View Full Version : What is christmas for you?

06-12-2006, 09:27
We were discussing at work today, what is it that makes you think that it is christmas? Is it a sight, a sound or a smell? is it the rushing around getting presents? Is it on the day itself when you wake up???

For me, there is an ad on TV from Budwiser... it is the music and the end it says "all at Budwiser would like to wish you and yours all the best this holiday season", that makes me think of christmas (that and the coke ad "holidays are coming, holidays are coming....)

06-12-2006, 09:46
Christmas to me is about spendng time with the family, eating loads of food and feeling sick :lol: and of course seeing the excitement in connors face when he sees Father Christmas has bought him his pressies, all the questions he asks me, like how does he get in my room, where do the reindeers stand.

I love the lead up to christmas, I love taking connor to santas grotto. This year he helped with the decorations which was realy nicem we usually do it when hes asleep but he actually helped which has made him really excited!

Christmas seems more real once you see the Cola ad! Love that one

Not long to go now, soooo excited :lol:

06-12-2006, 09:54
Watching all the christmas films that are re-run on the movie channels.

Dr. Tangliss
06-12-2006, 15:08
Christmas to me is about spendng time with the family, eating loads of food and feeling sick :lol: and of course seeing the excitement in connors face when he sees Father Christmas has bought him his pressies, all the questions he asks me, like how does he get in my room, where do the reindeers stand.

I love the lead up to christmas, I love taking connor to santas grotto. This year he helped with the decorations which was realy nicem we usually do it when hes asleep but he actually helped which has made him really excited!

Christmas seems more real once you see the Cola ad! Love that one

Not long to go now, soooo excited :lol:

Judging from your sig and avatar you are clearly in the festive spirit!:rotfl:

I love Christmas Eve and the anticipation of what Father Christmas will bring.

I'm not a lover of the day itself, however I do enjoy watching the expression on people's faces when they open their presents, especially the kids.

06-12-2006, 15:13
For me its about the children, seeing their faces light up, although I do believe it has become far too commercialised and the true meaning seems to have gone (and I'm not religious). So much pressure is on parents to get the right presents, and bigger, more expensive ones are coming out each year.

Christmas Day is, for me, spent in the kitchen cooking, refilling glasses etc, but I love watching the films that are on.

06-12-2006, 15:36
Judging from your sig and avatar you are clearly in the festive spirit!:rotfl:

I love Christmas Eve and the anticipation of what Father Christmas will bring.

I'm not a lover of the day itself, however I do enjoy watching the expression on people's faces when they open their presents, especially the kids.

I love Christmas, the whole day, the lead up to it, Ive got worse since having Connor and i was pretty bad before!

Dr. Tangliss
06-12-2006, 15:40
I love Christmas, the whole day, the lead up to it, Ive got worse since having Connor and i was pretty bad before!

It's nice to see as it's getting me into the spirit :)

Tell me about it, after having children you tend to get more into it.

06-12-2006, 16:01
It's nice to see as it's getting me into the spirit :)

Tell me about it, after having children you tend to get more into it.

Yeah, I spend the whole of november planning it for connor. We have one main day out to see santa, This year we went to see father xmas at paultons park! and last week we have breakfast with santa too. I loved it i think connor did too :rotfl: was dissappointed i couldnt sit on his lap :(

Thenall weekened we been putting up decs :cheer:

Are yours up yet???

Dr. Tangliss
06-12-2006, 16:03
Oh yes! I spent Sunday putting them up and they look fab :cheer: I love decorating the tree and this year my eldest helped:D

Right, now you have gone a done it, going to put on my Christmas CD :)

06-12-2006, 16:26
Oh yes! I spent Sunday putting them up and they look fab :cheer: I love decorating the tree and this year my eldest helped:D

Right, now you have gone a done it, going to put on my Christmas CD :)

:cheer: :cheer:

I need to download some more, may well do that tonight as it is boring wednesdays!!

