View Full Version : Gay Characters

15-09-2006, 16:18
I was just wondering if you could all do me a favour?

For my media studies coursework i need to write a 3000 word essay, on a topic of our choice, but it can't be crime, and it should preferably be a comparison between two texts.

I was thinking about writing about ythe steryotypes of gay characters, and have Will & Grace in mind, but can't think of another suitable programme with gay characters. Has anyone got any ideas?

15-09-2006, 16:21
Theres Sean in Coronation Street whos gay. What exactly have you got to write about.

15-09-2006, 16:45
I can basically write about whatever i want. They want us to ask a question, and compare two different things. so i was thinking about writing about gay representation.

15-09-2006, 16:48
Theres Sean in Coronation Street whos gay. What exactly have you got to write about. or Sonia the part time Lesbian in EE or on a more serious note Paul Lambert in EDale

15-09-2006, 18:13
theres micky in holby. as well

15-09-2006, 19:22
How about justin and colin i think they do that house program on channel 5

15-09-2006, 20:53
I can basically write about whatever i want. They want us to ask a question, and compare two different things. so i was thinking about writing about gay representation.

Does it have to be two different programmes or could it be two different people. Could you not compare Jack and Will. As Jack is very much the sterotypical gay man, whereas Will isn't if you get what I mean, you could possibly compare how differently each of them are portrayed. Would that work?

16-09-2006, 13:41
How about comparing/looking at how gay portrayal has changed over the years...how its changed from Colin and Barry all those years ago when homosexuality was still frowned upon to nowadays, with Paul Lambert and Sean from Corrie maybe...are you able to do that, or have you just got to compare two from recent programmes?