View Full Version : 13th and 14th september

Sam Nixon Fan
29-08-2006, 14:37
ITV1 Network Wednesday 13 September 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Superintendent John Heaton (DANIEL FLYNN) talks the team through the planned raid on a crack house and explains that he wants to pick up Kenzie Adams (ANDREW UFONDU), one of Sun Hill’s major suppliers, and his right hand man, Darren Haynes.

New girl, PC Diane Noble (KAYE WRAGG), is introduced to the team and is paired up with Sergeant Smithy (ALEX WALKINSHAW) for the day. The officers spring into action as the raid gets underway.

DS Sam Nixon (LISA MAXWELL) and Phil Hunter (SCOTT MASLEN) manage to catch a suspect before the evidence is flushed away and Diane makes a good start at Sun Hill when she and Smithy arrest Darren.

Following the raid, PCs Honey Harman (KIM TIDDY) and Yvonne Hemmingway (MICHELE AUSTIN) are shocked to discover an elderly lady, Janet Fenton (CORINNE SKINNER CARTER) locked in a room at the crack house. They soon realise that Janet, disturbed by the commotion, is having a heart attack.

Meanwhile, Sun Hill coppers raid the house next door when they suspect Kenzie is in there only to find a frightened elderly couple cowering inside. Outside the neighbours house, John is left is fuming when Inspector Gina Gold (ROBERTA TAYLOR) criticises his heavy-handed tactics and impulsive actions.

As Janet recovers in hospital, Smithy and Diane get a result when they manage to arrest Kenzie Adams. Back at the station, John and Gina are frustrated when Kenzie gives a ‘no comment’ interview.

Meanwhile, Honey discovers that Janet is Kenzie’s grandmother and persuades her make a statement against him – it is evident that her grandson locked her up so that he could use her house as a crack den. However, before Honey can interview Janet, she suffers another heart attack and dies. On hearing of her death, Kenzie decides to use the situation to his advantage by suing the police over her death and Superintendent Heaton’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach soon attracts unwelcome criticism from the press.

During the investigation, Phil sees a clearly upset Sam talking to a doctor at the hospital. She changes the subject when he asks if she’s worried about the baby and continues to look for evidence on Kenzie.

Later that day, suffering from stomach pains, Sam admits to Phil that she is miscarrying and he persuades her to go home. When DS Stuart Turner (DOUG RAO) turns up at the house, Sam forces him to admit he wasn’t ready for a family. Resolute, Sam ends their relationship when she realises Stuart is still unwilling to offer her the commitment she needs.

Elsewhere, Diane and Smithy come across Joe Preston (RAYMOND MASON), an elderly drunk who is busy fighting fellow drunk, Alfie Lovelace (DUDLEY SUTTON). Alfie is trying to take Joe’s shoes in lieu of the money he owes him. Smithy sends them on their way with a caution but when Joe is later hospitalised following another attack, Alfie is number one suspect. But, when smartly dressed witness to the attack, Andrew King (GEORGE ASPREY) starts behaving strangely, Smithy and Diane become suspicious. They soon realise Andrew is hiding something from them.

A tough day ends badly for John when he and Gina come to blows again about his policing methods. Angry, John tells Gina that if she doesn’t agree with his policies, then she should leave Sun Hill. John’s day gets worse when he arrives home late and is accused of seeing another woman by this wife, Rhiannon (REBECCA CHARLES) – his home-life is clearly strained and the only person who can lift his mood is his young daughter, Charlie (Jennifer Da Silva), who has Down’s Syndrome.

THE BILL is a talkbackTHAMES production and a direct commission by ITV. This episode was written by Sally Tatchell, directed by Gill Wilkinson and produced by Andrea Sapsford.

ITV1 Network Thursday 14 September 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Following a distressed phone call to Sun Hill, PC Emma Keane (MELANIE GUTTERIDGE) and Sergeant Smithy (ALEX WALKINSHAW) search for Beth Adamson (KEELEY FORSYTH) and find her crying in the street.

Beth claims Keith Durante (WAYNE FOSKETT) is following her again. DC Kezia Walker (CAT SIMMONS) consoles Beth and reassures her that they can arrest Durante for harassment, but not rape as they don’t have enough evidence.

Kezia pays Durante a visit at home to see if he can account for his whereabouts but he isn’t around. However, when Kezia questions his wife, Louisa (HANNAH STOREY), she doesn’t look that surprised when Kezia tells her husband has been contacting Beth again.

Meanwhile, Inspector Gina Gold (ROBERTA TAYLOR) is surprised when Borough Commander Adam Okaro (CYRIL NRI) turns up at Sun Hill. Adam is supposed to be taking his sabbatical but he wants to see Superintendent John Heaton (DANIEL FLYNN) about the bad press following Janet Fenton’s death – his Zero Tolerance policies are attracting unwelcome media criticism.

Adam is stunned to hear things between Gina and John are so bad that she is considering leaving. At a briefing, John informs the officers that he wants high visibility on Antrim Estate to deter car crime, following resident’s complaints. He challenges Adam to join him on a patrol of the estate to judge the real public perception and not that of the press. While on patrol, Adam uses the opportunity to tell John that he would do better to have Gina on side as she is an asset to Sun Hill.

Later that day, when flowers are delivered to Beth’s house with a card from Durante saying “I’m so sorry. We need to talk”, Kezia is convinced that he is seeking forgiveness. She believes that, with a gentle push, Durante might be ready to confess to the rapes.

DCI Jack Meadows (SIMON ROUSE) gives Kezia the go ahead and with cameras set up in her house; Beth agrees to try and get a confession out of Durante. With everyone in position, Durante turns up at Beth’s house but, just when it looks as though Keith might confess to rape, his phone rings and breaks the moment – the call is from work and he has to leave.

Smithy tries to comfort Beth but, terrified, she says she can’t go through something like this with Durante again. While they wait to see what Durante’s next move is, Jack arranges for a plain clothes officer to sit outside Beth’s flat to keep an eye on her. But later, the officer posted outside discovers the back door is wide open and Beth is nowhere to be found - either she has done a runner or Durante’s got her…

Elsewhere, the pressure is on Tony Stamp (GRAHAM COLE) to prove himself under John’s watchful eye. His day gets off to a bad start when his mobile rings during John’s briefing and later, while busy rescuing a kitten from a tree, youths steal the registration plate for Tony’s patrol car and slash the tyres. Tony then gets a call from his father’s carer – his dad, Norman (JOHN WOODVINE), is in hospital.

When Tony returns to the station, Gina berates him for taking off without telling anyone. She reminds him that his job is on the line – John wants younger, cheaper officers so Tony mustn’t give the Super any excuses to get rid of him.

Impressed with the sensitivity John showed Beth, Gina goes to see the Superintendent. They reconcile their differences and agree to be more ‘flexible’ with each other. Gina persuades John to come along with her to the Mayor’s goodbye drinks for Adam. At the reception, DAC Georgia Hobbs (KAZIA PELKA) makes a bee-line for John. Adam clocks their exchange and realises what is going on – these two clearly have history and Adam warns John he is playing a dangerous game.

THE BILL is a talkbackTHAMES production and a direct commission by ITV. This episode was written by Tom Higgins, directed by Reza Moradi and produced by James Hall.

29-08-2006, 16:07
What we have all been waiting for Stuart and Sam breaking up!!!!!!!
Same about the miscarraige though, but if she had it we wouldn't see her for a while.
Wonder if Gina will go????? Adam stepping it, don't think she will.

29-08-2006, 19:59
Darn you beat me to it this time:)

Excellent Spoilers --- Cheers
The Bill goes from strength to strength

30-08-2006, 09:56
Great news about sam telling stuart where to go, she needs someone who will give her the commitment. Is adam really going for good or is this another way to bring him back when John mucks up again.

30-08-2006, 11:29
Glad to see John having a hard time of it. Looks like lots of Smithy which is always good and glad that the new girl is paired with him (two ex-army people together, hope we have some exchange of army days between them sometime in the future). Also glad to see that things are going well for Smithy again. Gina won't leave, Smithy won't let her and Adam will sort things out. Wish Adam was back as Super, I really liked him in the end, he was fair and interacted well with his officers, in other words he has good people skills.

Glad that slimy Stuart and Sam split, don't like him at all.
Hopefully the Durante case won' drag on to long.
Poor Tony what on earth will he do about his dad? Unless he has a reliable carer, one who is full time and most inportantly of all trustworthy, I can't see him being able to have his dad at home and continue being a full time copper.

Overall looks like good character mix and good storyline mix. More good viewing ahead:)

02-09-2006, 10:14
Yay...finally... the news a load of us have been waiting for... Sam has finally seen the light and dumped Stuart... shame about the baby though but the thought of a baby stuart was just *arrgghhhhhh*