View Full Version : How to Solve a Problem Like Maria?

29-07-2006, 19:33
Is anyone watching this?

i think this is hilarious graham norton is great as the presenter on this

29-07-2006, 19:46
It's great!! Me and Vicky are like creasing ourselves!
I really love that Bryonny girl!! She's so sweet :wub:
And I think it's cool how he's ringing loads of them back :eek:

29-07-2006, 19:56
this was great, i thought it would be rubbish but it wasnt. Lokks like troubles ahead though lol

29-07-2006, 20:37
That was absolutely fantasticim so glad i saw the advert for this when they didnt have a date confirmed, i just had to tell lea about it, so glad she was here tonight to do a chat sessiion about it.

Before it even started properly me and lea like Leanne from Essex thats so screaming out that me and Lea want her to win because her name is Leanne (and so is Lea's) and shes from Essex (so am i) so perfect candidate i think :cheer:

Brill first show i loved the nutter who got called by Andrew to go back again (the one who got to to grow up technically) she was barmy but loved her

29-07-2006, 20:39
brilliant show cant wait till next week!!


only i am the real true maria!! LOL

* start singing in out of tune!*
doe a deer a female deer, ray a drop of golden sunnnnnnnnnn, meeeee a name i call myself

29-07-2006, 20:43

only i am the real true maria!! LOL

No that would be me and Lea, we are Maria twins :rotfl: :wub:

29-07-2006, 20:46
Yep I hate to tell you, but I AM Maria... and Vicky is a very close understudy ;-)

*Window cracks* DEBS!! What did you do :p

haha but yeah can't wait til next weeks ! :p

29-07-2006, 20:47
No that would be me and Lea, we are Maria twins :rotfl: :wub:

:( :crying:

you can have maria triplets you know :cool: :cool: :lol:

29-07-2006, 20:51
:( :crying:

you can have maria triplets you know :cool: :cool: :lol:

Ohhh Maria triplets what a brill idea, more Maria's the better i say :cheer: :cheer:

29-07-2006, 20:52
Yahhh Debs you can be our Maria triplet.. cause you can sing just like us ;-) She didnt really crack the window..it was my fish... he's a wannabe too. :p

29-07-2006, 20:58
:cheer: im going to be a maria!! * debs puts cunning plan into action to get rid of these two phonies :rotfl:

29-07-2006, 21:01
I loved this programme! Everytime Andrew Lloyd Webber come on, i was in histerics. You could see he was totally undermining the judges 24/7- it was great!

Some of those singers was awfull, i dont know what they thought they were doing there. They were getting nerves just doing it in front of a tiny audience- how are they going to do it at the palladium? That place is huge!I bet their acting wont be much better...

This show is great anyway! :D

29-07-2006, 21:01
as i read in a tv column in the Sun yesterday:

"How do you solve a problem like Maria? - An AK47"

29-07-2006, 21:05
:cheer: im going to be a maria!! * debs puts cunning plan into action to get rid of these two phonies :rotfl:

:eek: After we let you become a 3rd Maria with us, this is how you so nicely repay us well thats gratitude for ya...thanks :lol:

Totally disagreed with some of the judges decisions and so did Andrew :cheer:

29-07-2006, 21:07
Thats it Debs.. *kicks her* You're out.. get outta my twindom... go on get ahttttt!!! 8-) :p

Bryan.. what does AK47 mean :S

Abbey.. yeah I like how he was undermining them too!!

29-07-2006, 21:28
AK47 is a gun lol

I caught the end of this - enjoyed it, and thought it was great that ALW had a say in some of the girls going to the school - some of the ones they said weren't going had great voices imo.

Seems like a slightly better programme for Graham to present (better than that dancing one anyway)

Chloe O'brien
29-07-2006, 22:25
The show was better than I thought it would be. That Bryany girl was hilarous she just wouldn't give up.

29-07-2006, 23:19
Wow i loved it cant wait for next week :cheer: x

30-07-2006, 11:52
I thought it was really good, loved Kirsty the northen Irish girl and Briony who knew the show inside out. Graham Norton was just made to present these sorts of shpws.

