View Full Version : Week 32

irish eyes
23-07-2006, 20:03
Casualty – Happy Hour
Saturday 5 August
8.10-9.00pm BBC ONE

Nathan is still on the warpath but the staff are fed up with his witch-hunt. When Nathan manipulates a confused Sam into admitting he did not dispose of the needle correctly, Charlie is furious to find a tearful Sam packing up his locker and tells Nathan he is a bully. The staff all protect Sam and Nathan is forced to back down.

Elsewhere, Nina comes to the rescue when a drunken patient threatens Comfort.

Nathan is played by Ben Price, Sam by Luke Bailey, Charlie by Derek Thompson, Nina by Rebekah Gibbs and Comfort by Martina Laird.

23-07-2006, 20:09
Awww poor Samuel hehe. I really don't like Nathan, will be glad when he goes !!

And oo what a surprise...Nina to the rescue once again :D

24-07-2006, 18:03
How evil is Nathan?!?! I really can't wait until he gets his commeupance.