View Full Version : First love

18-07-2006, 17:05
just thought id start a thread where we could discuss first loves, you all remember it lol the first guy who gives you your first kiss and the guy who makes your stomach flip and your heart beat faster, i was just wondering who all of your "first loves" were, where did you meet them? what happened to them and are you still with them today ? lol seen as they have such a powerful impacts on our lives i think that they are important not to forget.

18-07-2006, 17:29
My first love was a guy who I met on holidays... He lived where my dad was born and we use to go there every year and every year we got together from the age of 15 - 18. I havent' seen him since but I heard he is married with a child.

18-07-2006, 18:43
I mistook my first LUST for my first love and ended up a single mother...lol

Wouldn't have it any other way though :thumbsup:

18-07-2006, 18:50
Mine was a boy in my class at primary school. It only lasted two weeks and I dumped him.

18-07-2006, 18:56
i had a first love, who i was with a while. i thought i loved him! Then i went out with dave and now i know that he was my real first love! and we are still together 10 years this year!

21-07-2006, 21:32
awww that's so sweet Debs :) really pleased for you that you're actually still with your first love :heart:

21-07-2006, 21:47
Im still dating my first love :wub: almost 1 month we have been going out :cheer: It's great to have the feeling that someone loves you.

21-07-2006, 23:04
I know this is a thread for females but i would like to share my first love with you and i am still in love with her now. She is a year below me and it took me 2 years for me to pluck up the courage to tell her she was my first love and then we had an on/off relationship....and we have gone out 5 times altogether and it still didn't work out but we are friends now but i still secretly fancy her. :)

21-07-2006, 23:25
I know this is a thread for females but i would like to share my first love with you and i am still in love with her now. She is a year below me and it took me 2 years for me to pluck up the courage to tell her she was my first love and then we had an on/off relationship....and we have gone out 5 times altogether and it still didn't work out but we are friends now but i still secretly fancy her. :) Always glad to have a guy in here with us hun :D

I've had several first "loves". The first one when I was 5, just started school, he was my best friend and then he emigrated :crying:

Then when I was older, I thought I was in love with the person I lost my virginity to. We were together a year though, so that wasn't too bad. Then I really did love someone else when I was 16/17, nearly moved to London to be with him, but stayed in Devon with my family in the end, and met my now hubby, who is my soul mate, my best friend and well, pretty much my everything, and because of who, I have discovered what loving someone really is.

22-07-2006, 00:32
:rotfl: awwww bless (at the age 5 one) and aww sweet.

Ermm I haven't really had a proper love yet :p But my first boyfriend was when I was 8 and he was 6, it was kinda sweet 8-) We were like hiding it from everyone, cause we were embarrased, but we made little signs saying ' I love Leanne' and ' I love Sean ' and stuck them on our doors behind our hangers ;-) :p ah the memorys :p

22-07-2006, 07:31
At the time i thought i was in love with a boy who was a year lder than me but still in my class in Primary school, we had quite a long relationship actually i cantremember how long but it was over a year and ill get to how i remember that in a bit.

We stood on a bench and a girl in our class married us we had plastic rings and everything :rotfl: it was so funny well after a year he bought me in a box of chocolates and some flowers he had picked from the field to celebrate a year after we had been married :rotfl: :wub:

He was dead sweet always got me birthday presents, i even invited him to my party once and may have forgot to tell mum so she was a little bit suprised when this lad and his best mate turned up at my party :rotfl:

The only thing i cant remember is wether we ever kissed eachother or not but if we didnt i do remember my first kiss and it wasnt with him it was with another boy at that party after my 'husband' had gone home :rotfl:

His best mate ended up divorcing us i cant remember why but it was funny :rotfl:

I had a boyfriend who i thought i liked before that but he was always so naughty and not long after i started going out with him he was sent to boarding school :(

22-07-2006, 12:10
The only thing i cant remember is wether we ever kissed eachother or not but if we didnt i do remember my first kiss and it wasnt with him it was with another boy at that party after my 'husband' had gone home :rotfl:

Vixie-lou I am shocked at you

how could you do that to your 'husband':lol:
my first love involved a mirror :p

joking:p hmm first love I dunno dont think there has been one...theyve all been just fun i supose

22-07-2006, 12:17
Vixie-lou I am shocked at you

how could you do that to your 'husband':lol:

I know isnt it terrible i have it on video aswell its so funny :rotfl:

22-07-2006, 12:26
Oh the innocent days of primary school. I think I had two or three boys on the go by year 5 (10 years old)! lol

Like someone said on here, I had a 'boy friend' get sent to boarding school, cause he was a bit naughty, but more daft than bad really (rebel without a clue). We didn't go out in that sense of the word (Boyo n girl friend), but realised after he was packed off, how much we really missed each other!:( So that was sad, cause that could have been the start of a beautiful relationship! :lol: Anyway, he's probably into organised crime or something now! lol

22-07-2006, 12:31
I know isnt it terrible i have it on video aswell its so funny :rotfl: :lol: what kind of person are you :p hahaha very funny primary school storys are great

Oh the innocent days of primary school. I think I had two or three boys on the go by year 5 (10 years old)! lol

Like someone said on here, I had a 'boy friend' get sent to boarding school, cause he was a bit naughty, but more daft than bad really (rebel without a clue). We didn't go out in that sense of the word (Boyo n girl friend), but realised after he was packed off, how much we really missed each other! So that was sad, cause that could have been the start of a beautiful relationship! Anyway, he's probably into organised crime or something now! lol

trust you to pull a gangland member-:heart: you shared your first kiss in a drive by shooting *bless*

and as for the two or three boys on the go as russel brand would say.....YOU SWINE

22-07-2006, 12:36

trust you to pull a gangland member-:heart: you shared your first kiss in a drive by shooting *bless*

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha (glad my hot tea is safely perched on a coaster) very good, D1!!!

Help, got a bright red light near my name, what have I done?

22-07-2006, 12:37
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha (glad my hot tea is safely perched on a coaster) very good, D1!!!

Help, got a bright red light near my name, what have I done? Nothing - its because your in invisible mode :D Only you can see that, no one else can :D

22-07-2006, 12:38
:lol: what kind of person are you :p hahaha very funny primary school storys are great

I would never do that now lol i dont trust boys as far as i can throw them (no offence to boys on here) but yeh i did kiss that boy at my party when i was meant to be 'married' ooops, i still see my ex 'husband' he lives over the other side of the road to me and he hasnt changed just got a bit taller and hopefully more mature :rotfl:

22-07-2006, 12:38
Nothing - its because your in invisible mode :D Only you can see that, no one else can :D
Ohhhh.... thanx was worried for a moment!!!

22-07-2006, 12:42
How do you put yourself in invisible mode?

22-07-2006, 12:48
Well its D1's fault really(!) I asked her about her little light not working near her name, thinking that she needed a new bulb, and she said she was incognito, so to speak!

Anyway, had a little play about..... you go to user cp at the top and then edit something or other. Im sure if a techno phobic like me can work it out, you will have no probs!!!:D

22-07-2006, 12:50
Ohhhh.... thanx was worried for a moment!!!

i told you that earlier :searchme: did you not see it lol

Haha (glad my hot tea is safely perched on a coaster) very good, D1!!!

you and your tea....im not psychic but i forsee you marrying someone who makes a mean cuppa:lol: (after they have shot jack the hat of couse)

I would never do that now lol i dont trust boys as far as i can throw them (no offence to boys on here) but yeh i did kiss that boy at my party when i was meant to be 'married' ooops, i still see my ex 'husband' he lives over the other side of the road to me and he hasnt changed just got a bit taller and hopefully more mature
lets just hope your mum never shows him any of your school videos :eek: lol

22-07-2006, 12:50
i think i did it :cheer: am i invisable??

22-07-2006, 12:52
no all it means is you dont show on the user list on the main page -hence the term invisible like when you appear offline on msn only here you can post freely still:)

22-07-2006, 12:55
i think i did it :cheer: am i invisable??

Er.... not exactly invisable true.moon. But you have no green light up, if thats some help.

22-07-2006, 12:57
lol i have magic powers :cheer: yay! i got a red light though

22-07-2006, 13:00
lol i have magic powers :cheer: yay! i got a red light though
Yeah, but you are the only one who can see that red light! So you can move about the board now light a silent, and invisable ninja!!! :ninja: Er... well one one will know if your on line or not!!! How exciting is that?!

22-07-2006, 13:04
how come you can see my red light then pinkbanana? hmmm at this rate I could open up soap board babe -all your dirty pleasures cleansed by soap

well I have got a red light above my name

22-07-2006, 13:06
oo that is very exciting :ninja: look at little me being sneaky making my way around the board :ninja: MWAHHHHHAAAA!!!

22-07-2006, 13:08
Please can we stay on topic

Cheers! :)

22-07-2006, 13:09
ok jade :D we will stop
:wub: how bout your first love:love: then jade??

22-07-2006, 13:10
how come you can see my red light then pinkbanana? hmmm at this rate I could open up soap board babe -all your dirty pleasures cleansed by soap

well I have got a red light above my name

I cant see a red light next to your name, can your punters?! :lol: (seriously joking!!! Dont say anything evil back please!!!). Well actually I can see a very dim reddish light by your name. My red light is lovely and bright! Though would have opted for a lush purple colour given the option!

What is the second sentence you have written? Something about your dirty pleasures? Mmmmm maybe you should go on Trisha with that! lol

22-07-2006, 13:12
Oh sorry, shall stay on topic!

Yeah the guy I would consider my true first love was a guy I met at uni. He was lovely really, was just too young to appreciate a darn good man. Still keep in touch occasionally.

22-07-2006, 13:14
I think we should listen to jade and stay on topic (ill get you back another time lol)

back to topic so you really didnt know what happened to the boy who got sent to boarding school PB.....was this at primary or secondary?and if he was at boarding school how do you know he missed you..did he write to you?

oh and this guy from uni what happened?

22-07-2006, 13:23
Oh boarding school boyo was second year at secondary school. We had been good mates at primary school. Just when we were starting to get closer (you know, hormones starting to kick in) he got sent off to boarding school at the other end of the country. :mad: Mind you he got a cracking eduation out of it, so he could develop his criminal mastermind brain!!! lol

The uni guy, er.... should have treated him better!:o Wasnt a moo or anything too bad.....just to young to handle a proper relationship.

What about you D1, apart from (quote) 'your mirror' who has rung your bell?! ding dong!!!!!!!!!!!!

22-07-2006, 13:30
erm dont know really,no 'true love' I dont belive in it this young in life,
infactuation yes but other than that no not really

theres been loads but I refer to them as years of madness lol

25-07-2006, 19:19
My first love (well, i'm not sure atm!) was my first boyfriend. He was a friend of a friend, and in the year above me. We were together 9 months, then brokke up, a few months later we got back together for a few weeks, a year later we got together for a while, a year later we met agin at college, and got together for about 4 or 5 months. He was my first kiss and the first guy i slept with.

But then i met another guy a few months ago, and it seemed like everything i felt for the first guy, that was nothing. Shame he dumped me after a few weeks,. and doesnt seem to want to talk to me anymore :( :crying:

01-09-2006, 20:19
i accurly met first love on net was with her about year and 2 months was amazing lost virginity to her and have no regrets im still friends with her and im going to exeter next month to see her at uni:D really looking forward to it! me and her will be friends for ages i think even tho we fall out sometimes but thats cause of stupid things

25-10-2006, 13:53
alkalinetrio how sweet!! long distant love it can work well

04-07-2007, 23:23
My first love was when I was 14. Stayed with the guy until I was 18.

We were sooo in love for about 3 and a half years, towards the end we drifted apart because we started growing up, obviously, and wanted to do our own thing. So he ended it, as upset as I was I knew it was the right thing for us both.

I've met up with him since, and we're still friends, but he's changed a hell of alot, and its not for the better, so i'm glad i'm out of it now. :D

09-07-2007, 22:09