop, she tells her about Monique. A distraught Carolyn calls Harvey at work (he's a manager at Field's supermarket) and he admits the affair but that Monique is dead. She asks who he'd rather be with if Monique were still alive and he just tells her again that Monique is dead.

Nora plans to move to Mexico -- she's gotten a job dancing in a strip club in Tijuana! So she'll be taking Kayla with her. Lynette surprises Tom by suggesting they apply for full custody of Kayla.

The decision comes down in the Solis's divorce: Gabrielle's just getting the house while Carlos is getting everything in it. The bickering escalates when Gabrielle starts smashing vases and glasses, saying she's "helping him pack." He responds by taking a sledgehammer to the walls, saying he's "helping her remodel."

Susan finds the beer can that Austin left when Julie was helping him tutor and jumps to the wrong conclusions. Julie is ticked off that her mom would even suspect her of drinking and reminds her how responsible she's always been. But Susan doesn't have time to worry about it: She's leaving on a trip to Paris with Ian.

At Field's supermarket, Julie runs into Austin, who slips a bottle of whiskey into her backpack when she's not looking. At the checkstand, the bottle falls out and the cashier calls Harvey, who's on the phone with Carolyn, so he quickly hangs up on her. Edie and Susan are called in to deal with the shoplifting charge. Susan goes out to the limo -- running into Carolyn, who is just entering -- to tell Ian she can't go to Paris with him. He tries to talk her out of staying, but she says she can't leave Julie now and he reluctantly leaves by himself.

Inside the supermarket, Carolyn finds Harvey and pulls a gun on him. He runs and she follows, gun drawn.

Meanwhile, Lynette is also at Field's, and runs into an irate Nora, who has heard from the Scavos' lawyer about Kayla. The two are arguing heatedly when a shot rings out.

Harvey and Edie manage to reach his office and lock the door. Julie and Austin are just outside the office and they duck. He shields Julie when Carolyn points a gun at them and declares that everyone in the store is now her hostage, since Harvey is surely in there calling the police. Edie insists Harvey go out and talk to Carolyn, but he doesn't budge.

Lynette and Nora huddle together in fear. An employee tries to make it for the back door, but, to their horror, Carolyn shoots him in the shoulder. He staggers out, creating a panic when people realize there's a woman with a gun inside.

Lynette tries to call home but Carolyn discovers them and forces Lynette to hang up. She then goes to lock the door, just as Susan runs up to demand she let her in since there's a "crazy woman" inside. Carolyn says, "Yeah, I know," and holds up the gun.

News of the hostage situation reaches the neighborhood, but no one on Wisteria Lane knows who's inside. Everyone flocks to Bree's house because she's serving snacks while they watch the crisis unfold. Mrs. McCluskey interrupts Gabrielle and Carlos' fight -- which has left their house in chaos -- to tell them the news.

Carolyn has grouped all the hostages together. Julie asks Austin why he can be so calm and he says he knows that neither one of them is going to die today.

Bree feels terribly guilty when it's reported that Carolyn is the hostage taker. Andrew takes a phone call from Edie, who tells him that Julie, Austin and Lynette are among the hostages. Just then, Tom rings the bell to ask if Bree can watch the kids since Lynette is taking so long shopping. They break the news to him and he goes to the market, where he and Susan stand outside, helpless. Ian, having heard the news, has rushed back to be at Susan's side.

Gabrielle tells Carlos that she's scared of how out of control they've gotten and that she could easily be that woman in the market today. She says she hates the people they've become and he says, "Then let's stop being those people," and she says, "Okay."

Nora keeps trying to talk to Lynette about Kayla and when Carolyn tells her to shut up, Nora blurts out that Lynette is trying to steal her daughter. Lynette tries to explain their complicated relationship and mentions that Nora put the moves on her husband. Carolyn hears that and shoots Nora in the chest.

Lynette tries to help her, but the wound is fatal. Before she dies, Nora, begs Lynette to raise Kayla like she was her own daughter. Lynette yells at Carolyn, who raises the gun to fire, but Lynette's new neighbor throws a heavy object at her and the bullet only hits Lynette's arm. Austin tackles Carolyn and a woman picks up the gun -- and shoots Carolyn in the head. The hostages are all released and Susan is surprised to see Julie hug Austin. In her hospital bed, Lynette dreams of Mary Alice again for the last time. This time, a peaceful Mary Alice tells her "we can't prevent what we can't predict."

13-01-2007, 10:42
Edie is getting Mike's house ready for him and is furious when she finds Mrs. McCluskey unlocking his garage to use his mower. Mrs. McCluskey says she found all the pictures of Mike and Susan that Edie threw out. When she threatens to show them to Mike, Edie lets her borrow the mower.

When Mike comes home, nothing looks familiar. Of course, he doesn't realize all the photos of Edie are new additions.

Lynnette comes home from the hospital and thanks her new neighbor, Art, for saving her life by vowing to make him a cake, which she never does. The twins take the news of the shooting in stride, but Parker has a harder time of it. He begs Lynette not to go to the supermarket because that's where she got shot. Since he spends all his time reading comic books, Lynette gets the bright idea of persuading Parker that Art is a superhero, "Protector Man." He opens his shirt to reveal a T-shirt with the letter "P" underneath, so Parker is convinced.

When they stop by Art's house to drop off the cake, Parker is fascinated to discover a model train laid out in the living room. He follows it into another room, where there are are all kinds of toys and pinball machines. Lynette is charmed too, until she sees the wall full of pictures of young boys.

Susan feels like she's being overprotective when she ends dinner with Ian early to check on Julie. She's shocked to find her on the couch, making out with Austin! She forbids Julie to see him, but Julie says she's going to keep seeing him anyway. Susan tries to get Edie on her side and is surprised to see that Mike is out of the hospital -- and at Edie's. Edie tells Susan if they try to keep Julie and Austin apart, it will just make them try harder to be together. Susan calls in Karl to play bad cop. But her scheme backfires when Austin tells Karl about Ian. Karl says he gave Susan up to be with Mike, not some new guy, and forbids her to see Ian. Susan insists she can date who she wants, and when Julie seconds her, she realizes she's lost the battle. Julie asks why Susan doesn't trust her judgment and Susan says that when it comes to love, there's no such good thing as good judgment and she just doesn't want her to get hurt.

Detective Ridley gets a search warrant for Mike's house after lab results connects paint found in Monique's head wound to a high-end wrench only plumbers use. The search turns up nothing, not even a tool kit. Later, Mrs. McCluskey brings over the missing kit, telling Mike he might want to clean off the wrench since it's covered in something.

Bree gets an early start on her Christmas cards and asks Orson for the address of his mother's nursing home. He doesn't want to give it to her, saying his mother is senile, but Bree insists. When Orson reveals the nursing home is only 30 minutes away, Bree decides to pay her mother-in-law a visit. But she finds Gloria Hodge to be quite lucid, so she invites her home to dinner. Orson is furious when he sees his mother and refuses to eat with her but Bree demands he be civil.

Gloria says that since her hip is better now she'd like to go back to her house, but Orson delights in telling her he sold it, and all her possessions. She screams that she wishes she'd smothered him as a baby. They call a van from the nursing home to pick her up but while the driver is inside talking to Orson, Bree gets into the van to try to talk Gloria into staying for dessert. Gloria tries to flee, but ends up driving the van into a fire hydrant!

Bree offers to let Gloria stay with them but Orson won't hear of it. Gloria asks to speak with him alone. She threatens to tell Bree what their feud is about unless he lets her stay and he has no choice but to say yes.

Gabrielle gets nostalgic for her modeling days, so she visits her old agent, Marcella, in New York, who tells her that she can't just pick up where she left off. Gabrielle says she just wants to work and Marcella lines up a shoot for her right away. But Gabrielle is devastated when they hand her a dowdy dress -- they want her to be the mother of a sexy young model. Her attempts to sex up the outfit result in a dressing down from Marcella, telling her this is all she can get anymore at her age. When she returns home, she's immediately greeted by Susan, who says how much they'd all miss her if she moved to New York. Gabrielle says she's staying right here.

13-01-2007, 10:44
Gabrielle is blue since her divorce from Carlos has been finalized, so her personal shopper, Vern, tells her that she should join him in coaching contestants in the Miss Snowflake beauty pageant for girls 8-12.

She reluctantly agrees but immediately regrets her decision when she sees that the girls are all quite plain or overweight. Vern tells her the girls really need her so she stays and gives them a demonstration on how to walk the catwalk. When one of the girls, Isabel, shows no confidence, she gives her a pep talk that has her walking with her head up high.

She bonds with all the girls, even springing for pizza for lunch. One chubby girl asks if you have to be skinny to be a model, and Gabrielle answers, "Of course," and then unthinkingly proceeds to tell them all the model's tricks -- purging, smoking, laxatives -- to avoid gaining weight. After she leaves, the girls all put their half-eaten pieces of pizza back.

Excited by her new protégées, she buys them all custom makeup kits, but Vern tells her that girls have started practicing all the bad habits she mentioned to them. The moms have forbidden her to see the girls because she's a bad influence.

