View Full Version : Brainiac Science Abuse

22-07-2006, 00:14
I soooo love this programme. Its brilliant.

Tonight (on Sky Two - a repeat of Sundays new episode from Sky One), they were seeing what was the loudest on landing from being dropped 120ft - a piano, a skip full of crockery or a fully loaded milk float. The milk float won with 113 db ( I think that was right).

They have started the "electrocuting celebrities" test, to see which "celeb" can take the highest shock - Neil Hamilton was on tonights and he managed the same as a car battery would give out.

The caravan explosions are back, this time using a double top in darts as the trigger.

And so much more, but I won't bore everyone unless someone else watches :rotfl:

Oh and the lovely Richard Hammond is still presenting :wub:

22-07-2006, 00:27
Ooo thinking about it!! I actually saw this one!! Didn't know it was knew though, but I remember them seeing which was loudest, I thought it was going to be the crockery hah :p

Don't think I saw the electrocusion bit (was kind of doing something while watching it like) But will look out for that next Sunday!!

What else did they test in this episode I can't remember :hmm: Was it the one where that woman wanted to see how many 360 degree turns she could make without losing balance?! :p

22-07-2006, 00:39
Thats the one!!! :cheer:

Debbie McGee is being electrocuted last week

And this week had them blowing up the flour too in "I'm a Brainiac for the Day" and Jon Tickle with his breathe out through your mouth and nose at the same time thingy.

And he did his "things that make you go hmm" with, why doesn't glue dry in the pot and why is the third hand on the clock called the second hand.

22-07-2006, 00:44
Ah yes all coming back to me now!! That nose/mouth thing...I think I can do it.. not sure :rotfl:

Debbi Mcgee getting electricuted....that's what we like to hear :p

Who is Richard Hammond then?! I'm sort of a new-ish viewer, and only can recall John Tickle.

Have you seen the one where they shoot arrows at a cusion, a toilet seat and a wok.... If anyone attacks me in the house, I now know where to head.... the kitchen :cool:

22-07-2006, 00:48
You don't know who Little Richard Hammond is?! :eek: He of gorgeousness who also presents Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson and James May. Richard was the one sat next to Jon Tickle when they were dropping the stuff 120ft lol

That one was brilliant!! I'll definitely be defending myself with a wok if ever in that position.

Did you see the bit with the "what food is best to shave with"?? Were they were testing Tomato Sauce, Peanut Butter and Whipping Cream out as shaving foam??

22-07-2006, 00:53
Ohhh I know!! I remember the other day my sister had top Gear on, and she was like, oo he's in Brainac, and I was like ohh erm is he!! And she was like yeah, he's cute he is :p *random babbling* But yeah I knwo who you mean now!!

And lmao no! Which was the best shaving food!?

There was one experiment that reallymade me laugh once, they were testing if certain foods turn you certain colours... carrots - orange, and other foods can't remember, but they had to each just them foods all week!! But they never changed colour :D

22-07-2006, 01:06
The best one to use was smooth peanut butter - the other guys had cuts and nicks all over their faces lol

They also did that one last series about whether the type of music you listen to and what you are surrounded with, changes a mans testosterone levels, so like doing knitting, ironing or washing as a guy for a prolonged period lessened levels of testosterone in a guy, and reading magazines, boxing etc, heightened testosterone levels.

And then there was the one about who took longer in the bathroom - men or women.

15-09-2006, 23:28
Richard Hammond won't be returning for the new series of Brainiac Science Abuse and is being replaced by Vic Reeves!!! :crying:

Not happy, so unfair - Richard - how on earth can you leave us! Brainiac without you is like, erm, jammie dodgers without the jam! :crying:

16-09-2006, 13:15
no way is vic reeves anywhere near as good as richard hamond. he was funny without trying to be vic reeves isnt funny full stop! i love watching the repeats espeacially the 'what john tickles body cant do' hahaha i love doing them. they do the experiments and answer the un answerable questions you know you all want to know the answer too! has anyone seen the brainiac's test tube baby? ive seen a bit of it but its not as good i dont think.

16-09-2006, 13:33
I tried watching it when the first episode was on, but just didn't find it the same as the "real" one. Just couldnt get into it. Maybe its because, to me, Dominic Wood is no replacement for Little Richard H lol

18-09-2006, 14:29
after you wrote this thread i started watching it and my husband, daughter and i loved it! the only thing is we will have to watch repeats now as the series has finished!
definitely wont be the same without richard hammond next series and i dont like vic reeves anyway so i may just have to stick to the repeats!

18-09-2006, 14:33
Thats what I'm going to do from now on. Vic Reeves just isn't Richard H and its a bit like test tube baby - without him, its not that brilliant. Don't know why as it should be about the science. My kids love it and its great for Sunday night viewing (or was lol)

18-09-2006, 14:36
Richard is not going to be presenting it anymore?? :eek::eek: That is like Top gear with out Clarkson, The weakest link without Robinson..

18-09-2006, 14:38
Richard is not going to be presenting it anymore?? :eek::eek: That is like Top gear with out Clarkson, The weakest link without Robinson.. I know :crying: I'm not happy :crying: Richard IS Brainiac!

Why do I get the feeling ratings are possibly going to slip with the next series lol

18-09-2006, 14:41
Why do I get the feeling ratings are possibly going to slip with the next series lol

Possibly gonna slip.. they are going end up like the carvans on that show.. gone to pieces!! Vic Reeves is not a good presenter.. Hammond wasn't just been funny, he was like a big kid doing fun experiments, he really enjoyed what he was doing.. I can't see Reeves filling his shoes

18-09-2006, 14:46
Possibly gonna slip.. they are going end up like the carvans on that show.. gone to pieces!! Vic Reeves is not a good presenter.. Hammond wasn't just been funny, he was like a big kid doing fun experiments, he really enjoyed what he was doing.. I can't see Reeves filling his shoes Definitely - I don't know what Richards qualifications are, but he always sounded like he knew what he was talking about too. But he always loved doing the experiments, blowing up caravans, dropping things from great heights etc which makes it that much more fun to watch. Plus, hes very easy on the eye too :D :lol: