View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 10th 11th January 2007

12-12-2006, 17:55
The Sun Hill arsonist is still on the loose and DS Sam Nixon (LISA MAXWELL) briefs the team about the latest attack was on the Hendersons’ house. Cheryl Wilkes (CLARE KERRIGAN) was spotted walking away from the inferno so Sam partners with DS Phil Hunter (SCOTT MASLEN) and they pay her a visit at work. Cheryl tells them she is pregnant and went to the house to talk to her boyfriend, Jay Henderson (JOSEF ALTIN) about their baby. She admits they had a row about whether to keep the baby but denies having anything to do with the fire. During door to door questioning, PCs Tony Stamp (GRAHAM COLE) and Reg Hollis (JEFF STEWART) find an empty vodka bottle by the side of the burnt out house and discover that the shed was also broken into.

Later, Sam and Phil are called to Cheryl’s workplace to find her being treated by paramedics. Cheryl tells them that Jay punched her after accusing her of starting the fire. Phil and DS Stuart Turner (DOUG RAO) leave to visit Jay at the hotel where he is staying and when he does a runner, Phil and Stuart competitively race each other to see who gets to him first. Phil finally arrests him for assaulting Cheryl and they escort him back to the station. During the interview, Jay says that Cheryl is a compulsive liar and is adamant that she did start the fire. There is a breakthrough in the case when Tony and Reg find CCTV footage of Cheryl buying some vodka before fire started and forensic evidence shows her finger prints all over the empty bottle found at the house. The team are relieved when Cheryl eventually admits to starting the fire at the Henderson’s house but when Phil and Sam dig a little further into her past, they still wonder whether they have really found the Sun Hill arsonist…

Elsewhere, Sergeant Smithy (ALEX WALKINSHAW) and PC Lewis Hardy (AML AMEEN) are called to a local market where Robert Crawley (IAN GAIN) is found smashing up Eddie Marsh’s (ALAN MCMAHON) stall after claiming to have been sold a dodgy computer game. Begrudgingly, Eddie eventually agrees to give Robert a refund and, content, Smithy and Lewis leave. Later, the officers attend a shout where pregnant Belinda Crawley (VICTORIA ALCOCK) has been assaulted on the street. Smithy and Lewis discover that Belinda is Robert’s wife and, as she is taken away in an ambulance, the officers wonder who Robert has been mixing with and why they would want to hurt his pregnant wife. Smithy later arrests Robert when he is found to be attacking Eddie and Trainee DC Kezia Walker (CAT SIMMONS) sees the softer side of Smithy when he works out a way of pleasing all parties concerned.

Also, Smithy puts up with a grumpy Lewis who has just discovered his Gran, who he lives with, is moving to Jamaica to be with his mother - Lewis has never lived on his own and is dreading it. And, Sam announces to Phil and Stuart that she will be the new DI. But how will her ex-lovers take to her being their new boss?

ITV1 Network Thursday 11 January 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Inspector Gina Gold (ROBERTA TAYLOR) covers for a late PC Lewis Hardy (AML AMEEN) and pairs up with PC Roger Valentine (JOHN BOWLER) on the beat. They rescue Paul Brookes (DANIEL CASEY), who was assaulted and locked into the boot of his car the night before. In St Hugh’s hospital, Gina questions Paul who says he is a probation officer at Burnwood women’s prison. Roger investigates further and after looking at CCTV, discovers that a man called Owen Harper (CHRISTOPHER LLEWELLYN) owns the van which was in the car park during the attack, and that his wife Sally (EMMA STANSFIELD) is a prisoner at Burnwood. Sergeant Nikki Wright (GILLIAN TAYLFORTH) and Gina visit Owen who quickly admits to attacking Paul - for raping his wife.

DS Sam Nixon (LISA MAXWELL) and DC Jo Masters (SALLY ROGERS) take over the investigation and make their way to the prison to question Sally. She tells them the reason Owen attacked Paul was because he raped her a few weeks ago. Sally says she has washed the clothes it happened in but remembers a scar on the top of his leg. The detectives then visit Paul in his office and arrest him on suspicion of rape. Paul is questioned at the station and tells the officers that Sally’s parole was recently denied which is probably why she is accusing him of rape.

Later, Jo and Sam return to the prison to find Sally fighting with fellow prisoner, Evie Barnes (JESSICA HARRIS), who says she is lying about Paul Brooks. Jo and Sam question Sally and they’re are astounded when she eventually admits that Paul didn’t rape her and she made the story up. The detectives are amazed but wonder if it’s another lie - how does she know about Paul’s scar?

Elsewhere, on his way into work, Lewis reports a mugging. The victim, a man called Pawel Boniek (RAD KAIM), is taken to St Hugh’s and when Lewis tries to question him, his attacker, described by a witness as wearing a red hoody arrives at the hospital. Lewis and Roger give chase but, frustratingly, the man manages to get away. Nurse, Tash Niles (CASCADE BROWN), escorts Roger and Lewis down into the basement where find and arrest the hooded man who has been hiding from them. Lewis investigates further and discovers that alleged attacker, Adem Yusuf (ABDI BAHDON), was recovering his own money from Pawel after paying for a passport into the country which hasn’t materialised.

Meanwhile, Gina panics when she is called to court to give evidence at a hearing. When Gina arrives, she is stunned to discover that the magistrate is Peter Harris (PETER GUINESS), a married man who Gina has had a couple of one night stands with. After making mincemeat of Gina in the courtroom, she is shocked when he asks her out for dinner but accepts the invitation nonetheless…

Also, PC Dan Casper (CHRIS JARVIS) passes a poster onto Lewis asking for a ‘funky housemate’. Dan tells Lewis that he must call the number as he found the poster on the nurses’ notice board at St Hugh’s which has to guarantee gorgeous housemates! Lewis later goes back to the hospital after cutting his hand and is surprised when his new housemate turns out to be Tash.

12-12-2006, 22:47
Bill Spoilers 10th 11th July 2007
Next July???? Or do you mean Jan?

12-12-2006, 23:14
Silly me maybe a nice mod can edit the deliberate misrake for me

baby oranges
13-12-2006, 11:12
thses sound good - nice to see jo straight back into the action. can't wait to see how phil and stuart take the news of sam becoming the DI. phil has put up with it before, but they didn't like each other at all then did they? i think stuart will be most upset, ha ha!!!

13-12-2006, 15:09
Silly me maybe a nice mod can edit the deliberate misrake for me Title all edited for you Alan :D