She shows up anyway and begs for a second chance, saying that the girls have helped her more than she's ever helped them. The moms, who are mostly overweight like their daughters, refuse until she promises them access to a miracle European diet pill that isn't sold in America.

Susan asks Ian why they don't ever sleep over at his house, so they finally go to his place instead of hers. In the morning, she's rudely awoken by the butler, Rupert, who's still devoted to Jane and makes it clear he disapproves of her relationship with Ian. Her attempts to butter him up fail miserably. Ian asks Rupert to clear a drawer for Susan's things andthe butler steers her to an unused closet down the hall from the master bedroom where their cat died! She tells Rupert he needs to respect her and he points out that Ian never told him about her and that Ian is just as devoted to Jane since he's kept all her things just as they were.

Susan tells Ian that she feels like he's not letting her in anymore and he admits that letting her in feels like shutting Jane out. She tells him it doesn't have to be that way and he himself clears a drawer in Jane's bureau for her. The next time she's over, she pointedly uses her new drawer in front of Rupert.

Lynette and Tom go to the police with their suspicions that Art is a pedophile but their evidence -- a basement full of toys and pictures of young boys in bathing suits -- isn't incriminating enough since Art is a swimming instructor.

Art returns the plate that held the cake Lynette left and asks her what she thought of the décor and she claims that she didn't go past the living room. Art realizes she's lying when Parker asks if he can play the pinball machine again.

Mike is unnerved by the constant police surveillance and tells Detective Ridley to leave him alone. Carlos takes advantage of Mike's amnesia to pretend they were best friends so that he can crash with Mike while his new condo is being remodeled. Tom also takes the opportunity to sneak away to watch football over at Mike's. Mike asks if he was every violent before and answer that no one really knew him that well.

Lynette forbids the boys to play outside without her knowledge, but when she dozes off and Parker goes outside, she immediately heads to Art's and runs to the basement, which is now completely empty. She asks him where all the toys are and he says he donated them to a children's hospital. She asks if he donated the photos too. He insists she spell out what she's accusing him of while she continues to comb the house for Parker. Art's wheelchair-bound sister points out Parker across the street, with Tom. He'd gone over to Mike's to be with his dad.

Tom tells Lynette she can't keep accusing Art without any proof or he'll sue them. He says he thinks that she's still shaken up from being shot and that maybe she should talk to someone. He has a therapist in mind, but instead she talks to the neighborhood gossip, Mrs. McCluskey, who immediately tells all her friends about Art. Just as predicted, Orson's mother, Gloria, has made their lives a nightmare by moving in with them. She complains bitterly about the bland, doctor-approved diet Bree is serving her and says it's worse than the home, where she could at least bribe the guards. But she finds a way around Bree by bribing Andrew to get her wine, as Bree soon discovers. A drunken Gloria reveals Orson's secret: He was cheating on Alma with Monique. Bree tells Orson that it's over since of the two women he loved before her, one disappeared and one was killed. He tries to explain but she's already packed his things and tells him to leave. Mike decides to get rid of the incriminating toolbox in the middle of the night, but Detective Ridley is there to stop him.

13-01-2007, 10:45
Mrs. McCluskey has spread the word about Art, so when he shows up dressed as Santa Claus at the holiday block party the mothers won't let their children near him.

Lynette is on her cell phone, arranging a meeting with all the concerned mothers when Art's wheelchair-bound sister, Rebecca wheels herself over to tell Lynette that everyone's treating Art like a pariah because of her. She says she doesn't need this stress in her condition. Lynette is sorry but says she has her kids to think about.

But when Lynette goes to the meeting, she's alarmed to see they're making anti-pedophile signs for a protest outside Art's house. She tries to tell the women that they don't know anything for sure, but they won't listen to her. She and Tom watch the protest from their yard and Lynette says she knows it's all her fault. An ambulance arrives and they find out Rebecca has had a heart attack. As Art is leaving the house, a protester throws a rock that hits him in the head. Lynette tries to get the protesters to leave, but to no avail.

Later that night, she finds Art packing and offers to help. She heard on the news that Rebecca died and she's feeling incredibly guilty. To her surprise, he thanks her. He says that because he had to look after Rebecca he always had to keep himself in check because he didn't want her to know the truth about him. But now that she's dead, he's free to do whatever he wants in a new town where no one knows him. Lynette backs away, horrified by what her actions set in motion.

Gabrielle and Vern want to dump a girl named Amy from their roster of beauty pageant contestants since she has no talent. But when Gabrielle lays eyes on her handsome father Bill, whose wife died a year ago, she offers to give Amy private tutoring instead. Amy sees Gabrielle flirting with her father and says she doesn't want her dating him. She already has a plan for Bill to marry her best friend Sheri's mother. Gabrielle seems to have met her match, but she turns Sheri, the most talented of their contestants, against Amy by saying she's planning on making them dance together in the show. With the girls' friendship over, she's free to move in on Bill.

Ian wants his parents to meet Susan and for her to make dinner for them. She confesses she's a horrible cook but he isn't satisfied until she promises to try to make them a nice roast. She asks Bree to help her out and she agrees, saying she's glad for the distraction since she just threw Orson out after finding out about his affair with the murdered Monique. She still believes Orson is innocent, but Susan is telling her that you have to face the facts, even if it's someone you love, when they see Mike being arrested.

Edie visits Mike in jail to let him know she's dumping him. Susan is his next visitor. She tells him she knows he's innocent, even if he doesn't know that for sure himself.

Susan arrives late for their weekly poker game and asks if Bree has told the police her suspicions about Orson yet. Bree cheerily informs here that her suspicions are gone now that Mike, who was previously convicted of a murder, has been arrested. The two women argue over who's more guilty, Mike or Orson, and an infuriated Susan heads for the door. She loudly slams the front door and only pretends to leave. She tiptoes back in and steals the key labeled "Orson's office."

She goes to the office and finds Orson there, watching a game and eating pizza. She's just starting her search when Bree arrives and she has to hide. Bree tells Orson she's there to take him back because Mike has been arrested for Monique's murder. But she says she still needs to know the whole truth from him. With Susan listening in, he confesses that he never loved Alma, but that his mother pushed them together and then Alma got pregnant, so he did the honorable thing and married her. She miscarried shortly after the wedding, but his mother wouldn't hear of a divorce. He resigned himself to a loveless life but then he met Monique. Bree, fully won over, tells him to come back home.

Susan sees a box labeled "Orson's Spare Room" and in it she finds a document that shows Orson was admitted to an Elm Ridge Mental Institution in 1981. She rushes home to show Ian the incriminating evidence. He's furious because she's 40 minutes late and there's no dinner. Luckily, his parents' flight was snowed-in, but he's still upset that she blew him off for Mike. He offers to hire the most expensive lawyer in town for Mike, if she swears never to see her ex-boyfriend again. She says Mike barely remembers her, but Ian is sure that he'll fall in love with her all over again. Susan agrees to his terms.

Bree and Orson tell Gloria they've rented her a condo and she's out of their lives for good. She makes a phone call, arranging for someone to pick her up. When the car arrives, the window rolls down to reveal Alma -- alive and well!

13-01-2007, 10:46
In a flashback, we find out that Alma decided to leave Orson when she discovered he was having an affair. But instead of making him beg her to stay, he told her he didn't care if she left. That's when she realized she needed a better plan, to punish him.

Alma, now returned from her stay in Canada, shows up on Bree's doorstep and introduces herself. She confesses that she wanted people to think she was dead, and that they'd blame Orson. Her goal was to make his mistress, Monique, scared of Orson, and leave him. But now she's found a guru who urged her to come clean. When Orson comes home, he's suspicious that she's up to more than making amends. Bree decides to throw a dinner party for her friends, with Alma as the surprise guest of honor, to prove that Orson's not a murderer.

Susan tells Gabrielle and Lynette that Orson was seeing Monique, and that he spent time in a mental institution but they aren't convinced that makes him guilty of Monique's murder. Susan visits Mike in prison to tell him that she's hired a lawyer for him, and that since she's with Ian now, she won't be seeing him again. She accepts Bree's invitation for dinner, even though she's called Detective Ridley to tell him about Orson's affair with Monique.

Gabrielle's new boyfriend, Bill, treats her to a picnic in the front yard, not knowing she hates picnics. Her cell phone rings. It's Carlos, who's spying on her from Mike's porch, and proceeds to insult the new guy in her life. Gabrielle's not happy to learn that Carlos is living just down the street at Mike's. She comes back from a date with Bill to find a bouquet of pink roses on her front porch. There's no note, but she decides it must have been Carlos who sent them, to sabotage her new relationship. He denies it.

She makes Bill drive her to the florist to buy flowers for her mother, she says, but it's really to find out who sent the anonymous flowers. When the florist won't tell her, she locks her in the refrigerator to look through the files to see if it was Carlos after all. When Bill comes in, he realizes she's still not over Carlos, and breaks up with her on the spot.

She tells Carlos he's won because she and Bill are over. He insists he didn't send the flowers, because he would have sent her favorite flowers, orchids. She says she hates that he knows her so well, and that starting over with someone else is tougher than she thought.

Tom brings Kayla home to live with them, but Kayla insists on doing things the way her late mother did, like letting her watch TV during dinner. The boys want to follow suit, and are resentful when Lynette won't let them. Lynette has given Kayla her own favorite doll from childhood, which Kayla promptly mutilates and throws in the trash. Lynette wants Tom to spend more time with her but he's busy with the pizzeria. Instead, he tells Lynette to take a firm hand with her, like she does with the other kids.

At lunch at a restaurant the next day, Kayla refuses to leave until she's finished her dessert. She starts to scream "You're not my mommy," when Lynette tries to make her leave and everyone stares, horrified, at Lynette. At her wit's end, Lynette bribes the boys with a promise to let them eat dinner in front of the TV for a week if they drag Kayla into the car.

Later, Kayla tells Tom she blames Lynette for Nora's death since she wouldn't have been at the supermarket that day except to confront Lynette over custody. Tom tells her it's a lot more complicated and that Lynette loves her. Kayla promises to be good but says she'll never love Lynette.

Julie tells Danielle she's glad that Austin isn't pressuring her for sex, but Andrew butts in, saying that if Austin isn't getting sex from her, he'll turn to someone else. On their next date, Julie agrees to have sex with Austin. What she doesn't know is that Austin is already sleeping with Danielle.

At the prison cafeteria, Mike tells another inmate that, due to his amnesia, he doesn't know if he's a murderer or not and another prisoner pipes up to say he believes him: Paul Young.

Bree expects an apology from Susan after she produces Alma at the dinner party. Instead she realizes that Susan revealed what Bree told her in confidence about Orson when Detective Ridley shows up to interrogate him about Monique. Bree declares that their friendship is over. Ian is prepared to break up with Susan after hearing that she saw Mike in prison, but when she says she loves him, he reconsiders.

Edie shows a house to Alma; she's decided to move to Wisteria Lane.

13-01-2007, 14:59
Ooooooo so he didnt kill her! Well im quite shocked I really thought he did.

13-01-2007, 18:20
Nora is such a bitch! Trying to get Tom to leave Lynette and their FOUR children, she thinks she's so special to Tom just because she has one little mistake, even though Lynette has FOUR non-mistakes with Tom! What a cheeky cow!! :angry:

13-01-2007, 18:57
I agree, Nora v. selfish. She has a sort of endearing childlike quality as well though. If we didn't know that she was going to die I would suggest that Lynette adopt her, lol.

What was Tom thinking about getting involved with her in the first place, it seems sooo out of character!

14-01-2007, 18:06
What was Tom thinking about getting involved with her in the first place, it seems sooo out of character!
I know its very strange, Im ust assuming he was very very drunk

17-01-2007, 13:40
Paul gets into Mike's good graces by defending him in the prison yard when another prisoner attacks him. Mike considers him his new best friend, until a guard informs him he saw Paul pay off the attackers.

Susan overhears Austin and Julie talking about condoms and flips out. Julie assures her she's not having sex yet and they were simply discussing a friend of hers. Julie turns to Edie for help getting on the pill and she agrees, even though she knows Susan's going to be furious with her if she finds out.

When Susan reveals to Gabrielle how relieved she is that Julie's not having sex, Gabrielle isn't buying it. They search her room and find her birth control, hidden in the VCR. Susan calls the doctor and demands to know why he prescribed birth control without her consent. She realizes that Edie impersonated her and goes to tell her off. Edie says it was Julie's idea and that Julie and Austin are in love, so Susan should back off. Which makes it that much more awkward when they walk into Edie's house and find Austin and Danielle on the couch, half naked.

Julie comes home to find her mother holding the birth control pills. Susan says she's hurt that she didn't tell her the truth, and that she hopes they can keep their good relationship. And then she reluctantly tells her about Austin and Danielle.

Gabrielle's secret admirer crosses the line into stalking when he leaves a $6,000 dress for her by breaking into her house! Gabrielle asks Carlos to sleep over to protect her and that night, they catch a man leaving a jewelry box on the porch. Carlos tackles him and he reveals that he's simply the messenger and gets his employer on the phone. The identity of Gabrielle's wealthy admirer remains a secret, but once he reveals the price tag of the latest present, a diamond necklace, she agrees to meet him for lunch, even though Carlos wants her to call the cops on him.

Gabrielle wears the dress to the luncheon and eagerly watches each man pass by to see who her admirer is going to be. She's not expecting it to be Zach! He tells her since he inherited his grandfather's money he's no longer the shy, awkward kid she used to know, but she insists he's still too young for her.

When Carlos asks how her date went, she lies and says she just didn't hit it off with the guy. But he ribs her about it being Zach, because he was parked across the street to keep an eye on her. She tells him she doesn't need him to sleep over anymore since she's installing a burglar alarm and that she wants to take care of herself. He reassures her he's just up the street if she ever needs him.

Tom forbids Lynette to visit the restaurant before it opens, because he knows she's just going to criticize everything. She sneaks by when he's gone and is impressed with how good it looks. Andrew, whom Tom has hired to work there, tells her that Tom was turned down for a liquor license because some of the neighbors wouldn't agree to it. Without the license, the restaurant is certain to fail. Mrs. McCluskey suggests she help Tom without letting him know about it. She goes to convince the neighbors who wouldn't sign the waiver and finds just one holdout: an older man whose walls are covered with photos of the busty showgirls he used to know in Vegas. She notices his eyes are drifting to her breasts so she makes him an offer he can't refuse: a flash for his signature. "So worth it," he says as he signs.

Tom is crushed when he realizes that it was Lynette who got the holdouts to sign the waiver, since she accomplished in one day what he couldn't in two months. He says he doesn't feel like a man since he always needs her help. She assures him that he's always helped her with her job, and that she's going to give him all the help he needs with the restaurant.

Bree is horrified to see that Alma has moved into the old Applewhite house and insists that Orson talk Alma out of it. But Alma tells Orson that she has no intention of leaving. She says she still loves him and that Bree probably wouldn't if she knew about Monique and that Orson ran over Mike, secrets she might reveal if he doesn't give her some hope for the two of them.

All Orson tells Bree is that he can't make Alma listen to reason, so she goes over herself to tell Alma to leave town. Left alone in the kitchen, she drops a glass when she hears Alma's new parrot say, "Don't tell Bree." Which leads her to discover a secret below the floorboards: A picture of Orson and Monique, and a bag containing a full set of teeth. Bree sits and waits for Orson to come home, gun in hand.

18-01-2007, 21:18
Oooooohh! Sounds good! :thumbsup:

I cannot believe Julie! :eek: Danielle is such a slut!

18-01-2007, 21:37
Question: Anything big in store for Andrew on Desperate Housewives?— Padraig

Ausiello: Not sure if this qualifies as big, but the little demon is going to return to his old ways when he suspects Orson of pushing Bree off a ladder. In related news, care to guess how producers plan to accommodate Marcia Cross' mandatory bed rest?

Question: Can you give us some prattle on Desperate Housewives?— Mac

Ausiello: You probably already heard that Marc Cherry announced at press tour on Sunday that Nicollette Sheridan's role on the show is getting beefed up, partly to fill the void left by bedridden Marcia Cross, and partly because, well, it's about bloody time. What you may not have heard is that (Major spoiler alert) Edie's gonna make a play for Carlos, which makes complete sense given what Nicollette told me in our red-carpet Q&A: "There are going to be a lot of people who are very unhappy with Edie on Wisteria Lane."

23-01-2007, 13:26
Bree shows Orson the bag of teeth she found in Alma's house which must prove that it was Alma who killed Monique. Orson informs Alma that the teeth are likely to turn up anywhere and when they do, they'll implicate her, not him, so she should forget about trying to blackmail him into seeing her.

Alma's next move is to slit her writs. Gloria calls Orson instead of an ambulance, saying she wants to keep it quiet. He dutifully goes over and when he starts feeling dizzy, he realizes that Gloria drugged his drink. Next, the bandages come off Alma's wrists. There was no suicide attempt, Orson realizes with horror as she strips down to red lingerie. It was all a ploy to give Gloria what she's always wanted -- a grandchild! Alma reveals she's been injecting herself with hormones to increase her fertility. And that his drink was drugged with something to make him sleep as well something to make a certain part of him very responsive.

Bree finds Alma and an unconscious Orson in bed together. She hits him and when he doesn't wake up, she realizes something is wrong. She finds both sets of pills and the whole sordid scenario becomes clear.


The lawyer Ian has hired for Mike wants him to plead guilty to manslaughter, but Susan insists they find a lawyer that thinks he's innocent. Ian points out that every conversation they have is about Mike and he's tired of it.

Gabrielle and Vern are shocked -- but thrilled -- when their contestant wins the Little Miss Snowflake pageant. Zach bribed the judges for her, but she angrily tells him to get lost.

After eight weeks of sick leave, Lynette is ready to go back to work, but Tom begs her to call in sick again and help him promote the restaurant at a street fair. She puts her sling back on and pretends to still be in chronic pain, then goes to help out at the fair.

Mrs. McCluskey is sitting Kayla, and telling her she hurt Lynette's feelings when she refused to go to the fair. Ed shows up with a gift for Lynette and Mrs. McCluskey lies that she's at the doctor's. Kayla sees her chance: She tells Ed where Lynette really is. He finds her hoisting a tray of pizza with her "injured" arm and fires her, but then agrees to take her back if she agrees to work overtime with no complaints. She decides she'd rather help Tom out with the restaurant, and quits.

Paul admits he arranged for Mike's prison beating so that Mike would owe him one. He wants Mike to help him find Zach. Mike only vaguely remembers Zach and nothing about being his real father until Paul tells him.


When Susan hears that Zach is now loaded and wooing Gabrielle, she pleads with her to ask Zach to hire a new lawyer for Mike, which means Gabrielle will have to agree to go out with Zach, at least once. They negotiate the terms of the date, but she balks at a goodnight kiss. They finally set the price of the kiss at a million dollars, the cost of Mike's bail.


Gabrielle and Zach's date goes swimmingly but when he goes in too aggressively for the goodnight kiss, she tells him he's a terrible kisser. He says he's been told he's a good kisser and she realizes he's been paying women to say that. He leaves in embarrassment. She goes to his house to say she's sorry how the date ended. He admits he's been paying off his new friends as well. She offers to be his friend -- but not his girlfriend -- free of charge.

Jane's condition is worsening and since Ian's on a business trip, he asks Susan to go to the hospital and be with her "in case anything happens." When Susan arrives at the hospital, Jane's best friend, Erica, is ordering a guy named Ted to leave her room. Erica confesses that Jane had an affair with him. She realizes now why Ian's been so insanely jealous of Mike.

Jane is slipping away so quickly that when Ian calls from the plane, Susan tells him he won't make it back in time. She holds the phone up to Jane's ear so he can tell her he forgives her.


After being sprung from jail, Mike finds Zach waiting for him at his house. He admits he doesn't remember Zach, but that he knows who he is. Zach says if he needs anything, to let him know, so Mike asks him to visit Paul. Paul says he knows Felicia faked her own murder and that if Zach paid for it, he could track her down. Zach's answer is no: he's got to keep his money for his future wife, who has very expensive taste. Mike tells Susan he knows she was really behind Zach's generosity and he wants to thank her. She says he can do that by staying away from her. She walks away from him and into Ian's arms.

23-01-2007, 16:03
Great spoilers and pics, but what has happened to Zachs hair!

24-01-2007, 12:12
It is awful isn't it!

Hair extensions or headbanger - you decide!

24-01-2007, 16:22
It is awful isn't it!

Hair extensions or headbanger - you decide!

Oh I dont know, its just awful, what was he thinking.

24-01-2007, 17:48
It is awful isn't it!

Hair extensions or headbanger - you decide!

Oh I dont know, its just awful, what was he thinking.

i dont think he was thinking :rolleyes: ... love the spoilers

24-01-2007, 18:20
It is awful isn't it!

Hair extensions or headbanger - you decide!

Oh I dont know, its just awful, what was he thinking.

i dont think he was thinking :rolleyes: ... love the spoilers Too right he wasnt, well I hoep there is some explanation in that episode.

24-01-2007, 22:14
A few points to make..

1. Alma is such a bitch! :eek: I'm actually starting to like Orson.


3. Kayla is such a little brat. :angry:

4. Susan tells Mike to stay away?! :eek:

25-01-2007, 11:05
Orson is certainly more likeable than he was at the start. The way he is coping with the terrible twosome Danielle and Andrew is brilliant. So far he is a fab step dad.

19-02-2007, 20:16
Mike has been seeing a hypnotherapist to try to remember details of his relationship with Monique. He now recalls how they first met -- she needed a plumber. She hit on him and he said he was seeing someone. She said she was too, but he's married and she's drunk. He had to go to the store for a tool, leaving his toolbox behind. When he came back, he saw someone else was there, but, in his hypnotic state, he can only remember seeing yellow rubber gloves. He doesn't know who the murderer is, but at least now he knows it's not him.

Bree tells Orson what Alma and his mother, Gloria, did to him while he was unconscious, but he refuses to go to the police. When she asks why, he replies it's time he finally told her what happened the night Monique died.

We don't hear what Orson tells Bree, just her reaction. She's furious and insists that he exonerate Mike. He says he can't, or he'll implicate himself. Andrew overhears Bree telling Orson, "You've done a terrible thing" and "If you don't fix this, I will."

Orson cheerfully informs Alma and Gloria that he was forced to tell Bree everything about Monique's death. Alma complains to Gloria she doesn't believe Orson will ever come back to her, so they might as well go to the police. To make sure she doesn't do that, Gloria locks her in an attic room.

Bree sees a ladder leaning up against the house with what looks like the bag of teeth hanging from one of the top rungs. As she climbs up to get it, she steps on a rung that has been sabotaged -- and promptly falls. Andrew and Orson find her lying there, unconscious. Orson calls the police and Andrew examines the bag; It's full of marbles.

At the hospital, where they're told Bree suffered only a mild concussion, Andrew tells Orson he knows he's behind Bree's accident. He warns the nurse not to let Orson be alone with Bree, because it's his fault she's in here.

Gaby and Zach are out shopping. She's depressed because her 31st birthday is coming up and she's single. He offers to buy her jewelry and even a car, but she turns him down. She meets an attractive single man in the mattress department and he turns out to be one of Zach's lawyers, Luke.

Zach shows up at Gaby's house on her birthday, saying he didn't want her to spend it alone. She tells him to shoo, Luke is showing up in 20 minutes. He says he understands, and leaves. But midway through a romantic dinner, another lawyer shows up with important papers for Luke to initial. When he looks through them, there's a note from Zach. "Gaby is mine. Sleep with her and you're fired. Leave, but don't make it look obvious."

When Gaby won't let Luke leave, Zach -- who's parked outside, watching through the window -- calls him and tells him what to say, that he usually only dates women in their 20s, so she's too old for him. Infuriated, Gaby throws him out.

Gaby, who's drunk by now, finds Zach leaving a present on her porch and invites him in when she sees it's a mug that reads "World's Greatest Friend." He consoles her by telling her she's only getting prettier each year. She passes out, curled up against him.

Edie begs Tom to hire her nephew, Austin, at the pizzeria, saying he's been depressed ever since Julie dumped him. He agrees, but Lynette finds Austin getting high and fires him. But Tom rehires him. Without asking Tom why, Lynette insists, in front of the wait staff, that Austin needs to stay fired. Tom takes Lynette in back and explains why he rehired him: He's hot and will attract a lot of female customers. And if he stays employed there, Edie will include a menu from the pizzeria in her welcome packages. Lynette admits those are good reasons, but that, since she's the manager, he should have told her first. He tells her she can be the boss at home, but at work, he's the boss. She agrees to cooperate -- even so far as letting him yell at her in front of the entire staff.

Susan attends Jane's funeral at Ian's request, even though she's worried about being known as "the other woman" to Jane's friends and family. When she overhears Lynn, a friend of Jane's, hitting on Ian, she tries to discreetly tell her that Ian's seeing someone but ends up having to admit that it's her.

Lynn then gets up to address the mourners and spitefully announces that they should all be happy that Ian's found someone new. Susan attempts to sneak out, but Lynn points her out as she's walking away, so she feebly waves hello to the outraged group.

After the service, Ian finds her crying in the embalming room. He thanks her for chasing Lynn away, but she's sure that everyone hates her now. He tells her he loves her and wants to marry her. She says she'd prefer a different setting, so for now she's accepting his proposal to propose later on.

Mike goes back to hypnotherapy, and this time he remembers who's wearing the yellow gloves -- it's Orson! Mike rushes out of the therapist's office, and over to the hospital, where he confronts Orson in the parking garage. He tells him he's gotten his memory back. They fight and Orson is thrown against the railing. He loses his balance and falls several floors to the ground.

19-02-2007, 20:16
Blooming 'eck!

Orson IS a baddie! Oh poor Bree!:eek:

19-02-2007, 21:08
:eek: I still don't want him to die!

What Alma and Gloria do to him is really sick. :thumbsdow

28-02-2007, 13:25
As he's falling from the parking garage, Orson's life flashes before his eyes. He remembers walking in to find Gloria kneeling over a dead Monique. Fortunately, his fall is broken by some trees. He also has the good luck to land right next to an ambulance!

But, since he doesn't mention his fight with Mike, his fall is interpreted as a suicide attempt, given his psychiatric history. Orson admits to his doctor why he was committed as a teenager: His mother had ordered him to keep a watch on his father, who was depressed after a failed affair. Orson disobeyed and went out to meet his friends. When he came home, he found his father in the bathtub with his wrists slit. The doctor assumes Orson blamed himself for his father's death, and Orson grimly says that was his mother's job.

After drinking far too much on her birthday, Gabrielle wakes up with a killer hangover -- and to find a half-naked Zach in her bed! He tells her they had sex and she goes to throw up. She reluctantly tells Carlos but insists she doesn't remember a thing.

Susan and Ian are at the hospital to pick up Jane's personal belongings, where they bump into Andrew, who tells them about Bree and Orson. Susan goes to see Bree and says this is all her fault, since she pushed so hard to clear Mike's name. Bree says Orson told her something that will exonerate Mike, but she'll have to tell her later. Bree asks if they're back to being friends and Susan says they never really stopped.

Ian realizes that the box of belongings he's been given don't belong to Jane, but to Mike, including an engagement ring. Susan tells Ian that Mike's in the clear and he's going to be a free man. In the confusion, Ian pockets the ring.

Susan goes to tell Mike the good news, but she overhears him telling Carlos that Orson's fall wasn't an accident.

It's the opening night of Pizzeria Scavo and Tom is obsessed with making everything perfect. He's furious when Lynette's chair order ends up being for high chairs. She begs and borrows enough chairs to fill the restaurant, but he can't get over the fact that his perfect night has been ruined.

Bree is sent home to rest, while Orson stays in the hospital. Lynette begs Andrew to help out at the restaurant so he asks Danielle to babysit Bree. She was planning on going to the opening too, so she's miffed at having to stay home.

At the pizzeria opening, Gabrielle tries to break it off with Zach, but when he says this is the happiest he's been since his mother died, she doesn't have the heart. She asks Carlos to threaten Zach for her. He follows Zach into the men's room, but when he sees that Zach is hung like a horse, he concludes that Gabrielle would have remembered if she'd actually slept with him. When he tells her his findings, she's outraged. She tells Zach she could never respect a man who lied and deceived her.

Also at the restaurant, Susan tells Mike what she overheard and he will only say that things are "complicated." "They always are with you," she says, and returns to Ian's side.

Tom toasts the crowd, thanking them for showing up. He says how much tonight meant to him, and that he thought it was ruined because of the mismatched chair. But then he goes on to say that that tonight is perfect anyway. He says he couldn't have done it all without Lynette. He starts to get choked up, so she finishes his speech for him, saying that if any of them want to test their marriage, open a restaurant together.

Ian seizes the moment to make a toast of his own. He falls to one knee and asks Susan to marry him. She gives him an enthusiastic "Yes" as Mike turns away sadly.

Next, Zach boldly proposes to Gabrielle, who drags him downstairs to chew him out. She says being friends isn't working out since he'll always hope for something more and she won't ever love him. After he leaves, Carlos admits that just being friends isn't really working out for him either. Gabrielle says she hopes he'll stick it out a little bit longer, because she still needs him.

When Gloria hears that Orson tried to commit suicide, she tells Alma, who's still locked in the attic room, there's still hope. All she needs to do is take care of Bree. Danielle is surprised to see her show up with soup, but is happy to be relieved of babysitting duty. But first she takes the soup up to Bree. Alma manages to crawl out of the attic window onto the roof, but her attempts to flag down Danielle go unheard, as does her scream when she falls. Gloria tells Bree she drugged the soup and there's nothing she can do to save herself. Gloria draws a bath, setting the stage for a suicide.

Andrew is alarmed when Danielle tells him she left Bree alone with Gloria. He races home, only to be tripped by Gloria's cane and sent tumbling down the stairs.

Meanwhile, a nurse tells Orson that his wife has gone home and that his mother just called to make sure he was staying overnight at the hospital. He takes a cab home and is just in time to catch Gloria before she slits Bree's wrists. "You've done this before," he says. They struggle and Gloria falls to the floor. He lifts Bree to safety and then Gloria calls out, "I think I'm having a stroke."

He tells Andrew that he doesn't want her to die in their house, so he carries her across the street to Alma's, where he finds Alma lying dead in the bushes. He lays Gloria next to her, and in the morning, they are found together.

Orson tells Bree that all their troubles are over. Alma is dead and it appears that Gloria had a stroke upon finding her body. He left Alma's fake suicide note and the bag of teeth where the police could find them. So now Mike is cleared of the murder. And the truth will never come out because Gloria's stroke left her paralyzed and unable to speak. At the hospital, he tells her to get a good look at him walking away because that's the last she'll ever see of him.

28-02-2007, 23:10
:eek: :eek: This looks so interesting!

Who would've thought Gloria was so evil?!
I'm so glad Orson didn't kill Monique, and let's hope he and Bree can be happy now.. but I doubt it, this is DH we're talking about, and Bree hasn't exactly had the best luck with men!

Also.. stop tempting me with these fascinating spoilers! :D

05-04-2007, 10:27
Mike confronts Orson about having planted the bloody wrench that killed Monique on him. Mike threatens to go to the police but Orson responds by threatening to reveal that Mike caused his fall, so they agree to leave each other alone.

A smooth-talking mayoral candidate deliberately has his driver bump into Gabrielle's car so he can meet her. He hands her a check for $5,000 to cover the damages, but doesn't sign it so that she has to come see him. He asks her to dinner and she agrees, but she reveals she's onto his schemes and that this will be their only date. As she leaves, he tells his driver, "I'm going to marry that woman."

Mike goes to reclaim his belongings from the hospital, including the engagement ring which he no longer remembers buying. But the inscription -- "Susan, be mine forever, Mike" -- is perfectly clear.

Ian presents Susan with the diamond ring he didn't have when he proposed and she loves it -- but it's too big! So she goes to the jeweler to have it resized. There, she bumps into Mike, who is returning the ring he bought for her. Because the store doesn't have another ring for her to try on, the salesperson asks her to try Mike's ring. She does, and it fits perfectly.

Mike hands Ian a check to repay him for the lawyer he hired for him. He tells Ian he came into a windfall since he sold back a ring he didn't even know he had. When Ian mentions the inscription, Mike realizes that Ian only proposed to Susan after seeing Mike's ring.

Carlos lines up a hot Internet date so he turns down Edie's request to babysit her little boy, Travis, whom her ex unexpectedly dumped on her. Carlos's date arrives, and is even hotter than advertised, but he's distracted when he sees Travis playing outside by himself in the dark. He brings Travis in and asks his date to wait until Edie comes back, but instead she takes off. When a very drunk Edie finally shows up hours later, Carlos calls her a terrible mother and informs her that Travis is asleep and she can come back for him in the morning. When she comes to pick him up, she admits she's not a good mother and that's why she gave up custody. And then she promises to spend the entire day with Travis.

Austin hops into Julie's car at the car wash so that she'll be forced to talk to him. He hands her a note, explaining everything, and begs her to read it.

A tearful Danielle reveals to Andrew that she's pregnant! Danielle next tells Austin, who refuses to marry her. While Danielle is vomiting in the bathroom, Julie stops by to say she read the note and was so moved, she wants to give Austin a second chance. He tells her they'll have to talk later.

Andrew enlists Orson, who's about to leave on his his long-delayed honeymoon with Bree, to deal with the problem. He says they'll take Danielle with them and tell people that she's studying abroad and that the baby will be placed with a good family. And he orders Austin to leave town immediately and not reveal the truth to anyone. When Austin protests because he doesn't want to leave Julie, Andrew tells him that Julie deserves better. Austin tells Julie he has to leave because of an unnamed family crisis but that she's the only one who was ever willing to give him a second chance.

For their nine-year anniversary, Tom wants to take Lynette out, but she's so tired from working at the pizzeria that she just wants to take a hot bath and call it an early night. He decides to surprise her by planning a romantic evening involving a limo ride to a private catered dinner, but she catches wind of his plans and is furious that he didn't listen to her request. He tells her he'll cancel the whole thing and rustle up a poker game with the guys so she can spend the evening alone.

Tom invites Mike, Carlos, and Orson over to the pizzeria to play poker, and Ian too, since Susan asked Tom to include him. Tom gets a call -- it's the limo driver, who has a flat and is held up. He never got the call to cancel, so Lynette's been sitting out by the side of the road for two hours! Tom rushes to pick her up, apologizing profusely for the mistake. He swears he'll never try to surprise her again. Even though she's cold and starving and furious, she admits that he was right and that they can't give up on romance. He promises to surprise her next year and they toast to a happy nine years together.

Mike and Ian continue to play a tense game of poker, during which Mike quizzes Ian about exactly when and why he proposed to Susan. Ian is ahead and Mike is nearly out of money when Ian suggests new stakes: If Mike wins, he can tell Susan whatever he likes. But if Ian wins, Mike agrees to never tell her anything. When Ian arrives at Susan's, he happily announces that he won.

09-04-2007, 19:08
Gabrielle finds new incentive to date wealthy politician Victor when a plumbing leak ruins her priceless wardrobe. She hasn't fallen for him yet, but she flips over the clothes he's storing for his ex-wife, especially since they're couture and just her size! She begs to borrow a dress but Victor says no. So she sneaks back and steals off with a few. She wears one to an event Victor is speaking at and in the ladies room, runs into a woman who recognizes the designer -- because it's her dress! Victor's ex threatens Gabrielle with pepper spray unless she gives the dress back right now, leaving her hiding in the restroom in her underwear. Victor, sporting a fresh black eye, comes to offer her his coat. He admits that he treated his wife more like his mistress, giving her expensive dresses but not his time or affection. Gabrielle says that, finally, she's getting a glimpse of a man she could care for.

