View Full Version : Favourite Type Of Holiday?

31-10-2006, 17:19
I've only been on package & camping holidays before and out of those two i'd definitely say package ones are the best. Adventure ones sound good though. :D

Sorry if there's already a thread like this, I did check but couldn't see anything. :searchme:

31-10-2006, 17:22
2 week/3 weeks holidays with your friends, explorign a new country or area of the UK, moving from place to place everynight. You get some good places and bad places, but it gives you something to talk about and have a laugh about. Without parents and adults its hilarious, you all chip in with cooking/cleaning up and its just a great experience.

31-10-2006, 17:24
*Looks embarrased*
Ermm what's a package holiday...

31-10-2006, 17:45
*Looks embarrased*
Ermm what's a package holiday...lol trust you :rolleyes: :D

It's like a holiday in Spain or Greece or a hot country like that where you'd stay in a hotel, you know like one you'd find in a brochure.

31-10-2006, 17:45
I prefer a holiday where I can get to know the countries culture so I tend to say away from the main tourist place. I like to relax, do some fun things and just enjoy the country for what it is

Lea: package holiday is one of those where you go with a big group and you have tour guide, everything is inclusive

31-10-2006, 18:01
Package holiday definatly.. anytime :D:p

Don't worry Lea.. I didn't know myself :lol:

31-10-2006, 18:13
Erm well, I've only ever really been to Butlins.. so other :lol:

31-10-2006, 19:46
Camping holidays anyday. either with freinds or family

31-10-2006, 20:03
all 3 really. we stay in a caravan and it's organised by eurocamp, but we do adventurey stuff aswell. but i want to go with friends, i think that'd be brilliant!

31-10-2006, 23:49
a package holiday can some times be a rip off:searchme:

I do not do camping,, I do not like buggies:sick:

I moved from the USA to Europe that is an adventure in itself LOL:)

We go to the USA and drive thru as many states as we can, for example we visited 10 states this year and put on 5818 miles on our rental car..we just wandered all over,, we try to do it every year :)

01-11-2006, 06:32
Ive said other because as much as i love going abroad because of the weather and its somewhere different thereis just something about going to holiday camps like Haven/Butlins/Pontins etc etc, i dont know what exactly i like about it i guess its just a feeling you get when you walk through the disco places and you have loads of extremely happy little kids.

01-11-2006, 09:15
i like staying at diffferent places, and doing the big city and the nice countryside. Seeing family is always a good holiday as its like one big party. I like holidays where you get to meet people.

02-11-2006, 13:02
Erm well, I've only ever really been to Butlins.. so other :lol:

I ve only beeen to Butlins too:lol: :lol: :lol:

05-11-2006, 10:30
Oh I'd have to say package hol to somewhere hot and interesting (cant sit on a beach all day getting fried), and staying in either a hotel or apartment.

I cant stand camping - did it in Italy a couple of years ago and it was soooo bloomin cold on the night, and I like the luxury of a real bed!

samantha nixon
08-11-2006, 19:48
my fav is package holiday as you can sleep all day lol and get a lovely tan
but adventure holidays sound really good as i love going stubbers for days or overnight

15-01-2007, 20:14
I love relaxing hoildays where you can sunbathe but also there needs to be something really fun to do and some entertainment.

23-06-2007, 18:25
I like package holidays where board and food are provided. I wouldn't like to go camping, I enjoy my creature comforts too much :D

Chloe O'brien
23-06-2007, 20:32
Oh I'd have to say package hol to somewhere hot and interesting (cant sit on a beach all day getting fried), and staying in either a hotel or apartment.

I cant stand camping - did it in Italy a couple of years ago and it was soooo bloomin cold on the night, and I like the luxury of a real bed!

I'm with you PB as long as I have a sunlonger to lie on, my sun cream, sunglasses, water and book. I'm happy as a flea on a dog.

23-06-2007, 20:58
Not of those options, really. I like booking flights to a random country, and then picking somewhere to stay myself. Then going out and exploring when i get there. Its great when you go to cities, especially in Italy like Naples, Pisa and Rome. So its not really a package holiday, just a kind of do it your own way, kind of thing...

Chloe O'brien
23-06-2007, 22:04
In the past I have booked last minute hoildays to Ibiza and Marjorca where you don't know where your accomodation is until you arrive at the destination. I have been lucky that the accomodation hasn't been too bad. I wouldn't do that now with having a child I like to know where we going and what's available, but when you've no comittments it's a fun way to travel the world.