View Full Version : Missing periods.

06-08-2006, 02:02
I started my period at 11, i'm 17 now, and have never missed one before. I've only ever been early, never late. But now my period is 2 weeks late, and i have no cramp, no nothing thta would indicate that i'm going to come on soon. Its basically impossible that i'm pregnant since the last (and first!) time i had sex was in december, and well, i think i'd know if i was 8 months gone, and have never missed one before now.

I was just wondering if it's a normal thing, like if theres other people who have gone for years being regular, never missing one, and then missing them. I heard that a symptom of making yourself sick often enough, like bulimia sufferers, they can miss periods, and stop having them? About 3 years ago i started making myself sick, that lasted a year, but the past 2 years i have done it from time to time. It's improbable that, that is the cause isnt it?

Sorry i know this sounds a bit...unnecessary, because periods are irregular. It's just i've never been irregular before, so just wanted to check it was ok.

06-08-2006, 08:48
I'm sure its fine. Several things can make your cycle go funny, stress, slightly anaemic etc. There have been times when I've been regular as clockwork, then suddenly for no reason be 2 weeks late, then be 2 weeks early, and then regular again. If nothing has happened in a week or two, you can always go to your doctors to be doubly sure.

Dr. Tangliss
08-08-2006, 07:53
jojomum is right, try not to worry about it. Chances are your cycle is out of sync which can be due to a number of things such as; stress, excessive weight loss or gain, certain medications, extreme exercise or eating disorders. Doctors only say to worry if your period has not started after 3 months.