View Full Version : How should the team find out about Grissom and Sara?

26-08-2006, 23:04
How do you think the others should find out about the relationship?

I'm not sure but i have a feeling cath wont be too pleased about it

27-08-2006, 09:24
I don't think they should to a degree, cos its not going to last long is it?! (please, it shouldn't, it can't, I don't want any more focus on it - lets keep to the science - Grissom was supposed to mine :crying: :rotfl: )

I don't think Catherine will be too pleased either and I think it would cause a rift between them. I think it may be played with the odd glancing look etc, which is picked up on by Catherine, and then maybe Gil confessing to whats happening between them, maybe.

28-08-2006, 23:48
don't think they should to a degree, cos its not going to last long is it?! (please, it shouldn't, it can't, I don't want any more focus on it - lets keep to the science - Grissom was supposed to mine )

Lmao. Wishing there :p And what you mean it's not going to last :eek: it's going to last forever!! Or erm at least till Billy leaves

But I agree with you, I think it will be the glancing looks, and someone will notice and blah de blah. I think Catherine, Brass or Nick could possibly realise first :hmm:

Chloe O'brien
29-08-2006, 00:04
I think they should return the interaction between grissom and sara how it was in series 1 and 2 with them flirting with each other and little cute smiles. We don't want full on passion moments as it would just spoil the programme and the characters like to keep their lives private.

29-08-2006, 10:55
:moonie: it should never have happened, since Grissom said in one epi that he'd never cross the line between boss and worker. Since he had a guy who had killed his subordinate because she didn't want to go out with him.
There was nothing in that entire last epi that suggested they were going to get to gether anyway, so it really :angry: me that it happened.

29-08-2006, 11:02
Originally Posted by Ems - Grissom's wishful thinker :rolleyes: :p
don't think they should to a degree, cos its not going to last long is it?! (please, it shouldn't, it can't, I don't want any more focus on it - lets keep to the science - Grissom was supposed to mine )

Lmao. Wishing there :p And what you mean it's not going to last :eek: it's going to last forever!! Or erm at least till Billy leaves

But I agree with you, I think it will be the glancing looks, and someone will notice and blah de blah. I think Catherine, Brass or Nick could possibly realise first :hmm: :rotfl: Indeed I am his wishful thinker - although I hope the rumours about his beard for this series are completely unfounded!!!

I think there was a suggestion in that scene Soapyclean, that they had been together for a while, and that was Grissom was so comfortable talking about death in that way with her (at least that is what I have read as to what the meaning of the scene was). I always preferred the the way they were before, and I agree, Grissom has always been the one not wanting to cross that line etc. Why do they always have to pair people up in these things and bow down to public demand?! CSI hasn't been about pairing people up, its been about the science and I want it to stay that way (and want Sara to keep her mitts of my man!!! :D :rotfl: )

Chloe O'brien
29-08-2006, 13:27
I think they have put them together because in the begining sara's character was brought in to be romatically linked to Grissom, then the writers changed their mind, by which point there was a big fanclub of grissom and sara shippers set up and they have begged the writers to pair them up. I am not a big shipping fan of any programme I would rather watch a good drama for the story rather than the romance, but I don't mind them flirting. Giving the choice I would prefer grissom to be with sara than anyone else on the show. Just as long as he smiles more so we can see his cute dimples :D

29-08-2006, 13:31
I think they have put them together because in the begining sara's character was brought in to be romatically linked to Grissom, then the writers changed their mind, by which point there was a big fanclub of grissom and sara shippers set up and they have begged the writers to pair them up. I am not a big shipping fan of any programme I would rather watch a good drama for the story rather than the romance, but I don't mind them flirting. Giving the choice I would prefer grissom to be with sara than anyone else on the show. Just as long as he smiles more so we can see his cute dimples :D I totally agree with you there!! Why do writers feel compelled to have to pair people up all the time though - it isn't needed for CSI, the science etc makes the show, not pairing or budding romances! Flirting is fine, no probs with that, but I don't want to view anything further than that. I may be in the minority, but I don't think the show needs it - its great just as it is!!

The dimples are always welcomed though :D