View Full Version : Series 3 Trailer

26-12-2006, 21:55
I knew the Black Dalek would be back! Why can't RTD go one series without them?! Its getting a bit boring now...

The 74 Year-old man story looks interesting, and Freema Ageyman looks like she'll be a pretty good companion, from looking at that.

Not a fan of the new-blue suit. I've seen photos of it before now, but the Doctor should still to the Brown, i think!

Those Irish-captains looked rather like the Catnuns in New Earth, didn't they? Hmmm... long lost brothers, maybe? :lol:

They were my general thoughts/observations... what did you lot think?

26-12-2006, 22:38
I thought it looked quite good.. from what I can remember. (Which isn't much)

Couldn't really tell what Freema is gunna be like though?

And why didn't I see this blue suit... find me a pic pwease :p

I'm looking forward to it though.

26-12-2006, 22:52
Looked brill - can't wait! Looks like she's going to get stuck in though doesn't it!

I agree with you about the Black Dalek though Abs - we all know he managed to escape the big vacuum (:D) at the end of the last series, but he could have stayed away for a bit longer!