View Full Version : Prison Break series 2 Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
15-07-2006, 23:48
Episode 2.01 [no title given]
30-year-old FBI agent Buck Mahone gives a press conference at the prison about the escapees and makes sure Americans understand that those men are the most wanted criminals in the country. When reviewing intake pictures of the escapees, Mahone is highly interested in Michael's tatoos. Why would a structural engineer get such tatoos? Bellick and Mahone don't see eye to eye as to how they should track down the escapees: Bellick wants to be on the field, Mahone prefers to tap into the public's fear and try to understand the men... Let the competition begin! [Note: Invasion's William Fichtner has been cast to play FBI agent Buck Mahone.]

Episode 2.02 - Otis
A young woman named Debra Jean puts up a notice to get a ride-mate to share expenses and driving for a trip to Utah. Tweener ceizes the opportunity. Debra Jean will recur in four episodes. Franklin and Kellerman are questioned about the escape by a three-person judicial board. Kellerman and Franklin get angry when a former prison employee reveals that he knew about the escape plan. Later, the judicial board gives Kellerman and Franklin their "sentence." We meet Bellick's mother. It is announced that a hundred thousand dollar apiece will be given as a reward for every convinct someone brings in. If Lincoln is brought back in, the reward is of three hundred thousand dollars. We will see some flashbacks, including one with Westmoreland.

16-07-2006, 10:44
WOW can't wait for the new series which begins in the US next month YAY thanks for posting these

Chloe O'brien
17-07-2006, 12:41
Can't wait to see Michael and Lincoln again. I hope this series is a awesome as season 1

23-07-2006, 10:45
Thanks for these - i can't wait! Just watched nearly all of series one on UKTV Gold! Tis fab :thumbsup:

Jessie Wallace
07-08-2006, 02:06
From ibwhisper: Got anything to spill on Prison Break? A little Wenty to start off our day?
Here's what Wenty says of the new season: "We'll be on the run. We've got $5 million that we know is buried in Utah that all the convicts know about, which we'll be squabbling over. Michael's objective is to get Lincoln safely to Mexico, but standing in between Michael and Mexico is kind of a three-pronged attack. You've got Bellick, the correctional officer from the first season who's like a one-man bounty hunting team. You've got the government conspiracy that put my brother behind bars in the first place. And Bill Fichtner, joining the cast as Agent Mahone, who's this crooked, sinister FBI agent. So, there's a lot more obstacles to come."

From clownbaby: I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. Any good news about Prison Break?
Ouch. Just for you, a present from Wenty on the new season: "I think, initially, we [cons] will split up, because we each have our own sometimes conflicting agendas, things we want to accomplish, people we want to see, debts we want to pay, scores we want to settle, but there is the siren call of that $5 million, which brings us back together very soon. I think that's essential, because Prison Break is not just about the mechanics of the escape or the tattoo or the prison. It's about the relationship between Michael and Sucre, which shouldn't be left by the wayside just because they're no longer in a cell together."

07-08-2006, 10:33
WOW thanks for those I can't wait roll on the 21st of August at lease I can go on the fox website and read the updates

Kelly J
07-08-2006, 17:37
Thanks Jessie, I loved Series 1, thought it was better than 24, CSI or anything,

Jessie Wallace
07-08-2006, 17:41
Yes i'm with you on that one, but i can't think of two people that would disagree, as they are also obsest with 24 and CSI.
Prison break all the way for me, better than Lost as well.

Chloe O'brien
07-08-2006, 21:11
Yes i'm with you on that one, but i can't think of two people that would disagree, as they are also obsest with 24 and CSI.
Prison break all the way for me, better than Lost as well.

I don't know who she could possibly be refering to :D I love prison break too. Only two more weeks to go before its shown in the USA cant wait until we see michael and lincoln again

Chloe O'brien
14-08-2006, 00:35
If you log onto the fox.com web site there is a preview of next monday's opening episode. It shows the prisoners running with the prison gaurds in persuit, we then see Lincoln, Sucre and Michael running towards a moving freight train. Lincoln and Sucre jump aboard but Michael is left running alongside it trying to get on the train. Then we see bellick appear and he threatends to shoot michael, just as he raises his gun to shoot Lincoln pulls him aboard. Remember PB addicts season 2 begins in the USA next Monday night spoilers will be available from Tuesday from www.foxtv.com (http://www.foxtv.com) for those who cant wait until January

Jessie Wallace
14-08-2006, 11:56
I saw that before. It's been on 'The Tube' thing for a while now, and theres a couple of episode clips floating around on different things now.

Kelly J
14-08-2006, 16:08
thanx Chloe am going to take a look right now

18-08-2006, 14:53
Here an interview Kristin from e-online did with the cast about season 2:

Pantless on Prison Break and Other Steamy Secrets of the Second Season

Our TV Diva goes into lockdown with Prison Break.
You know that feeling, when you're stuck in the desert in a car with no air-conditioning, and you're so hot you think you might die, and you're so delirious you can't remember what name they'd put on the tombstone?

If so, you know exactly what it's like to be on the set of Prison Break.

This high-octane thrill ride of a show makes its triumphant return this very Monday on Fox--hurrah! And when it does, I want you to keep that feverish feeling in mind, so you can appreciate my visit to the set, located about an hour outside of Dallas.

Since I'm pretty sure I can hear someone, somewhere, shouting, "Hey, Kristin, how hot was it?" I'll go ahead and answer: 122 degrees, so hot one of the boys had to pull down his pants between takes to cool off.

Okay, it wasn't such a bad time, after all. (And you can see the pantless chap in my new Vine show above.)

By all accounts (including my own, after viewing the first two episodes!), this second season of Prison Break just might be even better than the first. Can you stand it?

I'm sure you want to know every juicy morsel I learned while on set, right? Well, saddle up, darlin', and let me spill...

Steamy Secrets from the Set of Prison Break

The New Season Will Be Hot! Sweat, sweat and more sweat. There isn't enough powder in the world to counteract that Texas heat and humidity. The cast is shooting this season mostly outdoors, in the blazing sun, in 100-plus-degree weather, doing physical scenes like running, fighting and, the day I was there, locking each other up in the trunk of a car. (Much like I have envisioned hell.)

Wentworth Miller"The other day, it was 118, and Wentworth and I were running all day," Dominic Purcell told me during a break. "We've had some people collapse on set through heat stroke, and we've all lost weight, so you have to be very careful."

"Careful" means the crew has to be on high alert to keep the cast members as cool as possible, covering them with umbrellas, spritzing them with water and keeping an Emergency Medical Ice ambulance on standby. During one five-minute break, I heard Wentworth Miller say thank you 12 times (I counted) to those who were trying to help him beat the heat.

What's truly astounding under these extreme conditions is that (a) anyone manages to remember a single line (the mini-monologue I Dominic Purcellwitnessed Robert Knepper, aka T-Bag, deliver that day was astounding) and (b) the cast members manage to remain in good spirits. In fact, many of them say they actually appreciate the atmosphere.

"The sun and the extremity of it all is just part of the juice for the show," Wentworth explained. "I think they put us in Chicago in the winter and Dallas in the summer," said Lane Garrison (Tweener), "because they want to keep us in character. There's this anxiety tied into this kind of weather. There is this level of fear when you think you might die." Which is fitting, because..."The Break Is Over, but the Escape Is Just Beginning": This is how Wentworth described the second season (which you can see in the video clip at right), and when you see the first two episodes, you'll know exactly what he means--the show has really opened up. "The prison was cool," he said, "but in retrospect it was really just a launching pad. Now, the real story starts."

"There's so much more this year," Dominic said. "If I had to pitch it, I'd say it's The Fugitive meets 24. It's really a different feel from season one."

The entire second season takes place over about three weeks, and although the boys have good reason to keep coming together (the hunt for Westmoreland's millions), their individual goals also take them in different directions.

"Season two picks up right where season one left off," Wentworth said, "so all the characters are pursuing their own agendas. Michael's objective is to get his brother safely to Mexico, and he's going to find that isn't as easy as he anticipated." And that, in part, is because...

Bellick Is Pissed: Our beloved eight cons will be facing not only the vice president of the United States but two formidable opponents: "William Fichtner is a sinister FBI agent," said Wentworth, "and Bellick (Wade Williams) is a rogue bounty hunter." He added that Bellick's role is "really stepping up to the forefront this season. I'm really excited for Wade, because he's such a great character actor. This kind of show is only as good as its antagonists."

Hear what Bellick has in store for the runaways.
You can hear about the interesting twist Bellick will be taking (hint: It involves a special lady in his life!) in the video clip at left. In it, I also ask him out to a sumptuous evening at Red Lobster. I hope Sara's not jealous! And speaking of the good doctor...

Dr. Sara Is Alive: If you've seen the commercial that shows Sarah Wayne Callies (Dr. Sara Tancredi) lying in a hospital bed after her seemingly fatal drug overdose, you already know her fate. "Thank you, Fox publicity!" Wentworth joked when he learned of that promo spot. "No, honestly, I'm really glad she's back. We worked hard to make Sara and Michael part of the meat of the show."

As for whether there is hope for the two as a couple, Wentworth said, "I'm not sure she can ever learn to forgive Michael for his betrayal. But I think she's going to find she's very much a part of the government conspiracy. She's someone they've turned their attention to, and I think she'll find she needs the brothers to get herself out of a serious jam." Did you hear that? He said "the brothers"--not just "Michael." And that's because...

Dominic Is Becoming a Badass: Tanned skin, ripped muscles, dark glasses, tough-guy swagger. I nearly didn't recognize Dominic when I first saw him on the set. Turns out, his storyline is really beefing up this season, too. I'm told, now that the boys are on the run, where street smarts are valued just as much as (if not more than) book smarts, Lincoln will have more of a leadership role.

You can see Dominic teasingly kvetch about the new schedule in the video clip at right. I asked if Lincoln might lighten up a bit, and Dominic said, "I wouldn't expect that. Lincoln's still full of rage. And we're going to see more of that." Speaking of which, flip to the next page carefully, because...

T-Bag Is Getting Even Scarier: Robert Knepper, honestly, could not be more of a sincere gentleman, but that didn't stop me from starting to sweat a bit (okay, even more) when he came right up close to me during our interview. You can see my somewhat panicked expression in the clip at right (in which my foot was next to a curb).

Of course, my reaction is only a testament to how amazingly convincing Robert is in his role as the creepy bad boy. And I'm not the only one. He told me he recently caused a woman in an elevator to scream.

So,what's ahead for T-Bag? "More pent-up stuff is going to come out," Robert said. "A lot more primal behavior. And it's going to get even more gruesome than last year. They're pushing the envelope even more." Be afraid, be very afraid. But don't you worry, because...

C-Note Has It Under Control: When I asked the very talented Rockmond Dunbar (love him) whether C-Note will run off to his family, he took mock offense. "I think he's a little more intelligent than that! I mean, how can you just pull up to your house and grab your wife and daughter after you just broke out of prison? You have to know the feds are going to be there waiting with handcuffs. Think about where he comes from--he's a military man. He's the man who has Rockmond Dunbar connections and can get you anything, anywhere. And yes, he loves his family and he's dying to see his daughter, so he has a plan." That plan just might take him in a separate direction from the rest of the boys, but don't worry, C-Note is reuniting with them. He's safe, at least for now, as Rockmond has been contracted as a series regular this season! And speaking of employment status, I should mention...

Tweener Wants My Job: If you ever get the chance to meet Lane Garrison, do yourself a favor: Stop and chat for a moment. He's a funny and interesting guy who spoke openly with me about how much he has in common with his character: "Before Prison Break, I got in a lot of trouble," he revealed. "I didn't have the best home life, and I was a thief. I was arrested. I told my agent, 'If a part ever comes up in my age range on Prison Break, jump on it.' And when I saw Tweener, I just knew him. It was me. I went in and said to the producers, 'You aren't going to see anyone else, because I am this role.' They laughed and said, 'Okay, but you still have to read.'

Yes, Lane is good at landing a job--even, ahem, other people's jobs. For example, when he heard I couldn't attend the Prison Break premiere party on Sunday because I'd be working out of town, he stepped right in to play E!'s roving reporter on the red carpet. Check out the video clip at right to see the fruit of his labor, which is pretty dang amusing. Lane also suggested we change the name of our channel to "LG." Right, I'll run that one by the boss...

Okay, that's it for this week. I'm off to Hawaii to dig up a whole trove of Lost secrets. Sigh. The things I do for you people...

Jessie Wallace
21-08-2006, 16:05
Veronica will learn that after she sees steadman.. that once you enter the house. You cannot leave.
It seems they are both trapped in the house without ever getting out.
Secret agents come and shoot her in the head.
she is dead.
I think this happen around the end of the episode.

Jessie Wallace
21-08-2006, 16:06
Sara is lying in the hospital bed and the doctors are talking over her. They say she can either fight and live or quit and die. We see flashes of her and Michael, the kiss and other stuff. The flashes come faster and she wakes up. Later an FBI woman is questioning Sara. Did you leave the door open? Sara says no. Did you have a sexual relationship w/ Michael? She says no. But you have feelings for him? Sara doesn't say anything. Then the lady tells her that 7 more men escaped and Sara asks who? Later Nurse Katie visits Sara. Sara's a little disappointed b/c it's not her dad. He hasn't visited her but she's heard from "his office." Katie brought Sara a change of clothes and her bag that she left in the infirmary. Katie starts to apologize for ratting Sara out, but Sara tells her it's not her fault. Katie says Sara's not the first correctional worker to fall for a con. Sara looks sad and says, "He never cared. Not one bit." We immediately fade into Michael deep in thought. Sucre asks him what he's thinking about. "Mistakes." Sucre says "You did what you had to do." Michael:"Not like I did. I ruined her life." Sucre says there's nothing he can do about it now. Michael says that's not true. Then Sucre says "You fell for her, huh?" Michael clears his throat and changes the subject. Later Sara is reading in her hospital bed and looks through her purse for something. She pulls out an oragami swan. She looks at it and unfolds one flap. There's writing and it says, "There's a plan to make all this right."

