View Full Version : Grace Returns Tonight! 0:00am!

10-08-2006, 17:17
Grace will be celebrating her passage into adulthood with ALL the housemates as Big Brother has a treat in store for her tonight.

At the stroke of midnight, as Grace turns 21, Big Brother will call her from the House Next Door into the Diary Room. There she will be given her birthday present, which will be a key to the door of the main House.

The lucky lady will be allowed to spend a very special 21 minutes in the main House, where she'll be reunited with Aisleyne, Glyn and Pete and also meet Jennie for the first time.

She will be greeted with a song and a cake, but what will be the reaction of her fellow housemates? And how will Nikki cope as Grace gets VIP access to their old home and her beloved Pete?

Tune in to E4 just after midnight to find out...

10-08-2006, 17:58
Oooooo i just read this on the BB site. I have ideas why they are doing this and its not just to throw her a good birthday! Hopefully we will get the results we want, but will Aislyene really stoop to those levels on her birthday? My guess is Aislyene wont care what day it is... lol.

Surely she wont really have that much fun in there. Jennie doesnt know her, her and aislyene have a strong bond of hatred for each other, pete thinks she's moraly wrong and well Glyn... he's just Glyn and likes anyone! She's only in for 21 minutes... wonder how many cups she'll manage to chuck in that time... but my guess is she wont do it untill the 20th minute like the coward she is.

Even if aislyene holds back bacuse of her birthday i dont think that will stop Grace telling the housemates a thing or two!

10-08-2006, 18:05
omg!!! How jammy is that!!!!

I dont think that right....hope they are all in bed when she goes in

10-08-2006, 18:06
omg!!! How jammy is that!!!!

I dont think that right....hope they are all in bed when she goes in

Ha ha! :rotfl: How funny would that be! Oh i hope they are the look on her face would be priceless! :lol:

10-08-2006, 21:02
Yea!! i read this too on the Channel 4 website! i cant wait to see this happen i hope they dont put too many sound dips! cant wait to see aisleynes reaction and what they do!!!! looks like it will be a good highlights show tomorrow!! :cheer:

10-08-2006, 21:56
I'd have loved to see them all blank her, but I Know Glyn will fawn all over her. How good would it be, she goes in looking for a reaction, and they all just wander off and make tea!:rotfl:
I suppose we have to just wait and see how Ash reacts.

10-08-2006, 22:20
This should make exciting viewing, i hope Ash confronts Grace in the 21 minutes that she is in the main house, Ash can confront her about tipping a cup of water over Suzie and the bitching about her, hopefully something will kick off! If i was BB though, her birthday present would be an eviction with her suitcase in the diary room and a key to the outside world...not the main house!

Johnny Allen
10-08-2006, 23:47
I hope Ash sticks one on Grace, that cow deserves a good smack.

11-08-2006, 00:34
I was watching the first bit before the break.. Couldn't take any more of the bird and plane noises :( :angry: Why do they have that?!

Jessie Wallace
11-08-2006, 00:51
So funny Ash's face was a classic. Go Grace, someone to sort Ash out, shame she didn't stay for longer than 21 min's. She spent the whole time talking to Glen really.

11-08-2006, 10:59
that was rubbish,no spat at all...how annoying I did like grace and glynn dancing around but other than that.

why was ashynne acting like that she said she wasnt bothered yet really acted like she had been slated rotten

ashlynne was right about grace no bottle to have a go at people without her army with her. for those who missed it ashlynne did have one major dig about the water throwing but grace didnt really argue at all.mikey would have been better

11-08-2006, 11:11
I thought it was hilarious how Grace then went back into the HND and was telling everyone how Aisleyne was all worried and that she told her what she thought etc - I have never heard so many lies come out of someones mouth, but the worst thing is that all the HND housemates appear to believe her and side with her about Aisleyne.

Ash was saying she wasn't bothered, but she was and I think its cos she wanted to tell her exactly what she thought, but when adrenaline takes hold when something like that happens, it doesn't tend to work that way. Did you notice how she straight away put her hair into a bun though - she was ready for a fight if it happened, getting her hair out of the way like that.

Loved the way Pete stayed in the bathroom the entire time Grace was there and refused to speak to her.

Glyn was pathetic - I wish he was up for eviction tonight instead of Richard and that he went. Maybe they'll get rid of both Welshies for tonight instead - wishful thinking I expect on my part!

11-08-2006, 12:18
Will Grace returning to the house be shown on tonight's highlights/eviction show because i missed it when it was live and i want to see it?

11-08-2006, 12:22
Will Grace returning to the house be shown on tonight's highlights/eviction show because i missed it when it was live and i want to see it? Its bound to be - it will be interesting to see how its edited too.

11-08-2006, 12:41
Did you notice how she straight away put her hair into a bun though - she was ready for a fight if it happened, getting her hair out of the way like that.
Lmao yes!! :eek: I was looking forward to some water action but then thought it wouldn't happen and switched off :p

x Amby x
11-08-2006, 13:02
OOoo That would be a classic image seeing the look on Aisleynes face! lol When do we find out who the housemates have chosen to come back in?

11-08-2006, 13:07
OOoo That would be a classic image seeing the look on Aisleynes face! lol When do we find out who the housemates have chosen to come back in?

Tonight's live eviction show at 10pm it should be. :)

Johnny Allen
12-08-2006, 13:03
Grace is a frightened little girl who is simply all talk and nothing more, the way she bigged it up to the house next door, whereas the viewers know the full truth, Aisleyne wanted to chat about it and Grace backed away, if your going to make all these tough threats Grace at least go ahead with them.

12-08-2006, 14:45
She never even did anything the big COWARD :banned: