View Full Version : Its Back.

29-12-2006, 10:31
Shameless is back for a fourth series on January 9th on Channel 4. This is what the information is on Imdb.

Has anyone seen the advert yet on the tv. It looks really good. I cant wait.

29-12-2006, 14:53
SHAMELESS - Channel 4, Tuesday 9th January 2007

ello 'ello 'ello! Theres a new face on the Chatsworth estate in the fourth series of this award winning drama - and he looks familier.... Yes. Sun Hills DC Gary Best AKA Ciaren Griffiths, has swapped sides and joined up with the gangsters, the Maguires. He plays wannabe hard man Mickey McGuire, quite a complicated chap.....
"hes gay, homophobic, socially unstable psychopath who is paranoid!" laughs Ciaren.
"Mickys like Jekyll and Hyde, but its a good part to play. I love being on the show as it is one of my favourite programmes."

Keeping Mickey on his toes will be two new coppers joining Stan.

Meanwhile over at the Gallaghers', chaod reigns as mum Monica turns up, claiming to be back for good. Surely the house isnt big enough for her and her lorry driver girlfriend Norma? Where does that leave Sheila and the twins?
From Inside Soap.

29-12-2006, 19:39
I love how Monica/Norma and the Maguires are going to feature in it more, it will kind of make up for the abscence of Kev and Veronica.

29-12-2006, 23:52
Oh bring it on!!!! The best show back on the box!!! :cheer: It won't be the same without Veronica though, she's my fave :crying: :(

Roll on January!! :thumbsup:

30-12-2006, 12:07
I love how Monica/Norma and the Maguires are going to feature in it more, it will kind of make up for the abscence of Kev and Veronica.

Definatley. I love Norma as well i think shes hilarious. No one will take Kev and Veronicas place as it will certainly be different without them.

do you rememebr the episode where Norma knocked Frank out with the guitar.

31-12-2006, 17:55
Oh bring it on!!!! The best show back on the box!!! :cheer: It won't be the same without Veronica though, she's my fave :crying: :(

Roll on January!! :thumbsup:

Kev and Veronica ruled! Will be intresting to see how the show copes with thre majority of its originals now gone: Kev/Veronica/Fiona/Steve and soon Sheila :crying:

08-01-2007, 15:42
After watching the advert.. it looks like the Maguires move in Kev & Veronica's old place next door to the Gallaghers so i'm guessing they must be coming in it as permanent characters. I wonder if Andy off Hollyoaks is still gonna be in it as Mandy's brother? What do you think.

08-01-2007, 16:19
ooh, that sounds good, i know that ciaren griffiths AKA Gary from the bill is coming as a permanent Maguire.

09-01-2007, 16:19
TONIGHT!!! :cheer: :cheer:

09-01-2007, 17:01
yay, i cant wait. I have been watching series 3 again as my dad got me the DVD yesterday. I cant wait for tonights though. It will be weird with some of the characters missing though.

09-01-2007, 20:42
I cant wait! The best Drama on the box! :bow:

I'm humming the theme tune as we speak! Cant wait for another series of shameless behaviour!

Any ideas how many episodes are in this series?

Bad Wolf
10-01-2007, 16:33
last night was fab!!!!

such a shame about kev and veronica - but their exit scenes were hysterical - "its my baby i paid good cash for him!!!!!!"

10-01-2007, 16:55
Typical Kev and Veronica, cant believe Sue said shed keep the baby with Marty. That new cop looks funny as well, it was weird seeing Stan with out Tony. I liked the McGuires but there not Kev or Veronica. Its interesting seeing Monica back.

10-01-2007, 17:09
Norma was funny, It's going to be great to see her and Monica in it full time.

Loads of funny moments in the show, it's still on top form (I thought it would have been ruined without Kev & Veronica, but it's still ok)

Next week's episode looks good, with Sheila :rotfl:

10-01-2007, 17:45
Very good last night but not brilliant I must admit. Best line came from Mother Maguire :D "You ought to be pleased, you could have had any old riff raff moving in here!" :eek: :rotfl: :rotfl:

11-01-2007, 08:48
i know and when she gave Lip Katie back after looking after her and she d got her a tatoo, shes so funny. Its still on form i agree. Liking Debs more and more. She gets better each series. Setting Monicas bags on fire she acted like a true Gallagher.

16-01-2007, 22:36
"Oh god there on drugs" LMFAO :D :D

17-01-2007, 16:57
loved Sheila last night, Norma looked really different last night. Love Debbie being all grown up with the rent book and everything. Shane and the racehorse. "here horsesy horsey" LOL i was in hysterics.

24-01-2007, 16:46
Frank what an idiot.

That was typical Frank when he got rejected and then said he chose Monica.
Thought the "funeral" scenes by the canal were good as well.

25-01-2007, 18:57
shes not a vegeterian! :rotfl: classic sheila - so sad to see her go, it wont be the same without her :(

i reckon this could be the last series if they dont improve it

25-01-2007, 19:35
it is so funny, i think that it will be the last series, even with the mcguires it is still wearing a bit thin if you no what i mean.

