View Full Version : Week 34 spoilers

irish eyes
04-08-2006, 15:40
Casualty – Last Orders
Saturday 19 August
8.35-9.25pm BBC ONE

Nina tells Abs that their relationship is over and he gets the wrong impression when he sees Greg comforting her, as the hospital drama continues. Later, Nina breaks the rules at work and Josh has some bad news for her.

Meanwhile, Guppy and Kelsey wake up naked in bed together. He has no idea what happened and she teases him at work. Has Guppy lost his virginity?

Elsewhere, Tess is devastated when Sam tells her he's moved out and Mike says he wants a divorce. She visits a bar to drown her sorrows and returns to work, tipsy, where Abs tries to cover for her.

Ellen is terrified about receiving her HCG results. Harry speeds the process up but will the news be good or bad?

Nina is played by Rebekah Gibbs, Abs by James Redmond, Josh by Ian Bleasdale, Guppy by Elyes Gabel, Kelsey by Janine Mellor, Tess by Suzanne Packer, Sam by Luke Bailey and Ellen by Georgian Bouzova.

04-08-2006, 20:09
oh no poor guppy!! he deserves someone better than kelsey surely!!

04-08-2006, 20:40
I like Kelsey, but I do agree, Guppy deserves someone better...liker er me :p! Is anyone else here like in love with Guppy 8-)

I hope it's good news for Ellen! And Tess tipsy at work :eek: surprised! But should be good.

Crazy Gal 88
05-08-2006, 13:04
ahh why does nina end it??? and im guessing what she done will reslut in her being fired????

05-08-2006, 14:53
Hope Ellens ok, never use to like her but i have really warmed to her character recently. And we have Tess turning up to work a bit worse for wear oh no. Wonder what has actual happened between Kelsey and Guppy, can just see her winding him up.

05-08-2006, 19:39
I really don't like Kelsey, she can be mean when she wants to be! I feel sorry for Guppy, Kelsey shouldn't tease him like that!

I hope Ellen gets good news from her results and i also feel sorry for Abs, i hope him and Nina sort out their problems.

06-08-2006, 13:05
aww this will be a sad eppy !! i dont get whats happened between mike and tess !?. and why sam doesn't want to see him. poor guppy !! bu it is aboutt ime he lost his virginity, but i agree could of been someone better than kelsey who will just tease him!

07-08-2006, 09:07
I wonder what Nina did wrong? you reckon josh tells her she's fired?