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View Full Version : Lily Allen - Alright, Still.

09-10-2006, 21:30
I bought this on Saturday and I think it's great! I love Littlest Things and Shame For You ooh and Not Big.. I love the whole thing. I'll just say that. I love how she has such a sweet voice and the lyrics are well, the complete opposite, if that makes sense.. Yeah.

What do you think of it?? x

09-10-2006, 22:02
Oh I bought this album three months or so a go and think its brilliant!!! I love every single track on it! Her lyrics are sooooo witty, ie 'good dancer love, but you should have worn a bra' that line just cracks me up! :rotfl:

di marco
13-10-2006, 22:51
one of my housemates at uni as this album and he plays it all the time! i think its really good though and the songs are really catchy, im actually thinking of buying it now!

x Amby x
14-10-2006, 11:06
i got this the toher day! and i love it! The best ones are LDN and Littlest Things!!!

14-10-2006, 16:06
i love the album i like hte song alfie i thought it sounded abit like the eurovision song contest entery (not too sure when a bit before my time ithink) pupet on a string. i think her songs are so true. she sings about things that you think off in clubs ( friday night) and when you walk around london too. hahaha i love her songs.

14-10-2006, 16:42
I adore Alfie one of my faves as it reminds me of my own brother

14-10-2006, 17:36
the whole album is wicked! love it to bits...love ldn and knock 'em out.

EE Rocks
23-10-2006, 12:54
The album is wicked:thumbsup: !! Love Lily allen, my fave tunes are LDN, Smile and knock em out'

08-01-2007, 21:52
Just thought I'd say that I'm going to see Lily in concert in March :D

Jessie Wallace
08-01-2007, 22:24
I downloaded this a couple of months ago, i love it, it's a must for everyone's collection.
I love all the songs, Alfie being my favourite.

08-01-2007, 22:28
I love "Littlest Things" the best out of them. Its not too slow, but pretty catchy too :D

di marco
09-01-2007, 09:55
i finally bought this the other day, it was in the sale in virgin lol! havent listened to my copy yet but dont really need to seeing as my housemate seems to play his almost constantly lol!

09-01-2007, 10:01
I like this girl but everytime I went to record store to get her song I always forgot her name... now I know it and I am going to order it now before I forget

09-01-2007, 13:48
i really want it. I was going to get it today with my voucher but i got Take That instead. I think i might go next week and get it. I love the songs. I think her voice is really unique as well. s