View Full Version : Bon Voyage

25-10-2006, 00:59
During this two-part thriller, Neil and Elizabeth take their children David and Rachel on a camping holiday in rural France.

Oddly, they find themselves continuously bumping into over friendly couple Simon and Linda who claim to be camping with their own children.

Elizabeth finds the couple creepy, a fear which is compounded when they begin to spot Simon and Linda's camper van in their rear view mirror. Are the couple following them or is it mere coincidence?

Later, when a young boy goes missing, Elizabeth and Neil begin to suspect the oddball couple are more dangerous than creepy.

To their horror, the same boy runs screaming from the woods into the path of their car. As they look for help, stranded in the isolated forest of the Pyrenees, they see the camper van appearing out of the darkness.

When Neil and Elizabeth go to investigate, Simon and Linda have gone. And when they return to their own car, so have David and Rachel….

Did anyone watch it tonight? I thought it was great. Great acting, kept making me jump, completely thrilling. It was SO scary at the end when Neil and Elizabeth ran the kid over. When they went into the forest (leaving the kids in the car - stupid thing to do) I was on the edge of my seat!

Can't wait to see what exactly happened to Simon and Linda's kids. :hmm: It looked a bit like Simon is gonna try and molest Rachel tomorrow night.. I hope not, but then he is also gonna try and kill her, so I suppose the sexual abuse is getting off lightly. But still.. what a pervert.. *shudders*

Roll on tomorrow!

25-10-2006, 20:25
i really enjoyed and am really looking forward to tonights installment. I though Fay Ripley was amazing. I swear it would put you off camping for sure. It was a great drama.

It didnt get great reviews in the paper though, but what do they know.

29-10-2006, 13:55
I though Fay Ripley was amazing

I wouldn't exactly say that, just because she didn't really do much. :searchme: But that's just my opinion. :p

I thought Neil and Elizabeth were great, if a little relaxed at times, considering their kids had just been taken by some unhinged couple who had been stalking them for days, who had already kidnapped another child...

But their kid, Rachel, was great. The bits where he was trying to touch her were really chilling.

I did think the ending was a little lame, though. They would have done better to add half an hour or something, it was a bit rushed. I mean, suddenly they'd found the place, the kids had been let free, the parents managed to get in a fight with Simon and kill him, and then just in time, the kids appeared on the bridge..

And all this in about 10 minutes.

I wasn't convinced.

And Nicholas died! Well, got murdered.. :angry: I liked him! :crying:

samantha nixon
29-10-2006, 20:04
i missed it and i really wanted to watch it as it looked really good