21-08-2006, 17:56
It starts tonight it the States!!! Cant wait im gonna have to download it

Chloe O'brien
22-08-2006, 15:27
:crying: :crying: No Verorinca can't die she has to save Lincoln's life. I'm goning to have to download it tonight despite that I swore I would wait until January but I cant the tempation is too much.

23-08-2006, 08:31
As night turns into day over Fox River Penitentiary, a hand meticulously works over a crypto-quote. Off-screen, FBI Agent Alexander Mahone asks, “The escapees -- who were they?”

Another agent tells us; “Michael Scofield, structural engineer, five years for armed robbery. Benjamin Miles Franklin, former U.S. Army, eight years for possession of stolen goods. John Abruzzi, don of the crime family of the same name. Life without parole for conspiracy to commit murder. Charles “Haywire” Patoshik, sixty years for 2nd degree murder. Fernando Sucre, five years for aggravated robbery. David “Tweener” Apolskis, five years for grand larceny. Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell. Life for six counts of kidnapping and murder. Lincoln Burrows. Scheduled to die next week for the murder of President Reynold’s brother.”

Mahone asks how long it’s been since they went over the wall? “8:00 p.m. last night.” Scofield and Burrows are brothers. And Scofield’s the mastermind of this thing? I want everything they have on him.

As Michael and the rest of the cons race through a dense forest, Bellick and his team of C.O.’s are fast upon their heels. The cons momentarily stop to catch their breath, when off screen, they hear a strange sound coming from beyond the tree-line. They walk a few feet and discover the noise is a passing train. The cons break towards it, with Lincoln leading the charge. With the C.O.’s still on their tails, Lincoln, Abruzzi and C-Note race in front of the train and just narrowly cross the tracks to escape on the other side. But Michael and Sucre are a few steps behind them. As they try to keep up, Sucre manages to jump up onto the side of the moving train and climb inside a boxcar. Bellick reaches the tree line and sees Michael grabbing onto the train. Raising his shotgun, he shouts, “Freeze! I will gun you down Scofield!” But Sucre quickly pulls Michael inside just as Bellick fires off a wild shot, hitting the side of the train. The pair then successfully jump off the other side of the train and make their escape. Frustrated, Bellick turns to another C.O., asking where the air units are. “Back on the ground refueling.” Bellick fumes.

Back at Fox River, Mahone prepares for a press conference. He straightens the cuffs of his suit jacket, staring into his hardened reflection in a mirror. Before he walks out, he grabs a pen. As camera flashes start to pop off in quick succession, Mahone enters the press conference and takes his position behind the podium. “I’d like to talk about John Wilkes Booth for a moment,” he tells the room of anxious reporters. “Abraham Lincoln’s killer. Twelve days. That’s how long it took to find him. He was a shrewd guy; he knew the land, how to use it to disappear. In his journal during this period he wrote that the shadow was his friend, the night his domain. He acknowledged that whatever neurosis drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compounded, magnified, by flight. By the sounds of dogs at his heels. Fear becomes paranoia, paranoia ultimately psychosis. I bring this up because in 140 years the fundamental mind of the escaped man has not changed. The escaped man is still human. He is still afraid. And he will stop at nothing in his attempt at flight. Fortunately for us, while our quarry has shadow and night as his ally, we have something far greater. Far more powerful than law enforcement had in those days. Television. I would encourage everybody who is watching – everyone in this country to take a look at these faces. These men are now the eight most wanted men in America.” As the cons continue their flight, Sucre laments. “I thought I thought this out. Did you see all those guys back there?” Michael quickly chimes in to calm in. “Key is they’re back there.” “And how long do you think that is going to last,” Sucre retorts. “Yeah, especially since we don’t have a pot to piss in,” C-Note interjects. “Especially thanks to Abruzzi’s magically disappearing jet.” But Abruzzi won’t let him have the last word. “You were never gonna be on that plane brother.” C-Note turns to Michael, “and don’t think I don’t know where you’re going Scofield. Utah. When were you planning on telling us about the money?” Sucre asks “what money?” C-Note, “the 5 million Westmoreland planted in the desert in Utah.” But Michael tries to play off the question. “You don’t know what you are talking about.”

Back at Fox River, Mahone sidles up to Warden Pope. “Isn’t it a little early for the FBI to be getting involved?” Pope asks. Mahone assures him it’s still his (Pope’s) investigation until the cons cross state lines, at which point the matter becomes Federal, but he’s hoping to cut through all the red-tape so they can end this thing as quickly as possible. Pope agrees. Mahone asks Pope about Dr. Tancredi. Pope tells him there is nothing to tell but Mahone isn’t so sure. “From what I’m hearing she may have opened the door that let them get out.” Pope tells him he doesn’t discuss his staff. Mahone says maybe he should. “She may be the key to this thing. We need to speak with her.” Pope tells him, “right now Mr. Mahone, she is not going to speak to anyone.”

Dr. Sara Tancredi lies unconscious in a hospital bed, hooked up to a ventilator. From off-screen we hear two doctors discussing her condition; “IVs are hydrating her. We got her on a Naloxone infusion. We’ve done all we can from our end. It’s really up to her now. Either she fights and lives… or she quits and dies.” As we go inside Sara’s unconscious mind, we see quick flashbacks of her and Michael together in the infirmary. Flirtatious glances and touches. As the images suddenly spin faster and faster, Sara awakens, taking a huge breath.

T-Bag kneels over someone else’s campsite, going through their belongings. He grabs an old shirt and an igloo chest filled with ice when the tent nearby suddenly unzips and a man and his girlfriend come out. T-Bag quickly pulls a screwdriver on them, threatening; “Call the cops and I will put this thing right there in your eye.” The couple, scared, back offs and T-Bag uses the moment to grab the ice chest and go on his way.

Meanwhile back at the train tracks, cops with trained police dogs search underneath the stopped locomotive for possible stowaways. Nearby, Mahone and another agent go over photos of Scofield, taking interest in his intricate tattoos. “How long you think it would take to get something like that?” Mahone asks. “The tattoo artist must have spent a lot of time with him.” He tells Ives to find out who gave Scofield his ink just as Bellick walks by, clearly not in the mood to chat. Bellick tells Mahone he’s just about the cameras and the fame but Mahone assures him he is only using the press as a tool. “It’ll bring those men back.” Bellick tells him they don’t need him on the case. “We’re hot on these guys trail and it’s just a matter of time before we find them.” Mahone tells Bellick the problem of being on somebody’s trail is that you’re always behind your prey. “We’ll see about that,” Bellick mutters.

cont ...

23-08-2006, 08:31
Back in Blackstone, Montana, Veronica pats down Terrance Steadman. He tells her he’s the furthest thing from a threat. Veronica takes out a camera and snaps a photograph of him. “It won’t do you any good,” he laments. “You don’t understand,” she says, “somebody is going to be executed for your murder and you’re just sitting here.” “I’m not the one who choose Lincoln Burrows as the fall guy,” Steadman retorts. “Who did? Your sister the President?” “You don’t understand. I’m a prisoner to all of this.” “You could have come forward,” she tells him. “You could have stopped this thing before it even got started.” “No I really am a prisoner, and now so are you. The moment you let the door shut behind you.” Veronica races over to the back door but finds it’s locked. As Steadman settles back in his chair; “Didn’t it strike you as curious that there is no security outside. The house locks from the outside. Glass is two inches thick and bullet proof. There is no getting out of here young woman.”

Michael and Lincoln sit on a dock, taking a short moment apart from the rest of the cons, who glare on from a distance with untrusting eyes. Lincoln wants to dump the rest of the cons but Mike tells him they already know about Utah. Lincoln says then ,“All the more reason to dump them now,” Michael tells him the Feds will know where we are going if they catch them. We just gotta make sure they keep afloat until we’re off in Utah, doing what we gotta do.” Lincoln asks Michael if he really thinks the money is going to be in Utah when they get there. Michael tells him there is no reason to think otherwise. “Westmoreland had no reason to lie.” First the money, then Mexico. A bunch of bumpy second class bus rides into Panama and they are golden. But Lincoln isn’t so sure. Michael tells him Abruzzi’s jet was only plan A. But they got everything they’ll need in storage. Michael turns his wrist, where we see a tattoo -- Ripe Chance Woods -- in black ink.

Back at FBI headquarters, Mahone talks to Michael’s tattoo artist Sid, who tells him that Michael designed the entire tattoo. “I always sort of had the feeling the whole thing was some sort of inside joke that only he was in on,” she says. This triggers an idea in Mahone, who asks Agent Foley what the road was they took in to the prison. Foley tells him English Boulevard. “And out in front of the prison, the two streets it intersects with.” Fitz and Percy. Mahone’s onto Michael’s plan.

While Michael and the cons try to figure out their next move, a little girl wanders up, asking what they are doing. C-Note tells her they are fishing. “With no poles?” she asks quizzically. Michael wants to know more importantly, what is she doing out there? Suddenly a man (her father), walks out of the brush, pointing a hunting rifle at the cons, “You’re those guys from Fox River. Don’t any of you move a freaking muscle,” he orders. C-Note tells him to relax but before they can even start to negotiate, Abruzzi grabs the hunter’s daughter and points his gun at her head. Abruzzi orders him to drop the rifle. But the hunter doesn’t oblige. Abruzzi cocks the gun. The hunter orders Abruzzi not to hurt her. Finally, the hunter lowers his gun and throws it down. “Good boy,” Abruzzi snarls, then orders Sucre to pick up the discarded weapon. Abruzzi releases the girl. The hunter tells them he won’t tell anybody about them. Michael asks for his car keys and the cons head out.

Sara sits in her hospital bed, listening to Mahone’s partner Agent Foley, who tells Sara that she is being considered an accessory to the escape. While Sara does her best to dodge Foley’s prying questions into the nature of her relationship with Michael, Foley informs her that seven other inmates got out with Scofield. As this sinks in on Sara… T-Bag stands outside of a clinic for Dr. Marvin Gudat. Inside, Gudat tells T-Bag the clinic is closed. “That’s sort of the point,” T-Bag tells him, placing the ice chest on the reception counter. “I’m gonna need some work done. And I’m gonna need it done privately.” Gudat informs him that the clinic is not for humans – only animals. Frustrated, T-Bag raises his arm, exposing his missing hand. Gudat turns and immediately goes to the phone to call 911 but T-Bag quickly intercepts, holding the screwdriver-end to the doctor’s neck. “Nobody’s gonna be doing any calling here doctor.”

The cons make their escape in the hunter’s Grand Cherokee but C-Note’s still pissed about what transpired with the young girl and her father -- he wants Abruzzi out of the car. Abruzzi tells him he had to do it. If he didn’t, they wouldn’t be on their way right now. C-Note asks where they are going. Michael says, “Oswego.” C-Note’s confused; “That’s east. My family is west.” Abruzzi tells him, “you don’t think they don’t know about your family. You don’t think they aren’t just waiting there for you to come running back home.” Sucre interjects, “what about NY?” My girl is pregnant.” Abruzzi tells him that now their love is their weakness. Michael assures them not to let that stop them. They just have to be smart now. C-Note asks where in Oswego? Michael tells them, “It’s not where Oswego is. It’s what’s in Oswego.”

Bellick is handed Michael’s pre-prison credit card statement from C.O. Patterson. “He spent a lot of money here in Will County,” Bellick tells him. “Why does a guy from Chicago come all the way out here and spend eight thousand?” Another C.O. runs up and informs Bellick that a hunter and his daughter just ran into five of the cons.

Mahone walks Michael’s old apartment, looking for a beat into Michael’s way of thinking; “Mother’s dead. Father’s a deadbeat. Don’t have anything in the world but your brother.” As he runs his hands along the wall, we start to see quick flashes of Michael prior to the escape, carefully going over the details of his breakout plan. “So you plan. And you scheme for months till you get it right. Every single element. And then you destroy all the evidence,” Mahone says. He turns and walks over to the window that overlooks the murky waters of Chicago river below. “I want divers down in the river.”

Back in Blackfoot, Montana, Veronica tries to get cell phone reception but Terrance tells her they are too far in the woods. Unconvinced, she works the phone but soon feels the cold steel of a pistol pushed into the back of her head. “Don’t,” Terrance demands.

Bellick talks to the hunter, who confirms that the cons took his 1978 Grand Cherokee. Bellick asks what direction the cons went. “Oswego,” the hunter tells him. Bellick calls out for Michael’s credit card statements that Patterson has. On the statement he sees several Oswego businesses including Allen’s Self Storage in Oswego, Illinois. “Of course. Where is he going to put all the crap he’s going to need to disappear. We’re going to Oswego boys!” Bellick grumbles.

Nurse Katie pays Sara a visit in the hospital. “You look disappointed,” she tells Sara. “I thought you were going to be my father,” Sara says. Katie tells Sara she needs to apologize -- they threatened her job if she didn’t talk about what happened back at the prison with she and Michael. Sara tells her, “the one thing she learned when walking the steps, is that you don’t outsource the blame over what’s happening in your own backyard.” “You’re not the first correctional worker who fell for a con,” Katie confesses. Sara tells her, “He never cared,” while miles away… Sucre asks Michael what he’s thinking about. “Mistakes,” he laments. Sucre tells him he had to do it. “Not like I did. I ruined her life.” Sucre shrugs, “There is nothing you can do about it now.” Michael says, “That’s not true.”

Back in Blackfoot, Montana. Veronica chides Terrance, “What are you going to do Terrance, shoot me. You kill me, you’re stuck with me.” He tells her he gave up his family, his teeth. He eats percocet all day just to dull the pain of his existence. Veronica pulls out her cell as Terrance raises the gun. “Don’t,” he warns her. On the phone we hear an operator, “Blackfoot Sheriff’s department.” “Hello my name is Veronica Donovan. I need you to send a car to the end of one light road.” The operator asks if she is calling to report a crime. “I am. By the President of the United States.”

Dr. Gudat tells T-Bag he needs a specialist for his hand. T-Bag tells him his hand has been in that box for hours and is dying. T-Bag threatens his life, and the life of Mrs. Gudat. The doctor says he can promise him nothing. “The story of my life,” T-Bag laments. I’ll have to put you under.” “Do I really look that stupid?” “Nobody can undergo a procedure like this without anesthetic.” “I ain’t nobody,” T-Bag informs him.

