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View Full Version : The "Runaway Bride" General Spoilers Thread

27-07-2006, 20:21
As "The Runaway Bride" is being filmed in Wales at the minute, theres a couple of vague spoilers been coming through the internet. So i thought we could use this thread to post and discuss all these spoilers, in one place.

NOTE: Some of these are just fan and tabloid speculation. By most, they've not been confirmed by the Beeb.

From Wikipedia...

The Doctor's new companion Martha Jones, played by Freema Agyeman, will not appear in this episode
According to the commentary for Doomsday, the Bride's name is Donna.
During filming in Cardiff, a body-shaped parcel in red Christmas wrapping paper was seen among the props.
The Daily Star has reported that the Special is a three-parter to be shown over the Christmas period, and that the Doctor will come face-to-face with a 'Cyberwoman'.
Radio 1 has reported that Billie Piper might appear in the episode 'in one form or another'.
For legal reasons, the production team were forced to make obviously fake Pound notes for a scene. The £10 notes feature the Doctor's face, while the £20 note features producer Phil Collinson's faceI found these pictures on Outpost Gallifrey, of the fake money they had to use. They couldn't use real money, because obviously they'd use the lot. They're quite a good touch, i thought (They've been scanned by someone, so they're not great quality):

http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/2618/photo072606muk9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
£10 David Tennant note. If you read it carefully, it says "I promise to pay the barer of this note, 10 satsumas. no second chances, i'm that kind of a man"

http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/5183/photo072606nbs5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Thats Phil Collinson, the Producer of DW

Now, my bets on the Radio 1 report about Billie Piper returning, is that thers some kind of flashback in it, which has already been filmed by BP before she left. If its true, its probably only a 20 second clip, if that, i reckon.

A 3 parter seems a bit extreme to me, and will probably only pull in die-hard Doctor Who fans. But you never know, i suppose.

So feel free to post any other spoilers, rumours or speculation you hear in this thread. Of course, if the BBC confirms anything, then start a new thread. But for all rumours, keeping them all here seems like the best idea.

30-07-2006, 22:21
Looks good :D I can't see Billie appearing in it much, but it would be nice if she was. I love the money, they look really good.