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28-07-2006, 16:50
Starting in September i have to start making my university choices, applying through UCAS, picking a course to do. I was just wondering if anyone else is at this stage? And which uni's/courses they are thinking of.

These past few weeks i've been getting loads of uni prospectuses in the mail that i've ordered off the internet, and think i have made a decision about the university I want to go to and the course i want to do. But was just wondering, how do you know if you've made the right choice?

28-07-2006, 17:16
Universities have open days. Its best to get the feel for a place (if you are going to live there at least 3 years). When you go for the interview its usually a good time to have a look around....

Im past all that now, did the uni bit and loved every minute of it. I went to Durham.

Look at what stuff the uni has to offer, I mean social/club wise. I went to Durham cause of the rowing ect...as well as the course (I read Education) and cause it was fairly local. Moved to Durham, but close enough to pop home with the old dirty washing!!!!:lol: A few of the people I knew (from London) couldnt hack being so far away from home and left, so I guess distance is important too.

Good luck.:)

Dr. Tangliss
31-07-2006, 12:07
Have you decided on a course or area of study?? In my opinion that's the first point of call, simply because some uni's have 'better' courses then others. Then you need to consider where abouts in the country you want to study, or would you consider studying in Wales, Scotland, etc... Thirdly, you need to find out about the facilities, amenities and nightlife.

Go to plenty of open days. You have up until next April time to make your decision, unless of course you are applying for Medicine, Denistry, Veterinary Medicine or Oxbridge, where the dealine is 15th October.

31-07-2006, 15:07
Im at that stage now and i have my top 3 choices, going to have another look round them in sept october time. The forst thing i did was decide what course or Area. I decided Law/Psychology depending on the results i get in August and found the grade boundries id need as im not going to get AAA and go to Oxbridge, so my realistic top 3 are Banger, Chester and Aberyswyth. In that order. I also decided that a big City Uni wasnt my thing so i crossed Manchester off my list.

31-07-2006, 17:27
I've deciided on the course area, i want to do Media. It's the only thing at college i'm actually decent at!

As for area, i'm wanting to go to Scotland, i think the uni's i'm going to apply to are Robert Gordon and Paisley. For Robert Gordon i would need CCC (one has to be in English) and for Paisley i would only need BC or CC, so i guess it all depends on my grades. My mum wants me to apply to one close to home as a just in case, so that'll probably be Sunderland.

di marco
12-08-2006, 16:42
i went through this last year and what i did first was decided what subject i wanted to do (performing arts) then searched on the ucas site for all the unis that did performing arts, i then sent off for a prospectus for nearly all the unis that did performing arts (it was about 20/30 over all, although media would probably be a lot more so sending off for all of them might be a bit silly lol!) then i read through all the courses at all the different unis when i got the prospectuses through, if i didnt like the sound of the course i just through the prospectus away, for all the courses i did like i went to open days for the uni (wel most of them anyway), i went to at least 1 open day a week for a few months just cos i wanted to make sure which unis i was going to pick! some of the unis straight away from going there i didnt like so they were crossed off the list

then once id been to all the open days (now this may sound a bit sad!) i made a table thing and listed things like where it was in the country, what the area was like (cos theres not really a lot of point going to a good uni in an area thats awful cos youre going to have to live in that area), what the course was like, what jobs the degree offered afterwards, what the facilities were like (both academic and social), what the food arrangements were like, what the accomodation was like (and if it guaranteed accomodation for all first years), how much it was going to cost me to stay there, how i could travel back home, the grades/points i needed from my alevels to get onto the course, and a few other things ive forgotten now lol! basically although you want to do a good course and the course thats right for you, you also need to make sure youre going to be happy there (especially if youre moving away from home) so the other factors are also very important

i would also advise that you apply to 6 unis (the maximum amount you can apply for) even if you dont really want to go to them, just so you have some backups in case you dont get offers from the first few unis you like

not all courses/unis do this, but for some of my unis i had to go to an interview/audition for and so this gave me a chance to see exactly what the course was going to be like (although this only happened after i had already applied to them) cos we did workshops and stuff, and also got to see what the students there were like/if they liked it and to speak to some of the tutors. for me this was good cos for 2 unis i went for an interview at i didnt actually like once id got there, and one of them would have been in my top 2 to start with so im glad i found out before i accepted. at the beginning of the process i had 2 firm faves that i really wanted to go to but afterwards i accepted 2 completely different unis, which just shows that even if you think you might like them you might not

also, you get til some point in january to complete your ucas form by, but the sooner you complete it and send it off the better cos the interviews start in november and so some places have been given out before the january deadline

anyway, sorry for going on for ages, hoped it helped :)

01-12-2006, 15:13
foind this old thread. Its all gettinga bit scary and realistic as my UCAS has been posted and now i just have to wait.

ANyone else sent theres yet.

It was deadline day at our college today, loads of fretting, and stressful students and teachers.

01-12-2006, 17:29
foind this old thread. Its all gettinga bit scary and realistic as my UCAS has been posted and now i just have to wait.

ANyone else sent theres yet.

It was deadline day at our college today, loads of fretting, and stressful students and teachers.

Where have you applied to and for what courses?

01-12-2006, 21:14
I've deciided on the course area, i want to do Media. It's the only thing at college i'm actually decent at!

As for area, i'm wanting to go to Scotland, i think the uni's i'm going to apply to are Robert Gordon and Paisley. For Robert Gordon i would need CCC (one has to be in English) and for Paisley i would only need BC or CC, so i guess it all depends on my grades. My mum wants me to apply to one close to home as a just in case, so that'll probably be Sunderland.

OMG - don't go to Paisley!

I went to school there - couldn't leave the place fast enough.

That said, my mother, brother and sister in law all went to Paisley Uni and have done really well since they left.

01-12-2006, 21:53
I've applied to Doncaster, Bournmouth, Southampton and Middlesex

Main 2 are Bournemouth and Southampton to do Scriptwriting

Southampton requires 180 points ( which is 3 Cs if im correct) I loved the Uni and the Area but wasnt so sure about the course?

Bournemouth requires 300 points (3 bs) and is a better course.

At the mo i want to doss for a year at college and just get Cs so Southampton sounds like my likely choice.

I still want to apply to Bourenmouth but I have to write a 10-15 page script to them as part of my application, I HAVE to do it tomorrow and I have no inspiration at all :(

01-12-2006, 21:57
I've applied to Doncaster, Bournmouth, Southampton and Middlesex

Main 2 are Bournemouth and Southampton to do Scriptwriting

Southampton requires 180 points ( which is 3 Cs if im correct) I loved the Uni and the Area but wasnt so sure about the course?

Bournemouth requires 300 points (3 bs) and is a better course.

At the mo i want to doss for a year at college and just get Cs so Southampton sounds like my likely choice.

I still want to apply to Bourenmouth but I have to write a 10-15 page script to them as part of my application, I HAVE to do it tomorrow and I have no inspiration at all :(

are you able to use any of your devon seas for the script?

01-12-2006, 22:09
I reccommend Lancaster for anyone who's still stuck. I'm in my second year and absolutly loving it! I think deciding if you prefer city of campus uni's is important to consider. I love Lancaster as its on campus with the city bout 10 mins bus journey away (where I live now) and its also got loads of pretty countryside. However one of my friends wasn't so happy as she wanted a much noiser and bustling place (don't get me wrong though as Lancaster doea have lots of activity) so left in June and is now in Liverpool which is a city uni. I think how far you want to travel is important aswell. I'm now about 4 or 5 hours away from home and I don't mind the distance (although it is a bit annoying for "popping" home) but I know other people who prefer to stay much closer to home

02-12-2006, 13:19
I've applied to Doncaster, Bournmouth, Southampton and Middlesex

Main 2 are Bournemouth and Southampton to do Scriptwriting

Southampton requires 180 points ( which is 3 Cs if im correct) I loved the Uni and the Area but wasnt so sure about the course?

Bournemouth requires 300 points (3 bs) and is a better course.

At the mo i want to doss for a year at college and just get Cs so Southampton sounds like my likely choice.

I still want to apply to Bourenmouth but I have to write a 10-15 page script to them as part of my application, I HAVE to do it tomorrow and I have no inspiration at all :(

They sound like good choices.

Ive applied for Law at Bangor, Chester, Lancaster, Oxford Brookes, and Staffordshire and Law with Criminal Justice at Bangor. Im looking at about 300 points for most of them which is BBB.

People i know have go offers all ready its well scary.

05-12-2006, 17:48
Bangor and Staffordshire have got back to me offering me a conditional offer of 280 to 300 points. Made me chuffed, the others are still pending.

11-06-2007, 19:03
Thought i'd dig up an old thread here :)

I've half decided on what i want to do. I want to do either just a Law LLB degree, or a Law and Criminology degree, which is still an LLB, not a BA.

I've applied for the Middlesex, London Metropolitan and LSE open days. The rest are in October. I want to stay in or around london though. I looove the look of Westminster though.

11-06-2007, 19:42
glad your getting close to deciding what to do. what is an LLB?

11-06-2007, 19:54
Its just a type of degree. Like you can do a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. LLB is just a law degree, which also qualifys you to by-pass the theory stage of Law School, if you decide to go and continue on to become a Barrister.

11-06-2007, 20:22
ok ok that makes sense. sounds good then :)

12-06-2007, 18:28
I've got an open day next Wednesday for Teesside. I'm wanting to do crime scene science or forensic investigation. There's only 3 unis in the country that do the course I want that don't expect chemistry at A level. I'm worried about not getting any offers if I fail my AS but maybe I shouldn't worry about that yet.

12-06-2007, 19:13
Is one of the staffordshire, by any chance. My mates doing forensics, i didnt think he did chemesty.

Im doing the LLB Abi, with Criminal Justice, which is similar to criminology. They made it dead clear on the uni open days that you have to make sure that the Law part in the LLB if you want to go onto to do law, but you seem to know a lot more than i did when i first started the application stage. Im really looking forward now. I hope that i did enough in my exams today, i have passed and can now swot it for law next week.

BBC and im a bangor.

12-06-2007, 19:30
Is one of the staffordshire, by any chance. My mates doing forensics, i didnt think he did chemesty.

My best friend's girlfirned is going to Staffordshire to do that course, and she's done art, textiles and DT at college, so they obviously dont require a chemistry qualification lol.

12-06-2007, 19:36
Is one of the staffordshire, by any chance. My mates doing forensics, i didnt think he did chemesty.

Im doing the LLB Abi, with Criminal Justice, which is similar to criminology. They made it dead clear on the uni open days that you have to make sure that the Law part in the LLB if you want to go onto to do law, but you seem to know a lot more than i did when i first started the application stage. Im really looking forward now. I hope that i did enough in my exams today, i have passed and can now swot it for law next week.