Lynette takes issue with the Scavo Pizzeria uniform, an orange T-shirt, and refuses to wear it. She even tries to get the employees to say how much they hate it too. Tom orders her, as her boss, to wear it, and instead she goes home. When Tom doesn't come home, she assumes he's mad and leaves him several messages. She tells Gabrielle and Susan that maybe it's time she steps back from the job and that Tom should hire a manager to take her place. Finally, she decides to confront him and -- leaving her friends to watch the kids -- storms back to the pizzeria to hash it out. She finds Tom on the floor, unconscious. He has a ruptured disk and and needs surgery, and he needs to take 4 to 5 months off from work. So Lynette goes back to work, wearing the hated orange shirt.

Mike is seeing a therapist to try to fill in the missing chunks of his memory. He's particularly bothered that he can't remember the ending to a movie he saw involving the heroine serving raw pancakes to her boyfriend. He admits he probably saw the film with Susan and the therapist, realizing he has unresolved feelings for her, urges him to ask her about it. Susan tells him that wasn't a movie, that was the disastrous breakfast she made for him the night after they first made love. When the therapist asks if Susan could remember the movie, Mike says no, and adds that he's done with therapy.

Susan is meeting Ian's parents for the first time, and, given how klutzy Susan is, Ian is understandably nervous. His fears are well founded when she accidentally sets fire to his mother Dahlia's chiffon dress. Dahlia pooh-poohs the incident, but over dinner, when she finds out that Susan is a divorcée and not a widow, she opines that infidelity is not sufficient grounds for divorce.

After dinner, disaster strikes again when Susan opens a door into Dahlia, spilling red wine over her second outfit of the evening. Ian's mother isn't the only one changing her clothes: Susan finds her father-in-law-to-be modeling her own robe and bra in her bedroom! She agrees to keep his secret. But Dahlia has decided that, like her husband (who is clearly having an affair because of the receipts she's found for lingerie not in her size) Susan is not to be trusted. Dahlia insists that she sign a pre-nup. Ian won't hear of it at first, but then he sees her chatting with Mike and changes his mind. Susan agrees, insisting she trusts him, but as the four of them sit down to sign the document, Susan, with a firm eye on Ian's father, states that she won't be the kind to keep secrets. Realizing she's about to let his cross-dressing out of the bag, he declares that Susan is clearly not a gold digger and tears up the pre-nup.

Edie decides that Carlos doesn't just make a great fill-in father for her son, Trevor, he'd be a great boyfriend too. She decides the best way to put the moves on him is through his relationship with Trevor, so she invites him over to the house and instructs Trevor to go to bed early. Carlos is about to go home, so she snaps a piece off a model airplane for him to fix. He quickly realizes she's hitting on him and tells her he's not looking for a party girl -- especially one who uses her son as date bait. The next night, he sends flowers as an apology and when she comes over to thank him, she assures him that Trevor's at a sleepover so, at least for tonight, she's not being a negligent mother. She tells him he was "dead on" in his assessment of her, but that she's getting tired of being the party girl. She says she'd like him to see her for who she really is, under this façade -- as she strips off her clothes! He's moved by her naked vulnerability and hugs her, which leads to her waking up in his bed the next morning.

09-04-2007, 19:10
Does anyone else hate Susan's overdone klutsiness? Too much, too often for my liking. If she were a real person I would definitely think she was faking it!

OMG re. Edie - has that woman no shame. Carlos belongs with Gabrielle - leave him alone woman!!!

23-04-2007, 14:00
well gabrielles moving on so its only fair carlos should too - and maybe him and edie will make a nice couple unexpected i know but they could also be suited

23-04-2007, 16:31
It is really begining to look that way!

Carlos could help to make Edie a better person, I think.

I still prefer him with Gabby ,though - and the sleazy Mayor guy - hate him! (But not as much as i am beginning to hate Ian!)

23-04-2007, 16:40
i know what you mean ian makes the brits look bad, i hope susan finds out exactly why he proposed to her and finally sees through him and realises she still loves mike as i thought they made a much more believable and sweeter couple than susan and ian, they are like chalk and cheese

As for gabby and the sleazy mayor, lets face it it could be worse it could be zac. I had to laugh when she went into his house and kept putting his wives clothes on layer on top of layer then walked out about double the size she walked in, gabby has no shame lol

going back a few episodes when danielle found out she was pregnant and orson came up with the studying abroad plan what right did he have to tell austin to leave and why did he cave and go, its not like austin would tell everyone about the pregnancy is it he just wanted julie.

24-04-2007, 13:16
Episode 319: "God, That's Good" (Apr 22, 2007)

A power outage strikes Wisteria Lane, causing Mrs. McCluskey to stumble in the dark and break a rib. She doesn't want to let the paramedics take her to the hospital; she's too concerned that her late husband will be found if the basement freezer thaws. Fortunately, the power comes back on, so she consents to be loaded into the ambulance. What she doesn't know is that the freezer has shorted out.

At Pizzeria Scavo, the power outage doesn't stop Rick from whipping up a gourmet pasta entree, one that customers are only too happy to pay top dollar for. Lynette is thrilled with the new fare and all the money it's bringing in, but a resentful, housebound Tom vetoes a sample dish, saying his goal was always to be a family restaurant, not a "flash in the pan" fancy one. Lynette tells him he has no choice since for the first time since it's opened, the pizzeria is finally making money. To add insult to injury, the local paper gives the new menu a rave review, pointedly noting how forgettable the original one was. Meanwhile, Lynette is spending long hours at the pizzeria with Rick, who plies her with wine and asks her if she ever wears her hair down. On her way to work the next time, she does.

Edie is frustrated with Carlos when he wants to keep their relationship a secret, out of respect for Mike. He can't sleep at her house because of her son and they can't sleep at his house because of Mike, so she starts arranging rendezvous at the houses she's showing -- until they get caught by a fellow realtor. Carlos is upset about being found out and Edie realizes it's Gabrielle he doesn't want to know because he's still in love with her. Miffed that this has only been about sex after all, she walks out on him.

The power outage is also eventful for Gabrielle and Victor. It traps them in an elevator and she decides to "seize the moment" and talks him into some steamy elevator sex. He's worried they'll be caught, but they're able to dress -- barely - when the elevator starts moving again. They don't realize they were caught on the building's security camera.

The next morning, Victor asks Gabrielle to marry him but she says no. He wonders why she'll take a risk like having sex in public, but not marry him and she says she's not the marrying type.

A man shows up with a package for Victor and finds Gabrielle instead. She takes one look at the photos of her and Victor in the elevator and tackles the would-be blackmailer. A police car happens by and breaks up their fight and the whole sordid truth comes out. The police insist that Gabrielle hand over the incriminating photos since it's now evidence in a crime. But the chief of police is the current mayor's brother-in-law and the photos are leaked to the media, causing a major scandal for Victor, whose popularity plummets. He holds a press conference to try to explain himself, without revealing Gabrielle's identity, but when reporters start asking if the woman involved was a prostitute, Gabrielle steps forward. She identifies herself and lies that Victor had just asked her to marry him and she got carried away in the moment. The press immediately embraces the romantic angle and Victor's ratings bounce back.

Edie stops by Carlos' place to see if he's heard the news about Gabrielle's engagement and to comfort him.

Susan is not happy when Ian announces he's completely over his suspicions of Mike and wants to have him over for dinner. She's determined to marry Ian as soon as possible, so she rushes through all her wedding planning. When her caterer, Maggie, says she's single, Susan invites her to dinner to set her up with Mike. But Mike makes a point to mention all his worst qualities, including his jail terms. He gets Susan alone and tells her he remembers everything and that he loves her.


Just then, Maggie brings in the two final cake selections: one classically rich and British, one more simple and American. Susan wigs out and insists she can't decide between them.

Mike finally tells Ian that he's here to try to get Susan back, poker game agreement be damned. Susan is horrified to hear that they gambled over her and orders both men out. She angrily announces she won't be marrying anyone.


Parker sneaks into Mrs. McCluskey's freezer for a popsicle. He finds the body but doesn't tell anyone. He asks Lynette if they can go see Mrs. McCluskey in the hospital. She sends Lynette off an errand and privately tells Parker she had a very good reason for keeping her husband in the freezer and makes him promise to keep the secret.

But the secret comes out when a neighbor looks in on Mrs. McCluskey's house while she's away. The body is discovered and Mrs. McCluskey is arrested.

24-04-2007, 13:17
OMG - what an episode - I can't wait!!!

01-05-2007, 12:18
At Gabrielle's engagement party, Edie finally confides that she's seeing Carlos. Gabrielle pretends to be happy for her, but the next day day she orders her to stop seeing her ex-husband, "or else." Edie tells her she's not going to and to do her worst. Gabrielle calls on old favors to get Lynette and Susan to give Edie the cold shoulder. Once she realizes what's going on, Edie sets out to top her. She makes Lynette an offer she can't refuse: Catering Travers' birthday party. Lynette agrees, since she knows Gabrielle will be busy with Victor. Susan also gets roped in when Edie tells her she's got 20 copies of her children's book and all the children are expecting autographs.

Unfortunately, Gabrielle comes back early and demands they leave the party right now, or their friendship is over. Carlos settles things by bodily removing Gabrielle from the premises. She says she feels betrayed that she had to learn of his affair from Edie and he points out that he learned about her engagement on the news. She swears that she's madly in love with Victor, but he admits he's "just having fun" with Edie and that it'll never be anything serious. She realizes that he still loves her and is content.

