View Full Version : Mickey not returning!

27-09-2006, 21:13
I was reading in Inside Soap that Mickey Stone wont be in Hustle anymore due to other filming comitments! :eek:

I personally dont like him but the show wont be the same without him!

Jessie Wallace
27-09-2006, 21:24
noooooooooooo, you can't have Hustle without him, he makes the show.

27-09-2006, 21:34
It's all change for series four of Hustle, which hits our screens next year. Adrian Lester will not be reprising his role as Mickey Stone due to other comitments but former So Solid Crew member Ashley Walters will join the cast as Billy Bond, a street kid whose spend most of his life in care homes.

great, loose Mickey and get a useless raper that probably cant act for toffee, well done BBC you had excelled yourself (again) :rolleyes:

30-09-2006, 20:16
It's a shame Mickey is not returning. He is a massive asset to Hustle and he will be a big loss to the show when series 4 begins.

30-09-2006, 20:30
What ? he cant leave, it wont be hustle without him

Crazy Gal 88
09-10-2006, 16:46
nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo - they cant do that:( it really wont be the same without him!!!

Jessie Wallace
11-10-2006, 17:26
He has just been on Paul O'Grady,. he hasn't totally left, he is in some of this series, and is in talk's as to the next series. The problem was with the filming timetable, as he was doing a movie.

12-10-2006, 15:29
I can't imagine the show without Mickey - I love the other characters, but they need him to be the leader.

On the positive side, perhaps him not being there will open up the possibility of something happening between Danny and Stacie ...

Crazy Gal 88
12-10-2006, 17:15
ooo thats very true! ive always thought they should get together and the only perosn in the way was mickey.

20-10-2006, 16:37
when does he come in what episode ashley walters i think his name is

06-11-2006, 18:01
i cant believe that nooooooo... but hes like the main part of the group, i have to admit he wasnt my favourite, but still it wont be right without him... i hate it when the do changes like this, it'll take me a long time to get use to it :mad: