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08-05-2005, 18:44
seen the n.o.t.w today? looks like shes copying her character! maybe a few parent classes might help.i dont blame her ex for selling the story,its obviously true and ehe was the one getting slagged off for there break ups when it clearly wasnt his fault.

08-05-2005, 19:12
I disagree. He comes across like I right t**t to me who is jealous of her fame and money. His relationship with Jessie goes sour so he does what- sell their private details to the paper -how low is he? Relationships break down all the time but to announce it and giving the gory details is rather pathetic. After all Jessie hasn’t publicly humiliated him so why is he? I think he’s rather bitter. He became known for dating her and he is a nobody without her.

I bet half the stuff he came out with was exaggerated anyway. What ever his personal feelings towards her may be, she is still the mother of his child and to do that was pitiable behaviour. He claimed to loving her not long ago and then he does this -rather childish if you ask me

Really we don't know the ins and outs of their relationship, who did what to who and what was said so it really is hard to place the blame. However to sell a story really is a pathetic attempt to make a point and it's clear to me that part of his reason for selling the story was for financial gain-obviously money!

08-05-2005, 19:31
Well it's partly her own fault the press hound her cos she changes her story as often as she changes her knickers,when she broke the law drunk driving she tried to say not guilty instead if throwing her hands up,she kept selling storys before the court case saying she hadn't been drunk when she obviously had a drink problem,she was probably hoping it'd get her a not guilty,she never attempted ot try and keep her personal life private,she loves publicity and being seen to be the viictim,i think she thinks her own life a soap opera,i usually feel s orry for celebs when the press hound them but she's an exeption in my books cos she obviously loves publicity.

di marco
08-05-2005, 19:39
seen the n.o.t.w today? looks like shes copying her character! maybe a few parent classes might help.i dont blame her ex for selling the story,its obviously true and ehe was the one getting slagged off for there break ups when it clearly wasnt his fault.

what did he say happened?

08-05-2005, 19:51
Dave Morgan is the worst kind of man.

So what if Jessie does like to drink when she gets home, plenty of people do. He just comes across as bitter and twisted and fame hungry.

BTW He's co-incidently reported to be taking part in the new series of the farm starting tomorrow, and he protests that he wasn't after her celeb lifestyle.

He's putting the mother of his child through hell because he can't stand the fact that without her he's nothing.

08-05-2005, 19:53
Well it's partly her own fault the press hound her cos she changes her story as often as she changes her knickers,when she broke the law drunk driving she tried to say not guilty instead if throwing her hands up,she kept selling storys before the court case saying she hadn't been drunk when she obviously had a drink problem,she was probably hoping it'd get her a not guilty,she never attempted ot try and keep her personal life private,she loves publicity and being seen to be the viictim,i think she thinks her own life a soap opera,i usually feel s orry for celebs when the press hound them but she's an exeption in my books cos she obviously loves publicity.

She never sold stories about that. She was quoted as saying she wasn't over the limit and has maintained that story to this day. Yes the press hound her, but as we found out last week thats because Dave was telling the press where they were going to be and was selling personal details to them.

TPTB at EE knew all about what he was doing.

08-05-2005, 19:54
Dave Morgan is the worst kind of man.

So what if Jessie does like to drink when she gets home, plenty of people do. He just comes across as bitter and twisted and fame hungry.

BTW He's co-incidently reported to be taking part in the new series of the farm starting tomorrow, and he protests that he wasn't after her celeb lifestyle.

He's putting the mother of his child through hell because he can't stand the fact that without her he's nothing.

Well said!

What a pathetic way to get some publicity.
I didn't know he was staring in the farm -says it all doesn't it?

08-05-2005, 19:55
seen the n.o.t.w today? looks like shes copying her character! maybe a few parent classes might help.i dont blame her ex for selling the story,its obviously true and ehe was the one getting slagged off for there break ups when it clearly wasnt his fault.

What on earth makes his story right and hers wrong? We don't know the ins and outs of their relationship. It's amazing how quick people are to judge a person because of a charachter they play in a soap.

08-05-2005, 19:57
Well said!

What a pathetic way to get some publicity.
I didn't know he was staring in the farm -says it all doesn't it?

Thankyou, yes it does say it all! Hell, selling the story in the first place said it all. He obviously never gave a rats about Jessie and certainly doesn't care for Tallulah if he's willing to try and destroy Jessie like this.

08-05-2005, 22:56
Can anyone tell me what the article is actually about. Whatever it is about it doesn't sound like the right thing to do as far as im concerned when there are children involved all parties should try and be as amicable as they posibly can.

09-05-2005, 08:00
What on earth makes his story right and hers wrong? We don't know the ins and outs of their relationship. It's amazing how quick people are to judge a person because of a charachter they play in a soap.
im not judging anybody, we all are,i took his side and you lot are taking hers,but because she is the famous one of course everyone is going to take her side over his.predictable.no one knows them so none of us really have the right to judge, just give our opinions,but i knew there would be a bit of a backlash on that one,very predictable.i haven't judged her based on just her character in a soap,unlike some i know its all make believe but the pics in the paper arent helping her case are they,im just saying it all cant be lies can it?

09-05-2005, 08:20
I totally agree with chance, anyone with any savvy knew this relationship wouldn't work from the off set.
Once someone gives Jessie a ladder and a torch, and a map to find her way out of her own a** she might get a man.
I think she believes in her own hype way too much!
Still can't believe she was in the running for sexiest woman in soap!

09-05-2005, 08:29
Andromeda: "What on earth makes his story right and hers wrong? We don't know the ins and outs of their relationship. It's amazing how quick people are to judge a person because of a charachter they play in a soap."

Then you said

Dave Morgan is the worst kind of man.
So what if Jessie does like to drink when she gets home, plenty of people do. He just comes across as bitter and twisted and fame hungry.
BTW He's co-incidently reported to be taking part in the new series of the farm starting tomorrow, and he protests that he wasn't after her celeb lifestyle.
He's putting the mother of his child through hell because he can't stand the fact that without her he's nothing.

& then you said

He obviously never gave a rats about Jessie and certainly doesn't care for Tallulah

Your judging him, yet you think its disgusting for people to judge her!!!!

Pot, Kettle, Black springs to mind.

09-05-2005, 09:15
exactly, thanks sherbs

09-05-2005, 09:33
I don't think it's disgusting for anyone to judge her, I really just hate how people automatically asume that she's in the wrong because of the character she plays. My point was that because the headline includes the name 'Kat 'it makes it easier for readers to associate the actual person with the character and therefore the character's mannerisms and characteristics. With Dave there is none of that, just our own perceptions of him.

I don't think Jessie's an angel and I do think there will a basis of truth to the story (but not as bad as he's making out), but for him to sell their sex life says everything about him. He is IMHO, a sleazeball of the highest order. If he wanted to get across 'his side of things' he could've done it without including that.

He also claims he's not interested in the money and fame thing, but then makes a reported £125,000 out of that article and is taking part in reality tv... way to go Dave!

09-05-2005, 09:37
I totally agree with chance, anyone with any savvy knew this relationship wouldn't work from the off set.
Once someone gives Jessie a ladder and a torch, and a map to find her way out of her own a** she might get a man.
I think she believes in her own hype way too much!
Still can't believe she was in the running for sexiest woman in soap!

I agree everyone knew this relationship wouldn't work, but we'll obviously have different opinions of why. Yes I am a fan of hers, I think she's an amazing actress, but I also do believe that many people still view her as incredibly sexy! That is all down to personal taste.

09-05-2005, 09:47
i haven't judged her based on just her character in a soap,unlike some i know its all make believe but the pics in the paper arent helping her case are they,im just saying it all cant be lies can it?

I just want to pick up on those pics in the paper... These pictures are the same ones that keep emerging evertime there's such a story. They're from around 2001. They're also the same set of pictures used whenever there's a story about Elaine Lordan.

09-05-2005, 09:53
I don't think Jessie's an angel and I do think there will a basis of truth to the story (but not as bad as he's making out), but for him to sell their sex life says everything about him. He is IMHO, a sleazeball of the highest order. If he wanted to get across 'his side of things' he could've done it without including that.

This is what I agree on.

To sell a story to the press giving intimate details of their personal life and ridiculing the mother of his child has 'sleezball' all over it. Do you see her doing that to him? The fact that he had to publicise Jessie in such a way highlights my point. His intention was to get money, humiliate her and get some fame in the process, however he hasn't come of quite well himself. If he had some thing to say about Jessie why not to tell her what he thought or get things of his chest another way?

Just for the record though, I'm not a Jessie Wallace fan and I don't praise the women. However the article was wrong and I think it hasn't painted Dave in the best of lights. She didn’t deserve it.

Sarah Gregory
09-05-2005, 10:10
the man is sick To tell a newspaper details of your personal life is disgusting and to sit there and Slag off the person you are meant to love is sick. He should know better than to do that esp to the mother of his child its unforgiveable. What Jesse does in her private life is her own affair. It has nothing to do with the public. All we the public should care about is Jesse and her acting. I didnt read the story out of respect to Jesse and cos I feel its none of my business. The papers should be printing worthwhile stories and Important stories. Not writting trash about someone cos a bitter ex has told the papers. Its disgusting. Jesse is Right about the guy all he was doing was trying to get Famous off her back and by telling newspapers about his life with her that is Just what hes doing.
Hes a sick man. At the end of the day Jesse is better off with out him and her baby is better off with out him. Who needs a man like that. Def not jesse and def not her baby. :angry:

Sarah Gregory
09-05-2005, 10:18
Well said!

What a pathetic way to get some publicity.
I didn't know he was staring in the farm -says it all doesn't it?

So hes gonna be in the farm. Well he will be at home there esp working with the pigs. :rotfl:

Sarah Gregory
09-05-2005, 10:23
im not judging anybody, we all are,i took his side and you lot are taking hers,but because she is the famous one of course everyone is going to take her side over his.predictable.no one knows them so none of us really have the right to judge, just give our opinions,but i knew there would be a bit of a backlash on that one,very predictable.i haven't judged her based on just her character in a soap,unlike some i know its all make believe but the pics in the paper arent helping her case are they,im just saying it all cant be lies can it?

At the end of the day ya prob a bloke thats y u take his side.
But the man is clearly after fame. Thats prob the reason he dated her so he could get his face in the papers. The papers dont always print the truth. At the end of the day nobody knows whats true and whats not. At the end of the day Its not our business. So the best thing to do is not read the story.
I never read it. I read the headlines and thought the man is sad and I didnt waste my sunday morning reading any more.

09-05-2005, 10:46
I never read it. I read the headlines and thought the man is sad and I didnt waste my sunday morning reading any more.

I didn't buy the paper either. Kind of predictable what he had to say anyway.

Sarah Gregory
09-05-2005, 10:57
Yeah thats true.
Least you didnt waste ya money on paper printing trash.

09-05-2005, 11:29
Sarah Gregory....................Chance is a Woman, not a 'bloke' !

09-05-2005, 14:29
seen the n.o.t.w today? looks like shes copying her character! maybe a few parent classes might help.i dont blame her ex for selling the story,its obviously true and ehe was the one getting slagged off for there break ups when it clearly wasnt his fault.

i completelty disagree with you chance. i dont believe a word he says. how could he do that to her. guess he was short of money!! i think it is a pack of lies. how can he do things like that to the mother of his daughter. if i was jesse i would keep well away from him!! and keep him well away from her daughter.

i dont believe half the stuff that is written about her in the papers. maybe a while back she was beginnign to look like kat for real but since she got pregnant she really seemed to calm down.

09-05-2005, 14:31
So hes gonna be in the farm. Well he will be at home there esp working with the pigs. :rotfl:

he s gonna be on the farm???!!! is this true??? oh my god!! well he is obviosly desperate for the fame!!!

09-05-2005, 15:04
i think she is over-rated as an actress she is nothing specail.

09-05-2005, 15:07
she must be trying to get more publicity

09-05-2005, 15:15
she must be trying to get more publicity

I don’t see how she is. Dave sold the story, not her. She did try and stop it from going to print after all.

Jessie Wallace is a good actress, but there have been other actresses more superior to her over the past year. I do think it was right for her not to win best actress. Nevertheless, I do overall still consider her as one of the best and an aset to the show.

09-05-2005, 15:21
thats right forgot about that thanks

09-05-2005, 17:15
At the end of the day ya prob a bloke thats y u take his side.
But the man is clearly after fame. Thats prob the reason he dated her so he could get his face in the papers. The papers dont always print the truth. At the end of the day nobody knows whats true and whats not. At the end of the day Its not our business. So the best thing to do is not read the story.
I never read it. I read the headlines and thought the man is sad and I didnt waste my sunday morning reading any more.
actually no im a women with children myself.

09-05-2005, 17:16
I don’t see how she is. Dave sold the story, not her. She did try and stop it from going to print after all.

Jessie Wallace is a good actress, but there have been other actresses more superior to her over the past year. I do think it was right for her not to win best actress. Nevertheless, I do overall still consider her as one of the best and an aset to the show.
yeas she tried to get it stopped because she knew it was true thats why, im guessing.

09-05-2005, 17:35
yeas she tried to get it stopped because she knew it was true thats why, im guessing.

I doubt that. I'm thinking it was because she knew that he was going to bash her. If a person comes out of a relationsp with a partner who they part on bad terms with they are hardly going to paint them in the best of lights. I don't blame Jess for trying to stop it. I mean this will be read by thousands and it would make her come across as a horribal person and Dave smelling of roses.

09-05-2005, 18:02
he's not innocent either but i dont see why he had to keep schtum and wait for her to decide to tell her side to the papers,everyone already took her side because shes 'famous.for eg: another classic case was when julia roberts went off with her now husband danny modar,everyone slagged him off for having the affair and vcheating on his wife but she never got slated or called a family wrecker/marriege wrecker did she? all because shes famous.

09-05-2005, 18:05
yeas she tried to get it stopped because she knew it was true thats why, im guessing.

I'd imagine it's more like she knew that he was going to say whatever he needed to get £125,000 for that story.

09-05-2005, 18:07
prob both in on it together for the publicity.

Jessie Wallace
09-05-2005, 18:10
Totally agree Andromeda.
What does anyone know about her, unless u r her.

09-05-2005, 18:12
well exactly so shal we stp the conversation here? we all have our opinions on it but none of us know her or him so.....

09-05-2005, 18:13
he's not innocent either but i dont see why he had to keep schtum and wait for her to decide to tell her side to the papers,everyone already took her side because shes 'famous.for eg: another classic case was when julia roberts went off with her now husband danny modar,everyone slagged him off for having the affair and vcheating on his wife but she never got slated or called a family wrecker/marriege wrecker did she? all because shes famous.\

I don't think Jessie would have went to the press with her side of it. It wouldn't do anything for her image and being a soap star I doubt she would go and sell a a story, unless of course she felt the need to if he he did first and then put her side forward, if that makes sense.

I'm not taking sides here and I never took hers. I don't know Jessie Wallace and I'm not particualry fan of her's either. However I disagree with how Dave went about it. It's somthing he could have said to her or a friend but not annouce it and humiliate her in such a way. I haven't read the artical myself but I'v heard that he talked about sorded details (don't know how much truth there is in that) but what is he to gain? No body (or at least i think) despised the bloke when they split in the first place. I certainly didn't...however him doing what he did was low.

09-05-2005, 18:18
he's not innocent either but i dont see why he had to keep schtum and wait for her to decide to tell her side to the papers,everyone already took her side because shes 'famous.for eg: another classic case was when julia roberts went off with her now husband danny modar,everyone slagged him off for having the affair and vcheating on his wife but she never got slated or called a family wrecker/marriege wrecker did she? all because shes famous.


Jessie get's more of a bashing all of the time because she's famous. It still goes back to the press calling her 'Kat' all of the time, making it easy for, those who want to, to associate her with her character. Again, we know she's not an angel, she even said herself that she knows she's not easy to live with and that Dave is a great dad, but Dave has not only betrayed her here, but Tallulah aswell, which negates his image as a good father. He's sold her out for £125,000 and an appearence on the farm and apparently he's also been constantly threatening to ruin her life & career. Yeah... he's a perfect gent isn't he?!

Yes she probably does have a drink when she gets home from work, alot of people do, but I don't believe for a second that she's as bad as he makes out. Anyone can see from the amount of coverage she gets that she dotes on Tallulah (coverage which she allegedly got thanks to him selling the information of where she/they were going to be. Something the paparazzi themselves told her.) Black eyes... well the again, the amount of coverage they got all the time... you can't tell me the paparazzi wouldn't have picked that up, they virtually stalk them. And if she were as bad as he tries to make out, then why didn't he attempt to take Tallulah with him?! The answer... because Jessie isn't that bad and Tallulah would get in the way of his reality tv path to more fame.

09-05-2005, 19:35
Whether he was telling the truth or not, he has just made a complete mockery of the relationship he had with Jessie, and therefore the same with their little girl. It's her I feel sorry for in all of this.

09-05-2005, 23:06
i'm not going to give them anymore of my time by discussing it any longer

Sarah Gregory
09-05-2005, 23:11
At the end of the day Chance if you beileve all whats written in the papers theres not alot of hope. At the end of the day true or not the guy is a jerk to make money out of jesse by printing their personal life in the paper. I didnt read any of what was said. At the end of the day there is more important news to read in news papers than that of Famous peoples lives. What Jesse does is her business not ours. So lets leave the poor Woman be and just drop the subject. At the of the day the Man was in the Wrong to sell his story to the papers, slagging off the mother of his Child.

09-05-2005, 23:24
Funny how she's due to start back in Eastender shortley...........

10-05-2005, 07:35
At the end of the day Chance if you beileve all whats written in the papers theres not alot of hope. At the end of the day true or not the guy is a jerk to make money out of jesse by printing their personal life in the paper. I didnt read any of what was said. At the end of the day there is more important news to read in news papers than that of Famous peoples lives. What Jesse does is her business not ours. So lets leave the poor Woman be and just drop the subject. At the of the day the Man was in the Wrong to sell his story to the papers, slagging off the mother of his Child.
i know i said iwouldnt waste any more time but i just had to answer you back and say no i dont believe everything written in the papers it was just predictable you all took her side purely becuse shes famous.im sure they are both at fault but i dont see why he should cop all the flak.also i read the headline and that was it i didnt actually sit there and read it but you can guess what was said.

10-05-2005, 07:36
Funny how she's due to start back in Eastender shortley...........
exactly,they could both be in on it together to get more publicity,isnt a tad funny she happens to pop up just as she makes her return.

10-05-2005, 08:30
Its all a publicity stunt.
I expect she will be back with him.......again........next week.

10-05-2005, 14:31
talk about washing your dirty laundry in public,these 2 are just going tit for tat with each other and the tabloids are loving it,i'd say their both as bad as each other and deserve what they get,their both using the papers to slag each other of,i personally feel for the poor baby.

10-05-2005, 14:32
exactly,they could both be in on it together to get more publicity,isnt a tad funny she happens to pop up just as she makes her return.

Why would Jessie be in on it when he made portrayed her as a bad mother and said awful things about her?

Their break up also coinsides with his appearance in the farm. I think that's more coincidence than anything else.

10-05-2005, 14:33
i think hes done it all for fame as its a coincedence that he is appearing on tthe farm id never heard of him untill this weekend when his storys were published it was good timing wasnt it

10-05-2005, 14:37
i bet the only reason why he is apearing on the farm is cause he knows it will get at Jesse by going on it and spilling the Beans about her Private life

10-05-2005, 14:39
i just cant understand why he is on the farm hes not even famous not 1 little bit

10-05-2005, 14:42
yea thats true i can't understand either

10-05-2005, 14:46
Why would Jessie be in on it when he made portrayed her as a bad mother and said awful things about her?

Their break up also coinsides with his appearance in the farm. I think that's more coincidence than anything else.
as they say 'all publicity is good publicity'
shes due back on ee and he is going on the farm,great timing for both of them.

10-05-2005, 14:47
Well said Callum, However i noticed earlier everyone was saying about how he is only famous cos he was going out with her for example but we are to blame for that to a certain degree as no doubt he will be in every magazine soon .... why ..... because we will buy them and read his story!! i think that we are constantly making so called " unknown " people famous because we will buy into the storys that are being published! so he is a fireman.... whoopy do!!! who cares about that??? what haas he actually done apart from go out with jessie that enables him to bew on the "celebrity" farm??? seems very bizarre to me that channel five can sign him up, being non famous knowing that we will buy into it! although allot has been said about jessie in the press ect i think he has just prved that he only ever went out with her to further his career??? maybe thats just my opinion though?? He sai the pressure of fame got tp their relationship and he couldnt handle it all.. os in that case why go and sell your story to one of the uks biggest papers then go on telly??? :lol: sorry rant over!!

10-05-2005, 18:06
i agree he's bang out of order selling his story,but i read another article of 1 of her friends slagging him of,now we all know when it's a friend it's usually with the stars blessing and usually its the star speaking through someone else bacause some have clauses in their contract that say they can not wash their dirty linen in public

10-05-2005, 18:23
I think Dave Morgan is a piece of scum. The way he has trated Jessie like that is unforgivable. I hope him trying to be the next best thing fails, because he deserves it. By the way I think Tallualh Lilac is the cutest baby ever.

10-05-2005, 18:46
Its all a publicity stunt.
I expect she will be back with him.......again........next week.

LMAO! Yeah right!

He betrays her in the way he knows that she most fears and then proceeds to call her a bad mother... that'll definately win her back.

10-05-2005, 18:49
i agree he's bang out of order selling his story,but i read another article of 1 of her friends slagging him of,now we all know when it's a friend it's usually with the stars blessing and usually its the star speaking through someone else bacause some have clauses in their contract that say they can not wash their dirty linen in public

Half of these so called friends are distant associates, but I'll be honest and say friends are only saying what most people who've followed their 'romance' said at the start. Most of us suspected he would do something like this, but we always hoped he would prove us wrong.

11-05-2005, 17:13
This is not a response to anything anyone has said, just my personal opinion. I'm sure Jessie is not a faultless person (is anyone!). People give her flack all the time for drinking. Well jeez, dont we all like a drink?! I think people should just stop speculating about whether Dave's a pr*ck, or jessies a bad mum, etc. It's very hard to stop loving someone just like that, even if they have done something really terrible to you, so im sure she wouldnt want us all b*tching about him. it's her life, her family, and just cos she's on tv that does not mean we have a right to chat about her family, etc. i just think its in bad taste. Just to clarify once more, this is not directed at anyone in particular and i dont want to offend anyone. just try and imagine yourself in jessie's position and ask yourself if you'd really want people to keep on talking about it, or just to have it forgotten about so you could move on with your life.