30-07-2006, 13:59
Yeah she was good, she wasn't a bad singer either when her nerves didn't get the better of her. I can't wait to see everyones faces when the 4 extra girls turn up next week, they have to get 55 girls down to 10 well that's going to be hard.
It was good to see that people who hadn't had any singing lessons were just as good as the others. I thought that kirsty was ace, she just made me laugh.

05-08-2006, 22:05
did anyone watch tonights shows? i cant believe bryony's (sp?) out!! i really thought she was going to be the one.

Think i'll be voting for leanne now

Chloe O'brien
05-08-2006, 22:45
I know i was so disapointed when Bryony didn't get through poor soul, but I hope leanne does well

06-08-2006, 11:06
is the croatian one trough? i liked her... but i never watched part 2 becuase of big brother

06-08-2006, 11:11
yeah she's through although i dont think she should be - theres no way shes going to be maria Siobhan should have got through or bryony in her place

x Amby x
06-08-2006, 11:56
That Irish girl cracks me up! She was like Oh My Gorddd! lol I think its quite good, Granham Norton is fantastic!

06-08-2006, 12:18
Is anyone watching this?

i think this is hilarious graham norton is great as the presenter on this

I think this is a brilliant program... I love Andrew Lloyd Webber.. hes awesome,, and loved the way he said watching things happen was like watching a train wreck,, hes a great guy..
Hasnt he been knighted already ?? if so he is Sir Andrew ???:searchme:
I was amazed they picked that Croatian gal,her choice of song was interesting,, I noticed alot of girls used songs from My Fair Lady...

06-08-2006, 13:16
Yeah i'm gutted them two are out, hope Leanne does really well, I don't like that Emily her attitude is really bad. Thought It was good when she was talking to Zoe, she doesn't like her either but then she admitted she was good enough to get through at the end. Hope all the girls keep it up.

06-08-2006, 14:52
cant stand Emily, shes so not Maria, i think now Bryonys gone ill be behind Leanne the shop girl with no training.

06-08-2006, 15:16
I can't beleive Brionys out! She would be so good at being Maria- she's fill the whole stage up, and make it her own, rather than becoming a shivering wreck like most of them would :rolleyes:

I can't stand Emily. She'd be awfull- Siobhan was 10 times better than her, even though she'd lost her voice! And seriously, thats saying something.

I'm backing Leanne now, i guess. Though, the rest will probably, and hopefully, up their game for the live shows. Fingers crossed, at least.

06-08-2006, 15:44
I really dont like the guy thats doing the choosing is it David or something. Hes such a pervert, and only only picks people if he fancied them. I didnt really like Siobhan i think she was pretty and had a good voice but i dont think the part was right forh her.

08-08-2006, 09:33
The 10 singers who will compete for the lead role in a West End production of The Sound of Music, via a BBC talent show, have been revealed.
The contestants on How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? will include police intelligence officer Laura Sicurello, 26, and waitress Helena Blackman, 23.

But Emilie Alford, 22, who made the final 10 on Saturday night's show, has withdrawn from the competition.

The finalists will compete for public votes in a live weekly show on BBC One.

Fashion student Siobhan Dillon, 21, will take the place vacated by Ms Alford, who decided she did not want to be a stage singer.

A mixture of classically trained performers and amateurs have made it through to the last stages of the competition.

Both Aoife Mulholland, 28, from Ireland and Abi Finley, 23, are studying for an MA in Acting and Musical Theatre at the Central School of Speech and Drama.

They are joined by Turkish-Cypriot student Meliz Serman, 23, who had never before auditioned for a West End show, and Leanne Dobinson, 20, who taught herself to sing in four foreign languages by borrowing CDs from her local library.

Other contestants include voice coach Belinda Evans, 28, classically trained call centre operator Connie Fisher, 23, and Romanian actress Simona Armstrong, 28.

The 10 finalists were chosen through a series of open auditions, judged by Lord Lloyd Webber and a panel of experts.

