View Full Version : X Factor : Sick of swing

11-11-2006, 21:43
Well ive just been watching the Xtra factor and they did a poll on whether viewers were sick of swing, of course we are talking about Ray doing Swing.
So i thought we should do our own to see who on the boards are sick of the swing and want to see Ray do something else.

11-11-2006, 21:45
Yep, i am. Ray can't do anything else, and wont last 6 months in the music industry. He's boring, and bland, just after these few weeks, so what do people expect him to be like in years time?!

11-11-2006, 21:48
I mean i think we can all agree he can entertain us but its does get boring and afterall the show is called the X factor and they need to be able to do a variety of stlyes

Chloe O'brien
11-11-2006, 21:49
I'm sick of swing or i should say that I am sick of ray doing swing every week. I agree he does to it good but I also agree with what Louis said last week that it is a singing competition and all acts should be able to sing a variety of songs or at least attempt to but every week he sings the same. He is a one trick pony and next week he will probably sing swing again as westlife are on the show.

11-11-2006, 22:00
Well i'm not sick of it!

Its something different!

Im sick of blumming Ben and his awful croaky voice!

11-11-2006, 22:47
I'm getting sick of it, Ray should have been booted out tonight in my opinion. All he can do is swing, he may be able to entertain and perform really well but it's a singing competition and in my opinion, he can't sing.

11-11-2006, 23:10
I'm sick of swing or i should say that I am sick of ray doing swing every week. I agree he does to it good but I also agree with what Louis said last week that it is a singing competition and all acts should be able to sing a variety of songs or at least attempt to but every week he sings the same. He is a one trick pony and next week he will probably sing swing again as westlife are on the show.
my prediction for next week song for him to sing will be something like mack the knife remember westlife brought that type of album out

Johnny Allen
12-11-2006, 12:06
Well i'm not sick of it!

Its something different!

Im sick of blumming Ben and his awful croaky voice!

really I think Ben's the best of the bunch, such a powerful voice. Though I do love Eton Road to, there so fresh and quirky.

12-11-2006, 12:26
i didnt think much of eton road last night, they ruined that song with that added bit in the middle

12-11-2006, 15:44
i didnt think much of eton road last night, they ruined that song with that added bit in the middle I know i mean i still like them and wnat them to get really far but that bit in he middle just confused me.

12-11-2006, 15:49
get ray out hes singin annoys me! he ruins any song by makign it swing. and what is with the stupid smile he does its soo annoying!!!

12-11-2006, 15:55
I'm very much sick of swing. If for some bizzare reason he won, he wouldn't last very long in the world of music these days. He'd probs last about 5 mins :rolleyes: Get him outttt!!

12-11-2006, 15:56
I'm very much sick of swing. If for some bizzare reason he won, he wouldn't last very long in the world of music these days. He'd probs last about 5 mins :rolleyes: Get him outttt!!

agreed he needs to go, swing just aint my thing. :lol: except when robbie did it of course :)

12-11-2006, 15:57
But hopefully Simon has relised that now and he will do soemthing different but i dont think he will be good at anything else.

Jessie Wallace
12-11-2006, 16:02
I love it, why can't he do something he is amazing at, it would be great to have something like this in the charts. I don't see why he needs to be able to sing other styles, you don't hear All saints doing swing, it's not their style, Eminem does Rap, that what he is good at. Ray is good at swing, so let him do swing. You don't ask other artist to do other things, it would be crazy if Alsaints started doing Rap, and Eminem starting doing classical.

Let him stick to what he is good at, and what he enjoy's doing.

12-11-2006, 16:52
:rotfl: Of couse you loved Robbie doing it.

But when Westlife did it, and I LOVE Westlife, I didn't like their swing thing at all. I see what Dawn is saying, which is true, but in terms of being successful/selling records, which is really what this comes down to, then I don't think he'd last as long as say Leona or Ben would.. My personal opinion :D

12-11-2006, 16:56
I'm sick of Ray and I'm sick of swing. After 'Waterloo' last week I can't stand it any more, in my opinion he ruined a great song just so he could do swing all over again! Please, no more swing!
Normally I wouldn't mind, but the point of these stupid theme weeks are to test acts and different music styles, so that's what Simon should be doing to Ray. If there weren't theme weeks I'd be fine with Ray doing swing, Ben doing rock etc. but the theme weeks (which shouldn't be here next year) aren't allowing that.

12-11-2006, 20:48
I love it, why can't he do something he is amazing at, it would be great to have something like this in the charts. I don't see why he needs to be able to sing other styles, you don't hear All saints doing swing, it's not their style, Eminem does Rap, that what he is good at. Ray is good at swing, so let him do swing. You don't ask other artist to do other things, it would be crazy if Alsaints started doing Rap, and Eminem starting doing classical.

Let him stick to what he is good at, and what he enjoy's doing.


Well said i agree! :D

12-11-2006, 20:51
Well....Nikitta, Leona, Eton Road and everyone else arent trying out different ways of singing genres. They are just singing how they normally would so how can you not say stuff about them too!

Ray is good at swing, at least if he won we would have something a bit different in the charts.

Did people used to say to Dean Martin, Frank Sinitra etc "ooooh dont you have a different thing to swing" or whatever it was they sung lol!

12-11-2006, 21:08
Did people used to say to Dean Martin, Frank Sinitra etc "ooooh dont you have a different thing to swing" or whatever it was they sung lol!
I know i agree with you there but the thing with the X factor is i think we all expect them do try different things

Jessie Wallace
12-11-2006, 21:12
I know i agree with you there but the thing with the X factor is i think we all expect them do try different things

Andy did the same styles last year.

I just feel that they are trying to make him the scape goat now, especially with Louis. If they were criticizing his voice and his singing, fine, but they are, so it's just totally daft, let him sing what he is good at.

12-11-2006, 21:14
I know but i started to get bored of him last year too, but i think the main reason people are picking up on the swing thing of Ray more than Andy last year, is beacuse of Ray's age, and maybe cos he is younger we expect him to try different things.

Jessie Wallace
12-11-2006, 21:22
Ok i see what your saying. But Andy (and Andy wasn't the only one last year) wasn't criticised for it, and he came 2nd so he can't of bored that many people. I don't see why Ray's age should come into it, why should he be expected to try different things just because of his age.

12-11-2006, 21:27
Yer I thought that too and ive been thinking maybe ebcuase of the big success of last years shows that they have raised the standard and expect they to be more verstile.
When it comes to me personally, being bored of Ray already i think its just because well i wnat to see them do different things too, and with the different themes they have each week i was ecxpecting this but then Ray somehow does swing each week and i think because he's ding that, that is what irritates me the most.

12-11-2006, 23:48
I love Andy from last year.

He should have won.

Bought his album when it came out, want his new one for xmas this year too!


12-11-2006, 23:56
IMO - Stick to what you are good at....if you are great at swing, stick with it...if you're good at rock, stick with it.

No one asks Jamie Calum to not sing the blues, yet look how successful he is...

Considering how "well" all previous X Factor, Pop Idol etc winners have been...is it really going to make a difference whether he sticks with what hes happy with or changes?! :searchme:

13-11-2006, 01:51
What does IMO stand for ? :hmm:

13-11-2006, 01:52
What does IMO stand for ? :hmm: In my opinion :D

We don't use text or abbreviations, although that one does slip in from time to time... :D

13-11-2006, 01:52
Never mind....too late ........................ :lol:

13-11-2006, 01:53
Oh yeah so it does, silly me :)

13-11-2006, 01:54
Never mind....too late ........................ :lol: :rotfl:

I'm just too fast Lea :D :D

13-11-2006, 19:36
The whole idea of the themed weeks is for the acts to try singing in different genres.
Ray just takes a song and makes it into swing song, like ABBA week. How can you make an ABBA song swing? He keeps saying he can do other things but so far he hasn't showed us anything except swing. At least with Eton Road they try different genres out and don't do the same thing every week.
I don't think Ray can win. Would people really buy his albums, enough to fulfil his contract?

14-11-2006, 15:36
i dont mind swing and i like Rays voice but i think he should sing a swing song swing, a pop song pop if you know what i mean. As for Andy his thing was more soul and theres a lot more variety in the genre in my opinion, and that could be why he was not critiscised by it.

Jessie Wallace
14-11-2006, 15:45
Well it's not just Ray, Ben always has a Rock feel and style to his performace as well.

14-11-2006, 15:57
Well it's not just Ray, Ben always has a Rock feel and style to his performace as well.

I think it is everyone.. Leona is going to do a Whitney/Marah carey on her songs, Ben will do a rock version, Ray will do swing, MacDonald will make a mess of it.. So far Eton Road and Robert are the only two to actually fit in with the themes...

having said that, all singers have a signature.. You can close your eyes listen to a record and 9 times out of 10 know who it is

Dr. Tangliss
14-11-2006, 16:37
The whole swing thing is boring *yawn*. Simon is only sticking to that with Ray because it's the only sound he can do. His voice is not that great, and the only reason why he's not gone is because he has stage presence, a nice smile, and was Anthony Murray from Brookie.

In my opinion, Ray would be better off on a cruise ship rather then getting his own album deal. There are candidates on X Factor with much stronger voices.

14-11-2006, 16:40
In my opinion, Ray would be better off on a cruise ship rather then getting his own album deal. There are candidates on X Factor with much stronger voices.

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: when I read this I could just see him walking around with his grin saying "thank you, your too kind.. we are going on a short break and will be right back with more swing" to a group of grannies...

Dr. Tangliss
14-11-2006, 17:00
:rotfl: Now I have that picture in my head!:rotfl:

14-11-2006, 17:01
I just hope the McDonalds go before Ray, I couldn't stick looking at Louis's smug face

Dr. Tangliss
14-11-2006, 17:05
I just hope the McDonalds go before Ray, I couldn't stick looking at Louis's smug face

Yeah same here, they're rubbish and are out of tune most of the time. The only reason why they're still in it is because they have the whole of Scotland voting for them.

14-11-2006, 17:17
Yeah same here, they're rubbish and are out of tune most of the time. The only reason why they're still in it is because they have the whole of Scotland voting for them.

I thought Nikita would have had that too as she is scotish... MacDonald remind me of the Conway sisters last year.. totally out of tune and yet stayed after Maria was kicked out

18-11-2006, 22:14
well ray didnt sing swing tonight he sung american latino

18-11-2006, 22:22
He certainly did, and to be honest, I didn't think he was too bad. Still not a huge fan of his though. I don't think his voice is that strong.... in my opinion.

Johnny Allen
18-11-2006, 23:53
He certainly did, and to be honest, I didn't think he was too bad. Still not a huge fan of his though. I don't think his voice is that strong.... in my opinion.

Louis and Sharon got it right when they said he was a great entertainer but only an ok singer and not a recording star.

19-11-2006, 11:02
I know thats why i think he should be next to go becuase they all keep saying he's a n entertainer and has one of the weakest vocals and now we are getting to the stage wehere really really good acts are going to go becuase we are voting for the entertainer witha weaker voice. Well saying that we still nees to get rid of the Mcdonald Bros.