Sarah Gregory
11-05-2005, 20:59
Well at the end of the day I dont think it is anyone's business but Jesse and Dave's.
So lets not waste anymore time disgussing it. I took Jesse side not because shes famous. But because she is the Mother of Dave's child and its disgusting to sit and slag someone you have had a child with. I would take Jesse's side if she was not famous. I would say the same if it was Jesse slagging the bloke off. At the end of the day. You dont slag off the person you laid down and made a child with no matter what has happened. I dont care whose right and whose wrong. The way I see it, He was out of order and he clearly done it to get money and to get his face in the paper. The Guy is on The Farm now and its only for the money and So he can sit on tv and slag her off. The guy has no shame. He shouldnt even be in the farm. Hes not a celeb. All hes known for is dating someone from a soap orpea. I saw a tiny bit of it the other day and he was so pathetic saying my ex partner is in a soap. I was like who cares Dave. No one is intrested anymore. So on that note lets not discuss this anymore.

Sarah Gregory
11-05-2005, 21:07
This is not a response to anything anyone has said, just my personal opinion. I'm sure Jessie is not a faultless person (is anyone!). People give her flack all the time for drinking. Well jeez, dont we all like a drink?! I think people should just stop speculating about whether Dave's a pr*ck, or jessies a bad mum, etc. It's very hard to stop loving someone just like that, even if they have done something really terrible to you, so im sure she wouldnt want us all b*tching about him. it's her life, her family, and just cos she's on tv that does not mean we have a right to chat about her family, etc. i just think its in bad taste. Just to clarify once more, this is not directed at anyone in particular and i dont want to offend anyone. just try and imagine yourself in jessie's position and ask yourself if you'd really want people to keep on talking about it, or just to have it forgotten about so you could move on with your life.

Well said

12-05-2005, 09:09
its her baby i feel sorry for. she's already growing up around bad fights, them splitting up was the best for her.

12-05-2005, 11:48
i don't think it is anyones buisness but i think her Partner should think about what he is doing before he destroys her Career

12-05-2005, 11:52
Its the baby i feel sorry for what is going to think when she gets older and reads all the stuff that they have been saying about each other!!! not nice thats for sure.ok so they have fallen out and dont like each other much anymore but is there any need fro all the horrible things being said... could they not just say
" we ar eno longer together and our first and most important priority is our daughter and for her sake we will try to make it as plesant as possible as we both love her very much" they are gonna have to see each other for the sake of her, i really hope it does not escilade so when she is older they are playing her off against the other.

Sarah Gregory
12-05-2005, 20:15
Well At the end of the day I think this discussion has gone on long enough.
So For Jesse's Sake Lets not keep going on about it.

12-05-2005, 20:56
I'm going to reply as I've only just read the thread - based on what I've read I feel sorry for Jessie Wallace, you could see how unhappy she looked at the soap awards but good on her for going. My opinion is that her ex is a money hungry fame seeker and the fact he is going on The Farm tells me my opinion isn't a million miles off the mark.

Jessie Wallace
14-05-2005, 11:40
Dave is just after the money i think, and should never have been let o The Farm, coz it's just gonna increase his fame, which isn't fair.

14-05-2005, 12:38
i loved it when dave went into the farm and someone i cant remember who( i think it was flava flav) asked him what he did!!!! he didnt know what to say and said that his ex partner was a soap star!!! that is what he does!!! in fact he has mentioned her a lot!!

i read today that he has agreed not to sell anymore stories!! that big of him!! unfortunatelt he already done it!! how will he look his daughter in the face when she is older!!

i think he wanted to put jessie in a bad light but all he done is make himself look a w~£*#r

14-05-2005, 12:53
i think he wanted to put jessie in a bad light but all he done is make himself look a w~£*#r
yep i agree

Carrie Bradshaw
14-05-2005, 23:34
I only saw about 2 mins of the farm, but I heard him say that he would take Jessie back straight away if she would have him. How can he say that after what he did!

