View Full Version : Spice Girls?

14-12-2006, 22:21
They were meant to be getting back together for a reunion tour in november to mark 10 years since their first single was released but it didn't happen. I was watching one of the music channels and there was a Christmas No 1's thing on. The Spice Girls came on and it said in the corner that they were planning to release an new album in 2007 - but without Posh.

I was just wondering whether anyone else new anything about it, being the mega-fan (and proud) of SG that I am :D

di marco
15-12-2006, 13:19
omg i really hope they dont release anything new!

samantha nixon
15-12-2006, 13:40
i think it will be good but if they keep the songs like their goodbye one as i think that was the best song that they did but i can only remeber a few of the things, but it would be better if posh came back as well

16-12-2006, 16:30
I think it will be werid if they were to come back, I used to love them well I suppose I still could. i had all their albums and went to see them and everyhting!!

16-12-2006, 19:17
omg i really hope they dont release anything new! Me too. They were rubbish, are still rubbish and will always be rubbish. You can hear better singers in your local pub any Saturday night:D

16-12-2006, 19:56
Bringing back the Spice Girls wouldn't work. They'd just end up getting totally slated :cartman:

17-12-2006, 11:32
Bringing back the Spice Girls wouldn't work. They'd just end up getting totally slated :cartman: I know I have to agree with you even, I loved them back then I was like 7 maybe younger, but it wouldnt work now.

17-12-2006, 19:26
I know I have to agree with you even, I loved them back then I was like 7 maybe younger, but it wouldnt work now.I think everyone liked them but just don't like to admit it :lol:

17-12-2006, 19:35
I think everyone liked them but just don't like to admit it :lol: Lol well I dont care, I am pround to say I used to love them and even bought their video!!

17-12-2006, 20:13
I think everyone liked them but just don't like to admit it :lol:
I admitted it before. I loved them back in the 90s and still do now :D

Girl power! :p

17-12-2006, 20:42
I admitted it before. I loved them back in the 90s and still do now :D

Girl power! :p Lol the only problem now, is that if they were to come back they obviously couldnt do the music they used to do so would have to have a makeover. If this was to happen I would find it strange and it might not work.

17-12-2006, 21:03
Do reckon this possible album would be a greatest hits one?

I think if they stick near enough the same sort of sound as they did before, they could attract younger fans - ones that weren't even born when they were around - and older fans could come back, therefore making their popularity HUGE! :D

di marco
23-12-2006, 21:42
I think everyone liked them but just don't like to admit it :lol:

i never liked them (i think i was the only girl in my school that hated them lol!) and its not cos i dont want to admit it, there are loads of bands i used to like which i dont like to admit, i just never got the whole obsession with the spice girls

04-01-2007, 18:24
I love the Spice Girls. :heart:I have their first 2 albums and I have posters of them too. But I don't think a reunion would work. I think the time has past. When they got an award for achievement they didn't get a good reception when they did a medley of all their hits. Too much water has passed under the bridge now. :thumbsdow

05-01-2007, 13:59
i never liked them and dont think they should come back either!
we definitely dont need the spice girls back and definitely dont need to see any more of mrs beckham than we have to!:thumbsdow

05-01-2007, 14:39
I never liked them. They were talentless and a totally media inspired creation. Dont even get me started about the vacuous Mrs Beckham

05-01-2007, 18:39
It all depends on the reunion, for some bands its a huge success and others a disastor. Take That are an exaple of one that works. But they had a bit more talent than the Spice Girls. I loved them when i was smaller (well younger as im still the same height as when i was 10) but things change like music taste when you grow up.

22-10-2007, 14:20
SOURCE: THE SUN ONLINE, Bizarre, 22 Oct 07

WANNABE pop legends take note. The SPICE GIRLS recorded their comeback video this weekend amid an explosion of tears, rows and diva antics.
The five got together at Pinewood Studios on Friday to shoot the promo vid for their new single Headlines (Friendship Never Ends).
And from what I hear, it’s a miracle they’re still together. New mum EMMA BUNTON cried like a Big Baby Spice after the shoot ran on to 3am.
MEL B spent the whole day moaning about her jetlag after flying in from LA. GERI HALLIWELL insisted on a particular brand of bottled water, then kept holding up filming while she meditated.
And VICTORIA BECKHAM got an assistant to follow her around carrying fruit and champagne.
The marathon session was too much even for sporty MEL C – who was desperate to go home.
My onset source told me: “Things were very delayed. The director was tearing his hair out and threatened to walk.
“The girls were so tired and Emma was crying as the shoot just went on and on.
“Geri kept slowing things down by meditating and doing strange spiritual stuff.
“It’s just like before, only even bigger. That’s their egos I’m talking about, not their boobs.”

And they had to do it all again on Saturday when the band filmed an ad for Tesco.
Their new song, this year’s Children In Need single, is out on November 19. It is one of two new songs on their Greatest Hits album.
I’m delighted the girls are back.
Their diva antics are the mark of true superstars.
The pop world was in desperate need of a bit of spicing up.

IMO After all this, it had better be good or it will go down as one of the biggest flops of all time!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

23-10-2007, 12:26
Preview of 'Headlines' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuG502d8Mnk

Sounds OK, was expecting more though but i'll wait till ive heard it in full

23-10-2007, 17:27
SOURCE: THE SUN ONLINE, Bizarre, 22 Oct 07

WANNABE pop legends take note. The SPICE GIRLS recorded their comeback video this weekend amid an explosion of tears, rows and diva antics.
The five got together at Pinewood Studios on Friday to shoot the promo vid for their new single Headlines (Friendship Never Ends).
And from what I hear, it’s a miracle they’re still together. New mum EMMA BUNTON cried like a Big Baby Spice after the shoot ran on to 3am.
MEL B spent the whole day moaning about her jetlag after flying in from LA. GERI HALLIWELL insisted on a particular brand of bottled water, then kept holding up filming while she meditated.
And VICTORIA BECKHAM got an assistant to follow her around carrying fruit and champagne.
The marathon session was too much even for sporty MEL C – who was desperate to go home.
My onset source told me: “Things were very delayed. The director was tearing his hair out and threatened to walk.
“The girls were so tired and Emma was crying as the shoot just went on and on.
“Geri kept slowing things down by meditating and doing strange spiritual stuff.
“It’s just like before, only even bigger. That’s their egos I’m talking about, not their boobs.”

And they had to do it all again on Saturday when the band filmed an ad for Tesco.
Their new song, this year’s Children In Need single, is out on November 19. It is one of two new songs on their Greatest Hits album.
I’m delighted the girls are back.
Their diva antics are the mark of true superstars.
The pop world was in desperate need of a bit of spicing up.

IMO After all this, it had better be good or it will go down as one of the biggest flops of all time!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:Too many egos all in the one place and not a big enough stage to house them all.

I will be surprised if they can agree long enough to have a comeback concert tour. Still I suppose their GREED will help them along plus Mrs Beckham's craving for publicity.
What a waste of space

24-10-2007, 00:41
Full version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVgydt55IBM

what utter tripe, Geri described it on GMTV as a spice girls 'classic' :rolleyes: i hardly think so. 90's is where you belong spicies!

24-10-2007, 08:53
Full version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVgydt55IBM

what utter tripe, Geri described it on GMTV as a spice girls 'classic' :rolleyes: i hardly think so. 90's is where you belong spicies!

agreed it's too slow, the songs we remember them for are the upbeat and catchy ones like Wannabe, Stop and Spice Up Your Life

bad choice girls :thumbsdow

25-10-2007, 10:40
i hate this song i think its so boring

25-10-2007, 15:14
i do like some of their slower songs like Viva Forever and Goodbye etc, but this isnt in the same league as them, its awful. the only bit i like is Mel C's part in it.