Agent Ives tells Mahone that Schweitzer was the maker of the toilet that Michael moved in his cell. Allen bolt was the fitting. “It’s all here isn’t it,” Mahone says impressed. He asks if there is a place in the vicinity that goes by Ripe Chance Woods. Ives tells him they’re looking into it and that the D.O.C. is moving in on a storage facility in Oswego. They roll out.

23-08-2006, 08:33
Michael opens up the large door of a storage unit as Bellick and Co. pull up. Bellick tells his men, “If they are in there, then we got em’ boxed in.” Mahone and Ives pull up too but Bellick is quick to remind him that this is his collar.

As Bellick, Patterson and Company make their way towards Michael’s storage unit, inside, Michael tells the other cons to close the door.

Mahone asks if there is any word on Ripe Chance Woods. Ives tells him there is no place by that name in this country or in any country for that matter.

Inside the storage unit, Michael hands out shovels to the guys. As they walk back towards the unit door, we see Bellick and Company approaching from outside. As they raise the door, we reveal the storage locker is empty. Michael set them up to go to that location and Bellick is fuming.

Michael and the rest of the cons walk across a cemetery lot. They carefully look around for any spectators, then take their shovels and break ground on a plot.

As Bellick and the guys return to their cars Mahone steps out of his SUV. He calls out to a Correctional Officer who turns. But it’s not the officer Mahone is interested in – it’s his name badge which says RIVERS. Mahone realizes Ripe Chance Woods isn’t a place – but a name. He orders Ives to check census records for the county as far back as they go.

As the cons make headway on a large hole, C-note voices his concern that somebody is going to see them. Just then, Michael hits something. He retrieves several buried garbage bags from the hole. C-note tells him, “You are one sick Cat.”Using Agent Ives PDA, which is on a county census records website, Mahone’s found what he wants. “We gotta go to the cemetery.”

Michael dumps out the contents of the bags, which he tells the guys were supposed to be a weeks worth of clothes for he and Lincoln. “But I figured you all need just as much help as we do.” Michael tells them they have to stop being cons and start being civilians. As the cons change out of their clothes Michael tosses Lincoln a bookbag filled with fake id’s, passports, money, prepaid phone cards and car keys. Lincoln asks what the car keys are for. “To a car that is waiting a couple 100 yards from here.” Lincoln asks if the car is for the two of them or for all of the cons. Michael tells him just the two of them. Linc asks if the other cons know this? “Not yet.” As the cons finish filling in the grave, Mahone’s black SUV pulls up. Sucre motions for them to get out of there.

Mahone parks next to where Michael and the cons were just digging. As the cons watch from a safe distance, Mahone walks over to the freshly filled grave and looks at the headstone. R.I.P E. CHANCE WOODS on the marker.

C-Note voices what all of the cons are thinking, “How did he (Mahone) know?” As the cons race off across the cemetery, Michael stays back a few seconds longer, intrigued by Mahone’s ability. Mahone takes out his pen and pops a secret compartment on the top – retrieving a small white pill from inside that he immediately swallows. He then stands, and pulls his gun, he’s knows the guys can’t have gotten too far.

Michael and the cons race out of the cemetery and onto a busy city street, where in their new clothes, they now blend in with the general population. As they weave in and out of the crowd, a hand suddenly grabs Michael from behind. He spins around to find a fifteen- year-old kid, “Do you know what time it is, sir?”

Back at Terrance’s place, Veronica is still trying to convince him to give himself up. “I can’t go outside. They’ll kill me,” he tells her. As Veronica assures Terrance he can have his old life back her cell rings. It’s Lincoln. She tells him she saw him the news and that he needs to turn himself in. “I found Steadman. He’s alive. You’re going to be exonerated.” But Lincoln’s doesn’t understand, “what do you mean you found Steadman?” Suddenly there’s a knock at Terrance’s front door. “It’s the police, Lincoln.” As several ominous men in dark suits enter the house, one of them beckons for Veronica to put the phone down and tells Steadman to take a few steps back. One of the suits pulls a gun and points it directly at Veronica. As Veronica steps back, her eyes wide with horror, she mumbles, “oh my god.” Shots ring out. On the other end of the line Lincoln has heard everything – he crumbles to the floor, broken, as Michael tries to console him.

As Veronica’s body is taken out of the house in several luggage bags, one of the suits turns to Terrance. “All calls from inside the house get directly routed to us.” He wants to know where Terrance got the gun. Terrance tells him he brought the gun in when he first got to Blackfoot. “Whatever for?” the suit asks. Terrance tells him to protect himself. “That’s what we’re here for. Remember?” Sara goes through her purse that Nurse Katie brought. Inside, she discovers an origami bird. She opens the bird to reveal a note from Michael. There’s a plan to make all of this right.

Back at FBI headquarters, Agent Ives laments, “D.O.C is doing a sweep of Oswego but it looks like the guys have basically vanished.” But Mahone isn’t so sure. Ives doesn’t understand how Mahone can be so confident; “it’s not like these guys left a map where they were going.” “Actually they did,” Mahone assures him. “Scofield had the entire thing on his body. How to get out of that prison. How to disappear afterward. It’s all there. I promise you that it’s only a matter of time before we know everything that is in Scofield’s head. Where he plans to run. How he plans to get there. So that when the time comes that he does get there, we’ll be waiting for him.”

Chloe O'brien
23-08-2006, 15:21
:wall: :wall: I can't believe they did that to veronica "PIGS" They will never get Lincoln & Michael

Jessie Wallace
23-08-2006, 15:24
Have you seen it yet?
I've just finnished watching it, thought it was good. Everyone else's i spoken to didn't think much of it. Maybe it's just me and the way i watch things, who knows :D

23-08-2006, 21:24
Watched it today it was fab as usual, i nearly cried when Veronica died!! sooo bad poor Lincoln having to hear it as well :(

Jessie Wallace
23-08-2006, 22:05
I was happy the other day to find out that Sara wa alive wasn't all the bothered about Veronica, although di feel sorry for Lincon when he heard it all on the phone.

23-08-2006, 22:26
Nooooooooooooo she can’t die poor Lincoln :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

23-08-2006, 22:29
I was very happy Sara survived!! im not to bothered about Veronica just more shocked really, i was hoping her and Linc would live happily ever after lol along with Michael and Sara

Jessie Wallace
23-08-2006, 22:48
Michael and Sara all the way, i'm not normally a romantic, but they are so cute together.

Chloe O'brien
23-08-2006, 22:49
Veronica was the only one on the outside who could prove Lincoln's innocence and now they've gone and killed her :angry: I've not seen it yet I'm going to try and watch it tomorrow or Friday

23-08-2006, 22:56
You should see the music videos of Michael and Sara on Putfile awwww its sooooo sweet!!! they are perfection!!

I think now Lincoln knows and also his son that the president isnt really dead it will come out soon!!

23-08-2006, 23:05
I really wanted linc and veronica to work out he loves her a apparently he breaks down when he hears the shoots bless his cotton socks :wub:

This sounds really sad :( :(

23-08-2006, 23:37
I really wanted linc and veronica to work out he loves her a apparently he breaks down when he hears the shoots bless his cotton socks :wub:

This sounds really sad :( :(

Yeah he did hear her get shot down the phone, he broke down and Michael came over to him

Jessie Wallace
23-08-2006, 23:56
Sara was all upset, coz she thought that Michael had done t all just to get what he wanted, when really he does love her. And he'd put that paper swan in her bag with the note on it, so sweet :D

24-08-2006, 00:27
Sara was all upset, coz she thought that Michael had done t all just to get what he wanted, when really he does love her. And he'd put that paper swan in her bag with the note on it, so sweet :D

I knooo awwww, i hope somehow they get back into contact with each other, but if you really think about it, if and when they get caught they will all be going back down for a long time, i cant really see there being a happy ending for any of them. I reckon that either Linc or Michael will die, not necessarily in this series but when the programme ends!! Its really frsutrating isnt it, lol

24-08-2006, 21:17
OMG it is bad enough that I have to see Lincoln being heartbroken over veronica being killed.:crying: :crying: :crying:

But they cant kill off Abruzzi nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :nono: :nono:

Chloe O'brien
24-08-2006, 21:35
Its only episode 1 and I'm having a tantrum already about the storyline. I think I heard that it is going to run for three series so there will be lots of twists and turns to come. As much as we would all love a happy ending for both Michael and Lincoln it aint going to happen. :wall: :wall:

24-08-2006, 21:42
Its only episode 1 and I'm having a tantrum already about the storyline. I think I heard that it is going to run for three series so there will be lots of twists and turns to come. As much as we would all love a happy ending for both Michael and Lincoln it aint going to happen. :wall: :wall:

you are not alone on this one i cant believe she dies in season 1 it was so obvious he loved her:(

24-08-2006, 22:34
Just read the write up thanks Ems for that Poor Veronica did not see that coming at all poor Lincoln

Chloe O'brien
26-08-2006, 01:18
As much as I agree with most of the post on here about michael & sara they do make a cute couple. And michael has proven just what you would be prepared to do to save someone you love. But out of the two brothers my favourite is Lincoln the way the actor has potrait someone on death row has been amazing, and although I'm not really into all this shippy stuff between characters. I do think that Veronica still could have had a huge part to play in the series whatever the outcome. I just don't trust these buggers at fox.com to give us the ending we want, it will be a jaw-dropping, slipper-throwing, telly-screaming end.

30-08-2006, 23:03
Episode 202
Airdate: 08/28/2006

Mahone sits in his backyard on the phone. From the other end of the line we hear: “Canadian and Mexican border patrols have all the mug shots. BORTAC’s on high alert.” Mahone: “See if we can get the Mexican border patrol to set up check points fifty miles in.” As Mahone continues to discuss things with his associate, Ives, he stares at a bird bath in his yard. Ives tells him that the Warden from Fox River, Pope called, he’s asking to be kept in the loop, what should he tell him? “Tell him,” Mahone replies, “that he’s no longer in it.” Mahone hangs up, then stands and walks over to the object of his fascination –the birdbath. Mahone peeks over its edge, and his reflection looks back at him.

Michael sits on a park bench, sporting a cream suit, Cub’s hat and glasses, and looking more like a preppy college student than an escaped con. The front page of the newspaper he’s reading has a story on the Fox River 8 –complete with mug shots and all. But what Michael really seems to be interested in is a family across the way, setting up their Sunday picnic, and the open trunk of their SUV.

In an abandoned building, Lincoln, C-Note, Sucre and Abruzzi wait impatiently for Michael’s return. C-Note, a little surly, asks Lincoln: “What’s the plan, man?” Lincoln, equally surly, responds: “No bars on these doors, do what ya like.” Sucre, frustrated as well, chimes in: “With what?” C-Note reminds Lincoln they were supposed to be in Mexico right now drinking margaritas, and waiting for the heat to dip. Sucre, clearly getting more and more anxious by the minute, asks Lincoln where Michael is. Linc tells him he’ll be back. C-Note half-jokingly suggests to Sucre that maybe they should make a go of “the” money –after all it’s just sitting in Tooele, Utah, waiting to be dug up. Lincoln’s had enough of C-Note, “If you’re gonna stay here then shut up!” he commands. Just as things are about to get really heated, Michael returns. “Hey! Relax,” he says as he places a picnic basket full of fried chicken and beer on the table.

As the guys chow down, Sucre expresses his concerns about being all over the news. C-Note retorts –“Yeah, and you didn’t see that coming?” Michael approaches them. “Last supper boys. This is the part where we say goodbye.” He hands them some cash, telling them that it’s not much but it’s enough to get them started. As C-Note and Sucre gratefully accept, Abruzzi stands and shoots Michael a look. Michael can tell where this is heading. “No. I’m not telling you where Fibonacci is.” Abruzzi smiles, “Well I didn’t ask. I only ask for a quarter for a phone call.” Michael hands him a dollar “Make four.” Sucre wonders out loud about the other guys. C-Note remarks that they all had a head start –except for T-Bag that is. “Yeah.” Abruzzi begins, “he was, uh, bleeding pretty bad…”

Dr. Gudat, the veterinarian, finishes the sutures an un-anesthetized T-Bag who fights to stay conscious. T-Bag: “Are you done?” Dr. Gudat: “No. I still have to clean it.” T-Bag presses him, “But you’re done?” Dr. Gudat assures him that he is. As the good doctor puts away his tools, T-Bag summons the courage to look at his newly reattached hand. His entire wrist is a bloody mess, and the stitches look like barbed wire –it ain’t pretty. T-Bag stares at it for a moment, before he’s overcome by a wave of nausea and vomits.

Outside the hideout, Michael and Lincoln talk. Michael says: “It’s time to move. We got everything we need. Just a quick stop in Utah and then we’re off to Mexico.” Lincoln however, is not so eager to get going. Lincoln tells Michael that LJ is scheduled to have a hearing today to determine if he gets tried as an adult. Lincoln is resolute: “I can get him.” Michael lets out a sigh, “It’s not the right time.” Michael assures him there will be a right time though –once they get to Mexico, and get off the news. Lincoln protests: LJ is being framed for a double homicide, soon as he looses his hearing they’re gonna ship him out to an adult facility. Today is the only chance Lincoln has to get him. But it’s more than that. He’s already lost Veronica, --he’s not going to lose LJ too. Michael is clearly distraught by this dilemma. He understands the situation, and would never leave LJ behind, but he doesn’t think they can do this now. “There’s no plan in place.” Lincoln tries to reason with him. “Believe me. I know that courthouse. I’ve been there more times than I can remember. The only person guarding him is a bailiff –he carries mace and a big stick.” Michael is incredulous --“So you’re going to bum-rush the courthouse. That’s your plan. Are you serious?” Before Lincoln can answer, Sucre, C-Note and Abruzzi exit the hideout, ready to hit the road. Michael wishes good luck to everyone. They say their goodbyes and Abruzzi puts in his last licks before leaving –“Maybe we’ll see each other again. You never know Michael.” And with an I-know-something-you-don’t-know look, he saunters away. And then the two brothers are alone again. Michael turns to Lincoln, “Tell me everything you know about the courthouse.”

It’s morning at Fox River Penitentiary, and a C.O. asks Bellick if he got any sleep. Bellick’s not exactly in the mood for small talk, and grumbles that he only got a couple hours worth. The C.O. shakes his head. “Eight of ‘em, I still can’t believe it.” Bellick gets on his soap box, and rants about how this is exhibit A of why you don’t let women work in the military, the police force and especially not a male prison. He continues on, “Cause look what ya get. Dr. Sweetcheeks leaves the door open for Scofield and here we are.” The C.O. chooses his words carefully, as he suggests there might be a little more to the escape than that. Bellick’s adamant, “If Tancredi doesn’t leave her office door unlocked, those eight dirtbags’d be in the SHU right now,” he gets in the C.O.'s face, “Bottom line.” Warden Pope approaches, and Bellick quiets down as he asks him if there’ve been any updates. Pope tells him they were last seen at that cemetery in Oswego, but it doesn’t matter because the FBI has taken over. Pope reveals to Bellick that “You and I have been pulled off the pursuit.” When Bellick asks him why, Pope glances at his watch, “We’re gonna find out shortly. You and I are to report to the D.O.C. headquarters.”

Inside the Command Center, we close in on Charles Patoshik AKA Haywire’s mugshot. Ives asks “No family on Patoshik?.” Another agent responds “Yeah. Till about four years ago when he killed them all.” Ives has another look at the escapees’ mug shots, and holds up an updated rap sheet for Tweener, urging his colleagues to take a look when they get a chance. He posts it on the board underneath Tweener’s photo.

Tweener, with a freshly shaved head, walks nervously through a bus station. As if by accident he bumps into a male commuter, and knocks the man’s cell phone from his hand, and onto the ground. Tweener apologizes, picks up the phone and hands it back to the annoyed commuter. Tweener walks over to a public phone kiosk and digs into his pocket. In his hands, we see the wallet he just lifted off the commuter. He pulls out the man’s driver’s license, and tries his name on for size –Scott Kolbrenner.


30-08-2006, 23:06
Ive seen the second episode now and i was on the edge of my seat!! I even felt sorry for Bellick for the slightest second as well!!
Its a must see, im loving this whole series so far and its only 2 episodes in, i cant wait to see the 3rd!!

30-08-2006, 23:08
Michael and Lincoln enter the lower level of a garage where Michael points to a car covered in dust. “It’s this one, here.”’ and then adds, “Don’t touch the radio.” Lincoln nods, and as Michael readies the car, he makes a phone call. “Yeah hi. I’m with the Des Moines Herald, I’m covering the LJ Burrows hearing. What time’s that start today?” As Linc waits for a response, he becomes nervous when he notices a man entering his vehicle in the exterior lot of the garage. The man does a double take, and Lincoln tries to avoid his glance. Meanwhile Michael nervously puts the key in the car’s ignition, and makes a silent prayer that the car will start. It does. Lincoln gets off the call, and tells Michael that LJ’s hearing is at three o’clock, and will last a half hour max. After that he’ll be taken down to the transport bay at ten till to catch the four o’clock van. As Michael wipes down the filthy car, he asks Lincoln how they’re gonna get close to him. Lincoln says that when he was locked up, he had nothing to do but study the briefs on his case. Nick Savrinn’s bar number was on the front of every one. Michael nods, “We pose as one of his attorneys.”

Pope and Bellick are interrogated by D.O.C board members in a conference room. Board member Ed Pavelka asks “How was Scofield able to have exclusive access to you. Pull a shank on you and bind you to your chair? The Warden of the penitentiary.” Pope says he trusted him and that Michael betrayed that trust. Pavelka turns to Bellick and asks him if it’s true that all the inmates that escaped or tried to escape worked in Prison Industries; Bellick confirms that it is. Pavelka asks why they had so much time to dig a hole in the floor of the guard’s break room while working for said Prison Industries. Pope defends Bellick, “If any of you ever worked a day in a prison you would know that since an inmate only makes nineteen cents an hour, some are bound to drag their feet.” Pavelka then asks Bellick if he’d sold the rights to run Prison Industries to the highest bidder. Bellick denies it, “Who the hell told you that?” Pope is outraged, “this is unbelievable, while we’re wasting time in here, there are eight escaped convicts out there—“ But before Pope can finish, in walks a surprise witness. Former C.O. Roy Geary! Both Pope and Bellick are less than thrilled to see him, and glare at him as Geary sits down at the meeting table. Pavelka asks Geary if he was employed as a correctional officer at Fox River. Geary confirms, and Bellick adds “Yeah, until he was fired for shaking down inmates.” Pavelka asks Geary if Bellick had an arrangement with any of the inmates regarding Prison Industries. Geary affirms Bellick sold it to John Abruzzi, one of the escaped convicts. Pavelka tells Bellick he has one last chance to “get in front of it” before they start asking for substantiation from other COs. Bellick swallows hard, and admits the truth, but tries to explain that at no time was he aware of any talk of escape. Pavelka cuts him off, telling him that will be all and that they may step out of the room as the DOC decides their fate. It’s clear from Pope’s sour look he is not pleased with Bellick.

As T-Bag washes up in the sink, Dr. Gudat tells him he did his best under the circumstances. “The good news sir, is you had the hand iced and I was able to restore blood flow, and the bones are pinned. However I recommend you get medical attention ASAP.” Gudat gives him a doggie bag with some aspirin, antibiotics, and pain killers, and keeps prattling on, but T-Bag stops him. “You did one helluva job Doc.”

Gudat tells him it’s OK for him to leave now, and T-Bag responds “Oh I’m leavin’…but you’re not.” Gudat is taken aback, and assures T-Bag he hasn’t seen anything and won’t tell anyone, but unfortunately T-Bag “fell for that bill a goods once before, never again.” The doctor protests once more that he wouldn’t tell anyone, but T-Bag’s not having it. “You would, and I would die in prison.” Gudat sprints for the door, but T-Bag is on him in a flash – bad arm around the Doc’s neck in a choke hold; his good hand pressing a scalpel to the Doc’s neck. “You did me a solid, so I’ll return the favor,” says T-Bag, “this can go down humanely if you don’t fight. But if you pull a stunt like that again it’s gonna get in-humane right quick. Your call. But one way or another – I’m putting you down Doc.”

