View Full Version : viv

06-08-2006, 14:25
viv is going to have an abortion,
Viv books an abortion, Donna breaks down in front of Scott and confess that Viv is pregnant and is convinced Viv will get rid of the baby and they try to stop her?- I heard from Shewolf's website.

Does she have an abortion or will she keep it?

12-08-2006, 21:59
I think I read somewhere that Bob manages to get to the clinic (only just) before Viv goes through with the termination. Whether he talks her out of it remains to be seen.


eastenders mad
16-08-2006, 18:36
she should keep it. cause the storyline with donna and viv was stupid

16-08-2006, 18:43
This is the article in TV Quick for the Autumn spoilers:

"Although Viv and Bob eventually sort out their misunderstandings about having a baby there are still plenty of problems on the family front. Jamie worries that the new baby will push him further from his father's affection, and this starts a downward spiral that takes a dangerous turn. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, a routine scan reveals that Viv and Bob face another dilemma on the path to parenthood."

16-08-2006, 20:50
she isn't having twins is she or is it disformed in some way?