They will now sing live - and face a public vote - every Saturday in the BBC talent competition, hosted by Graham Norton.

The eventual winner will star in a new West End production of the Sound Of Music, which debuts at the London Palladium on 3 November 2006. The role of Maria von Trapp was made famous by Julie Andrews in the 1965 film version of The Sound of Music.

Based on a musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, it won five Oscars including best picture.

08-08-2006, 11:33
ooh, I wonder why she withdrew, all that fuss over nothing. Maybe she realised she was never going to win.

08-08-2006, 13:27
she probably watched saturdays show and realised how horrible she was!! Good to hear Siobhans back in though......wish briony was there now she WAS maria

09-08-2006, 16:45
So glad to here that she has gone (I sound dead bad don't I) but i really didn't like her, her attitude was really bad. So glad to see Siobhan back, hopefully her voice will be better.

x Amby x
09-08-2006, 16:47
i thought that Briony would have made a good Maria!

12-08-2006, 19:53
Tonight Leanne and Meliz were the best.. in my opinion. Also quite fond of Abi, Simona and the other one who sang over the rainbow as well. I feel sorry for Simona though, If they didn't want a Romanian Maria, then why let Simona get this far... surely it's not fair on her!

12-08-2006, 21:03
i dunno what were there names, but the ones who did Torn and Crazy Chick were both TERRIBLE, it was partly because they gave them some rather odd song choices to do, but still their acting was awful.
the girl who went first and did Its Oh So Quiet was pretty good though, i was worried that she had to do that song but she performed it really well!

12-08-2006, 23:46
I kind of wanted the other one to go tonight. But then she did do a little better on 'No matter what' than the other, so you know.

Chloe O'brien
12-08-2006, 23:59
I missed tonights show as I was watching the x-factor, which is back next saturday yippeee :cheer: anyway I am confused about that girl withdrawing from the competition at such a late date, if she didn't really want to be a stage actress why bloody audition in the first place, poor bryony could have got her place okay she may be a bit dippy but at least she is committed to being a singer

13-08-2006, 00:11
That Emilie girl, wrote a letter to the, and in it said that she wanted to focus mroe on classical music or something, and that singing in a musical could ruin her voice or something. When Graham read the letter it was so funny haha! But yah Andrew agreed that it could ruin her voice. I still think she was just stuck up, possibly trying to prove she could make the final 10.

I agree Brionny should have taken her place :p

13-08-2006, 12:50
i idint like the girl that sang crazy chick - it was awful!!!

14-08-2006, 14:19
I wish Briony had made the last ten, but never mind, as she said if one door closes a window opens somewhere else, so maybe she has been snapped up by someone else.
I really wish that they were singing to Musical songs not pop songs though.

14-08-2006, 16:04
There not singing pop songs next week they are singing higher songs, they called them a special name on the show but can't remember what they were called. But anyway hopefully some of them will be musical song as it would be good to here them sing in different ways.

19-08-2006, 20:18
omg that Helena is awful! i was amazed when they said that her 'woman in love' was so good, to me she just shrieked the whole thing!
Siobhan was very good though. but oh my word the double entendres that slipped into tonights show! :lol:

20-08-2006, 12:49
I like Aofie i thought her song was really good she acted it oyut as well. I also like Abi and Leanne. Thought Meliz would go myself but i dont really mind Belinad went. I dodnt really like her that much.

20-08-2006, 17:42
I like Aofie i thought her song was really good she acted it out as well.

I agree with you there, I though Siobhan was really good as well and so was Leanne yet again.

20-08-2006, 18:24
Connie is gonna win it! She's amazing! plus she can act as well! She just seems like 'Maria' IMO

20-08-2006, 20:59
i still love the end bit when they sing so long fairwell to the person thats voted off! cruel but funny!

26-08-2006, 22:16
I'm glad Meliz has gone! I really didn't think she was good. Especially tonight.. although it was a rather hard song to sing!

My new favourite is Abi, I love her, she's cool, and can sing :D Like Connie and Leanne alot too!

Really going off Simona though..

26-08-2006, 22:37
my fave is connie!!! she is totally fab!!!!!

26-08-2006, 22:38
connies going to win...she has too i was between her and leanne but after tonight im voting connie all the way

EE Rocks
26-08-2006, 22:38
Yeah, Connie is amazing. I am glad Meliz has gone, she was definetly the weakest singer.

Chloe O'brien
26-08-2006, 23:29
how did leanne get left until the last one to go through again, she was fab tonight. next week two will go one may be Helena and I think maybe simone as Andrew doesn't think she will be maria

27-08-2006, 09:27
Connie is brilliant - her whole thoughts on the audition process, saying about its a massive opportunity just being on the show etc, and its so true. Even if they don't become Maria (and I personally think Connie would make a fantastic one) this will open lots of doors for them.

Meliz deserved to go tonight, its just a shame she didn't go last week.

Abi was great too though. Simona should go next. Shes too hard faced to be Maria - she never smiles!

27-08-2006, 11:45
i still can't stand Helena, i just can't get over it! sounds a bit harsh, but i don't think she's pretty enough to be Maria, and her voice is just a bit odd to me- Maria needs a clear, classy voice.
i still really like Leanne, but they gave her a really tough song to do this week. simone seems like she's going slightly mad, poor girl!

27-08-2006, 14:04
I love Connie and Abi, oh and the Irish one as well! They are fab, Connie has to win though.

Has anyone seen the paper today? That Andrew has already signed up Maria already to a girl called Emma who played Truly Scrumptious in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! And the person who wins this show will have a 6 month contract and perform abour 5-6 of the shows a week out of the 8!

A bit unfair and a con really!

27-08-2006, 14:28
Connie to WIN!
She is sooo funny she can sing as well as act and she like fabulous!
and i like leanne but simone should win if connie doesnt because she is comedy value!

27-08-2006, 15:07
Connie is brilliant
Simona should go next. Shes too hard faced to be Maria - she never smiles!

Totally agree. I really don't like simona, i mean good on her for trying and all but she is just too hard faced.
Love Connie have done since i started watching, i can see her as Maria.

27-08-2006, 17:58
Abi did really well tonight, glad she got some praise at last, she deserved it, best performance of the night. Still really like Siobhan and leanne aswell, but i think Connie looks like a maria.
Can't really stand simona though.

27-08-2006, 18:27
I really like Siobhan, Abi, connie :)

27-08-2006, 18:47
Love this show.

My favorite Marias are Connie (No.1) and Leanne.

I cannot stand Siabhan! Possibly unfairly, I haven't been able to stand her since that sleazy judge put her in on looks alone.

I don't feel that Helena has what it takes, and I agree that the hungarian girl is trying too hard.

Chloe O'brien
28-08-2006, 23:55
Simon Shepherd has been signed up to play Captain von Trapp in the new production of The Sound Of Music.

The ex-Peak Practice star will appear opposite the winner of How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria?, the BBC's reality programme to find the leading lady for the show.

Shepherd overcame competition from Anthony Head and Robert Lindsay for the role.

A source said: "Simon is perfect. The women will love him and he has a magnificent singing voice."

29-08-2006, 11:15
Haven't really been following this too closely but how come John Barrowman is a judge on this.

29-08-2006, 11:28
Hes done loads of theatre work, musicals etc including, Beauty and the Beast, Sunset Boulevard, Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago etc, so I should think, because hes fairly well known on the BBC circuit now, and has the theatre experience, they wanted him as a judge

29-08-2006, 14:40
Hes done loads of theatre work, musicals etc including, Beauty and the Beast, Sunset Boulevard, Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago etc, so I should think, because hes fairly well known on the BBC circuit now, and has the theatre experience, they wanted him as a judge
yeah, he's a west end leading man, and since they're looking for a west end leading woman, he probably has a good idea of what it takes not only with ability but also the pressures of workload etc.
plus i thought it was good what he said last week to simona, that he's had to overcome his accent to play lead parts and that he wanted to try and help her. i hope they've done that this week.

29-08-2006, 15:46
I am gutted - I had assumed that John "Captain Jack" Barrowman was to be Von Trapp!

I am planning a weekend in London in November and have been lobbying my husband hard about seeing 'The Sound of Music'.

I am not bothered about going to that now!

02-09-2006, 17:01
I must agree about wanting to see the production before but now we know its all been a lie ive just lost interest in even wanting to watch the reality show never mind the actual show.

I really liked Andrew Lloyd Webber before that, he was different to the people that are on other reality shows like this that are the bigger people of the judges for example Xfactors big judge is Simon and his nasty but ALW was different so i liked him but then this changed my whole opinon of him and the show.

02-09-2006, 21:31
I must say that I am very disapointed that Leanne has gone. I think she's really good. Although it was tough between her and poor Helena, as Helena is fab too. I feel so sorry for her bless her :rotfl:
Current favourites are Connie and Abi...slightly Siobhan. I have a strange feeling that Siobhan may possibly win...the judges love her, Andrew love her, and well most of the public love her.. I kind of hope Connie wins though. Although with the whole scammage at the moment, not sure what to make of it.

Chloe O'brien
02-09-2006, 23:27
I hope Connie, Abi and Aiofe make it to the final. Sibohan has to go next week she's only lasted this long cause the judges fancy her :angry:

02-09-2006, 23:35
Hasn't Abi got like the greatest personality :p I love her, shes great. And rather funny :p

03-09-2006, 13:39
I have had it with this show now i will now just be watching the XFactor because to be honest i dont care who wins this Maria thing now

03-09-2006, 13:58
Really glad Simona's gone, Knew that if Leanne didn't go through by the vote then the judges would get rid of her. They all think she's to young so why did they put her through in the first place. Really like Siobhan she did really well singing with the two children from chitty chitty bang bang. Hope Abi does well to.

04-09-2006, 12:28
omg, can we jut get rid of Helena please?! don't the judges get the hint that the public really don't want her to be Maria?

04-09-2006, 14:07
omg, can we jut get rid of Helena please?! don't the judges get the hint that the public really don't want her to be Maria?

that is exactly what my sister was saying on saturday when we both watched it. they want a maria who will bring in ticket sales from her tv fame...helena wont do that, how many times has she been up now? we dont want her to be maria. end of! Kind of want Aoife or Siobhan to win now.

09-09-2006, 12:50
just read that they're all doing duets with a leading man tonight, i hope this means that they're finally all singing songs from musicals!

09-09-2006, 20:04
:crying: :crying: Can't believe Abi has gone :( I voted for her aswell :p She was so much better than Aoife!! Not happy! If Siobhan wins overall, again I will not be happy. I now want Connie to win!

I was SO surprised that it was Helena and not Siobhan who was guaranteed next week! I really though Siobhan would be! I'm rather glad! Bit unhappy Siobhan is through :p but I guess she was better than Aiofe this week! CONNIE TO WIN :D

Chloe O'brien
09-09-2006, 22:07
I can't believe that both Abi and Aoife were booted out this week instead of Helena and Sibohan. Connie has to win it next week without a doubt loved the snogging part with john barrymore

09-09-2006, 22:57
Didn't you find a rather strange attraction towards him then :p or was that just me :p

09-09-2006, 23:10
Didn't you find a rather strange attraction towards him then :p or was that just me :p Nope not just you lea :p you should of seen the look on my face when he was kissing the girls :rotfl:

09-09-2006, 23:21
Bree i was talkign to you at the same time :p you and Ann both found him good looking and you know it!!

10-09-2006, 09:08
As much as i hated Helena, i must agree with vocal coach Zoe that it was a brilliant performance last night, her facial expressions had dissappeared which was great and she just sang her heart out. I didn't really want her in the final but last night she was really good. Glad Andrew saved Siobhan though, even though she wasn't as good last night, she had proved previous what she can do.

10-09-2006, 19:16
I thought John Barrowmore was a sleaze - why not tell the girls that he was going to kiss them?

I cannot stand Siabhan. I hope that Connie wins.

10-09-2006, 19:25
I thought John Barrowmore was a sleaze - why not tell the girls that he was going to kiss them?

I cannot stand Siabhan. I hope that Connie wins.

he just wanted to test how they reacted to suprise...i think i fell in love with him lol

Chloe O'brien
10-09-2006, 23:44
I think if the girls new he was going to kiss them then he wouldn't have got the reaction he was looking for. I like john he's certainly a bit of a charmer. I'm wondering if we will meet the actor who is to play Captain Von Trapp at the final, rumour has it that it is Simon Shepherd from peak practice

11-09-2006, 10:45
i really dont like connie, i think she feels she is bound to win! i hope she dosent. I like helena im so gald she got through this week and wasnt in either of the sing offs! HELENA TO WIN

11-09-2006, 12:26
argh, can't believe i'm saying this after all my Helena-bashing, but yes, she was really good this week! still don;t think she should win, btu she at least deserves to be there.
and omg Siobahn was terrible this week, they should have given All That Jazz to Abi, she would have raised the roof with it! (although her rendition of Maybe This Time really blew me away i must say). and not onyl was Siobahn baaad at All That Jazz but they showed she was rubbish at acting and still kept her in! and after Aiofe had somehow managed to pull off Footloose, which was a really hard and odd song to make her do. is it me or is Siobahn getting a bit smug these days?

11-09-2006, 12:41
Im gutted Aoife got sent home!! shes much better than Siobahn, i honestly believe its down to her looks why she is still there! I could never see her being able to perform all them times at the West End! I can definately see Connie doing so though!
Connie to win!

12-09-2006, 12:24
he just wanted to test how they reacted to suprise...i think i fell in love with him lol

Fell in love with him!!! Lee!!! The man loves himself enough as it is!!!

Now two of the judges are SLEAZES.

I am so glad that I am talentless, there is no casting couch in my University....

The judge who loves Siabhan - the one who looks like Max Clifford - he is the biggest sleaze on the planet.

12-09-2006, 12:54
bit of topic as I don't watch this program but I am amazed at how many people cannot spell my name... SIOBHAN!!

Anyway, I thought this was already decided or did I read it wrong somewhere?

12-09-2006, 13:25
Fell in love with him!!! Lee!!! The man loves himself enough as it is!!!

Now two of the judges are SLEAZES.

I am so glad that I am talentless, there is no casting couch in my University....

The judge who loves Siabhan - the one who looks like Max Clifford - he is the biggest sleaze on the planet.

ok i agree with you the one who looks like max clifford is a sleaze but how could you not have fell in love with him when he was doing that scene with them....i went all weak at the knees :wub:

12-09-2006, 17:34
bit of topic as I don't watch this program but I am amazed at how many people cannot spell my name... SIOBHAN!!

Anyway, I thought this was already decided or did I read it wrong somewhere?


The series isnot yet finished, and the peoples choice Maria is still to be picked, however rumour has it that another actress has already been given a contract for 12 months and that the role is to be shared... who knows?

Chloe O'brien
16-09-2006, 00:28
tonight is the final who do you think will win. I'm going for 1st place Connie, 2nd place Siobhan, 3rd place Helena

Dr. Tangliss
16-09-2006, 08:35
Yeap, I'm thinking the same as you. Connie is trained in performance, and is very visual when she sings.

16-09-2006, 09:01
Anyway, I thought this was already decided or did I read it wrong somewhere?

It was stated that Andrew had picked a random girl who no one knows to do the part for 6/8 of the shows a week (im sure it was 6 but correct me if im wrong) leaving the one we picked to do the others, then David Ian made a statement that its the other way round and that our Mariawill do 6 and this Emma will do the others

17-09-2006, 09:13
so glad connie won!!!!! she was the best by far!!!!!!

17-09-2006, 09:36
Im so glad connie won, she was definatly the best throughout and the most consisitant vocally and in her acting ability.

17-09-2006, 10:13
I was delighted for Connie.

Sad for Helena, though - she worked so hard.

I was happy that Siobhan was last.

17-09-2006, 12:08
Glad connie won - she deserved it and i would pay to see her as maria

17-09-2006, 13:24
Glad connie won - she deserved it and i would pay to see her as maria

You should come see it with me and Lea hunni

Chloe O'brien
17-09-2006, 22:05
right hands up all those who were singing along with doe-a-deer and the yoddeling song last night, cause I was. :rotfl:

17-09-2006, 22:40
yey for Connie winning, she totally blew the other two out of the water with As Long As He Needs Me, and hurrah for seeing Shout again!
can we assume there will be a little documentary at some point showing how she does in rehearsals and leading up to opening night etc?

17-09-2006, 22:42
yay so glad connie won :cheer: i'd pay to see her in the sound of music :p

18-09-2006, 10:07
Maria winner 'must share the role'

Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber said he had a duty to protect the career of his latest star by limiting her appearances in his West End revival of The Sound of Music.

Connie Fisher, a 23-year-old former call-centre worker, will take the role of Maria, the singing nun played by Julie Andrews in the 1965 film.

She was voted into the role by viewers who had to choose between her and Helena Blackman during the live finale of the BBC1 show How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?

After winning, Connie vowed not to let anybody down and said she had the stamina to perform eight times a week.

But it has been revealed she wouldn't be starring in every show in order to stop her from "ending up like Julie Andrews" by straining her voice.

Lord Lloyd Webber, the co-producer of the Sound of Music, pledged she would perform at least six times a week.

He said: "I will consider her natural desire to sing in every performance and fully understand it. However, we have to bear her age in mind and have a duty to protect her voice.

"I am irritated by some of the nonsense that has been written about this. Connie is only 23 years old and in the West End musical world it is absolutely normal for a younger leading lady to sing only six out of eight possible performances a week.

"We have a duty to consider what is best for Connie's career in the longer run. We certainly do not want her ending up like Julie Andrews who strained her voice when young and who can no longer sing."

After winning, Connie said: "Every night will be opening night. Thank you for making my dream come true."

from Yahoo News

I have to say - I agree with him.

18-09-2006, 12:09
i agree with him too i wish they were showing her rehearsing and stuff like that in another little show right up to her opening night

18-09-2006, 12:14
I was sort of wondering what all the fuss was about with casting someone else. I mean for an "unknown" to be thrown into doing that many shows a week - it would be asking for trouble (exhaustion, loss of voice etc.) At least this way, she is doing the majority of the shows but having a break too. Best of both worlds I think.

18-09-2006, 16:38
Im so gald she won and i think it doesn make sense that she wont be palying Maria the whole time

18-09-2006, 16:42
I think he definatly knows wht hes talking about and you definatly need someone that can do the majority but not risking the loss of voice.

18-09-2006, 16:46
Exactly so even thougth its sounds unfair its not really when you think about it logically

18-09-2006, 16:47
yeh definatly. I mean i did a show for 11 nights which had a lot of singing and after the 11 shows i was so ill, it took like a week to recover. So multiply that by a much bigger part lot more singing and a lot more shows, its quite realsitic.

18-09-2006, 16:51
yeh definatly. I mean i did a show for 11 nights which had a lot of singing and after the 11 shows i was so ill, it took like a week to recover. So multiply that by a much bigger part lot more singing and a lot more shows, its quite realsitic. yer exactly, all i wish now is that i could see her in the show

18-09-2006, 21:33
Fair enough Conni would be tired and all that but why not get two people from the show, have more of them get to the live shows then leave four right at the end and the two left has the parts divided equally

Chloe O'brien
19-09-2006, 00:57
I agree with Andrew lloyd webber in principal that it probably would damage connie's voice to do all of the performances, but why were they not straight with the public from the beginging. Connie is due to star in her first performance as Maria on 14 November, therefore tickets are likely to be on sale now or will be in the next few weeks. don't you think that the public who have purchased tickets for the performances that the stand in will be doing will be rather p***ed off at not seeing connie. As in my opinion there will be a lot more interest for the public to see due to the show than there would have been if they had just put an unknow actress in the role without the reality auditions

22-09-2006, 15:02
just read this on bbc entertainment news

'Alternate' Maria quits musical

The actress hired to share the role of Maria in The Sound of Music with talent show winner Connie Fisher has left the Andrew Lloyd Webber production.
Emma Williams, who previously starred in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, had been contracted to appear in the West End show in two performances a week.

In a statement, however, Lloyd Webber confirmed reports she had "withdrawn her services" from the musical.

Fisher, he said, would perform in all eight shows a week "unless indisposed".

Lloyd Webber drew criticism following reports that an "alternate" Maria has been lined up to share performing duties with the eventual winner of BBC One's How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?

The theatre impresario has since defended the plan, saying it was "absolutely normal" and necessary to protect Fisher's voice from damage.

Connie Fisher will now appear in every performance
In an interview with BBC News 24, 23-year-old Fisher said she "would love to do eight shows a week" if she was allowed to.

Williams, whose other credits include the BBC's Bleak House and the West End musical Bat Boy, is said to have "lots of plans" for the future, according to her agent.

But she declined to comment on reports that the actress had been angered by the decision to reduce her participation in the show from four performances a week to two.

In her joint statement with Lord Lloyd-Webber, Williams said she wished Fisher "every success with the role".

The Sound of Music opens at the London Palladium in November. According to the Daily Mail, more than £6 million of tickets have been sold.

i myself don't think this is a recation to the trouble they had whilst doing the show, i think Connie has proved herself to be a pro in rehearsals and capable of doing the whole thing, go Connie!

25-09-2006, 15:43
Theatre impresario Andrew Lloyd Webber is considering taking legal action over press reports regarding his West End revival of The Sound of Music.
"I didn't think I would be looking at a major libel case," he told BBC One's Breakfast following claims his recent talent search programme was rigged.

Connie Fisher won How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? earlier this month.

"We had no idea who was going to win it," said Lord Lloyd-Webber, calling contrary claims "absolute nonsense".

"I don't see how you could fix it," he added. "I didn't know until three minutes before the end of the show."

Had there been any suggestion of duplicity, he said, "the BBC would have been down on me like a ton of bricks".

The BBC would have been down on me like a ton of bricks

Andrew Lloyd Webber

An article in Saturday's Independent newspaper referred to complaints made by two unsuccessful Maria contestants that Fisher was recording a CD before the final.

Lord Lloyd-Webber, however, said Fisher had been recording her own album, a project unrelated to the BBC's programme.

The Phantom of the Opera composer also rubbished claims that the departure of "alternate" Maria Emma Williams had been acrimonious.

Williams, who previously appeared in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, was contracted to share the role of Maria with the eventual winner.

Emma Williams withdrew from The Sound of Music on Friday
Following Fisher's declaration that she wished to appear in every performance, however, she "withdrew her services" from the production.

"Emma said that under the circumstances, she didn't feel she wanted to stay," Lord Lloyd-Webber said in a subsequent interview with Radio Five Live.

Her departure, he said, had been "perfectly amicable".

Despite the speculation regarding his talent show's outcome, Lord Lloyd-Webber said he was considering a US version, potentially involving his own musical Jesus Christ Superstar.

"The reason Maria worked was we were really trying to do something new," he said.

"It's been fantastic for musical theatre in general."

The Sound of Music opens at the London Palladium in November.

25-09-2006, 15:59
well this has been very interesting, i never knew one programme would cause such a caffufle

25-09-2006, 16:16
Go on Andrew sue the press.

the media produce some rubbish you dont know whether they are lying or writing the truth half iof the time.

25-09-2006, 21:12
I wasn't hee when It ended, so just want to say, Glad Connie won, she was fab!! Helena really did do well on the last episode though, really tough decision!! Well done Con :D