View Full Version : 27th & 28th of December

samantha nixon
03-12-2006, 10:22
Sergeant Smithy (ALEX WALKINSHAW) and PC Diane Noble (KAYE WRAGG) spring into action when Turkish man, Mehmet Ergin (JONATHAN COYNE), comes into station to report his sixteen year old daughter, Afet (MICHELE HALLAK), missing. Smithy and Diane question him about when she was last seen and he tells them she was supposed to be visiting her friend Estelle (REMI WILSON) last night but never showed.

Smithy and Diane visit Estelle who asks if they have checked with Afet’s boyfriend, Cemal (AKIN GAZI). Estelle tells them that Mehmet doesn’t know about Cemal as he wouldn’t approve of their relationship. The officers soon arrive at Cemal’s family home and are taken aback when they receive an earful from Afet who says she is not going back to her dad – she is sixteen and can do what she likes. She is fed up with him interrogating her mates, she cooks and cleans for her dad and hates working in the restaurant. Smithy and Diane return to the station to let Mehmet know that Afet is fine but doesn’t want to come home.

Later, Diane and Smithy are called to a disturbance at Cemal’s house. Cemal goads Mehmet until he throws a punch and Smithy is forced to arrest him. Mehmet is questioned and he admits why he is so against Afet seeing Cemal - he tells them that his family are involved in setting up illegal marriages for immigrants in return for cash. Trainee DC Kezia Walker (CAT SIMMONS) and DS Stuart Turner (DOUG RAO) take over the investigation and Mehmet is released. As the officers search Cemal’s house and gather the necessary evidence, Diane visits Mehmet in his restaurant and is horrified to discover Afet standing over her father who is writhing in agony. His estranged daughter has taken matters into her own hands…

Meanwhile, PCs Honey Harman (KIM TIDDY) and Will Fletcher (GARY LUCY) are called out to a disturbance at a hotel where employee, Carrie Morgan (LAURA DOS SANTOS) has gone berserk after a meeting with her manager, Elaine Cromwell (ANN BRYSON) about a missing bracelet. Carrie demands to talk to DC Mickey Webb (CHRIS SIMMONS) and the cops escort her back to the station. Surprised to see Carrie again after dealing with her on another case recently, Mickey asks her what is going on. Carrie explains that she has not ‘turned a trick’ since he last saw her and has been happily working in a hotel. But when her boss, Elaine, questioned her about the missing bracelet, she couldn’t stop herself from getting upset. She shouted at Elaine and admitted that she used to be a prostitute but doesn’t mean she is a thief. Mickey calms Carrie down and tells her he’ll try and help prove her innocence. But, concerned that Carrie has strong feelings for him, Mickey realises he needs to distance himself from her if his relationship with Mia is going to work.

After welcoming Sergeant Nikki Wright (GILLIAN TAYLFORTH) to Sun Hill, Superintendent John Heaton (DANIEL FLYNN) gathers the team and tells them that they need to improve their performance - he doesn’t want to see gangs of youths on street corners and a quicker response to all 999 calls is needed. Inspector Gina Gold (ROBERTA TAYLOR) asks Heaton what is going on and he admits that DAC Georgia Hobbs (KAZIA PELKA) has said the Met is considering closing a division, either Sun Hill or Barton Street. He tells her that she must keep the news to herself - it’s a survival of the fittest and Sun Hill needs to sharpen up its act.

Later, PCs Roger Valentine (JOHN BOWLER) and Reg Hollis (JEFF STEWART) come across a decomposed body surrounded by syringes in a disused flat. Back at the station, Roger runs a check on all missing persons and tells DI Neil Manson (ANDREW LANCEL) that there are two possibilities of who the man could be and one of them has had past dealings with Sergeant Doug Wright (ADRIAN LUKIS) from Barton Street Police Station. Doug tells Roger that the man could be homeless junkie, Steven Harris, as he used to live in the flat where the body was found as a little boy. While the officers wait for forensics to confirm the body is Steven’s, press officer, Mia Perry (JO-ANNE KNOWLES), discovers that the Canley Gazette are going to run a story so Neil and Doug decide to visit Steven’s dad, Rick (COLIN TIERNEY), to pre-warn him. Rick has had similar scares about his missing son in the past and is very depressed. During their meeting, Neil is surprised when Rick’s friend from the missing persons support group, James Tennant (NEIL STUKE), turns up. Rick tells Neil that he and James are in the same boat, and, he is adamant that the body is not his son. But, later that day when the forensic evidence comes through, Neil watches helplessly as Rick worst fears are confirmed…

Meanwhile PC Tony Stamp (GRAHAM COLE) and Nikki are called to an armed robbery in a jewellers. Along with S019, Tony and Nikki enter shop and find the owner, Mr Singh (SIMON NAGRA), lying injured and the assailant, Alf Sutton (DONALD SUMPTER), with a gun shot wound to the leg. The two men are taken to St Hugh’s Hospital while Tony and Nikki watch CCTV footage of the shop and they discover that sixty-nine year old Alf was shot by someone out of the camera’s view.

Back at Sun Hill, DC Terry Perkins (BRUCE BYRON) questions a man called Davey Rolfe (ALAN FORD) who claims to know details of a robbery which is due to take place later this afternoon. Davey tells Terry that an old accomplice, Ronnie Brandt (GEORGE INNES), has just been released from prison and wants his help providing a getaway car for a robbery but Davey doesn’t want anything to do with it – he has a shady past but he put it behind him years ago. Terry eventually convinces Davey to act as if he is helping with the robbery by obtaining the car but tells him that they’ll stop them on their way to the robbery and arrest Ronnie with the gun. Later, from his hospital bed, Alf talks to Nikki and admits that a man called Ronnie shot him – he wanted revenge as he thought Alf shopped him to the police years before. Ronnie only agreed to spare his life when Alf admitted that it was Davey who was the grass, not him. Realising that the three old crooks are connected, the team realise that Davey is in danger and it’s a race against time to save his life…

In the pub, at the end of the shift, Roger criticises the new Sergeant from Barton Street to Doug. However, not realising they are married, Roger is mortified when Nikki joins them and gives Doug a kiss.

Elsewhere, after spending the day with Sergeant June Ackland (TRUDIE GOODWIN) discussing an anti bullying campaign, Rod Jessop (RICHARD HOPE) asks her to marry him. June is stunned and says she needs some time to think…

03-12-2006, 18:00
oh go on june, say yes!!!
she deserves some happiness after all her problems in the past.