View Full Version : Duncan dumps Nikki

07-12-2006, 20:47
Blue singer Duncan James has dumped Nikki Grahame, according to a report.

James started seeing the Big Brother 7 star after the collapse of her relationship with co-contestant Pete Bennett, The People has reported.

However, he has apparently been put off by Grahame's infamous strops.

"Duncan thought Nikki was gorgeous but he couldn't cope with her erratic temper," revealed a source. "She would throw too many strops and was way too emotionally unbalanced for him.

"He thought he'd give her the benefit of the doubt and just get to know her... but he didn't think she'd be as crazy in real life as she was on Big Brother. Duncan's just a young guy who wants a bit of fun and he felt it was all way too heavy being with Nikki."

Chloe O'brien
07-12-2006, 22:27
I didn't even know he was seeing her. I read that she was dating some personal trainer, I thought Duncan was already in a realationship didn't his girlfriend have a baby last year

07-12-2006, 22:50
I didn't even know he was seeing her. I read that she was dating some personal trainer, I thought Duncan was already in a realationship didn't his girlfriend have a baby last year I'd heard that was some kind of arrangement :searchme:

Although I'd also heard she was dating some personal trainer. I know she'd said in an interview in Heat magazine that he'd given her his number, but didn't see anything else about it.

08-12-2006, 21:47
I didn't know about this either...he obviously didn't know what he was getting himself into. Nikki is famous for having strops and tantrums. :D

x Amby x
09-12-2006, 14:45
im suprised that DUncan even went out with her, i mean he knew what he was letting himself in for!

09-12-2006, 15:25
shes not very good at keeping the men is she. I think she needs to stop stropping.

09-12-2006, 17:58
I didn't even know he was seeing her, either.
When it says "Duncan thought Nikki was gorgeous", I wonder if it means looks-wise..? If so, that guy has some bad taste...

09-12-2006, 20:47
Aw man! I can't believe I really like Duncan! How the hell did he end up with 'her'? I'm sure he was seeing someone in a stable relationship too.

Either way- It wasn't going to last.