06-12-2006, 16:33
Oh yes! I spent Sunday putting them up and they look fab :cheer: I love decorating the tree and this year my eldest helped:D

Right, now you have gone a done it, going to put on my Christmas CD :)

I am putting mine up on Saturday night and buying a cd with chrimbo songs so when the baby gets up on Sunday it will all be ready.. can't wait

I never enjoyed christmas before as my ex hated it and we never had decoration or did any of the christmas things. but this is my christmas now and I am going to have fun with the kids!! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

06-12-2006, 17:07
Christmas for me starts in November :rotfl: I just love the build up to Christmas, as the atmosphere is so... happy :D and festive of course.
I get even more excited when December 1st comes as... ADVENT CALENDER! Yay. And I agree with Debs, the Cola advert makes me feel christmassy...although this year.... they flaming change it :eek: There's no ''Holidays are coming, holidays are coming'' etc :(

Christmas day, I love peoples faces when they see what you got them ^_^ (and of course my own presents :p) and I like how we all sit around the table to eat dinner. Only day in the year.. it feels good :D

06-12-2006, 17:31
Christmas for me starts in November :rotfl: I just love the build up to Christmas, as the atmosphere is so... happy :D and festive of course.
I get even more excited when December 1st comes as... ADVENT CALENDER! Yay.
Christmas day, I love peoples faces when they see what you got them ^_^ (and of course my own presents :p) and I like how we all sit around the table to eat dinner. Only day in the year.. it feels good :D

Yeah Lea you have pretty much summed up what i think chrstmas is too. Its all the traditions as well, the two Fs make my chrsitmas. family and football. Watching a Match or going to one on boxing day.

06-12-2006, 21:28
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, i love eating the Christmas dinner! and then relaxing on the sofa eating after eight mints with the rest of the family and watching the afternoon films! It's just spending time with the family really! :D And also i love just buying presents for everyone beforehand, when they see what i got them and they're happy, it gives me a good feeling.

06-12-2006, 23:07
The christmas hype for me starts as soon as you get christmas music in shops, and then again with the advent calender. I normally put my decorations up on 1st december but because im not at home yet I just have a few bits of tinsil.

I prefer the hype of christmas to chirstmas itself it just a kind of over kill with teh build up and it suddenly being there.

07-12-2006, 08:07
All this new Christmas name changes... argh who's who?! Have I changed :searchme: :lol:

07-12-2006, 12:49
Well for me Its making me feel like a little kid, i love all the lights and the christrmas trees. I love all the songs that people sing aorund schoool and have fun. I love the snow and well the presents are a bonus, as I get to see what my parents have surprised me with.
I like spending time with my family, but since we moved its not like it used to be. Spending time with my friends is great too when we do secret santa and go xmas shopping.

07-12-2006, 16:48
i love christmas songs and puttting up decorations as well. That makes me feel really christmassy.

07-12-2006, 18:41
i love christmas songs and puttting up decorations as well. That makes me feel really christmassy. Awwww I know Ive just put the tree up and decorated it.

Chloe O'brien
07-12-2006, 23:40
Christmas for me is lying in bed on Christmas morning waiting on Marley waking up and seeing her face light up at all the gifts. Makes all the hard slog all year round worth it. Then we just spend the day eating and relaxing. I'm normally up to all hours on Christmas Eve preparing everything so I don't have to do much on the day. We put the tree up on Sunday and we had a CD playing.

di marco
09-12-2006, 21:59
xmas for me is me and my sis going xmas shopping together to buy our xmas pressies. then on xmas eve us putting up our xmas tree. xmas day having my family up at my house and opening our pressies, eating dinner, playing random games etc. then boxing day all the extended family going up my mums aunts house and eating and stuff. so basically just spending time with my family. what makes me first think of xmas is when they start playing xmas songs in shops/on the radio and people start putting their xmas decs up, also when the coke ad was played on tv but they changed it this year! :(

11-12-2006, 10:40
I found the true meaning of christmas this morning. I put up the decoration last night with my daughter and when my son got up he got really excited about them all. I have a fiber optic tree and it was on when he came into the room.. he was doing a little dance and everything. I asked my daughter to blow on the tree and i switched it off. My son now things blowing on the tree with turn the lights out.. It was so funny him blowing the tree and I got him to clap his hands to turn it on

His joy and expressions is not something you can wrap and give to someone but it shows the meaning of christmas through the eyes of a child..I loved every minute of it