View Full Version : Len Fairclough

12-10-2006, 23:14
You may have heard his name mentioned on Wednesday's episode in the discussion between Rita and Audrey. Here is a clip of Len with Rita from 1982, just before Len left Corrie in acrimonious circumstances after being in it since the start.

Also, you might recognise the social worker from somewhere.....

Also included is a scene between Bet and Alf at Alf's shop.


12-10-2006, 23:19
I remember Mr Adamson ''The Perv in the Swimming Pool.'' Good job webcams were not around then. We could have had a Dirty Len instead of a Dirty Den:rotfl:

12-10-2006, 23:21
Wow chimney tops, what interesting closing credits. :p

12-10-2006, 23:44
Those were the days Chris. :(

As Alan says, Peter Adamson was one of the most dodgy people to have ever appeared in soaps.

Chloe O'brien
14-10-2006, 14:54
That incident ruined him and his acting career. He died pennieless as no one wanted to know him after it happened.

14-10-2006, 23:21
I think he drank himself to death in his final years.

Then again after all the things he did before he finally got the boot by Bill Podmore, I'm amazed Granada had so much patience for so long!