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View Full Version : Week 5 - Tuesday 30th January

Jessie Wallace
12-01-2007, 22:28
Faye Morton arrives at the hospital looking for Jac and Joseph's help, as the medical drama continues. Jac tells Chrissie that Faye wants a nurses' position at Holby, but would prefer to omit her time working at her previous hospital from her records.

Meanwhile, Elliot confronts Joseph for telling a patient with an inoperable medical condition that they will be able to help her. As Joseph is about to break the bad news to his patient, Elliot comes up with a new approach for her condition.

Faye is played by Patsy Kensit, Jac by Rosie Marcel, Joseph by Luke Roberts, Chrissie by Tina Hobley and Elliot by Paul Bradley.

12-01-2007, 22:30
Looks like poor Joesph is being picked on by Dr Hope,,I honestly think Dr Hope needs some professional help getting over Gina :-(
I see I am also going to have to suffer Jac being around :wall:

12-01-2007, 22:36
Awwww poor Joseph :( I agree with ya Jods, Elliot does need some professional help, bless him.

And Yeah :angry: Looks like Jac is around quite a bit in this eppy.

13-01-2007, 09:31
And we get to see our first scence with Patsy in it. Hope she fits in well.

13-01-2007, 10:50
Faye Morton arrives at the hospital looking for Jac and Joseph's help, as the medical drama continues. Jac tells Chrissie that Faye wants a nurses' position at Holby, but would prefer to omit her time working at her previous hospital from her records.

Why would Faye ask Jac and Joseph for help to get her a job?

13-01-2007, 12:46
Maybe they have some history or something????? Met in the past at a previous hospital, i know theres meant to be some kind of secret that Faye's hidding.

samantha nixon
13-01-2007, 13:04
yay im so glad patsy is finnaly coming in it as her character Faye sounds really good and i was thinking they could have history aswell as going by an interview with rosie marcel, rosie and patsy work quite closely together
also thought id put it in here around when patsy first started filming some of the cast went to dubai to film and i know patsy, rosie and i think luke went not sure who else

13-01-2007, 13:10
Now you come to mention it i remember hearing that they worked quite closely together, sounds like a good storyline going off on location to a nice country, wonder whats that all about.

samantha nixon
13-01-2007, 13:42
yh as rosie said her and patsy have the same sense of humour so they get on really well when working together
and i think they were in dubai for a week but not sure