View Full Version : After Thomas

27-12-2006, 15:44
Did anyone watch this last night?
I thought it was really good, i thought baseing it on a true story was great. I didn't realise what such an impact a dog could make to a boy with Autism. What did everyone else think??

27-12-2006, 19:26
my mum said it was brilliant, she loves things like that. I saw a little bit like when he was apolagising for kicking the dog which is really surprising as autisitc children dont know sorry, It was such a great impact on his life.

27-12-2006, 20:34
I didn't watch this but my mum did and she said it was fantastic, a real eye opener. My cousin has autism.

Crazy Gal 88
27-12-2006, 20:44
i thought it was absolutely amazing. it almost had me in tears!!!

27-12-2006, 23:17
Yeah it was good, did the boy in it really have autism or was he just playing that part?

27-12-2006, 23:25
Yeh i watched it so did my daughter we both thought it was really good
it almost had us in tears too espically when he told his mum that he lover her.

28-12-2006, 10:56
the impression i got was that it was a true story and i assume that the guy was the boy himself, it could have been an actor though im really not sure.

28-12-2006, 14:45
It was based on a true story but the boy wasn't play by the actual true story boy as it mentioned at the end that the boy was now 18 and had gone to college.