It was the image of Sheila throwing the knifes at Frank. She had a pretty good shot on her.

31-01-2007, 17:24
I didnt think Ian had it in him. Good job Carl can run fast that pizza delivery guy looked like he could run fast. Thought the girl was good, i recognised her. And blimey you wouldnt want to get on the wrong sode of Von.

08-02-2007, 08:08
a dog that can give.... only in Shameless lol

but seriously i cant see the direction this show is heading? has it got much life left in it?

08-02-2007, 08:14
Mimi was a bit out of order setting up Karen like that. I thought it was funny when she was one step a head of her.

Its extreme you can say that.

11-02-2007, 16:43
i'm really enjoying shameless, it's the best thing on tv at the moment

11-02-2007, 17:31
Its really good, a bit more extreme but i suppose you need that with so many origional characters gone. I think there will be a couple more series due to the new set that they have built.

I saw a clip that looks really good on Soccer AM, it has Karen holding a bib, that Mimi given to her saying Chantelle McGuire when shes not even pregnant. Im really likeing the Jamie Karen story, its sweet as usual you just see her having a load of one night stands.

13-02-2007, 20:06
Found this on Digitial Spy, been posted in 2006

Channel 4 has confirmed it will show two more series of BAFTA-winning Shameless and may increase the number of episodes in each.

Producers have said a fourth series of the drama will air in January and a fifth at a later date. They are also considering setting up a permanent set for the show - but have not yet found a suitable site.

"They're working on the fourth series at the moment," a spokeswoman for the channel told BBC News. "The fifth series is definitely in the pipeline, and it's under discussion as to whether we'll increase it to more than eight episodes.

"The production team are looking around Manchester at new studio space but they haven't found anywhere or signed on the dotted line."

The series, created by Paul Abbott, follows the lives of Frank Gallagher and his six children.

So theres a fith series of 8+ episodes, and by the sounds of it a few more to come with this new set being built. I don't think Channel 4 will axe it, as it's their only UK drama.

14-02-2007, 17:02
They have the new set anyway, i bet it cost an absolute fortune. I was listening to something about Paul Abbott the other day and shameless literally is his life, well he says its not but he was saying how his mum left then his dad left and the older sister bought them up and the only his dad can say that its not based on him is that Frank has long hair.

I agree though, it is the only british drama really, so i doubt they would axe it.

Last nights was funny. The mcGuires are evil tying up Karen, Funny seeing Kelly again, that cop woman is a complete psycho. thought it was genious how he made money through a sperm bank.

15-02-2007, 20:01
Mimi is hilarious, a great addition to the cast. Anyone else notice how they are starting to shift the drama away from the Gallaghers?

16-02-2007, 14:44
yeah, but it hink its working, especially as you have the link with lip and Mandy, and that they are doing it gradual. Its better than rushing as it turns it into a whole knew show. Its also good how there introducing new characters with older ones like Jamie and Karen.,

16-02-2007, 19:40
It's not working at all. Whats happened to this show?! This isn't the Shameless I know and love. It used to be all about the Gallaghers and now it revolves all around the Maguires. Don't get me wrong I do like the Maguires but the show was originally about the Gallaghers and that's how it should still be. Compare this series to series 2, you'll soon tell the difference.


22-02-2007, 13:41
Its definitly different, but i still like it, i agree though series one and two with the origional characters were great, i lvoed the episode where Steve drove Frank to France and he got arrested, so funny.

What was all the bombs about and that new cop, hes hardly tony is he.

28-02-2007, 17:23
What a weird ending is all i can say. For the final episode though i think there should have been more focus on the maguires. I think the next series should be the last one for definate if they decided to make another one. I think by the end of that episode, they are setting Von and her family to be bigger characters.

Paddy sure is mental. riverdance playiong in the car was genious though, that had nme in stitchs.

28-02-2007, 19:28
What complete and utter DRIVEL this show has turned into. This series has been truly awful from start to finish. I just can't believe how much it's gone downhill in such a short space of time :eek: it's such a shadow of its former self now. I never even bothered taking any notice of it last night, it was just something on in the background not to be taken seriously :) The writing has totally lost its spark, half the characters are of no interest, and the storylines are now dire. This show is well and truly DEAD.

R.I.P Shameless :(

01-03-2007, 16:44
my last post should have said there should have been more focus on the Gallaghers not the Mcguires my mistake.

I have to say i am in agreement with you Chris, it has gone downhill, i think the loss of all the characters didnt help.

02-03-2007, 20:07
Shameless has been bloody awful this series!

If they think the Maguires can make up for the loss of Steve/Fiona/Kev/Veronica/Sheila then they are sadly mistaken.

It's turned into the Maguire show over night, and It just didn't work. The Gallaghers ended up being bit part characters in the last episode, what was that all about!?

If they do another series then they have to drastically improve it, or it shall be ce la vie to Shameless!