View Full Version : Hysterectomy: Anyone had one?

20-07-2006, 17:09

Just got back from seeing my gynaecologist and he has decided that I should have a hysterectomy, which will be done in Novemeber, so I can nearly complete my nurse training.

My emotions are all over the place, and I feel really alone and scared. I am 30 and feel scared that I will turn into an old woman overnight - silly isnt it, these silly ideas we get in our heads.

If anyone has had one or knows of people that have it would be great to hear from you. I am trying desparately to get back on track with my studies - have my nursing final exam tomorrrow.

Thanks for reading this

All the best

20-07-2006, 17:21
my mums been waiting a year to have hers and still no where on the top of the waiting list - its a bit different she's older and doesnt want any more kids.

Is a hysterectomy the only option?

20-07-2006, 18:20
my nana has had one when she was about 50 its usually a last resort isn't it 30 seems quite young for one :hmm:

20-07-2006, 20:11
yeah it is a last resort. Have had real severe endometriosis for 5 years, had a period that lasted every day for 13 months, this period means I am going through a pack of 28 pads a day, affecting my blood pressure etc.

I havent got kids, which is another emotional rollercoaster for me, but I/we can adopt or foster. My nephew said to me when I told him that I am his second mum! - made me cry - as it was nice coming from a 17 year old.

Thanks for the replies.

20-07-2006, 20:21
my mum had one when she was about 39 40 something like that. Its pretty common these days and dont worry about turning into an old woman as that wont happen.

20-07-2006, 20:51
my mum's has had one and my neighbour has had it done and they are fine but it takes 10 weeks for full recovery!! but dont worry about it they are very common and at the end of the day if it needs doing then it needs doing

21-07-2006, 11:52
yeah it is a last resort. Have had real severe endometriosis for 5 years, had a period that lasted every day for 13 months, this period means I am going through a pack of 28 pads a day, affecting my blood pressure etc.

I havent got kids, which is another emotional rollercoaster for me, but I/we can adopt or foster. My nephew said to me when I told him that I am his second mum! - made me cry - as it was nice coming from a 17 year old.

Thanks for the replies.

OMG you poor thing :eek: :( at least after its over you wont have to suffer with permanant periods anymore which must just be awful

29-07-2006, 11:39
It must be terrible for youmi know id be devestated if it were me as you are only young and havent got any children yet.I am 24 and have 3 children and they think i should have one,which upsets me,the fact i might never have any more children again - or at least the option - even though i dont want any more.
Good luck,i wish you all the best
Michelle x

29-07-2006, 15:53
My thoughts have been all over the place over this, but I need my life back. Bleeding every day for months on end is not only affecting work and my relationship with my hubby (who is in turmoil over his growing feelings for a 20year old) but I am feeling old, having to go places with at least two changes of clothes just incase the blood pours out. Trust me its so embaressing - happened to me on the tube in London a little while ago.

My nephew said I was his surrogate mum and I was a great aunty, so thats what I am focusing on. I will never deny my love for kids, but we can foster, adopt or I could become a childrens nurse. I just know I love kids. :D

Thanks for your support, it means a lot as I must admit I have never felt so alone.

16-08-2006, 15:47
you poor thing. i can't imagine what you're going through but i know it would break my heart if they told me i had to have one. my mam had bad periods but nothing like you. can you find out if there are any support groups or anything.

16-08-2006, 18:26
Thanks Skits for the support,

I havent found any support groups yet, but I still have time to find any if they exist. I now cant wait til November as I am just fed up of the bleeding all the time, but at least I know that it will end soon enough.

Take care

16-08-2006, 18:39
Have you spoken to your consultant about support groups for women who are in the same situation? They must be able to recommend someone, or if not your womens health clinic (sometimes run at your local GP surgery) maybe?

My thoughts are with you though Snapper - being the same age as you, I have my children but know how I felt when I had the same suggested to me because of a prolapsed uterus at 23. It was given to me as an option back then, and I decided to carry on. Unfortunately, for you, its not an option. Keep the thought that the pain and bleeding will be over soon.

Ask your practice nurse though, she might know where the groups may be around too and if there isn't, maybe it might be worth setting up your own group - I'm sure that there are probably a lot of people going through the same as you right now, but are in the same situation where they can't find any groups just to be able to have a chat with someone about how they are feeling etc.

25-08-2006, 08:50
I had a hysterectomy on 9th August. In fact this is the first time I have been back on the boards since the op.

I can recommend the Hysterectomy Association forum - just google hysterectomy forum and chose the one from the HA.

I am in a different situation to you in that I am 41 and have two children. I am still very much in recovery but I am certain that this was the best thing for me. In a lot of ways I feel better already.

If you have any questions at all about my op and how it went etc please pm me. Alternatively the Hysterectomy Forum lets you read all the comments and messages without joining if you want.

Good luck.

25-08-2006, 12:02
I'm glad to hear the op went well Shari.

25-08-2006, 12:23

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of that forum. I have been on it a couple of hours this morning. Its great for dealing with various emotions etc.

I wish you all the best for a great recovery, glad its all going well so far. Thank you for the offer to PM you. It is appreciated.


05-10-2006, 09:16
Hi Trinity,

Hope your recovery is still going well.

Today I am going to sign the consent forms etc and am feeling a little bit nervous about it all. I desparately want this operation as the pain is getting unbearable now, and my tummy is so bloated people ask me when the baby is due.....oh that pulls at the heart strings I can tell you.

I do have some questions that I would like to PM you with if thats still ok.

Take care

07-10-2006, 19:31
Hi Trinity,

Hope your recovery is still going well.

Today I am going to sign the consent forms etc and am feeling a little bit nervous about it all. I desparately want this operation as the pain is getting unbearable now, and my tummy is so bloated people ask me when the baby is due.....oh that pulls at the heart strings I can tell you.

I do have some questions that I would like to PM you with if thats still ok.

Take care
D I had mine done when I was 39, had 1 son and had to have operation due to a large cist on my bladder and they had to remove the womb to get to it. I have never looked back,I am 52 now slim, no bloated tummy and 7 stone lighter too.I certainly dont feel or look old. I had the full operation, eg cut not, internal type, I was in hospital only 4 days,no pain releif, and I have never had HRT. It is so sad about the fact you havent had a child,but your health counts more,and you will feel so more better. If I can help you,please PM me.

18-10-2006, 13:57
Sorry, I have been off the boards a week or two. Please just pm if you have any questions - you could ask a mod to forward something if you can't pm yourself?

I have been a bit ill the last couple of weeks, firstly an infection related to the op and then a virus. Hopefully things are now looking up for me and I will return to work on 8th November.

It makes such a difference no having the constant bleeding and pain - my energy levels are much higher from that alone.

My thoughts are with you.

30-08-2007, 23:06
hi just a question about hysterectomys. what is the minimum age that a nurse will give any female one if there is no health reason for needing it, just that the woman wanted it, ive always been curious?

31-08-2007, 01:27
I had a hystrectomy at 36, 21 yrs ago,, I had 14 fibroid tumors in uterus,, all bengin, If I had known then what I know now I would never have had a hystrectomy...I had one son who was 15 when I had it done,, and had just gotten re married .. so the operation was pretty rough,,
Recovery time depends on how the operation is done,, will they do it via key hole,, belly button, bikini line,, and basically your own well being prior to the operation..
I am glad I had it done, I was tired of having a period every 7-10 days,,cramping .. head aches,, the whole ball of wax.
None of us can advise U,, but we can only share our experinces with you. Your body, your decison.
Good luck .. all I can say,, is you will feel better ...:)

31-08-2007, 08:27
I was 33 when I had my hysterectomy and it was the best thing I ever did. I don't have children and didn't want any so losing what I considered to be a useless piece of equipment was no big deal, in fact I couldn't wait to have the op. I was fed up with 2 week periods, heavy and aching legs, painful and swollen boobs and crippling headaches. I had a vertical incision, I think it's called the 'classic' and they removed a fibroid the size of a large grapefruit. I was off work for three months recovery and then went back on reduced hours to begin with. I went on to HRT a couple of years later, only coming off when the big breast cancer scare hit and that was my GP's decision, not mine. One thing to be aware of is having a hysterectomy can bring forward the age at which you start the menopause. As I said above, having the hysterectomy was the best thing that happened to me and I would always say to anyone contemplating the op, go for it! It's not somethng I've ever regretted, but wish I could have had done years earlier.

Carol :cool:

31-08-2007, 18:38
I was 33 when I had my hysterectomy and it was the best thing I ever did. I don't have children and didn't want any so losing what I considered to be a useless piece of equipment was no big deal, in fact I couldn't wait to have the op. I was fed up with 2 week periods, heavy and aching legs, painful and swollen boobs and crippling headaches. I had a vertical incision, I think it's called the 'classic' and they removed a fibroid the size of a large grapefruit. I was off work for three months recovery and then went back on reduced hours to begin with. I went on to HRT a couple of years later, only coming off when the big breast cancer scare hit and that was my GP's decision, not mine. One thing to be aware of is having a hysterectomy can bring forward the age at which you start the menopause. As I said above, having the hysterectomy was the best thing that happened to me and I would always say to anyone contemplating the op, go for it! It's not somethng I've ever regretted, but wish I could have had done years earlier.

Carol :cool:

It is now a year since my op - and I concurr, the best thing I ever did. I feel so much better, I am not tired, I don't have pain I don't have constant bleeding.

I wouldn't have wanted it much earlier, though - I was 41- because I obviously (as I now have 2) did want kids.

I am just so grateful that it fixed all my problems and life is sooooo much better.

31-08-2007, 18:43
hi just a question about hysterectomys. what is the minimum age that a nurse will give any female one if there is no health reason for needing it, just that the woman wanted it, ive always been curious?

It is a major op - I don't know that you would be able to get an elective hysterectomy on the NHS....?

If I was you I would speak to my G.P. He/she would have to refer you and you might have problems if there are no health reasons. (I don't know what you situation is - if you have a family history of cancer of the ueterus or something the situation might be diferent?)

If you were to go private I am sure that it would be easier - but likei say it is a major op, and recovery time can be 3 months or more.