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View Full Version : Stefan's interview with Davina

Jessie Wallace
12-11-2006, 21:09
Good evening everyone, we are here in the studio here with Stefan, to get his opinion on life in the Big Brother House, and what he thought of his fellow House mates.

Who did you feel you bonded with the most in the house?

Well i bonded with Beryl, V and sometimes luci but mainly my sweetheart Jenny

What was your best moment in the house?

Meeting Jenny then getting to know the V and B a bit better towards the end, the mud fights and the night sitting on the roof watching the fireworks

What did you Love and hate about the house?

I loved meeting new people,and getting tasks/parties, I hated Ananya and having no luggage

Who do you want to win Soapboards Big Brother this year?

No contest beryl she was a rock

What if anything would you change about your time in the house?

I wouldnt get the boot 2 days before the final day cruel people you lot

What advice would you give to someone wishing to do it next year?

Always be prepared you can get kicked out first night or win the show or both like Beryl did just watch your step

Well I think that just about covers it, thanks for being such a great contestant,

Stefan Everybody

Jessie Wallace
12-11-2006, 21:15
Well the time as come to reveal who Stefan actually was, but let’s do a few question’s with that person first.

Did you enjoying taking part in the Soapboards Big Brother?

Yeah i loved it, didnt really understand it at start but im an addict now

Which parts of it did you find the hardest?

Trying to keep entertained

What did you want to achieve by being in Big brother?

Nothing really i just wanted to have fun

Did you have a game plan to try and win?

No game plan i made my life story up as i went along

If you could do it again would you?

Definately obviously if i had the time

What advice would you give to someone wishing to do it next year?

Make sure you are available its very time consuming

Well it's time for the reveal.

Stefan was Shaza

13-11-2006, 11:19
awww my ickle stefan :rotfl:

Well done shaza you were great.

Chloe O'brien
13-11-2006, 11:24
SHAZZA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done you did realy well in there to stay the distance. Hope you enjoyed it

13-11-2006, 11:24
Well done Shaza - you did really well, keeping up with us guys...

:clap: :clap:

13-11-2006, 16:19
Shaza I thought you were in there but then again I didn't!! Was stuck on you.. well done, you played well.. never guessed Stefan so yup!!..

Well done :cheer: