View Full Version : Who do you want to win SCD?

Jessie Wallace
04-12-2006, 17:14
Ok we are now nearing the end of this series of Strictly Come Dancing, so wondered who do yo want to win now, out of the couples we've got left?

04-12-2006, 17:19
personally Emma, as i dont like any of this other, cant stick Louisa, Marks all right i suppose and Matt is a an arrogant prat.

04-12-2006, 17:19
Mark and Karen, I love the dances she does. If not them louisa

Jessie Wallace
04-12-2006, 17:21
I'm with Debs on this one, i want Mark and Karen to win if not them then Louisa. I want Matt out next and then Emma.

04-12-2006, 17:21
i'd like louisa and vincent to win as i think she's an excellent dancer even though i don't like her. i don't really mind who wins just once it's not matt and lilia. he does my head in.

Jessie Wallace
04-12-2006, 17:22
Louisa is a very good little dancer in this, it's even making me like her a bit, only a bit tho! :lol:

04-12-2006, 19:07
could you add an 'anyone but Emma' option?

04-12-2006, 19:32
I voted Louisa. Matt is arrogant, Mark is a bit boring, and I would like Emma to come second, just not first because I don't like the way a lot of people seem to think she's perfect - especially Craig.

04-12-2006, 19:33
could you add an 'anyone but Emma' option? :rotfl: !! I'm with you on that one LostVoodoo!!!

I would personally like to see either Mark or Matt win as it is far harder for the guys to learn to do something like this than the females - look at any nightclub - the girls are dancing away on the dance floor enjoying themselves, the guys are all stood around the outside or on the dance floor tapping toes, looking awkward unless they have had far too many to drink and then they just loll about all over the place looking complete prats.

So I would like to see - Emma out next, then preferably see Louisa out to make way for the boys, but any of those three....

05-12-2006, 13:19
I would like to see Matt and Lilia win mostly because I think he is the one that has improved the most since the beginning. I don't really like Matt as a person though. Also Lilia is a fantastic dancer and always tries to make her celeb look good.

If he doesn't win then i'd probably like Louisa to her dances are so advanced yet she still pulls it off.

05-12-2006, 13:40
Mark and Karen. I can't stand Louisa she looks like a smurf dancing.

x Amby x
05-12-2006, 20:36
I never really liked Louisa in Easties, but shes an amazing dancer so i went for her! If not her it would ahve to be Mark and Karen because they are amazing too!

08-12-2006, 10:39
I would like Mark & Karen to win, and Emma & Darren second place. Louisa gets on my nerves and don't like Matt v.much.

08-12-2006, 10:41
I can't stand Louisa she looks like a smurf dancing.
Ha ha ha !!! :clap::rotfl: I used to like the Smurfs! But not Louisa's dancing :p

Chloe O'brien
08-12-2006, 14:48
I would like to see Matt & Lila win. As I think he is the one who has transformed himself from having two left feet to an elgant swan on the dancefloor. Yes I agree he can be a bit arrogant, but I still think that it is harder for the guys in the competition to learn the dance steps than it is for the girls. Emma and Louise should never have been allowed to enter the competition even if they have had no proper dance training they still attened drama school and this have gave them an unfair advantage.

08-12-2006, 15:00
I would like to see Matt & Lila win. As I think he is the one who has transformed himself from having two left feet to an elgant swan on the dancefloor. Yes I agree he can be a bit arrogant, but I still think that it is harder for the guys in the competition to learn the dance steps than it is for the girls. Emma and Louise should never have been allowed to enter the competition even if they have had no proper dance training they still attened drama school and this have gave them an unfair advantage. :clap: :clap:

Totally agree Kath - I want either Matt or Mark to win, no matter which one, although I think Matt has had the rougher ride, so would prefer him to win really.

This is all far more difficult in most respects for the guys than the girls, I've always thought it and I'll always think it, and I think Matt has come on the furthest than anyone else.

08-12-2006, 17:27
Emma and Louise should never have been allowed to enter the competition even if they have had no proper dance training they still attened drama school and this have gave them an unfair advantage.
that didn't stop them with Jill Halfpenny in series 2, and she was the most boring person on the planet on top of that! i wouldn't say Louisa has too much of an advantage really, no more than any other actress who's been on the show (god, Claire Sweeny was bad in series 1 and she'd already been in Chicago!). But Emma was on tour with Britain's most successful band for like 6years! and she keeps on going on about how rubbish the Spice Girls were at dancing, if she just said 'yeah i've done some dancing, but i still find this hard' and shut up about it then that would be ok, but noooo. plus that doesn't give the judges and excuse to constantly mark her up and everyone else down.

16-12-2006, 19:02
After tonight's performance he definatly deserves to win!! :cheer: Bless him.. got his first 3 10's :cheer:

16-12-2006, 19:07
I really want Darren and Emma and Mark and Karen to be in the final. I loved Emma and Darrens Argentine Tango, but Mark was hot in that last dance - Well deserved that score of 39.

Jessica Rabbit
16-12-2006, 19:13
I wanted Louisa to win, but now she's gone, for me it has to be Mark and Karen, and Emma and Darren to join hem in the final. Matt out this week please.