Everyone is avoiding Mrs. McCluskey since word of the body in her freezer has become the talk of Wisteria Lane. Lynette has hired another babysitter and the neighborhood boys are egging her house. Parker urges her to tell everyone what she told him, but she says it won't make any difference.

When the boys paint "Witch" on her front door, she realizes the time has come to tell the truth. She walks over to Edie's, where several women are gathered after Travers' party, and tells them that Gilbert died of natural causes. But when she saw that his pension was going to go to his first wife and that he never changed the paperwork, she realized she had no choice but to keep him on ice. Lynette tells her she missed her and things go back to normal, more or less.


Lynette is spending more and more time at the pizzeria to spend time with Rick, even though she tellsher family it's all work-related. Kayla says she knows Lynette is lying about it because of her telltale laugh and Lynette tells her she's being ridiculous.


Rick asks Lynette if she'll accompany him to the opening of a friend's new restaurant. She turns him down at first but then agrees, rationalizing that it's work-related to check out the competition. She's just doused herself with perfume when Tom shows up with the kids, so the date is off. Kayla overhears her talking about their scrapped plans and mentions to Tom that she thinks Lynette "likes" Rick.


Tom tells Lynette he's ready to go back to work. She is flustered and tells him the doctor said it would be several months at least. He says he's up for it. And he suggests maybe it's time they think about firing Rick, since his salary is cutting into their profits. She insists that Rick's cooking is bringing in so much business, he's worth every penny. She rushes off to the restaurant, leaving Tom alone with his worst fears.

Edie is not thrilled to overhear women gossiping that it's obvious Carlos is still in love with Gabrielle, just as Rick is dismayed to hear the pizzeria employees say that to get ahead at the restaurant, you've got to flirt with Mrs. Scavo.


Susan is so upset at men about the Ian and Mike situation that she goes ballistic on a man who takes her parking spot. She's ordered to anger management therapy, where she breaks down and admits she loves both men and how can she possibly choose? The therapist advises her that to lose one is tough but to lose both of them would be stupid and that she has to choose.


She tells Mike that she's made her choice and that she's going to marry Ian after all. She says it was a hard decision and that she wishes the timing were different for the two of them. He's hurt, but says he'll always have his memories of her, at least.

Ian is thrilled to have her back and starts talking up the wedding again. But when he hears Susan replaying Mike's farewell message over and over on the answering machine, he realizes she's never going to get over him. He tells her he's leaving for England, because she'll always love Mike a little bit more.

The next morning, a neighbor brings a misdirected letter for Susan and tells her Mike moved out in the middle of the night, where, no one knows.

07-05-2007, 17:43
Lynette and Rick are enjoying another intimate dinner after the pizzeria closes when two hold-up men come in and lock them in the freezer, where they huddle together to keep warm. Tom doesn't realize Lynette is missing until the next morning. He rushes to free Lynette and is dismayed to realize she's been locked up all night with Rick. The three of them review the surveillance tapes and the cop assigned to the case accidentally rewinds too far, so that Tom sees just how unbusinesslike these late-night dinners with Rick and his wife are.


Tom takes Rick out to lunch the next day and asks him pointblank if he's sleeping with Lynette. Rick says he's not and Tom assures him that even if he should catch Lynette in a weak moment, there's no point in pursuing a romance with her since she'd never leave her family.


That night, Rick tells Lynette of Tom's suspicions and she breaks down, saying that she loved having these evenings to look forward to where she could feel sexy again, even though she never meant for it to go any farther. She tells him that's all ruined now and that he simply has to go.

She lies to Tom that Rick gave notice because he got a better offer elsewhere. She goes into the bathroom to get ready and he tells her that he's ready to come back to the restaurant. He says how excited he is that they'll be a team again and how much he's missed her. "I missed you too," she says, as she lets the sound of running water cover her sobs.


Travers' two-week visit with Edie is up and his father, Charles, has come to take him home. Carlos lets it be known to Edie that he's not going to be around as much without Travers there, so she tells Charles she's filing for joint custody. Realizing that she's doing this because of him, Carlos points out that Travers' needs should come first and being split between two different schools and sets of friends will be rough. He promises to be there for Edie, even when Travers isn't around. Edie asks him if he's sure and he says he is and they both admit they miss Travers.

Gabrielle is annoyed to get a parking ticket from a meter man even though she told him she was about to leave. And to top it off, after hearing her tell Vern how Victor gave her $3,000 to buy a dress for his victory party, the meter man calls Gaby a "spoiled bitch" and tells her to let the sap who bought her the expensive dress pay the ticket for her.


Victor wins the election and a friend tells Gaby that the former mayor's wife never had to pay her parking tickets: She simply handed them over to her husband, who made them disappear.

The next day, Gabrielle is out with Vern again, celebrating her new status as "First Lady of Fairview," when she spies the same meter man from the day before. She deliberately parks in front of a fire hydrant and tells him there's nothing he can do about it. He writes her a ticket and she tears it up and things escalate from there, with her finally ending up in the back of a police car.

Victor's position as mayor-elect means that he is indeed able to spring her from jail and have all the charges dropped, but before she explain her side of the story, he icily informs her that he expects more from his wife. He tells her she needs to act like a grown-up and not do things such as jump on him like she did on election night when he won. Shaken, she promises it'll never happen again. But then he catches sight of her bruised wrist and she says that the meter man twisted her arm. Later, as Victor and Gaby dance happily at his victory party, two men accost the meter man and savagely beat him. "Do you know how much I love you?" Victor asks.

Susan gets Carlos to disclose where Mike's disappeared to: hiking the hot springs at the local state forest. She arrives at the ranger's station and is informed that it's a two-day hike to the hot springs and that she can't possibly make it without the proper equipment. Not alone, at any rate, which is why they assign her a guide, the no-nonsense Toni. Susan explains her whole complicated love life to Toni as they hike, even though she is clearly less than sympathetic. After listening to Susan's story, Toni concludes that the problem in her relationship with Mike was Susan herself, and her constant need to create drama. So even if Mike takes her back it won't last long, Toni asserts as they make camp for the evening.

Stung by her criticism, Susan decides to find Mike on her own. Of course she gets hopelessly lost. Before she beds down for the night, she leaves Mike a message on his voicemail saying she's always loved him and how sorry she is. And that she doesn't want any more drama. Mike, having overheard the park rangers hunting for a "missing, klutzy brunette" finds her the next morning. "I sprained my ankle," she tells him and he says, "Good. It gives me a chance to do this." And he takes her in his arms and kisses her.

15-05-2007, 12:33
Susan is disappointed when Mike doesn't pop the question when he takes her out for a lavish dinner since it's the anniversary of the night he was originally going to propose to her at the trailer. She chews him out in the car for not being "thoughtful" enough and he points out the same trailer decked out with lights in front of his house. He's all set to propose but she can't wait and asks him to marry her.


She calls everyone from her florist to her caterer to let them know that her wedding is back on with the same date and all the same arrangements, except for the groom. But Gabrielle says she can't make it because that's her wedding day too! She co-opted Susan's date because nothing else was open and she knew all their friends would be free. After an initial snit, Susan is prepared to be magnanimous until she finds out that Gabrielle is copying her wedding down to the last detail, including pink tulips in the centerpieces.

They have a vicious fight, in which they call each other's choice of groom into question. Susan decides it's not worth losing their friendship over and is on her way to apologize with a bottle of wine when Gaby shows up with a box of chocolates for the same reason. As they polish off the wine and chocolates Gaby comes up with the perfect solution: They should have a double wedding!


The next morning, both of them are having second thoughts about sharing her big day. Fortunately, Mike offers to be the fall guy so Susan can get out of it gracefully. And Victor objects to sharing his wedding day with a convicted felon. Gaby is disappointed to realize that the reason Victor has been so attentive to every detail of the wedding is because it'll be a media event.


Susan and Gaby break the "bad news" to each other and Susan says she and Mike can wait until the fall to get married. She adds that the 1 percent of doubt she had about Mike that their fight raised is now gone and Gabrielle says that must be nice.

Mike jokes to Edie and Carlos not to get wedding fever since it's going around. Carlos laughs heartily at the idea and Edie is hurt that he wouldn't even consider the possibility. She asks him to move in with her and he begs off, saying he's just taken over Mike's lease, now that he's moving in with Susan, and he wouldn't want to leave the owner, Mrs. Sims, without the income from the rent.

Edie goes to pay Mrs. Sims a visit at the retirement home and when Carlos' name comes up as her new tenant, proceeds to badmouth him as a drug user and worse. Mrs. Sims promptly tears up the rental agreement and evicts Carlos, who immediately recognizes Edie's handiwork. She asks why he's so opposed to moving in with her and he finally admits that he's not in love with her. "That's too bad," she says, because she's just purchased a home pregnancy kit. As they wait for the results, he says he'll stand by her if it's positive. He begins spinning elaborate plans for the baby and the baby's room when she reluctantly informs him the test is negative.

Later, she tells him she knows he was disappointed that she's not pregnant and so was she. She suggests that he move in and really try for a baby; even if he's not in love with her, this is the best either of them can hope for. He agrees, saying he's tired of waiting for his life to start. She says she's going to flush her birth control pills down the sink but secretly keeps taking them.

Parker asks Lynette if she's mad at Tom because she isn't speaking to him and she insists that it's a "comfortable silence." Tom persuades an old college buddy to stop by the pizzeria without telling Lynette that the friend is now a marriage counselor. When the conversation drifts to their current "rough patch," Lynette realizes what's going on and pulls the plug on the impromptu therapy session.

That night, Tom says his doctor told him he if he was careful, he could have sex again and Lynette says she's not remotely in the mood. Tom gives her the choice of having sex or talking to him and she straddles him and starts kissing him roughly. He's horrified that she'd do anything rather than talk to him and wants to know what he possibly did to make her so angry with him. She tells him he forced Rick to reveal he had feelings for her and so she had to fire him. In the ensuing fight, she falls off the bed and bangs her head on the night stand.

As they wait to see the doctor in the emergency room, Tom wants to know what she told Rick when he said he had feelings for her. When Lynette doesn't reply, Tom correctly guesses that she fell for Rick and is still not over him. She assures him that nothing happened and it's over but he knows that's not the end of it. Just then, the doctor calls them in. Lynette's head is fine, but he saw something on her X-rays he didn't like, some swelling that might be lymphoma. Lynette is stunned at the news and Tom quietly reaches over to hold her hand.

15-05-2007, 12:37
Oh My God!!!

Well - this is leading up to a HUGE series finale - NEXT WEEK.

Whenever have 23 weeks gone so quickly??

15-05-2007, 16:34
Oh My God!!!

Well - this is leading up to a HUGE series finale - NEXT WEEK.

Whenever have 23 weeks gone so quickly??

i dont know where they have gone... the series finale next week - now that was quick :eek:

21-05-2007, 16:42
they cant give lynette cancer shes one of the best characters, hasnt that family been through enough

22-05-2007, 08:09
Three days before her wedding, Gabrielle wants to know why Carlos hasn't RSVPed and he tells her he's not going because he'll jinx her marriage. She insists that Edie can't show up alone because everyone will think she has a problem with him seeing Edie. He says he'll burst out laughing when she swears "'till death do us part," so she gives up and tells him he can just come to the reception.

Lynette asks her sister Lucy for a loan to pay for her upcoming medical bills she'll incur in treating the lymphoma, but she's also strapped and can't help out. She orders her not to tell their mother, Stella, but she shows up anyway with her luggage, announcing she's there to help while Lynette goes through chemo since she managed to conquer breast cancer. Lynette wants her to leave, reminding Stella what a horrible mother she was. But Tom informs Lynette that Stella has come up with the $10,000 they need and they can't throw her out. Lynette tells him how Stella used to get drunk and smack her children around but Tom tries to persuade her that Stella has "mellowed."

He tells her if he can forgive her for Rick, she can forgive her mother. "So forgiving my mother is my penance?" she asks and he tells her yes. Meanwhile, Stella has been listening at the door. Later, when she's babysitting Kayla, Stella asks if she knows anything about a guy named Rick. Kayla offers to tell her, if Stella will let her watch a "grown-up movie."

Mike worries that Susan is going over the top in planning their wedding, but she wants to make sure it won't pale in comparison to Bree and Gabrielle's lavish ceremonies. That night, she catches Mike sneaking out at 3 a.m. He's started advertising himself as a 24-hour plumber because he needs the extra cash to finance Susan's dream wedding. She offers to scale it back but he vows that even though he's not Ian, he's going to give her the same wedding Ian would have.

Victor and Gabrielle have dinner with his father, Milton, who tells Victor that if his numbers stay high, he should run for Governor. Gabrielle declares she hated campaigning and she has no intentions of ever going through that again. The night before the wedding she finds Victor going over polling data and she tells him she meant it when she said she didn't want him to run for Governor, especially if it would mean leaving Fairview. He responds that she's going to be his wife, not his political advisor and she doesn't get any say.

She says she was already married to a man who put his career first and she swore never to do it again, while he's vowed to never again let a "stupid woman" hold him back. He tries to apologize, saying he's been under a lot of pressure and she tells him he now has one less thing to worry about since she's canceling the wedding. He says it's too late to cancel but she responds that it's "just in the nick of time."

The next morning Milton shows up early on her doorstep to apologize. She tells him it's not his fault and he insists it is, since Victor has always been desperate for his father's approval, especially since he's never gotten it. She wonders why she should marry a man who values his father's opinion more than hers. Milton tells her that after she left, Victor called him up and "tore him a new one" and blamed him for driving her away. Just then Victor arrives with roses and Milton sneaks out the back. He looks on approvingly as Victor and Gabrielle embrace.

Gabrielle is ready to walk down the aisle but is freaking out because Bree is late bringing her "something new" -- a bracelet from her honeymoon trip to Switzerland. When she finally arrives, Susan, Lynette and Gabrielle's jaws drop. Bree is pregnant! Alone with Orson later, she tells him she wouldn't blame him if he ran like hell. He swears to love and raise the baby as if it were his own.

Edie is feeling guilty about deceiving Carlos into thinking she's gone off the pill and is trying to get pregnant. He, meanwhile, has been doing research and is coming up with ways for her to get pregnant faster. She urges him to "let nature take its course," and he says that at their age, nature isn't on their side anymore and that her eggs aren't "farm fresh." He also forbids her to drink alcohol, at least until after the baby is born and she's done nursing.

She's on her way to Gaby's wedding and tells Carlos she'll see him at the reception. Just as she's leaving, she runs into the paper boy and asks Carlos if he'll pay him. Carlos is short of cash, so he goes through Edie's purse and finds her birth control pills.

At the wedding, Edie is taking the opportunity to quaff some forbidden Scotch when Carlos shows up early and catches her. He holds up the birth control and tells her not to bother explaining. In full earshot of the wedding party, she runs after him, calling his name. She tells him she really does want to have a baby but that she wanted to give him a chance to fall in love with her first. He tells her he doesn't believe her and he won't ever trust her again and Bree dissolves in tears.

At the reception, Lynette wants to know when Bree's due date and she vaguely answers, "the early fall" and changes the subject. Bree says she can't believe everything she's missed, especially with Susan and Gabrielle are both getting married. She asks Lynette what's new and she swears everything is fine.

Gabrielle has gone to fetch Victor so he can meet Bree when she overhears Milton telling Victor that by marrying her, he's secured the Latino vote and the Governor's Mansion is "as good as his." Victor's not sure he can talk her into him running for Governor but Milton assures him that now that he's her husband, the rules have changed and that a few pricey gifts will "tame that little spitfire." Gabrielle leaves without letting on what she's heard.

She sneaks into an unused room and finds Carlos downing champagne. He says he hopes he didn't ruin her wedding, but that he's also ruined his life. He laments that a few years ago he had it all -- her, the home, the career -- and now he has nothing. He's sure she wants to go find Victor but instead she grabs him and kisses him passionately.

Lynette keeps sniping at her mother and Stella asks her if she doesn't think people can change. Lynette says they can't, so her mother wonders what happened to Lynette, the perfect wife and mother, once Rick came along. Lynette swears nothing happened with Rick because she's nothing like her mother. Stella reminds her that when she got breast cancer, Lynette told her it was "God's punishment" and she asks Lynette if she feels she's the one being punished now. Lynette orders her out and insists she doesn't want her money but her mother refuses to go. Stella tells Lynette she can fight her, or she can fight the cancer, because she won't have the strength to do both.

Julie welcomes Bree and Orson home and asks where Danielle is. Bree tells her that she's spending a year abroad in Switzerland. Julie wonders why Danielle hasn't returned any of her calls or emails and Andrew blames it on the poor reception in the Swiss mountains. "This might not be as easy as we'd hoped," Bree frets after Julie leaves. Bree, pretending to be Danielle, types an email to Julie and just then Danielle calls from the nunnery where they've stashed her to ask to come home. Bree vows she's not coming home until after the baby is born but that they'll be up to visit her this weekend. She then removes her stomach padding and Orson notes that soon it will be time for the six-month size.

Susan feels so guilty that Mike fell asleep at the reception that she asks the reverend if he can marry the two of them later that night. MIke receives another late-night plumbing call, but when he arrives at "Mrs. Wolcott's," he finds the reverend with a suit. He leads Mike to where Susan is waiting for him in a white dress. He wants to know if she'll really be okay with this simple ceremony and she says only one thing has stayed constant in her wedding plans: Him. He tells her he's never seen her look so beautiful and the reverend begins.

Distraught over her breakup with Carlos, Edie leaves a note for him and then appears to hang herself.

22-05-2007, 08:11
"Listen to the Rain on the Roof"
Rain is falling on Wisteria Lane when we catch up with the ladies six months later. A baby on the way and her marriage on the rocks, Gabrielle finds herself with more than she can handle; Lynette tries to embrace her newly extended family, and Orson's mysterious past begins to unfold.

22-05-2007, 18:39
:eek: for the series finale!

And that bit was for the first episode of this season I think, I recognised it when I saw it on the site earlier.