View Full Version : showing

08-05-2005, 18:52
what month do you start 'showing' when you are pregnant.
with my first i was about 4-5 months before anyone noticed,they say the more you have the quicker you show/get bigger etc.my second it was bout 4 months and this time i am 4 months and no one has noticed yet! i tell em and they are like nooo you are too slim,in a way which is good but then its nice to know that people do know and that that little podge you do have there IS due to a baby and not you eating too many cadburys bars! im rambling now,il stop.

16-05-2005, 11:19
I was huge on my first.. went up to 13 stone from 9 and she was only born 6lb 5oz.. I looked 6 months gone at 4 months.. this one I am still big.. started showing at about 4 months and have gotten bigger and bigger but I am still under 11st.. I didn't gain any weight myself

17-05-2005, 09:34
awww,no one even notices i am pregnant at the momnet,i have a little bump but just look like i have been eating to many cream cakes to people who dont know already.

17-05-2005, 09:38
awww,no noe even notices i am pregnant at the momnet,i have a little bump but just look like i have been eating to many cream cakes to people who dont know already.

I was like that at work, nobody knew and it was just after christmas so they didn't want to ask if I was pregnant incase I just ate too much over the holidays :rotfl:

29-05-2005, 10:52
I am only 12 weeks, but I look like I am 6 months. All of my friends that don't know about it yet (cause I haven't had my scan) keep looking at me as if to ask am I pregnant or just eaten lots of pies!!! And its really frustrating, cause I want to shout it from the rooftops, but can't till I have had the scan next week. I haven't gained any actual body weight yet either. This is my third though. Second time around I looked about a month further on than I was. I just blame it on all of the now relaxed muscle!!!

29-05-2005, 12:51
i was about 5 months before i started to look like i was actually pregnant and not just eating too much!! and then i exploded into a huge bump!!!

31-05-2005, 12:37
i got a lil bump now! people are starting to notice!

31-05-2005, 15:47
i got a lil bump now! people are starting to notice!

I have a huge one and you can't help but notice.... mind you I have only 5 weeks left..

15-06-2005, 02:21
I'm not very big at the moment, still got my flat tum but it's creeping out slowly and starting to curve.

15-06-2005, 13:43
Congrats Chance on the news of a baby girl! cute :D

15-06-2005, 13:49
congrats... to all the new mommys to be !!!!!!!!:cheer:

15-06-2005, 15:11
There's loads of us :)

15-06-2005, 16:44
:D I never knew you were pregnant Walford Queen, you have been keeping it quiet!

15-06-2005, 17:42
:D I never knew you were pregnant Walford Queen, you have been keeping it quiet!
Are you being serious lol? I thought everyone knew.

15-06-2005, 17:48
Are you being serious lol? I thought everyone knew.

yeah im being serious, i never knew :D

15-06-2005, 17:50
You need to spread the word around that your pregnant lol :)

di marco
15-06-2005, 20:32
even i knew lol! and im always the last person to know stuff! :)

15-06-2005, 23:28
My signature might have been a bit of a giveaway.

di marco
16-06-2005, 07:55
My signature might have been a bit of a giveaway.