15-05-2005, 17:48
you see the notw today? hes said what i thought ,that at every oppurtunity she was calling the press and arranging for them to take pics of her and him then sharing half the money.you casn see the arranged pics in the paper and you can tell they are just that.

15-05-2005, 20:14
yes you could tell those photo's were set up,you can also tell when they say a friend of jessie wallace they mean jessie herself,can't stand the women to be honest,she uses the press when it suits her,then crys she's a poor victim when when it dosn't suit her,no wonder her and shane ritchie get on so well their so alike in their ways they could be twins

15-05-2005, 20:16
callummc your my friend for life.......

16-05-2005, 00:29
i feel sorry for the rest of the cast and crew who have to get up early in the morning and go into work and see the prima donna in action she'll be unconsolable and publicly they'll have to say oh what a shame.i'd love to to be a fly on the wall when they say what they really think,and i'd put money on a reconsilliation "for the babys sake" of course or untill their next ruck and they want a bit of extra cash and feel she needs a bit more public sympathy.or what a shame their both crying all the way to the bank.

16-05-2005, 08:06
yes you could tell those photo's were set up,you can also tell when they say a friend of jessie wallace they mean jessie herself,can't stand the women to be honest,she uses the press when it suits her,then crys she's a poor victim when when it dosn't suit her,no wonder her and shane ritchie get on so well their so alike in their ways they could be twins You are so right,It bores me when these actors have to do thier dirty washing in public,and get so big headed. usually is all the fame before the fall, look what happen to the other actress that played lynn slater,she was in the press all the time, now I can't even remember her real name.....

16-05-2005, 08:55
What does it matter if she did sell these pictures... she has a right to sell her own image, he however does not, and since the paparazzi themselve said it was him who was doing so...

Granted, she can't expect things both ways if she is selling pictures, but the last alleged incident was over a year back, and if he's selling this info now, then he's not just selling her, but their child aswell and that is most definately crossing the line.

Given the reception Jessie received last week on returning to work, the cast and crew think quite highly of her.

16-05-2005, 09:34
were you there then to see the reception they gave her? its all fake if they were all welcoming her back with open arms,we all pretend to like people we hate.

16-05-2005, 10:09
lol So you're calling all the EE cast & crew two faced then?

16-05-2005, 10:21
You dont know any of them any better then me but yes i bet half of them were pretending to welcome her back.how do you know all of the cast and crew were delirious?

16-05-2005, 10:28
Who said they were delierious ? I didn't! What I did say is that if they thought badly of her they wouldn't have offerered their support in just that way.... and yet they did.

I'm not going to argue with you over this as, frankly, I think I'd be wasting my breath!

Jessie Wallace
16-05-2005, 10:34
Well said Andromeda.

16-05-2005, 14:06
Dave Morgan is the worst kind of man.

So what if Jessie does like to drink when she gets home, plenty of people do. He just comes across as bitter and twisted and fame hungry.

BTW He's co-incidently reported to be taking part in the new series of the farm starting tomorrow, and he protests that he wasn't after her celeb lifestyle.

He's putting the mother of his child through hell because he can't stand the fact that without her he's nothing.

EXACTLY he knew what he was doing and if he really loved her he would have kept his mouth shut, how wants details of the PRIVATE life splashed around in the papers for everyone to look at???

he's obviously bitter, people's relationships break up everyday why should their's be any different? because she's a celebrity? that's just stupid

16-05-2005, 18:13
lol So you're calling all the EE cast & crew two faced then?
i never even said they were two faced,you are putting words in to my mouth.oh please stop by the way your comments are hurting my feelings.... :rotfl:

16-05-2005, 18:16
I agree with whatever Chance is saying. :p

16-05-2005, 18:23
were you there then to see the reception they gave her? its all fake if they were all welcoming her back with open arms,we all pretend to like people we hate. I really, really agree with that.