View Full Version : Spiderman v Superman

21-07-2006, 20:00
Was just wondering who was your favourite superhero spiderman or superman seeing as two new films of them both are coming out which one do you prefer.
Personally i prefer spiderman beacuse i think it has more action scenes :thumbsup:

21-07-2006, 20:53
I love both really. But Spiderman more so. So much cooler, and Superman's pretty much repetetivem what with Lex Luthor normally after him or something.

21-07-2006, 23:06
Spiderman!! :cheer: Little angel loves it too :D x

21-07-2006, 23:09
Superman. Just because i grew up when it was on every saturady night

21-07-2006, 23:11
Its got to be Superman for me - after growing up seeing the Superman movies with the late great Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder.

Chloe O'brien
23-07-2006, 13:14
I seen the new superman movie last weekend, and I've got to say I was pretty impressed with the film. Although the film was a bit violent for young children in some parts, the actor who plays the new superman looks like a young christopher reeves. But personally forget spiderman & superman. The ultimate super hero has to be "jack Bauer" or may be "danger mouse" :lol:

23-07-2006, 18:06
Superman for me I grew up watching Christopher Reeve as the hero for years I adore those films and then I loved The New Adventures of Superman not as good as the films but pretty good not that keen on Smallville but I haven't really had much of a chance to watch it properly

x Amby x
09-08-2006, 16:11
i prefer Spiderman, i think it has better action in it and good twists to the story!

03-02-2007, 18:44
I voted spiderman, I just love it, its so cool and the first time I watched it I thought when he was swinging form building to building was just amazing

04-02-2007, 16:08
I like Spiderman more cos the plot just appeals to me more. Although, I used to like watching the old Superman films with Christopher Reeves.

04-02-2007, 16:32
I've edited the title of this thread to make it clearer what it is about.

04-02-2007, 16:35
I've edited the title of this thread to make it clearer what it is about.

Lol, well we are pretty stupid, i was really confused what it was about :lol:
Only joking, but really I just think that spiderman is so cool, and I never thought I would.