BBC and im a bangor.

Criminal Justice looks like a good subject too. I want to stay in or around London though, and i dont think any unis there really do a Law and Criminal Justice degree, which is still an LLB. Which sucks, really.

13-06-2007, 00:47
Nobody coming to join me in Roehampton then lol??? Don't blame you to be honest:rotfl:

13-06-2007, 08:46
Criminal Justice looks like a good subject too. I want to stay in or around London though, and i dont think any unis there really do a Law and Criminal Justice degree, which is still an LLB. Which sucks, really.

Oh right, i thought they did everything down ther in the capital. I stayed looking at the north due to not being able to afford London, plus it takes forever to get there.

13-06-2007, 14:19
Nobody coming to join me in Roehampton then lol??? Don't blame you to be honest:rotfl:

My sister just finished her teaching degree at Roehampton, literally about 3 weeks ago. Shes waiting on her results, but the tutors all sound like idiots, and haven't told anyone if they're graduating yet or not. My neighbour is there as well. What are you doing there?

13-06-2007, 14:24
Nobody coming to join me in Roehampton then lol??? Don't blame you to be honest:rotfl:

My sister just finished her teaching degree at Roehampton, literally about 3 weeks ago. Shes waiting on her results, but the tutors all sound like idiots, and haven't told anyone if they're graduating yet or not. My neighbour is there as well. What are you doing there?

Oh cool...alot of my friends are doing teaching and don't like the tutors lol, I'm doing drama most of the teachers are ok but the whole system is mucked up we had to go online to register our options for next year so I got up early to make sure I got what I wanted then those people who didn't bother getting up and didn't get there options went and complained so we had to do it by hand luckily there wa only 1 option I didn't get but still it's just stupid. I haven't loved the course it's not very practical the writing side kills me lol but I think it will be more practical next year by the options I have chosen. Is your neighbour doing teaching too?

13-06-2007, 17:35
Is one of the staffordshire, by any chance. My mates doing forensics, i didnt think he did chemesty.

I looked at Staffordshire and decided against it but I can't remember why :confused:

I'm looking at Teesside, Coventry and Christ Church Canterbury. The last two are a long way from home and my parents have already said they doon't want me to go too far (I disagree, I want to get as far away as possible so my mum can't visit me on a weekend). Teesside is less than 2hrs from where we are now.

My mum is putting the practical spin on everything, "there's no point in going there, its too expensive," "don't go too far in case anything happens" etc and she's beginning to sound like she doesn't want me to go. I can see her point, being the youngest and last to leave but it's still not nice when she turns everything I say into a negative.

13-06-2007, 17:37
Is one of the staffordshire, by any chance. My mates doing forensics, i didnt think he did chemesty.

My best friend's girlfirned is going to Staffordshire to do that course, and she's done art, textiles and DT at college, so they obviously dont require a chemistry qualification lol.

Oh thats good then. I'm doing physics, biology and business. I know a fair few like Nottingham Trent wanted chemistry last year. I should really have a look at the new prospectuses and see if any of the desired subjects have changed.

13-06-2007, 17:40
yeah id look at the new prospectuses thats the best way. I just told my mum it wasnt her decision, but then took her with me to all the open days so she could see for herself, that way she felt more involved.

I had an offer for Staffs, but decided against it due to Bangor being near the Sea.

13-06-2007, 17:44
I told my mum it was up to me where choices I make and she got in a mood about it.

We had a tutor thing this morning and we were told to think of 10 different things that made us special for our personal statement on the UCAS form. I can't think of any!

13-06-2007, 17:47
my personal statement was brilliant, though it was really bad, but evidently not, im pretty sures theres a thread on here, actually where me and Bry were complaining about how we didnt know what to write. Just make everything link to responsability or committment, works.

di marco
13-06-2007, 20:33
I'm worried about not getting any offers if I fail my AS but maybe I shouldn't worry about that yet.

trying to think back to when i did my ucas application, but im pretty sure that the unis dont get sent your AS marks, from what i remember you just write your predicted grades on the form, therefore even if you do badly this year if your teachers think that youll do better next year then you should be ok :)

10-07-2007, 10:26
i am currently researching halls of residence. Talk about complicated, for starters i can't say any of them due to being in welsh.

10-07-2007, 12:31
I went to Teesside open day and the student halls were awful. Some of them even had bars on the windows. The showers were awful, no lights, nowhere to hang a towel or anything, you literally open the outside door and step into it. There was a stand for Teesside House which is a private development type thing. Its a tower block thing, all brand new (2006) and all the rooms are en-suite. Each cluster has 6 study bedrooms, a kitchen and sitting area (which none of the halls have).

I found a different course at UCLAN doing Police and Criminal Investigation. I'm really confused as to which I should go for. Eventually I do want to work for the police. I just don't know which course to go for :searchme:

di marco
10-07-2007, 14:11
i think accomodation is the hardest part about choosing. at the uni im at they had a lot of different types of accomodation to choose from which was good but some of the really nice stuff was too expensive but luckily the house i lived in was ok, no where near as disgusting as some of the accomodation at other unis, at one of the unis i looked round at they had communal showers, as in there were a row of showers next to each other sort of like you get at a swimming pool, theres no way id have wanted to use them!

10-07-2007, 18:53
i think accomodation is the hardest part about choosing. at the uni im at they had a lot of different types of accomodation to choose from which was good but some of the really nice stuff was too expensive but luckily the house i lived in was ok, no where near as disgusting as some of the accomodation at other unis, at one of the unis i looked round at they had communal showers, as in there were a row of showers next to each other sort of like you get at a swimming pool, theres no way id have wanted to use them!

I agree. I'm really worried about having to share a bathroom/shower with people I don't know. I know that may sound silly but it freaks me out.

I don't know if any of you applying next year have heard but the full student fees bursary (£2700) has been increased to £25k (used to be £18k). So if your parents earn less than £25k then you'll get the full amount. There are partial fee bursary grants for people whose parents earn up to £45k. There is also a 4 year break between the end of your course and the start of repayments (assuming that you earn over £15k).

11-07-2007, 10:29
Theres loads to choose from and i cannot find the differences really. I know i want self catering and internet connection but basically thats all of them. Theres a few with your own showers as well. To be honest i was quite impressed with the accomodation at Bangor. A Lot of it has benn knocked down and rebuilt so its quite new. THeres all different sites as well.

This is easy compared to choosing the course though. You really have to make sure you have picked the right one.

22-09-2007, 16:55
I have loads of Open Days to go to. Its well annoying.

I'm going to Kingston, Middlesex, Winchester, Portsmouth and Surrey.

The only other universities that do a Journalism BA in the south are Bournemouth, Westminster and Southampton Solent, and i dont like the look of any of them. So theoretically, i could apply to all of the unis i'm going to the open days of. I dont like the Surrey course as much, becasuse its just Media. But i love the uni look and feel of the uni, so i might just apply anyway for the hell of it :p

22-09-2007, 18:37
Ooo are you hoping to go into journalism Abi? I am only interested as i'm considering it as a career and may go onto uni and do it! What particular journalism course are you thinking of doing?

22-09-2007, 18:57
Hopefully either a BA in Journalism, or Media and Journalism. Its a bit of a restrictive course though, because only a handfull are accredited by the National Council for the Training of Journalists. Which is kind of what you want.

22-09-2007, 20:46
Well i'm pretty much decided now, i just got to finish my statement and then send it off! I'm hoping to do French and German, and i'm applying to Aston, Birmingham, Salford, Notts and Leeds.

20-10-2007, 22:49
I hate deciding on unis!

Knowing me, i'll change my mind in about.... umm.... 5 minutes? :p

20-10-2007, 23:51
I've just got my personal statement to write as well. I'm (hopefully) doing Policing or Policing with Criminal Investigation. I've only got four choices at the moment, Central Lancashire (Preston), Canterbury, Staffordshire and Buckinghamshire. There isn't anywhere else that does the course so I'm thinking about applying for Criminology somewhere for my last choice.

21-10-2007, 15:25
Is it Buckinghamshire Chilterns you're applying for, or Buckingham Uni?

26-10-2007, 12:40
Is it Buckinghamshire Chilterns you're applying for, or Buckingham Uni?


I've just got a prospectus through for Birmingham. Not exactly top of my list and I don't particularly want to go there but there isn't anywhere else that does the course I want to do. I could put criminology down but I don't really want to do that.

Still haven't written my statement yet :rolleyes:

26-10-2007, 14:32
Don'y worry about the statement it will come. Mine didn't happen for ages and eventually i had a loads of ideas. Hope the applications are going well.

27-10-2007, 20:47
I have Bristol, Newport, LIPA & Northampton in mind to do a BA hounors in Performing Arts/Drama/Acting.

Only because they offer film/tv/radio acting... and we're doing this at college and its so intreging.... plus I've done Media work before....

28-10-2007, 14:56
I've settled on

Portsmouth- English and Journalism
Portsmouth- Media and Journalism
Bournmouth- Journalism
Winchester- Journalism
Kingston- Journalism

Mainly all in the south, apart from Kingston. I Loooove Portsmouth, thats why i'm applying for 2 courses :)

I've got to sort out my reference with my tutor tomorrow, and then i'll send it tomorrow night. He's put on my reference that i'm predicted grades lower than what i am. Plus he's missed stuff out, which is annoying. Its all very final at the minute though- scary!

28-10-2007, 15:37
Good luck Abi. It was such a scary feeling once i finally sent mine off. Hope it all goes well and those offers come flooding in.

28-10-2007, 17:02
Good luck to everyone who is applying - i hope you all get the offers you want. :)

28-10-2007, 17:20
I need to stop looking at my personal statement. Everytime i do, i end up changing something :p

29-10-2007, 14:05
I need to stop looking at my personal statement. Everytime i do, i end up changing something :p

I was exactly the same, i kept think ing i needed to add something or it didnt look quite right. It will be such a weight of your mind once it is all sent. Then all you have is exams to worry about.

29-10-2007, 14:10
Even though i've already sent mine off, i keep worrying about it thinking if it's not good enough... maybe i should move it off my desktop to some other folder...

30-10-2007, 22:37
Still haven't started mine. I don't know where to start. I think once I have the first few sentences I'll be able to do the rest, its just getting started thats the problem. I'm finding it hard to think of things that I'm good at and what my positive bits of me are . I can think of loads of negative ones but not many positive

I'm going to ring my aunty at the weekend, she used to work for uni admissions so she knows whats good and whats not good to write.

31-10-2007, 09:35
have you got a setout of what you need to include We were given a template of four stages and that ade it really easier for me. As i knew what they were looking for.

31-10-2007, 17:26
I think I have somewhere but its in five or six stages. What were your four stages?

31-10-2007, 17:59
What course i wanted to do and why
Any activities that i had to show i had an interest in the subject
ANy other personal Activities (academic or not) relating to the subject, I managed to link being a guide leader and sailing to Law, don't know how, i htink i mentioned responsability
A conclusion

Think theres a thread me and Bry used last year on personal Statements. There are a few tips on that. If you need any more help i will trey and find mine from last year,feel free to email or pm me.

04-01-2008, 22:31
Just a question..
You know when you go uni.. how many courses/subjects do you do?

I am interested in doing Economics.. does that split into several things or is it one thing you learn? Or do you choose more than that.. If so how many?


04-01-2008, 22:34
I really need to start thinking what I want to do, I cant just leave it till well later on, my mum reminded me I need to start applying by october

04-01-2008, 22:39
Just a question..
You know when you go uni.. how many courses/subjects do you do?

I am interested in doing Economics.. does that split into several things or is it one thing you learn? Or do you choose more than that.. If so how many?


You pick 1 subject, and do that for the full 3 years. If you look at UCAS you can get an idea of where you can do the course, and they'll have details about what is covered in the course.

LSE is probably one of the top places for Economics.
This (http://www.lse.ac.uk/resources/undergraduateProspectus2008/courses/Economics/L101.htm) is what you do in the course. Gives you a bit of an idea how it works.

Economics is a very good course, but very competitive. Especially if you choose to go to the top AAAA places, like LSE, UCL, Oxbridge etc.

And Abbie, you have untill January to apply. Unless you apply for Medicine, Vet Med, Dentistry, or to Oxbridge. You have untill October the 15th (I think...) for those, and untill Jan 15th for everything else. Though, obviously, the sooner the better. If you're starting to think about what you want to do, then look on UCAS. It helps to know what choices you actually have, before you start thinking seriously about it. Or you might come across a course that you really like the look at, that you never thought of. And it might be too late by then :)

04-01-2008, 22:40
I already know what I want to do, Journalism...but I might combine it with something...not sure though. My teachers said they want us to start this summer, and apply by October.

04-01-2008, 22:41
Yeah I think I'll have to look on UCAS cos I really have no idea, although the only thing im certain on is I want to travel in a gap year otherwise I'll never do it and I will be very dissapointed in myself

04-01-2008, 22:56
Just a question..
You know when you go uni.. how many courses/subjects do you do?

I am interested in doing Economics.. does that split into several things or is it one thing you learn? Or do you choose more than that.. If so how many?


You can study it on its own or you can do a joint honours with something else. Basically, you choose one subject as a major and one as a minor or you can do equal weightings. The major course has more work and weighting and the minor has less.

Not all universities offer joint honours so you will have to look around.

Oxbridge is very competitive so unless you're predicted mainly As and are on target to get them I wouldn't bother applying. If you apply to Oxbridge you can only apply for four courses instead of five I think. Or is that medicine/denistry/vetrinary? I read it the other day on UCAS.

Just as an overview of the whole system in case you don't know, you pick five choices from any university and course type/subject unless you're applying for Route A/Route B art and design in which case you have fewer choices. Send your UCAS off and you will get replies from the universities offering you a place or not. If you get a place it could be conditional (meet the points) or unconditional (a place no matter what results you get). Once you have all your replies you choose a firm choice (one that you want to go to and can meet the requirements) and an insurance choice to fall back on if you don't.

04-01-2008, 23:23
I went on the Cambridge side.. and I am so confused with all these new things (only looked into this last night and today!)

It says for Economics..
Admissions tests See admissions tests and written work

I clicked on the link and it shows this:


I'm just completely lost now.. I am planning to go to my school's 6th form college..
I don't know if it's got anything to do with this :lol:

Thanks x

04-01-2008, 23:25
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Oxbridge have entrance tests to test your reading, writing and maths skills. It depends on what college you apply for as Oxbridge is split into lots of different colleges.

04-01-2008, 23:26
Okay I have no idea about UCAS about from its a pain the ass

04-01-2008, 23:28
Indeed it it. The easy part is putting exam results, work experience and previous jobs in. The hard bit it the personal statement. My advice is start working on it now then you can get the whole thing sent off as soon as possible after the opening date.

04-01-2008, 23:29
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Oxbridge have entrance tests to test your reading, writing and maths skills. It depends on what college you apply for as Oxbridge is split into lots of different colleges.
Ohhhh I see.. So is there a whole seperate college for Economics and every other subject? How do you know which college to go to?

(Thanks for your help btw it's really helping! x)

04-01-2008, 23:33
I already have an idea on what to write on my personal statement - part of a budding journalists group, work for the newsletter, had a work placement at a local newspaper, and i'm going to mention different short stories and poems i got published in books - i suppose that's a start.

04-01-2008, 23:44
Yeah, I started by brainstorming ideas. I couldn't get started so I divided it up into four sections, why I wanted to do the course, extracurricular activities and hobbies, what I hoped to achieve after uni jobwise and something else and just wrote words down.

I'm not sure if there are seperate colleges for each faculty, I haven't really looked into it as I didn't apply. I know that there are seperate sex colleges and co-ed (both sexes).

You just apply to the university as you would any other and they sort the right college out for you. You should send off for a prospectus.

I don't know if you have looked at any prospectuses. Some universities are spread across two or three sites. Canterbury has three seperate sites and in the course section bit there is a campus code for each course to say which campus that course is on.

05-01-2008, 00:24
Another thing that I thought of is your A level choices. You need to start sending off for prospectuses now to see what subjects each institutions specifically want. Most don't accept key skills, some accept general studies (except Oxbridge and red bricks) and for some courses you will need specific subjects. Obviously for a science degree you will need a science A2 but some places also accept maths.

05-01-2008, 15:19
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Oxbridge have entrance tests to test your reading, writing and maths skills. It depends on what college you apply for as Oxbridge is split into lots of different colleges.
Ohhhh I see.. So is there a whole seperate college for Economics and every other subject? How do you know which college to go to?

(Thanks for your help btw it's really helping! x)

No, it doesn't work like that. Each Oxbridge university is split into Colleges, which act like mini-universities. If you decide to apply there, then you pick a subject, and then pick which college you want to study it at. Most subjects are offered at most colleges. Once you decide on that, you apply to a COLLEGE not to Cambridge as a whole.

Some people get rejected straight away. The rest get 2 interviews. 1 at the college you applied to, and 1 at another, random college. You can then get an offer, get rejected, or get pooled. If you get pooled, then any college can look at your application, and give you an interview/offer if they want to, but you have no control over what college this is at.

You can also apply to the pool. You just apply for a subject, and don't specify a college. Then any can pick you up, but at the same time, you have a big risk of not getting an offer from anyone.

Its a bit confusing...

It might be easier to understand if i give you an example. One of my friends applied for Cambridge doing Natural Sciences at Downing. She got an interview at Downing and at Trinity. She then got an offer at Downing. If Downing had decided they didn't like her, then she would have got pooled, and Trinity could have picked her up, if they liked her.

Make any sense? :)

05-01-2008, 15:24
So you apply to the colleges and not the universities itself at the start right?

And the example made alot of sense.. Thanks! x

05-01-2008, 15:24
I already have an idea on what to write on my personal statement - part of a budding journalists group, work for the newsletter, had a work placement at a local newspaper, and i'm going to mention different short stories and poems i got published in books - i suppose that's a start.

I've applied for the course you want to do, so i can give you tips as to what you need to start to do :)

Most of the universities stess that work experience is everything. So try and get as many placements at newspapers and magazines that you can. Start to put together a portfolio of your published work as well, because if you get an interview at late notice, they'll want this. And it can take a while to put together.

You need to apply for an NCTJ accredited course, if you want to work in newspapers. Or be prepared to do a course after uni, which is accredited.

Most universities want BBB. They want at least 1 essay subject, like English, and they'll want you to get a B in it. They don't like completly vocational subjects like Drama, Theatre Studies, Design Technology, etc, so if you do anything like that, then work experience is even more important to gloss over that fact!!

Thats just my experience, at least. Feel free to PM me about anything you like about Journalism. I have 4 offers out of the 5 i've applied to, and have an interview at the 5th, so i might be of help :)

05-01-2008, 15:26
So you apply to the colleges and not the universities itself at the start right?

And the example made alot of sense.. Thanks! x

Yeah, you pick a college and apply to there.

Cambridge and Oxford don't use UCAS, so its a paper-application for them, and UCAS for the rest of your uni choices. Which was annoying this year, because there was the postal strike at the deadline. So find out early where you can get the CAF/OAF form from, so you can start filling it in over summer.

05-01-2008, 15:28
Do you fill in the application forms for uni in Year 12 or year 13 (and send them off)..

UCAS.. do they have all the application forms for all the other universities or something? Thanks!

05-01-2008, 15:35
Do you fill in the application forms for uni in Year 12 or year 13 (and send them off)..

UCAS.. do they have all the application forms for all the other universities or something? Thanks!

You do all your uni applications in early year 13, including Oxbridge.

All other universities use the same application form, which is on the UCAS website. You create an account through your school, fill in the form (Which is soo annoying and time consuming!!), and its sent to your referee (Usually your tutor or Head of Year), they add your reference and predicted grades and send it. Its all done on the computer.

To be honest Spicy, i wouldn't worry about it if i were you. You need to concentrate on doing well in your GCSEs. The people who get into Oxbridge have 12 A*s, AAAA at AS level and lots of extra-curricular stuff. Work on getting to that, and worry about the applying process later. And unis like LSE look for 7 A*s too.

05-01-2008, 16:36
I already have an idea on what to write on my personal statement - part of a budding journalists group, work for the newsletter, had a work placement at a local newspaper, and i'm going to mention different short stories and poems i got published in books - i suppose that's a start.

I've applied for the course you want to do, so i can give you tips as to what you need to start to do :)

Most of the universities stess that work experience is everything. So try and get as many placements at newspapers and magazines that you can. Start to put together a portfolio of your published work as well, because if you get an interview at late notice, they'll want this. And it can take a while to put together.

You need to apply for an NCTJ accredited course, if you want to work in newspapers. Or be prepared to do a course after uni, which is accredited.

Most universities want BBB. They want at least 1 essay subject, like English, and they'll want you to get a B in it. They don't like completly vocational subjects like Drama, Theatre Studies, Design Technology, etc, so if you do anything like that, then work experience is even more important to gloss over that fact!!

Thats just my experience, at least. Feel free to PM me about anything you like about Journalism. I have 4 offers out of the 5 i've applied to, and have an interview at the 5th, so i might be of help :)

Thanks Abi. I've already started creating a portfolio of different newspaper articles that I've got published and I've got them all in a folder, so I guess that's a start.

I have to apply for work experience within the next few months and I hope to go to a newspaper/magazine (i went to work experience at a newspaper in Year 10) so hopefully the two work placements will be good, and as it will be a different newspaper/magazine, it will show a bit of diversity. I didn't know about the NCTJ accreddited course stuff, so thanks for saying...

The only thing I'm going to have trouble with are my grades I think..my target grades stand at an A for English, and 3 Cs for my other subjects at AS Level, so hopefully they'll boost to 3 Bs for predicted grades when it comes to sending off my UCAS form.. I am doing Drama, lol, but I think I may be dropping it at the end of the year..

Thanks for posting your experience with applying Abi - I appreciate it and good luck with your interview on the 5th - hope it all goes well, and I'll PM you if I want to know anymore. :)

di marco
06-01-2008, 08:54
To be honest Spicy, i wouldn't worry about it if i were you. You need to concentrate on doing well in your GCSEs. The people who get into Oxbridge have 12 A*s, AAAA at AS level and lots of extra-curricular stuff. Work on getting to that, and worry about the applying process later. And unis like LSE look for 7 A*s too.

yeh i was going to say that, most other unis dont really look at your gcse i dont think but oxbridge do, my school said that you should only bother applying to oxbridge if you got at least 10 A*s at gcse (with the rest being As) and were predicted all As at Alevel

di marco
06-01-2008, 09:01
The only thing I'm going to have trouble with are my grades I think..my target grades stand at an A for English, and 3 Cs for my other subjects at AS Level, so hopefully they'll boost to 3 Bs for predicted grades when it comes to sending off my UCAS form.. I am doing Drama, lol, but I think I may be dropping it at the end of the year..

i wouldnt worry too much about your target grades atm cos youre not too far off BBB (and an A in english is good). dont know about other schools but at my school they asked us what grades/points each uni wanted and altered our predicted grades slightly so that we at least got an interview! obviously if you were predicted all Es they werent going to write on our ucas forms all As but i was predicted 1 A, 2 Bs and an E but they highered my E to a C to make it look better lol! maybe talk either to your subjects teachers or your reference writer and say you need 3 Bs and ask how likely it would be for you to get Bs in your subjects, if they think its possible for you to get that then they might change your predicted grades to Bs to write on your ucas form, but make sure you apply somewhere that also has a lower grade/points mark just in case. if that makes sense lol!

06-01-2008, 18:30
The only thing I'm going to have trouble with are my grades I think..my target grades stand at an A for English, and 3 Cs for my other subjects at AS Level, so hopefully they'll boost to 3 Bs for predicted grades when it comes to sending off my UCAS form.. I am doing Drama, lol, but I think I may be dropping it at the end of the year..

i wouldnt worry too much about your target grades atm cos youre not too far off BBB (and an A in english is good). dont know about other schools but at my school they asked us what grades/points each uni wanted and altered our predicted grades slightly so that we at least got an interview! obviously if you were predicted all Es they werent going to write on our ucas forms all As but i was predicted 1 A, 2 Bs and an E but they highered my E to a C to make it look better lol! maybe talk either to your subjects teachers or your reference writer and say you need 3 Bs and ask how likely it would be for you to get Bs in your subjects, if they think its possible for you to get that then they might change your predicted grades to Bs to write on your ucas form, but make sure you apply somewhere that also has a lower grade/points mark just in case. if that makes sense lol!

Yeah that makes sense - thanks Di M. :) I might ask my different teachers then, if they could possibly change my target grades if they haven't gone up to BBB by the time I have to send off my UCAS form (I know I'm currently getting 2 Bs, 1 C and 1 D at the moment)..so I'll give it a go. And yeah, I am going to apply to another uni which takes lower grades, as that's a uni I can fall back on if I don't get my 1st choice for my desired place.

06-01-2008, 18:36
You haven't yet taken all your exams for AS so don't get too worried about target grades yet. If you put in the work you will probably reach them. If you don't, just put all/some of your results in as pending on your UCAS. Pending just means resitting. Makes it look better when you send it off if you got Es and Us. Not that I'm saying you will, just an example.

You need to be realistic though. Exam results aren't the be-all and end-all. One of my teachers did really badly in her A levels (2 Es) and she got in just on her personal statement and reference.

07-01-2008, 08:59
I got in with really rubbish predicted grades BDDE and i Got ABCC so the universtiys know that the grades can change by the time of the exams.

07-01-2008, 12:34
I just got an offer an hour ago from Buckinghamshire Chilterns for 200 points. I'm really pleased, I didn't think I'd get any offers with my AS grades :D My target grades are BDE which is 200 exactly plus general studies which I got a C at AS. :D:D

I keep checking my inbox to see if UCAS have sent me another email.

26-01-2008, 19:26
I think I know what course I am going to go for now - English and Journalism. It's just deciding where to do it too. My mum keeps saying to stay near home, but I wanna go far away. :p

26-01-2008, 19:31
If you want to go far away make sure you consider the cost of living and cost of transport if you don't drive. Living closer to London is going to be costly for rent and such like. Less money spent on rent = more money spent down the pub :D

Also, look on a map to see exactly where the universities you apply to are. I thought Canterbury was north of London and applied for two courses there. Kent is a long way from Yorkshire :lol:

Are you going to do a joint honours or major in one subject?

26-01-2008, 19:49
I will probably do a joint honours in both English and Journalism.

26-01-2008, 23:23
I will probably do a joint honours in both English and Journalism.

I swear you must be stalking me or something!!

My (soon to be) firm choice is Journalism and English :p

26-01-2008, 23:27
I will probably do a joint honours in both English and Journalism.

I swear you must be stalking me or something!!

My (soon to be) firm choice is Journalism and English :p

Lol mwahahaha. :p

I decided on these two as I'm expected an A in English which is good and I suppose I should use that to my advantage, and I've had experience in Journalism and it's a career that I'm confident I will enjoy.

26-01-2008, 23:28
Have you got all your offers Abi?

26-01-2008, 23:52
Have you got all your offers Abi?

I've got 4 offers, so far. I have an interview at the 5th in Feb. Is it March we have to decide our firm in? Because some people say you have untill June to reply to your offers, and others say its March.

26-01-2008, 23:54
You reply when you have got all your offers. Everybody who met the 15th Jan deadline should get all their offers by the end of March.

I think you have to get your accomodation applications in by the end of June.

27-01-2008, 12:03
Ooh i bet its getting exciting with the offers coming in.

di marco
27-01-2008, 17:02
I've got 4 offers, so far. I have an interview at the 5th in Feb. Is it March we have to decide our firm in? Because some people say you have untill June to reply to your offers, and others say its March.

You reply when you have got all your offers. Everybody who met the 15th Jan deadline should get all their offers by the end of March.

I think you have to get your accomodation applications in by the end of June.

the date of the deadline differs depending on when you get your last offer. so even if you met the january deadline it doesnt necessarily mean you will have all your offers by the end of march. i sent my ucas form in before xmas but cos of interviews and stuff i didnt get my last offer til the end of april so i then got til about the beginning of june to make my choices even though other people in my class only had til march/april. it just all depends really, but it will tell you on the letter when you receive your last offer. also i think accomodation deadlines are different for each uni, again i think you get a letter about this (cant really remember, but you will be told)

27-01-2008, 19:49
Does anyone know of a good university for Media Arts? Or something on the lines of television production...I'd like to go into TV editing in the future....(although my mum thinks I should go down the science route :p)

27-01-2008, 20:36
Does anyone know of a good university for Media Arts? Or something on the lines of television production...I'd like to go into TV editing in the future....(although my mum thinks I should go down the science route :p)

I did a UCAS search for Tv editing, these are the results from all the universities in the UK http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/RhexGoOACPwQgkyut2AHfn34RXeU--V6Lm/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.submitForm?txtSubject=tv+editing&cmbQual=&cmbAttend=&cmbInst=&button1.x=0&button1.y=0

If you want to change the type of course and areas search again using this http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/RhexGoOACPwQgkyut2AHfn34RXeU--V6Lm/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.run

Judge by league tables, and whether courses are approved by industry training bodies. Ask what facilities they have and how many students are using them. Check the university's contacts with industry.

Check the Times100 league tables to see which universities are good once you have some in mind http://extras.timesonline.co.uk/gug/gooduniversityguide.php

For Dave & Abbie: look for universities that include the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) qualification in their degree. Coming out with an NCTJ means you don't have to spend time and money getting one later.

di marco
27-01-2008, 20:44
Does anyone know of a good university for Media Arts? Or something on the lines of television production...I'd like to go into TV editing in the future....(although my mum thinks I should go down the science route :p)

I did a UCAS search for Tv editing, these are the results from all the universities in the UK http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/RhexGoOACPwQgkyut2AHfn34RXeU--V6Lm/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.submitForm?txtSubject=tv+editing&cmbQual=&cmbAttend=&cmbInst=&button1.x=0&button1.y=0

If you want to change the type of course and areas search again using this http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/RhexGoOACPwQgkyut2AHfn34RXeU--V6Lm/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.run

Judge by league tables, and whether courses are approved by industry training bodies. Ask what facilities they have and how many students are using them. Check the university's contacts with industry.

Check the Times100 league tables to see which universities are good once you have some in mind http://extras.timesonline.co.uk/gug/gooduniversityguide.php

also, find out when their open days are and go and have a look at them cos then youll be able to see first hand what the facilities are like and maybe talk to students/lecturers about the course

28-01-2008, 00:19
and order prospectuses, they show alot about unis. Buit seeing them in person is most important.

28-01-2008, 00:21
Yeah, you should go see them all and the accomodation. They accomodation brochurs will only show you the best accomodation they have. I went to Teesside and I got an accomodation brochure. All looked nice and spacious. Got into the halls and it couldn't have been much worse. One of the halls actually had bars on the windows :eek: and two showers between 20 people.

28-01-2008, 00:22
yeah exaclty and even the uni itself can be made to look alot better in pictures than it is in real life.

28-01-2008, 13:21
Thanks for those websites Abigail! I've found a really good Television and Video production course at Southampton Solent and Brighton Uni looks quite good as well.

I'll definately be visiting the Uni's though! I couldn't just turn up I want to see how the area is :p Although I've been to Brighton before and that's a great place :D I'm definately going to go to all the university open days :)

28-01-2008, 13:48
As a Southampton girl I can only welcome your decision to at least have a look at Southampton Uni. :lol:

28-01-2008, 22:42
Ooh yay is the area nice? Lots of clubs and places to go? :p

29-01-2008, 06:33
Ooh yay is the area nice? Lots of clubs and places to go? :p

It is a sea port, lots of sailors in uniform :lol: But yes, quite a few clubs available for you to check out. :D

29-01-2008, 08:00
Im starting to think about Zoolgy, its sounds quite interesting and Ive a;ways been interested in that kind of things with animals and I can use a bit of my geography in this as well I think.
Its either I go down a route with something to do with biology/geography or my english/drama

29-01-2008, 10:08
Lots of people do Zoology at Bangor because its near anglessey and i think it is popular at Liverpool but i could be getting confused with Marine Biology, your all very good looking already. I was hopeless in fact i still don't know what i want to do/

04-02-2008, 16:00
I've made my choices. I was going to choose UCLAN (260 points) and Staffordshire (240). I think 260 is a bit ambitious going by my AS results and I don't want to jepodise a place if I get below 240 and have to go through clearing. I know some universities accept you if you get below their offer but its too much of a hassle.

So I've decided to go with Staffordshire (240) and Buckinghamshire (200). I've been wondering why I haven't confirmed my choices to UCAS when I got them all a week ago and I realised today that I'd rather not stress too much over A levels for the sake of 260 points. Plus everybody says Preston (UCLAN) is a horrible place to live. None of that probably doesn't make sense to you lot but it does to me.

I'm going to talk to my tutor tomorrow and then confirm after that.

Surprisingly my mum wasn't too bothered about me changing my mind about UCLAN when it was my first choice and the place I really wanted to go to. She's more bothered about the pollution she'll create when she comes to visit me as Bucks is three hours away :confused:

I'm waffling now, I'm happy and excited :D:D

04-02-2008, 20:39
I've made my choices. I was going to choose UCLAN (260 points) and Staffordshire (240). I think 260 is a bit ambitious going by my AS results and I don't want to jepodise a place if I get below 240 and have to go through clearing. I know some universities accept you if you get below their offer but its too much of a hassle.

So I've decided to go with Staffordshire (240) and Buckinghamshire (200). I've been wondering why I haven't confirmed my choices to UCAS when I got them all a week ago and I realised today that I'd rather not stress too much over A levels for the sake of 260 points. Plus everybody says Preston (UCLAN) is a horrible place to live. None of that probably doesn't make sense to you lot but it does to me.

I'm going to talk to my tutor tomorrow and then confirm after that.

Surprisingly my mum wasn't too bothered about me changing my mind about UCLAN when it was my first choice and the place I really wanted to go to. She's more bothered about the pollution she'll create when she comes to visit me as Bucks is three hours away :confused:

I'm waffling now, I'm happy and excited :D:D

Is that Bucks uni, or BCUC? I think BCUC is called Buckinghamshire New University now..

04-02-2008, 21:02
Its Buckinghamshire Chilterns.

04-02-2008, 21:49
Thanks for those websites Abigail! I've found a really good Television and Video production course at Southampton Solent and Brighton Uni looks quite good as well.

I'll definately be visiting the Uni's though! I couldn't just turn up I want to see how the area is :p Although I've been to Brighton before and that's a great place :D I'm definately going to go to all the university open days :)

OMGZ I go to Solent! It's the best uni ever! It has such such such good night life! And reputation for being a fun uni to be at!

The TV & Video Production is really good here, my friend does it and he's always saying how good it is.

Southampton is a nice little city, everythings in walking distance, one of the biggest shopping centres in the UK, and loads and loads of nightclubs for Students - it's like the ultimate uni for nightlife etc

05-02-2008, 16:00

I got this website from a UCAS card email. You can meet people and make friends with people who are (hopefully) doing the same course as you at university. I've already made a friend and I only registered today :)

05-02-2008, 17:19
yeah that is really handy, You go further i was on that.

12-02-2008, 14:46
Anyone heard/know anything about Edge Hill University ??

I've been looking at Uni's, and so far Kingston and Roehampton are looking good, and Roehampton have a scholarship which is something to aim for :)

I'm looking at doing psychology (major) and either criminology or drama as my minor, so if anyone has any advice it would be appreciated :P

12-02-2008, 19:32
My friend applied for early years/primary education at Edge Hill. She had an interview last week and she said its a good university.

I think psych is really competitive at lots of universities.

12-02-2008, 19:50
Edge Hill is a popular choice for lots of people i have a few friends there, although if you are into big cities then it would not be the best place as it is pretty quiet. Its nearest place is Ormskirk where my nana used to live and is origionally a market town. It is also pretty close to Southport which is nice and Liverpool is not too far.

Psychology is a very popular degree and covers a wide range of topics and Criminology is also a popular minor especially if you are interested in how crime is treated and things. Criminology would also be really useful with psychology.

12-02-2008, 19:56
It is also pretty close to Southport which is nice and Liverpool is not too far.

How far from Liverpool is it do you know? I read on their website that it was quite close!
I'm thinking i might be better in a city one, but Edge Hill did look really nice and it read well!

12-02-2008, 22:13
Oh sugar, I just wrote a reply then went back a page.

Egde Hill in Ormskirk is 12 miles from Liverpool.

Can't remember what else I wrote :lol:

13-02-2008, 00:17
Anyone heard/know anything about Edge Hill University ??

I've been looking at Uni's, and so far Kingston and Roehampton are looking good, and Roehampton have a scholarship which is something to aim for :)

I'm looking at doing psychology (major) and either criminology or drama as my minor, so if anyone has any advice it would be appreciated :P

xTanya on here goes to Roehampton. She does Drama and something else.. peforming arts I think..

On her profile may be her MySpace.. message her and ask her about the Uni. She's really nice, wouldn't mind at all.

16-02-2008, 12:27
I've got offers from all 5 of my choices now - Decision time!! :)

di marco
16-02-2008, 12:56
I've got offers from all 5 of my choices now - Decision time!! :)

congrats on getting offers from all your choices abi! :)

16-02-2008, 13:04
I've got offers from all 5 of my choices now - Decision time!! :)

Well done, Abi. I hate having too many options as I find it difficult to make up my mind. :confused: I am sure you will make the right choice though.

17-02-2008, 11:49
The worst part is making that final decision and knowing if you have made the right choice or not. Then theres the hard part, pasing the exams.

17-02-2008, 17:56
I took a few days to decide which offers I wanted to accept before telling UCAS. I got four offers and an interview. I initially wanted to go to UCLAN but I changed my mind the more I thought about it.

There's so much to consider when making the choice like the course, location, accomodation, social life etc. I think I've made the right choice, just hope I get the points.

17-02-2008, 18:20
I took a few days to decide which offers I wanted to accept before telling UCAS. I got four offers and an interview. I initially wanted to go to UCLAN but I changed my mind the more I thought about it.

There's so much to consider when making the choice like the course, location, accomodation, social life etc. I think I've made the right choice, just hope I get the points.

Good luck with your studies, I am sure you will do great.

17-02-2008, 18:29
I got all mine back, I've whittled it down now to 2/3... visiting Salford on sat and then it's decision time- i love the campus and university at Aston but Leeds city is just me... argh! It's so confusing and everyone's advice is different!!

17-02-2008, 22:56
I know exaclty how you feel and would not swap back to making that decision for anything.

At the end of the day most people make the right choice. It is a much smaller number than you think who chance course or uni.

My mates at Salford and Really enjoys it and my cousin loves Aston, but he lives at home.

03-04-2008, 23:00
I think I'm going to take a gap year. Probably in Australia...if I get a working holiday permit I can do harvest work, then go backpacking :)

I'll defer the university course so I can always change my mind..Southampton and Brighton are my favourites at the moment.

04-04-2008, 20:41
Well i've narrowed it down;

Now to get the grades to get it.....!!

05-04-2008, 15:44
Oooo what are you going to be doing Layne?

05-04-2008, 17:44
Psychology :) We are appyling in like 4 months :eek: scary stuff, i neeed to register for open days!

05-04-2008, 17:50
oooo Very scary, that sounds interesting thoug

05-04-2008, 21:32

Psychology is very competitive apparently.

06-04-2008, 10:38
Psychology is just popular, i know at my uni in Bangor there is 500 people on the course. Its a great course though. well done on being so organised Layne, that will help you so much.

06-04-2008, 18:09
I'm wishing I'd applied for psychology and sociology now... I've just had so much change recently I've worked out what I want to do... but I know I'd kick myself if I didn't do French and German, so I'll do that first then go back and do a Psychology and Sociology degree!

07-04-2008, 18:49
Yeh psychology is very competitive, it leads to alot of careers so alot of people do it :) At one of the Uni's i looked at (think it was Bath) there was only 75 for the course! I pretty much need 3 A's to do the course :eek:

04-06-2008, 20:01
Hmmm I dont sure if I'll get the grades to do Zoology, does anyone esle know of some good courses with animals and that kind of stuff

04-06-2008, 20:15
These are all the course/subject areas that UCAS have on animals (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MwvowFQhAN0ffPbiyFZ4rcCk5Ry-4a5O/HAHTpage/search.HsKeywordSearch.whereNext?query=34&word=ANIMAL).

04-06-2008, 20:40
I want to do forensics but the branch of forensics I want to do is limited. As far as I know there's only two places in the UK that do it, Dundee and Livepool and they both only take on 25 a year so I guess I just have to keep my fingers crossed

04-06-2008, 20:58
What sort of forensics is it?

04-06-2008, 21:19
Still don't know what I actually want to do... I was considering English Language but now I wouldn't mind doing a Theatre course as I really enjoy the theory I do in Drama.. I really don't know though and I must decide soon!

04-06-2008, 21:20
Have you looked at a joint honours or major/minor degree?

04-06-2008, 21:22
I looked to see if they did English Language and Theatre Studies together, but I can't find anything.

04-06-2008, 21:29
Glasgow (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MelGwFPA-N0qGWbiyWoaJBRXdA--Uh8T/HAHTpage/search.HsDetails.run?n=902549) and London Met (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MelGwFPA-N0qGWbiyWoaJBRXdA--Uh8T/HAHTpage/search.HsDetails.run?n=913206) do English language studies with theatre studies. There are a few more (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MelGwFPA-N0qGWbiyWoaJBRXdA--Uh8T/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.submitForm?txtSubject=english++the atre&cmbQual=DEG&cmbAttend=&cmbInst=&button1.x=0&button1.y=0) english and theatre courses here.

04-06-2008, 21:31
Glasgow (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MelGwFPA-N0qGWbiyWoaJBRXdA--Uh8T/HAHTpage/search.HsDetails.run?n=902549) and London Met (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MelGwFPA-N0qGWbiyWoaJBRXdA--Uh8T/HAHTpage/search.HsDetails.run?n=913206) do English language studies with theatre studies. There are a few more (http://search.ucas.co.uk/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D1MelGwFPA-N0qGWbiyWoaJBRXdA--Uh8T/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.submitForm?txtSubject=english++the atre&cmbQual=DEG&cmbAttend=&cmbInst=&button1.x=0&button1.y=0) english and theatre courses here.

I didn't look very well did I. :o Thank you.

04-06-2008, 21:34
No problem :)

It all depends what you search for. I searched for 'english language theatre studies' and got a few, then i searched for 'english language theatre' and got quite a few more courses.

02-09-2008, 20:05
I think the thread needs to come into use once more

Im really struggling with what to do.
I like the idea of the Zoology course but everywhere I look it needs at least a B in biology
Ive also looked at Animal Behaviour and Sceince, Ive even looked at Wildlife conservation, and in these ones in most places go on points and ask for a C in biology.
They all sound really interesting, I just have no idea what to do! :(

02-09-2008, 20:09
That sounds interesting Abbie. Where are you looking at to do the courses?

I am going to apply to do English. I have looked at Cardiff, Manchester, Portsmouth, Bangor, Glamorgan and Nottingham.. I need an A in English to get into Cardiff or Manchester, so will put one of those unis as my first choice.. I need to go to some open days though and soon! I am planning to head up to Bangor in the next month or so to have a look around.

02-09-2008, 20:12
Ive looked all over.
I'll start with the prospectus I have: Bangor, Duhurm, Sheffield, Liverpool and Plymouth.
Ive also looked at Cumbria, Kent, Leeds and a few other places. Plymouth is looking good at the moment, I just dont know.
The problem is with the course Im looking at, the title of the degree varies all the time so its like if I applied I would be a applying for like 3 differnt courses if that makes sense.
Ahh, its so confusing , I just have no idea what to do!!!

Kirsty :]
02-09-2008, 20:30
I don't want to go far from home :(
So the only 2 Im definately applying for is Caerleon and Cardiff... in that order. I ahven't really looked at any others yet which I should do lol

02-09-2008, 20:38
I'm looking at doing psychology :)
So far i've picked Cardiff, Liverpool, Bristol and Manchester.
I'm in need of a 5th, i'm thinking Nottingham as apparently its a really nice uni and its quite good for psychology.
Cardiff want 3 A's, which i doubt i'm going to get, but the course sounds amazing - its one with a professional year placement which would really help as i could get a really good placement and i need 2 years placement to qualify as a psychologist.

This uni business is so scary :|

02-09-2008, 20:40
It is sooo scary isnt it?

Which one in manchester, cos theres 3?

di marco
02-09-2008, 22:28
Ive also looked at Cumbria, Kent, Leeds and a few other places. Plymouth is looking good at the moment, I just dont know.

i go to kent, didnt realise it did a course on animal things though!

02-09-2008, 22:31
Ive also looked at Cumbria, Kent, Leeds and a few other places. Plymouth is looking good at the moment, I just dont know.

i go to kent, didnt realise it did a course on animal things though!

I know like four people who are going to Kent this year, lmao.

di marco
02-09-2008, 22:32
Ive also looked at Cumbria, Kent, Leeds and a few other places. Plymouth is looking good at the moment, I just dont know.

i go to kent, didnt realise it did a course on animal things though!

I know like four people who are going to Kent this year, lmao.

i thought i didnt know anyone else going there when i went, then once i got there i realised at least 5 people were also there that i knew lol!

02-09-2008, 22:42
Yeah at Kent they do Wildlife Conservation.
Its one of the courses Im seriously considering

02-09-2008, 23:24
I'm considering Birmingham, Reading, Canterbury, East Anglia (norwich), Herefordshire, Brighton and Bristol.

East Anglia is my top at the moment. You can choose to have a year in Austrilasia D I'd love to do that! But I need ABB-BBB. *Cue sucking up to science teacher to up my predicted grade* (I have BBC at the moment) :lol:

Forgot to add, I'm going to do Biological sciences. Because I can do it, and it's a wide industry :p

02-09-2008, 23:27
Oooo Biological sciences

The thing is, Ive looked at the course, just not the career side :p

di marco
03-09-2008, 09:48
Yeah at Kent they do Wildlife Conservation.
Its one of the courses Im seriously considering

i never knew they did that here, is it a new course do you know? my housemate from my first year left to go to liverpool to do something to do with wildlife, which was completely different to the course he was doing here! kents nice though, im guessing its the canterbury campus the course is held at?

di marco
03-09-2008, 09:50
I'm considering Birmingham, Reading, Canterbury, East Anglia (norwich), Herefordshire, Brighton and Bristol.

which canterbury uni are you looking at?

East Anglia is my top at the moment. You can choose to have a year in Austrilasia D I'd love to do that! But I need ABB-BBB. *Cue sucking up to science teacher to up my predicted grade* (I have BBC at the moment) :lol:

if you tell your teachers that you need at least 3 Bs to get onto the course then they might up your grade. at my school they put down whatever grades you needed just in case you got those grades and they didnt want to have stopped you going where you wanted to go

03-09-2008, 10:38
Yeah at Kent they do Wildlife Conservation.
Its one of the courses Im seriously considering

i never knew they did that here, is it a new course do you know? my housemate from my first year left to go to liverpool to do something to do with wildlife, which was completely different to the course he was doing here! kents nice though, im guessing its the canterbury campus the course is held at?

Erm it might be new.
I have no idea what campus though, I havent looked into it that far. Just the course description and stuff :lol:

di marco
03-09-2008, 10:41
Yeah at Kent they do Wildlife Conservation.
Its one of the courses Im seriously considering

i never knew they did that here, is it a new course do you know? my housemate from my first year left to go to liverpool to do something to do with wildlife, which was completely different to the course he was doing here! kents nice though, im guessing its the canterbury campus the course is held at?

Erm it might be new.
I have no idea what campus though, I havent looked into it that far. Just the course description and stuff :lol:

oh right lol! im guessing its probably at the canterbury campus, id advise against anyone going to the medway campus lol!

03-09-2008, 13:37
Lol why? Whats wrong with there?

03-09-2008, 13:46
I'm considering Birmingham, Reading, Canterbury, East Anglia (norwich), Herefordshire, Brighton and Bristol.

which canterbury uni are you looking at?

Christchurch I think :)

03-09-2008, 20:52
Abbie, I think Bangor in Wales do quite a lot of animal related courses, if that helps!

03-09-2008, 20:54
Abbie, I think Bangor in Wales do quite a lot of animal related courses, if that helps!

Yeah, they look really good. Loads of course, Plymouth are the same as well.
Some many tough choices to make :(

03-09-2008, 21:10
Well, do you want to escape the grips of your parents is possibly the best question to ask! Plymouth is farr, whilst Bangor is fairly close!

03-09-2008, 21:15
I really dont care, I dont want to stay close, close, thats why I havent looked at Manchester

04-09-2008, 09:46
Well, do you want to escape the grips of your parents is possibly the best question to ask! Plymouth is farr, whilst Bangor is fairly close!

Doesn't matter how far I'm going, my mum is never going to let go. She's doing my head in at the moment, can't wait for next Saturday afternoon when she leaves me. Freedom for several months!! Think I'm going to have to block her on hotmail, she's sending me at least five (pointless) emails a day and I'm only at my sister's :confused:

Another thing to consider, if you don't drive, is public transport. How are you going to get to and from university? Also, do you want to be in a city or a more rural area?

di marco
04-09-2008, 10:15
Lol why? Whats wrong with there?

well i live in medway when im at home and its a complete dump! also the uni is on the same site as 2 other unis and ive been there for various talks for different things while i was at school and its horrible. my housemate had to go to medway for her first year and she transfered down to canterbury last year cos she hated medway

di marco
04-09-2008, 10:15
I'm considering Birmingham, Reading, Canterbury, East Anglia (norwich), Herefordshire, Brighton and Bristol.

which canterbury uni are you looking at?

Christchurch I think :)

oh cool, my sis is hoping to go there next year :)

di marco
04-09-2008, 10:20
Well, do you want to escape the grips of your parents is possibly the best question to ask! Plymouth is farr, whilst Bangor is fairly close!

Doesn't matter how far I'm going, my mum is never going to let go. She's doing my head in at the moment, can't wait for next Saturday afternoon when she leaves me. Freedom for several months!! Think I'm going to have to block her on hotmail, she's sending me at least five (pointless) emails a day and I'm only at my sister's :confused:

my mums like that, it does my head in sometimes! she will phone in the evening and ask how my day was! or if she phones and im out so dont answer the next day she will be like i was worried about you cos you didnt answer your phone! :rolleyes: and when i say i was out she was like you didnt tell me you were going out! why would i tell her?! :angry:

Another thing to consider, if you don't drive, is public transport. How are you going to get to and from university? Also, do you want to be in a city or a more rural area?

yeh thats a good point, even for the first year as some unis accomodation isnt on campus. a lot of unis though do have buses that go between uni and town and cheap bus tickets etc

08-10-2008, 22:36
I sent off my UCAS application today to my referee so all I need to do is wait now... I am just glad to have got it all out the way! I've applied to:

Aberwystwyth - English Literature and Creative Writing
Bangor - English and Creative Writing
Cardiff - English and Creative Writing
Glamorgan - English
Southampton Solent - English and Professional Writing

... I don't know what my first choice or insurance choice will be yet.. have to get the offers... or rejections :( ... first

09-10-2008, 06:48
I sent off my UCAS application today to my referee so all I need to do is wait now... I am just glad to have got it all out the way! I've applied to:

Aberwystwyth - English Literature and Creative Writing
Bangor - English and Creative Writing
Cardiff - English and Creative Writing
Glamorgan - English
Southampton Solent - English and Professional Writing

... I don't know what my first choice or insurance choice will be yet.. have to get the offers... or rejections :( ... first

Good luck with your application, I am sure you will get the offers rather than rejections. :thumbsup:

11-10-2008, 16:30
I need to go to some open days desperately! I have to say I thought my college did things early but all of you on here seem earlier than me :eek:

di marco
11-10-2008, 16:33
I sent off my UCAS application today to my referee so all I need to do is wait now... I am just glad to have got it all out the way! I've applied to:

Aberwystwyth - English Literature and Creative Writing
Bangor - English and Creative Writing
Cardiff - English and Creative Writing
Glamorgan - English
Southampton Solent - English and Professional Writing

... I don't know what my first choice or insurance choice will be yet.. have to get the offers... or rejections :( ... first

good luck :) do you know if any of your unis require you to go for an interview?

11-10-2008, 17:13
I sent off my UCAS application today to my referee so all I need to do is wait now... I am just glad to have got it all out the way! I've applied to:

Aberwystwyth - English Literature and Creative Writing
Bangor - English and Creative Writing
Cardiff - English and Creative Writing
Glamorgan - English
Southampton Solent - English and Professional Writing

... I don't know what my first choice or insurance choice will be yet.. have to get the offers... or rejections :( ... first

good luck :) do you know if any of your unis require you to go for an interview?

