View Full Version : Who do you want BACK in?

05-08-2006, 09:43
Choice of 10, who do you want back in?>

For me it has to be Nicky, Lea, Jayne and Lisa, becuase they gave Big Brother it's sparkle, they went in a row of 4 and it wasnt the same without them!

05-08-2006, 10:04
I agree with you 100%!

Definatly Nikki, Lea and Jayne to go back in. I cant think of anyone else i'd like to take the 4th place but yeah possibly Lisa, she'd be a good one to go in. Just as long as it's not Grace, Mikey, Susie, Sam

I just read that who ever gets put back into the secret house, the 5housemates in the main house will have to choose one fo the secret four to go back in after another person is evicted in the main house on the same night next friday. I still dont think its fair that they can win the series. Providing Richard is still in there this time next week i hope Lea, Jayne or Nikki go in just to keep him company. He will definatly be up next week i think because he's running out of friends. The rest will soon have to turn on their own closest friends.

Do you know if the old/new housemate will be allowed to nominate ect. Im sure they will if they are allowed to win.

05-08-2006, 10:20
it'll all depend on who is evicted this friday as to who goes into the house. If Richard goes then Lea dont stand a chance, but if someone like Jennie or Imogen goes then Lea will go in as Glyn, Richard and Pete will all vote in Lea.

05-08-2006, 11:31
it'll all depend on who is evicted this friday as to who goes into the house. If Richard goes then Lea dont stand a chance, but if someone like Jennie or Imogen goes then Lea will go in as Glyn, Richard and Pete will all vote in Lea.

Yep good point. So you have to be tactitcal as to who you vote out on friday as to who you want in on friday... very confusing. Who ever goes in will have an affect on them all. Say if it was Grace then richard wont stand a chance but say if it was Lea, we could see the back of Imogen or Aislyene or Jennie. Like you siad Lea will have a strong chance of going in because of Glyn, Pete and Richard but it depends who goes, it could all change

I think definatly Lea, Jayne and Nikki will go in the secret house beacuse they are the most popular of the evocted housemates.

Johnny Allen
05-08-2006, 12:02
only one is going into the main house, according to the Sun and I hope to god its Nikki. Its not been the same without her. Was anyone else suprised Jonathon wasnt there? I wanted him to get his chance in the house.

05-08-2006, 12:38
I want grace, mikey, lea and nikki to go into the secret house with lea or nikki going into the main house.

Does anyone know the reason bonnae wasnt allowed in for legal reasons?

05-08-2006, 13:44
Something about a Pizza.. shall post it soon lol x

05-08-2006, 14:41
only one is going into the main house, according to the Sun and I hope to god its Nikki. Its not been the same without her. Was anyone else suprised Jonathon wasnt there? I wanted him to get his chance in the house.

yeah just one, but the exisitng housemates decide who it is, will they really want to put up with more of Nicky's moaning: it was becuase of the moaning that she was always nominated for eviction. Agreed they like her over many others but if they had to choose between Nicky and Lea...if the majoritys work out well then I think Lea might go back in

x Amby x
05-08-2006, 15:07
I want Nikki, Spiral, Mikey and Lisa to go back in! I really hope Nikki goes into the main house, i think she deserves to win and was chucked out way to early! i woudlnt want Grace to go back in because i mean everyone voted her out because they hated her so why would they vite her back in?

05-08-2006, 16:00
So the reason y bonnie cant return to the house is because of the the pizza thing, does anyone know why sezer is unable to return.. whats the legal reason there?

05-08-2006, 16:03
Rape allagation for Sezer.

I really want Nikki back in the main house, but the four id vote for is nikki, Lea, Mickey and Lisa.

Anyone but Grace.

05-08-2006, 18:08
nicky, lea, mickey and lisa
one of them should liven it up in there!!!

05-08-2006, 18:48
Sezer in 'date rape' arrest
By This is London
24 July 2006
Former Big Brother housemate Sezer Yurtseven has been arrested by police investigating a date rape allegation in London, it has been reported.

The contestant, who was evicted from the TV house on June 2, was held at his north London home on Saturday, The Sun reported.

City of London Police launched the inquiry after a woman claimed she was raped at the Great Eastern Hotel next to Liverpool Street railway station in the early hours of Friday.
The newspaper said she reported the alleged attack within hours and was interviewed by specially-trained officers.

A routine DNA sample and fingerprints were taken from Sezer after his arrest and he was held at Bishopsgate police station overnight before being bailed on Sunday evening.

Sezer, who denies the allegation, is due to answer bail at the same police station on August 17.

A police spokesman said: "Following an allegation of rape made concerning an alleged incident on Friday morning, we arrested a 26-year-old man who has now been bailed to reappear at a police station on a date in August."

05-08-2006, 20:44
for some strange reason i want sam to go back in then grace and mikey then susie

big bro fan
05-08-2006, 20:52
I would have to choose Suzie Lea Nikki and Grace. I would like Sam as well but can only have four.

Hi guys

Chloe O'brien
05-08-2006, 20:59
I would pick nikki, lea, lisa and sam as the four to enter the secret house with nikki to return to the house next friday, but I thought that the public were getting to choose which housemate went in and not the housemates. If the housemates choose then they will think tactically and pick the weakest candidate to stop them wining so they are not going to pick nikki, but the public will

05-08-2006, 21:38
I would pick Lea, Nikki, Mikey and Lisa. Put some of the originals back in there!

06-08-2006, 19:42
Choice of 10, who do you want back in?>

For me it has to be Nicky, Lea, Jayne and Lisa, becuase they gave Big Brother it's sparkle, they went in a row of 4 and it wasnt the same without them!

I'm also agreeing, Definatly. The house hasn't been the same since they all left. And it would be fun for all if they went back in.
Although i think maybe if Grace went in, then it would be good to watch, okay she was botchey and 2 faced but she made good viewing i thought. And the whole Mickey and Imogen thing, i'd like to see how Grace and Imogen reacted by seeing each other again.

06-08-2006, 20:27
i would like to see definately nikki back in i would love her to win! ( because i know imogen wont) i would like jayne in because i did find it her really funny with her rule breaking and burps etc with susie lol! i would like susie because of jayne lol and i would like micheal :o as well i have to admit i did find him funny sometimes lol! although if lea got in with susie would like that as well seeing as they both dont like each other and there could be some arguments as a result!!!

06-08-2006, 21:43
Nikki definatly but Grace too cos it would really make it interesting. I hate Grace but some fights would really make it interesting.

07-08-2006, 13:22
I would pick Nikki, Lea, Mikey and Grace (even though I voted her out)

07-08-2006, 13:38
I've just spent a fortune sending 4 texts for Lea, she had better go in now after all this effort :rotfl:

07-08-2006, 15:16
I would pick Nikki, Lea, Mikey and Grace (even though I voted her out) I agree...grace would shake things up big time
Nikki is no doubt going in because I was boycotting BB so was nearly everyone else but now:thumbsup: nikki to win
Nikki to win no offence to pete but nikki's fantastic

07-08-2006, 17:13
I agree...grace would shake things up big time
Nikki is no doubt going in because I was boycotting BB so was nearly everyone else but now:thumbsup: nikki to win
Nikki to win no offence to pete but nikki's fantastic

I agree with you diamond. Nikki to win!

07-08-2006, 17:28
I wanted to have Nikki, Jayne, Lea and Micheal back in there, because they were entertaining free-spirits. I think Jayne and Nikki would definately clash in that house next door, which potentially could be good to watch.

Out of those 4, i either want Nikki or Lea to go back into the house. I think both would be entertaining, but i think its more likely Lea would go back in. Richard, Glyn and Pete all loved her, and would vote for her to join them in the house... Nikki just irritated them. Thats why they nominated her so many times. So theres nothing happened to make them change their minds about her- they're not looking at the entertainment factor, after all.

07-08-2006, 18:30
I would like Nikki, Grace, Sam and Lea to go back in.

07-08-2006, 18:44
The question is - do the housemates want someone they all love and the public all love back in there with them, or would they prefer someone not quite so popular.

:hmm: Are they going to vote tactically or for friends????

07-08-2006, 20:19
The question is - do the housemates want someone they all love and the public all love back in there with them, or would they prefer someone not quite so popular.

:hmm: Are they going to vote tactically or for friends????

They probably wont be told that they're eligable to win, untill after they've voted them into the house, i'd guess. So they'd go for their friends... and then probably regret it, after they're been told they can win :lol:

If they're told that the person they pick can win, then they'll all go tactical. But i doubt the producers would do that. It doesn't seem their style.

07-08-2006, 22:56
Have you seen the news about all of the complaints about it though - all along the same lines as some of us have said, with us being annoyed that we've spent daft amounts of money evicting them from the house, and now for these same people to be eligible to reenter the house (if chosen by the housemates) and possibly win.

08-08-2006, 00:15
i suppose i dont mind so much about the ex housemates going back in, even though we did spend good money to get rid of them but i dont think its fair that they then become eligble to win ( even though i would love to see nikki win!) because they have a huge advantage over the rest etc...

Johnny Allen
08-08-2006, 08:23
I dont know why people have to ring in and moan, they've had 1,000 complaints or so, its stupid if you dont like the idea, simply dont vote for anyone to go back in, I thought that would be the simple solution.

08-08-2006, 11:13
I dont know why people have to ring in and moan, they've had 1,000 complaints or so, its stupid if you dont like the idea, simply dont vote for anyone to go back in, I thought that would be the simple solution.

I can understand the complaints... imagine if you spent a fortune keeping someone out and then they go back in and win...For those of us who did the SBBB early this year.. we got annoyed that someone who was voted out could come back in and win... personally I want Nikki back in, even though i don't like her, but Pete and Jennie is getting friendly and I don't think Nikki will like that