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View Full Version : Emily and Sam

16-10-2006, 11:11
This is from another soapboard about Sam and Emily getting together as she helps him with baby Samson and he helps her get back into the village life and saves her from killing herself.

08-11-2006, 00:11
I think they'd make a sweet couple she isn't that different from alice.

08-11-2006, 00:23
Oh I saw Emily was back the other night, and she was back at work in the shop - Sam was there with Belle. Yeah, I can see them two getting together, though I think it would be more of a companion thing.

Mr Humphries
08-11-2006, 07:08
They would be a lovely couple, and certainly in keeping with the Dingle fashion too.

17-11-2006, 11:47
I don't see it at all. I think emily is too different from the way she was when she first came in so I doubt she could be with someone like sam.

25-11-2006, 00:13
Sam and Emily would make a really sweet couple...i could see them as good friends as a couple, though they would make a good pairing.

29-11-2006, 16:19
they would make a sweet couple, but you never know they might get together one day