When I looked at the courses I applied for, they didn't say anything about going for an interview, but I suppose I might have to go to one if they are undecided on whether to accept me. I may be required to send off some of my writing though if unis get back to me, so I will send off some newspaper articles and probably some writing I've done on here. :)

11-10-2008, 23:30
I hope that my son wants to go to a Uni far, far from here. You guys talk about escape the clutches of parents - how do you think we feel? I am at the end of my teather with my eldest who has morphed into a lazy, cheeky disrespectful wee s&*^!.

There is a sign up in the orthodontists that my boys go to:

Teenagers - if your parents are moaney, nagging and boring - leave home quickly and pay your own way while you still know everything!

This isn't aimed at anyone on the boards - I have had a really bad day and I am venting. Please bear with me - normal service will be resumed shortly.

12-10-2008, 09:15
aww, i think i did that to my parents, its also good going away as you realise how difficult it is living on your own and i have gotten a much better relationship with my parents since leaving.

They sound like good choices Dave. Good luck with the application.

12-10-2008, 10:05
See my mum and dad are the opposite. They don't want me to go far away, they want me to stay close to home.. I'd like to go far away to uni, but not too far..

12-10-2008, 12:09
I dont know what my parents think, I do want to go away though
Even if I go to Liverpool where I could get the train, it would cost too much and its easier just to visit at weekends.

Im sick of my dad asking me stuff like what will your degree lead to, like which job will you get. I know I have to think of that but it can lead to a varity of stuff so I just want to take it step by step!! :angry:

12-10-2008, 14:28
thats what my parents were like. I still havent got a clue what ia want to do at the of my degree! he's given up now!

12-10-2008, 14:29
Whats your degree? and where are you?

di marco
12-10-2008, 17:50
my parents didnt want me to move really far from home (for ages i wanted to go to liverpool when i live in kent), i think my mum still wanted to try and control me!

i have no idea what i want to do when i leave either which i really should start thinking about!

12-10-2008, 18:46
I lived at home when I was a student and I don't recommend it. My mother and I clashed none stop.

I would like my kids to go into the halls for first year and make friends, and then get a flat in second year.

It is really hard for parents to see their children as adults, and for some reason it seems to be impossible for children to listen to parents when all they are trying to do is help.

I really think that distance would help my relationship with my elder son. We are very alike, and he is making many of the same mistakes I made at his age, but unfortunately you cannot learn from your parents mistakes - you have to make your own.

di marco
12-10-2008, 18:53
theres no way i could have lived at home while at uni. you miss all the atmosphere and excitement and generally everything else which comes with living on campus. even if i lived 5mins walk from my uni i wouldnt have wanted to live at home (even if it is cheaper!)

Kirsty :]
12-10-2008, 18:57
theres no way i could have lived at home while at uni. you miss all the atmosphere and excitement and generally everything else which comes with living on campus. even if i lived 5mins walk from my uni i wouldnt have wanted to live at home (even if it is cheaper!)

Haha, I live about 20 minutes away from my first choice UNi.. but I want to stay at home. I get homesick very very badly.. but then I want to be in on the atmosphere and everything, and gain independance! I keep thinking of money too though... it would be alot cheaper to stay at home. I'm umming and arring about it yet. :hmm:

di marco
12-10-2008, 18:59
theres no way i could have lived at home while at uni. you miss all the atmosphere and excitement and generally everything else which comes with living on campus. even if i lived 5mins walk from my uni i wouldnt have wanted to live at home (even if it is cheaper!)

Haha, I live about 20 minutes away from my first choice UNi.. but I want to stay at home. I get homesick very very badly.. but then I want to be in on the atmosphere and everything, and gain independance! I keep thinking of money too though... it would be alot cheaper to stay at home. I'm umming and arring about it yet. :hmm:

i thought id get homesick but freshers week was so hectic i didnt have time to be homesick! it is a lot cheaper but you get a bigger loan if you dont live at home

12-10-2008, 19:09
theres no way i could have lived at home while at uni. you miss all the atmosphere and excitement and generally everything else which comes with living on campus. even if i lived 5mins walk from my uni i wouldnt have wanted to live at home (even if it is cheaper!)

Haha, I live about 20 minutes away from my first choice UNi.. but I want to stay at home. I get homesick very very badly.. but then I want to be in on the atmosphere and everything, and gain independance! I keep thinking of money too though... it would be alot cheaper to stay at home. I'm umming and arring about it yet. :hmm:

You are right that it is a lot cheaper to stay at home, however Di Marco is right - you miss out on a lot of social activities as well as the independance factor.

To be frank, unless you work P/T and take out loans your are going to be depending on your parents somewhat for financial help, and as someone who didn't have the option of living away from home I have been saving since my kids were born to ensure that they can go to Uni where ever they want to and are not constrained by finances.

I work at a campus based university, and more and more students are living at home and traveling in daily. For a lot of people it is worth it not to start out as a graduate totally crippled with debt.

You need to do what is best for your own circumstances.

14-10-2008, 23:47
Abigail - how is Hertfordshire like for sciences? Is the teaching & support good? Thankyou :)

15-10-2008, 16:02
I might look at Licoln, does anyone know what its like?

Kirsty :]
15-10-2008, 16:06
My friend went to an open day there and she said it looked really good and was also very pretty lol but I don't know myself and of course it depends on your choice of course lol

15-10-2008, 16:10
Yeah theres an open day this saturday but I cant really go so I have to wait till november

15-10-2008, 17:01
I go to University of Portsmouth, and its not a campus one. Which makes it soo much better, IMO. You get to mix more with people from outside the university, and aren't constantly surrounded by students. And you get more exercise because things are more spread out (Though it is a pain when you have a 9AM law lecture on the other side of town, after going to bed very very late). There is also less uni restrictions on you, because you aren't surrounded by staff.

There are bad things too though. Halls are pretty spread out, which is annoying. And i think the locals tend to hate us.

Abbie, i know someone at Lincoln. She seems to like it. But i don't think it is the most studenty place in the world, if you get what i mean.

di marco
15-10-2008, 17:28
I go to University of Portsmouth, and its not a campus one. Which makes it soo much better, IMO. You get to mix more with people from outside the university, and aren't constantly surrounded by students. And you get more exercise because things are more spread out (Though it is a pain when you have a 9AM law lecture on the other side of town, after going to bed very very late). There is also less uni restrictions on you, because you aren't surrounded by staff.

There are bad things too though. Halls are pretty spread out, which is annoying. And i think the locals tend to hate us.

Abbie, i know someone at Lincoln. She seems to like it. But i don't think it is the most studenty place in the world, if you get what i mean.

i think id find a noncampus uni annoying! i go to kent which is a campus uni and i love the fact everything is in one place! i dont think there are too many rules and restrictions either, obviously in the library and stuff, but in the accomodation we seemed to be able to do what we liked! obviously i dont have the experience of a noncampus uni so cant properly compare but i hate just having to get from my house to campus everyday let alone having all my lectures in different places around town! and we quite often go out in town so mix with other people as well as students from the other uni (which ive just realised is a non campus uni!)

i dont know anyone that goes to lincoln or hertfordshire so dunno what theyre like

15-10-2008, 18:09
The only bad thing about hertfordshire is there are two campuses so if you wanted to go to the library and you lived on the other side you'd have to walk over, and I think the gym is on the other side of where I would be in halls if I went there. I prefer campus uni's because everythings in the same place I'm lazy like that. :lol: plus I would like the huge libraries on campus because I am never able to concentrate at home...:p

15-10-2008, 21:23
I'm at Aston and I like that it's all on campus, everything's close together and I don't find it restrictive at all! The main building is on the far side, but everythingis jsut close enough (and my halls are over the road from the city centre which helps!)

15-10-2008, 23:04

And i think the locals tend to hate us.


:D us..... us pompey peeps hate you stoooodents NEVER :D

:angel: :lol:

the uni here is huge and it just seems to get bigger and bigger every year!!! But i live far enough away from it!!!

16-10-2008, 01:11

And i think the locals tend to hate us.


:D us..... us pompey peeps hate you stoooodents NEVER :D

:angel: :lol:

the uni here is huge and it just seems to get bigger and bigger every year!!! But i live far enough away from it!!!

did you see the queues for registration? theres so many freshers i was queuing for 2 hours just to get in the building!!!! apparently 10% of the city is students. you know you love us really :D one day i swear i'm gonna bump into you debs and be like "omg its you!!". when your in the uni area, keep you eyes open :p

16-10-2008, 17:07
I've completly changed my choices now :rolleyes: I keep changing my mind!

16-10-2008, 17:16

And i think the locals tend to hate us.


:D us..... us pompey peeps hate you stoooodents NEVER :D

:angel: :lol:

the uni here is huge and it just seems to get bigger and bigger every year!!! But i live far enough away from it!!!

:lol: i went through there the other day and it was packed then!

I thought at the time ooo now wonder if abi around, but dont know what you look like so would never know anyway :lol:

did you see the queues for registration? theres so many freshers i was queuing for 2 hours just to get in the building!!!! apparently 10% of the city is students. you know you love us really :D one day i swear i'm gonna bump into you debs and be like "omg its you!!". when your in the uni area, keep you eyes open :p

17-10-2008, 17:12
I've completly changed my choices now :rolleyes: I keep changing my mind!

:lol: what have you changed them to?

17-10-2008, 17:29
I've completly changed my choices now :rolleyes: I keep changing my mind!

:lol: what have you changed them to?

To be honest i don't think i quite know :lol:

Cardiff, Loughborough and Nottingham Trent are deffo's!

Then ive got Bristol, Liverpool, Reading, Leeds and Manchester :confused:

Although i think im ruling out reading as the accomadation is REALLY expensive!

17-10-2008, 17:30
Im going to look at Britol, though Ive missed the open day, Im going to go along for one of those campus tours

17-10-2008, 17:37
I loved Bristol :) Its lovely, only problem is i need AAB to get in there, and i don't know if i'll get it! And i apparently over 2000 people apply for my course and there is only 77 places avalible.

17-10-2008, 17:39
wow thats a lot, well if you have a free choice left go for it :D
Is it expensive to live there, my friend, he wants to do drama in london and we were all saying how expensive it is and he was like 'well im going to buy a very expensive carboard box and set up home for the neat 3 years!'
:lol: he had me in stitches

17-10-2008, 17:53
I loved Bristol :) Its lovely, only problem is i need AAB to get in there, and i don't know if i'll get it! And i apparently over 2000 people apply for my course and there is only 77 places avalible.Woah...

I'm applying for University of West England in Bristol it only wants 180-220 points for my course (biological science) woo...

But its got the best place to study abroad...lol

Kirsty :]
17-10-2008, 18:15
I'm applying for Cardiff now too :)
I'm still unsure.. I really need to go to Open Days, they jsut look scary.. you need to take a Parent/Guardian don't you??

17-10-2008, 19:09
Manchester is cheap living wise and has GREAT life... seriously I never thought I'd miss it until I got here!

17-10-2008, 19:49
:lol: Yeh so i think Reading is out for me!
Bristol is quite expensive too mind, but not as expensive as Reading :rolleyes:

It sucks that psychology is such a competitive course, and that most of the courses are AAB, and i probably won't get that!

di marco
17-10-2008, 22:20
;617757']you need to take a Parent/Guardian don't you??

no you dont have to go with a parent/guardian to the open days

19-10-2008, 13:28
When I was at Uni in the 1980s noone took parents with them to open days or anything else.

Nowadays it is very common to see parents at open days an I would say that at Heriot-Watt as many as 50% of prospective students come with parents.

Google parachute parents and look at the articles on BBC news.

I am not going to express an opinion on whether this is a good trend or not, but you have to cut the apron strings sometime.... If your parents take you to the open days and go on the tours, fair enough. But FGS - don't take them into your interviews with you - it doesn't look good at all.

19-10-2008, 13:46
i went to the open days alone, also there are second chances for open days after april, i know Bangor does its more in depth. I know i went to a couple with my dad and some with my friends and i went to Chester by myself!

In answer to an earlier question Abbie, i am Bangor studying Law.

In Bangor its 50% students so when the students are there the poplation doubles and it is not a campus uni but everything is walking distance, its quite a small place but you always know someone where walking about.

My advice is go to as many open days as you can and visit as many unis before you make up your mind.

19-10-2008, 14:07
I went to Open Days with my Mum. Everyone did. I had a couple of interviews which i needed a lift to, but she didn't come to the uni for those, she hung around in town untill i was done. Sure, you've got to cut the apron strings at some point. But theres no harm in your parents knowing where you are going, and helping you decide. If they didn't see your uni at all it would be a bit like buying a house and not letting them come see it.

19-10-2008, 14:21
Everyone in my college goes to open days with their parents!

di marco
19-10-2008, 15:06
I am not going to express an opinion on whether this is a good trend or not, but you have to cut the apron strings sometime.... If your parents take you to the open days and go on the tours, fair enough. But FGS - don't take them into your interviews with you - it doesn't look good at all.

I went to Open Days with my Mum. Everyone did. I had a couple of interviews which i needed a lift to, but she didn't come to the uni for those, she hung around in town untill i was done. Sure, you've got to cut the apron strings at some point. But theres no harm in your parents knowing where you are going, and helping you decide. If they didn't see your uni at all it would be a bit like buying a house and not letting them come see it.

i agree abi. my parents came to the open days with me, mostly cos they were miles away and it would have been difficult to get there by myself. i also think its good to get someone elses opinion on the place as they might see some good/bad points which you didnt pick up on. my parents drove me to most of my interviews, as again they were too far away, but they didnt come into them with me. most people i know and saw at open days took their parents

19-10-2008, 18:52
I went to Open Days with my Mum. Everyone did. I had a couple of interviews which i needed a lift to, but she didn't come to the uni for those, she hung around in town untill i was done. Sure, you've got to cut the apron strings at some point. But theres no harm in your parents knowing where you are going, and helping you decide. If they didn't see your uni at all it would be a bit like buying a house and not letting them come see it.

I think if you read my post you will see that I said that if they give you a lift and go on the tours then fair enough. I am sure that I will do the same with my son next year when he is going to open days.

My point was that it is not a good move to take them into interviews with you - and believe me, there are many, many parents who expect to attend interviews with their offspring (again this is an observation from 10 year working in a University).

19-10-2008, 19:42
My mum came with me to them all, purely because I knew I wouldn't remember things and because I wasn't really well enough at the time to be able to go to these places alone and remember anything there!

My mum, however, would never come to an interview! I can't understand people who's parents do that, to me it seems really strange and I'd be going mad like get away!

di marco
19-10-2008, 21:46
i cant understand why anyones parents would go into an interview with them either! my parents didnt even wanna go to my 6th form interviews with me (not that i wanted them too!) so i cant understand why parents would think it was a good idea to go to the interview?

20-10-2008, 10:38
You wouldn't believe some parents - phoning up asking for their adult kids results (not given out - data protection and students are ADULTS).

I have heard of parents phoning up and asking if their kids are attending lectures.

Perhaps it is desperation because the kids don't communicate enough - but really!

20-10-2008, 21:30
At Kent Uni apparently they send timetables to your parents. I'd hate that!

di marco
20-10-2008, 22:24
You wouldn't believe some parents - phoning up asking for their adult kids results (not given out - data protection and students are ADULTS).

I have heard of parents phoning up and asking if their kids are attending lectures.

Perhaps it is desperation because the kids don't communicate enough - but really!

omg that stupid! im so glad my parents dont do that! they ask me about my grades and stuff but theyd never phone up lol!

di marco
20-10-2008, 22:24
At Kent Uni apparently they send timetables to your parents. I'd hate that!

thats not true! i go there and my timetable isnt sent to my parents!

30-11-2008, 22:24
Just to let you know my final choice are
Plymouth, Exeter, Lincoln, Sheffield and Aberystwyth

30-11-2008, 22:56
Ooooooooooooooooo Aber!!! Loads of us seem to be applying for that :p Not just us Welshies :D

30-11-2008, 22:57
lol I know :p Im afraid it not one of my top choices though

30-11-2008, 23:02
None of the Unis in Wales would be my top choice to be honest. Only reason they are is cause of the whole WAG paying half the fee. Though would be nice to stay in Wales.

30-11-2008, 23:03
where are you applying to then?

I like the others cos I like the cities and theres more there

30-11-2008, 23:04
Well I still haven't finished my statement :lol: Gonna do it this week hopefully. So if I do finish them I'm applying to..
Aber, Glamorgan, Cardiff and Swansea Met

Kirsty :]
30-11-2008, 23:25
Awww!! I'm not applyng to Aber but I'm applying to Glamorgan and Cardiff.. and maybe Swansea Met!

I'm still trying to think what would be ebst. I know it's cheaper for me to stay here but I really want to go further. I like Brighton :)

30-11-2008, 23:37
Ooh Brighton is an amazing place! :D I'm not sure about the uni just the area. :lol: :p

Kirsty :]
30-11-2008, 23:38
Haha well the area plays a big part :D
The Uni looked nice too :)

30-11-2008, 23:42
If ya going by area, I wouldn't go for Swansea :lol:. I don't really like Swansea :p But then my mates do :s it's a bit rubbish though,.

Brighton area is lush

Kirsty :]
30-11-2008, 23:45
As much as I'd like too... I can't really base everything on area ahha!
My heart is stills et on Newport. I'm comfortable with the surroundings and the student flats are lushhh, and they have a good rep for education too.
Cardiff is lookign good though. I saw the campus yesterday and it was huuuge! And it was right by Winter Wonderland, always a plus! :p

30-11-2008, 23:47
;628704']As much as I'd like too... I can't really base everything on area ahha!
My heart is stills et on Newport. I'm comfortable with the surroundings and the student flats are lushhh, and they have a good rep for education too.
Cardiff is lookign good though. I saw the campus yesterday and it was huuuge! And it was right by Winter Wonderland, always a plus! :p

The area does have a lot of influence over it. You have to be happy where you are living for three years.

And Winter Wonderland isn't going to be there all year round :lol:

30-11-2008, 23:47
Which Newport is that? Gwent? or Pembs? I assume Gwent? Never knew either Newport had a uni lmao?

Kirsty :]
30-11-2008, 23:51
Lol Abigail it doesn't matter, it's still there for Christmas :D:D Haha, Cardiff night life is veryyyy good too.

Gwent :) Wheres Pembs? Yeahh it's quite a big Uni too. Theres 3 campuses, well.. 2, they're building a new one for Business studies and that :)

30-11-2008, 23:52
I dunno where Newport is in Pembs.. but Pembs is Pembrokeshire :p That's where Tenby is :p

Oh really? I must look that one up, might be one I'm interested in :p.

Kirsty :]
30-11-2008, 23:58
Oohhh Pembrokeshire! Haha I know now where that is... didn't know they had a Newport though!!


That's Newport Uni :D

01-12-2008, 00:03
If any of you guys go to Cardiff I'll only be 45 miles away if I get into Bristol UWE :D :lol:

Kirsty :]
01-12-2008, 00:05
Omg no way! I want to apply there too! Of course I have too many Unis atm, so I need to whittle them down.. btu UWE is a strong contender :D

01-12-2008, 00:11
Ooh wicked! :D I want to go there because I like course, campus and the city looked really nice. Small though, compared to London! :p (of what I saw)

And I need to be in a city. :lol: Only downside is the campus is 15-20 mins away from the city so that means for nightlife and jobs I'd want city accomodation :lol: But there is free uni buses so I could cope with that. :p

01-12-2008, 16:43
My choices - Cardiff, Nottingham Trent, Loughborough and Liverpool :D

Didnt get into Leeds :(

01-12-2008, 17:56
Aww is Leeds really hard to get into?

01-12-2008, 19:20
Yes. When I looked, they required really high grades.

01-12-2008, 19:25
I think I'll get rejected from Sheffield and maybe exeter

01-12-2008, 22:33
Well they needed AAB like most of my others, but they wanted BB at GCSE science and i got CC :\

02-12-2008, 17:34
Im lucky the higest grades any of mine want is ABB

06-12-2008, 23:33
If any of you guys go to Cardiff I'll only be 45 miles away if I get into Bristol UWE :D :lol:

:eek: I was thinking about applying there next year because they have a lot of choice for Business, I don't know if I might go for Psychology yet though. Decisions, decisions. I'm only about 40-45 minutes from it so I guess that would be a plus when I want to come home.

13-01-2009, 22:06
Hey Abigail I was just wondering what's the nightlife, clubs & societies and teaching are like at Hertfordshire? In that order of importance of course ;) :lol:

14-01-2009, 12:34
Hey Abigail I was just wondering what's the nightlife, clubs & societies and teaching are like at Hertfordshire? In that order of importance of course ;) :lol:

I'm at Staffordshire, not Hertfordshire.

Try the yougofurther (http://www.yougofurther.co.uk/) website. It's a message board for all the universities in the country. People on there might be able to answer your questions. You'll need your UCAS id number to set up an account.

There's also the The Student Room (http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/) which has messageboards for individual unis.