View Full Version : Week 38 Spoilers

01-09-2006, 23:38
Spooks is back for a fifth, razor-sharp series. Kicking off with an explosive, two-part special and introducing some new faces, this slick, ever-topical series featuring a crack team of spies bursts back on to the screen.

A series of sinister terror strikes, combined with chronic fuel shortages, has plunged Britain into crisis. As a chronically weakened Prime Minister fights to hold on to power, the public mood turns increasingly anarchic.

As Adam recovers in hospital, he hears that the country is falling apart. A terror attack on a gas and oil depot has led to energy rationing and people are dying of cold. The media is blaming weak leadership and one media group, in particular, is peddling anti-Government propaganda. Galvanised by events, Adam discharges himself from hospital and returns to work.

Jo is protecting the Prime Minister's son, Rowan, who has received death threats. Meanwhile, the country is gripped by another wave of terror when rumours of biological warfare are propagated by the anti-Government media group. Harry is furious and confronts Millington, the media tycoon responsible for spreading mass panic.

When the team discovers that intelligence about the gas and oil attack was ignored by MI6, they grow suspicious of MI6 boss Collingwood. Adam embarks on a game of cat-and-mouse with Collingwood's colleague, Ros. Both attempt to gain information for their side.

It soon becomes clear that, far from there being a foreign terror threat, a team of highly influential businessmen and politicians is attempting to stage a coup and take control of Government. Adam fears that Ros is involved and has been leaking information back to the conspirators. He confronts her and the conspirators are forced to reveal themselves – headed by Ros's father, business mogul Jocelyn Myers.

However, they won't be defeated easily and have set in motion a chain of attacks, including a car bomb aimed at the Home Secretary. Can the team avert the attacks in time, and just whose side will Ros prove to be on? Is blood thicker than water?

Spooks – Part Two

With seconds to spare, the team manages to warn the Home Secretary about the car bomb and he survives, as the two-part story concludes. However, Juliet is also caught in the attack and is not so lucky – she is paralysed. But the conspirators still have the upper hand and have direct control over a terrified and weakened Prime Minister, who is ready to announce the introduction of "special measures to protect democracy", essentially turning Britain into a dictatorship.

Harry is appalled. It is now paramount to get to the PM via his son, Rowan, who is in hiding with Jo. The situation grows ever more grave as Harry is captured and held at a detention centre overseen by Collingwood.

Ros is in contact with Adam, but still won't accept the evidence against her father and refuses to co-operate. She still believes there is good in the conspirators' ultimate goals.

Meanwhile, a civil rights march is brewing in protest against the first executive order. Jo persuades Rowan to make a plea to his dad. He agrees and they head back to London to join the march, where Rowan delivers a live speech to a news camera.

Harry awaits execution in a cell along with a civil rights campaigner who might prove a threat to the new regime.

Malcolm and Ruth uncover damning evidence against Jocelyn Myers, which Adam uses to turn Ros. She cracks and, together, they rush to stop her father – but is it too late to save Harry?

The Home Secretary is played by Robert Glenister, Juliet by Anna Chancellor, Harry by Peter Firth, Rowan by Simon Woods, Jo by Miranda Raison, Collingwood by Nicholas Jones, Ros by Hermione Norris, Adam by Rupert Penry-Jones, Millington by Roger Allam, Malcolm by Hugh Simon, Ruth by Nicola Walker and Jocelyn Myers by John Castle.

17-09-2006, 17:06
It sounds good...i am so glad that Adam and Harry survived to be in another series. :cheer:

19-09-2006, 18:51
Is Juliet still gonna be in the series?