View Full Version : who cant you stand??????????

03-08-2006, 18:17
hiya everyone.. just wondering who cant you stand in the BB house?

03-08-2006, 18:23
suzie!, i mean she's a nice girl but seems too boring and like glyn said once she's only in there to get something out of it afterwards like a career or fame because she has a rich husband and just wants a career or something. whats the point of having people like her in teh house we need action not people sitting around drinking cups of tea all day

03-08-2006, 18:28
Yeah i agree lol her husband payed all that money to get her on there.. and all shes doing is drinking tea

Johnny Allen
04-08-2006, 00:02
dont like
Mikey- annoying prat who thinks the only way to pass of as being interesting is to cause needless arguments, I wish he would shut up.

Jennie- sure shes a nice girl but shes all mouth and nothing else, just give it a rest for once in your life girl.

Susie- yes tea, yes oh la la la, yeah I like my tea love but do stop being boring and shout and swear just once to make yourself seem not only human but may be a little bit entertaining.

Glyn- he has his moments, but I can stand his laugh, his drunken behaviour, his sexed crazed ways, his completely rubbish nomination excuses, and his hatred for England. Yes he can be funny but I dont know there are times I want to smack him silly.

Aisleyne- the ghetto girl makes me laugh, she sure has her moments, and I think the public are being a little tough on her.

Imogen.- she might not do alot but she has a fantastic laugh, and she has had some right good moments in the house.

Richard- I hope hes in the final two, at least the final 3 please because hes the funniest, most original and interesting character in there, and I just love him for his determination and his put downs, Richard has to be in the final 4.

Pete- well its Pete and everyone loves him,.

04-08-2006, 10:10
i really dont like mikey and glyn i cant stand him.

imogen ive never liked just because she is boring and i cant see why she is still in there this long!

Aisleyene im not keen on either

the rest are ok! im loving richard now

04-08-2006, 10:18
there is only 4 i cant stand now and that is susie
mikey and glyn and jennie

04-08-2006, 16:46
ashleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyne! she's so false. bring back nikki!

04-08-2006, 18:29
RICHARD!!!! :angry:

04-08-2006, 19:08
ashleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyne! she's so false. bring back nikki!

I've heard rumours she is going back in tonight, lets hope so!!!

04-08-2006, 19:46
Don't shoot me, but I can't stand Nikki

I also cant stand, Mikey, Aisleyne, Imogen, Jennie, Susie - Pete or Richard to win :D

05-08-2006, 08:50
i really can't stand susie, she is just so dull!!!!
please don't let her back in!!!!!