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View Full Version : Tasha and Robbie

08-09-2005, 23:08
Tasha: Hey
Robbie: Yeah
Tasha: We love each other yeah?
Robbie: Yeah of course
Tasha: And we want to be together forever
Robbie: You know thats how I feel Tash
Tasha: Then lets do it the tradional way
Robbie: Sorry
Tasha: lets get married
(Both Smiles)
do you think they get married, they seem a bit young for me

from austrailian forums

08-09-2005, 23:12
thats so sweet :)

09-09-2005, 12:09
so cute congrats if it is!

09-09-2005, 12:14
I thgink i have heard this before and i think they do end up getting married

09-09-2005, 12:23
i dont see them getting married their 2 young

Crazy Gal 88
09-09-2005, 20:52
ahh thats wuite sweet but i think they are a bit too young! are you sure that wasnt like a little script someone had written?

10-09-2005, 10:39
cool i cant wait

10-09-2005, 19:09
They move in together dont they?

22-09-2005, 23:24
a wedding!Totally fab!These two are my fav home and away couple!:D

23-09-2005, 07:57
they do get 'married' but its not a legally binding ceremony they just have a romantic night away together in the bush and pledge themselves to each other without anyone present in their own little ceremony. it is really sweet but when they get back to the bay and announce they are man and wife no one will take them seriously and they do end up moving in together firstly with betha nd the rest of the hunters then when she leaves they move into josie's old flat although they do act like they are married and refer to each other as husband and wife

02-10-2005, 17:04
cant wait its so sweet

02-10-2005, 19:07
how cool would that be they are so good together

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 19:42
ahhbless them!lol

25-10-2005, 15:42
they are a cute couple really

04-12-2005, 22:29
Tasha and Robbie are the best couple in Home and Away! They are suited together! :)

05-12-2005, 17:23
when will this 'wedding' be on here

06-12-2005, 15:26
in the next couple of weeks around xmas time i think

07-12-2005, 16:43
I cant wait either!

09-12-2005, 09:49
i dont see them getting married their 2 young
dont use text language :banned:

09-12-2005, 21:30
in oz at the moment tasha has left robbie to be with a cult called the "beleivers" so its not a happy ending i'm afraid. The head of the cult Jonah wants to inpregnate tash because she is the chosen one and robbie finds out and she doesn't beleive him and he gives her an ultinatum, him or the believers...

12-12-2005, 10:28
in oz at the moment tasha has left robbie to be with a cult called the "beleivers" so its not a happy ending i'm afraid. The head of the cult Jonah wants to inpregnate tash because she is the chosen one and robbie finds out and she doesn't beleive him and he gives her an ultinatum, him or the believers...

wasn't the cult thing done before with Selena????? her dad or something belonged to a cult...

12-12-2005, 10:55
yes it was done before with a man called saul i don't think it was her dad though.

21-08-2006, 12:35
Sydney's The Sunday Telegraph reports today that Isabel Lucas (aka Tasha Andrews) is leaving the show, whilst Melbourne's Sunday Herald Sun reports Jason Smith (Robbie Hunter) also finished filming last week, a day before Lucas' last scene.

Lucas is leaving the show after 3 years to travel the world, claiming "I'm ready for a new chapter in my life.'' She told the Daily Telegraph that she was planning to backpack through Spain and Switzerland before spending time volunteering with OzQuest in Africa.

Lucas joined the cast in 2003 as mysterious character 'Jane Doe', who appeared from the sea speaking Pig Latin. She was later discovered to be Tasha Andrews, and over time she was revealed to be daughter of devious Angie Russell and businessman Ian Osbourne. How unfortunate for her.

Just how have Robbie and Tasha been written out of the show? Let the speculation begin.

24-08-2006, 12:41
They will probably leave together with the baby i'm not a fan of theirs so i don't mind that they are leaving