View Full Version : Payout for Big Brother contestant

03-10-2006, 14:01
A former Big Brother contestant from Huddersfield has accepted "substantial" compensation over claims she had three-in-a-bed sex with two brothers.
Lesley Sanderson brought High Court libel proceedings over an article in the Sunday Sport in June 2005, when she appeared in the Channel 4 reality show.

The paper alleged she picked up the brothers in a Huddersfield nightclub.

It later admitted the story was untrue, printed an apology and agreed to pay an undisclosed offer of amends.

Hanna Basha told Mr Justice Eady in London that the item had caused Ms Sanderson huge distress, humiliation and embarrassment.

Publicly apologised

She said: "She found it horrific and extremely upsetting, especially knowing that it would be read by her friends and family.

"She still finds it difficult to go out socially knowing that people have read the false claims about her."

Ms Basha said the brothers had admitted they made the story up, and the Sport Newspapers Ltd accepted there was no truth in the claims.

Adam Wolanski, for the newspaper, said it was sorry for the distress the article had caused Ms Sanderson and publicly apologised.

30-10-2006, 21:19
Oh yeah, I'm SURE she found it "horrific and exremely upsetting"!
She probably thought.. "ooh, what a nice way to make myself some dosh.."

The tart! :angry: I DO NOT like that girl! :thumbsdow

31-10-2006, 11:19
Hated Lesley from day one but it's obvious that she is only looking for publicity

31-10-2006, 16:49
Hated Lesley from day one but it's obvious that she is only looking for publicity

Exactly! Anyone going in the BB house wearing a nurse's outfit, and coming out wearing a policewoman's, is asking for that sort of bad publicity. I have no sympathy for her.