Handcuffed, LJ is escorted into an interrogation room in the Cook County Court House; he has a visitor. A man in a dark suit reading a file turns to reveal that it’s FBI agent Alexander Mahone. The guard leaves the room, and the two are now alone. Mahone is pleasant enough, gesturing for LJ to sit, and compliments Michael and Lincoln’s feat. “You know, I have to tell you, what your Dad and Uncle pulled off…very impressive. I’ve been doing this for fourteen years and most escapes can be attributed to dumb luck or brute force. The level of planning and sophistication that went into this one and eight guys got out? I really do, professionally speaking have a lot of admiration for Michael and Lincoln.” Still, LJ’s not buying the ‘good cop’ speech, and asks Mahone what he needs. Mahone tells LJ he wants to help bring them in --peacefully. LJ says he doesn’t know where they are or where they’re going. Mahone says there’s another way LJ can help; he can go on TV. “I can have a camera crew down here in half an hour.” LJ leans forward and calmly tells Mahone: “You know what man? The murder charge they put on my Dad? The two murder charges they put on me? Everything’s been a set up coming from way up top. So the fact that you work for the government? I got nothin’ to say.” Mahone tells LJ he’s gonna give him the same advice he’d get from the guy at the deli “Start thinking about yourself, now. In fact – the sooner the better because no one, not your father LJ, not your uncle is going to do your time. And at sixteen years old you’re looking at a long stretch. How much time you get, where you serve it – who your cell mate might be? You need to start thinking about yourself, now. I want your dad, I want your uncle and I’m willing to deal. Don’t wait and let someone else get the reward.” He leaves LJ to ponder his choices.

Tweener impatiently stands in the ticket line at the bus station. A guy taps Tweener on the shoulder, and tells him he looks familiar. Tweener gets all fidgety, --has he been ID’d? The guy wants to know if Tweener rushed Sig Ep last semester? Tweener has no idea what “Sig Ep” is, but when he notices the kid’s college sweatshirt, he gets it – “nah,” he says. The lady at the ticket counter asks Tweener where to, “Utah,” he replies. Tweener glances behind him at a long-haired man on a terminal bench reading a newspaper. On the front page is yet another article on the Fox River eight. Tweener urgently asks the lady behind the counter what the deal is, and she tells him there’s nothing till tomorrow. He then tells her “Yo, I got forty five bucks, how far will that take me?” As the ticket lady types away, Tweener finally looses his nerve and dashes away from the counter.


30-08-2006, 23:09
Lincoln’s in a car talking on his cell phone. He poses as Nick Savernn, and gives his bar number, stating he has a call time with his client LJ Burrows. The guard at the courthouse puts LJ on the phone. Lincoln asks, “You know who this is?” LJ smiles, but he’s not alone, so he plays along, pretending that he’s having a conversation with his attorney. Lincoln tells LJ he’s worried about him and sorry about what he’s going through. LJ tells him, “Word is, after this hearing, cause of my dad being so high profile, they’re shipping me to an adult facility in Kingman, Arizona.” Lincoln says it’s not going to happen. LJ asks if he’s heard from Veronica today, --she didn’t show up and he’s been given some “court-appointed clown” to represent him. Lincoln, who doesn’t have the heart to tell LJ the truth, says he hasn’t heard from her. LJ tells Lincoln that he was visited by a fed who wanted him to get his dad to turn himself in. Lincoln says that knowing LJ’s dad, that’s not gonna to happen. Then Lincoln gets down to business. “Listen up LJ, this is real important. On the third, look out for Otis Wright. Got that? On the third, look out for Otis Wright. Until then, keep your head up.” LJ is confused, but Lincoln just tells him to remember, he’s going to do everything he can to get him out. Keeping up the pretense, LJ says “Nick, if you see my dad, tell him no mater what – I love him.” Michael gets back in the car just as Lincoln hangs up. Linc tells Michael he’s ready, to which Michael replies, “One more stop.”

T-Bag fills a syringe as Dr. Gudat, strapped to an operating table, pleads for his life. “There is a belief in my religion which I know to be true, and it applies to everyone Hindu or not. The acts that we commit in this life determine where we go in the next. And he who commits evil can never hope for eternal happiness.” T-Bag informs the Doctor that he’s more of a “here-and-now type,” and approaches Gudat with the syringe. T-Bag shares his own adage with Gudat. “I’ll tell you something I know is true. The Indians here – the tomahawk variety – some of them believe, well used to believe before most of them were slaughtered, that when a warrior kills another in battle, he absorbs that fallen warrior’s spirit.” He touches the doctor’s cheek and whispers soothingly “So this isn’t the end for you, Doc. You’re with me now.” T-Bag jams the syringe into the doctor’s arm. Gudat’s eyes flutter for a moment, then he exhales one last time.

Michael enters a hardware store as a pretty girl walking her dog smiles at Lincoln who keeps watch outside. Inside, Michael blows off the friendly clerk who tries to make small talk with him. Michael quickly grabs duct tape, a can of spray paint and various other items. Outside, the pretty girl flags down a police officer and Lincoln realizes she’s ID’d him. Lincoln nonchalantly enters the hardware store, the friendly clerk offering up help once again. Lincoln declines, and finds Michael who’s still gathering supplies. “We have to go now.” Mike tells him he just needs to pay up. Lincoln urges they need to leave now. The friendly clerk greets another customer in front -- “How are you Officer?” Michael and Lincoln share a panicked look.

The hardware store clerk walks to the back of the store with the police officer in tow. “Huh..they were right back here.” Meanwhile Lincoln and Michael escape out the back of the hardware store and walk around the corner. Lincoln tells Michael they can make it to the courthouse on foot from where they are. But Michael is not reassured –he doesn’t want to ditch their car. “You don’t understand. Everything is in that car.” The car however, which they had parked outside of the store, is now surrounded by cops. But Lincoln is only thinking about one thing right now –LJ. “Forget about the damn car, we don’t have time. Come on man, let’s go.”

Tweener can’t help but smile a little as he strolls through the St. Louis Tech campus wearing a St. Louis Tech sweatshirt and baseball hat. He finds his way to the campus “ride board”and sees an ad requesting someone to share ride expenses with to Utah. The bottom of the ad is cut into little segments with the name and phone number of “Debra Jean Belle.” Tweener takes the whole card off the board and pockets it.

Pope and Bellick stand across from the D.O.C. Committee who are about to pronounce their sentence. Pope is docked two weeks and placed on three months probation. Bellick, however, doesn’t fare as well, and is “terminated effective immediately.” Bellick is shell-shocked –“I’ve worked at Fox River since I was eighteen years old, being a C.O. is my life.” The committee appreciates that but is unrelenting. Pope is more than a little annoyed. “Look, you know, we could have saved a lot of time if you would have told us from the beginning that this was going to be a railroad.” Pavelka is not amused. “That will be all, Warden.” Pope iterates that there’s only one person out there responsible for the escape, “that’s Michael Scofield, it’s not Officer Bellick, it’s not me. But if you need someone to take the fall, then fine.” They won’t just have Bellick's job, he says, because even though he’s not proud of many of Bellick’s actions, it’ll be a cold day in hell when he turns his back on one of his own men. “I quit,” he says, “That will be all.” And he’s outta there.

Michael carries a black duffel bag as he and Lincoln walk toward the courthouse. Lincoln tells Michael, “This thing doesn’t work out and you end up goin’ back to Fox River, I ain’t comin’ to get ya. I mean, you are the brains, and I am the brute.” Michael laughs a little, but then Lincoln gets serious -- “Michael, you don’t have to do this.” Michael looks up at the courthouse, turns to Lincoln “Let’s go.” They head for a rear stairwell, and begin to climb.

Dr. Gudat lies dead on the medical table in the vet clinic, and in the background we see T-Bag bleaching his hair in the sink with some oxidation dye.

LJ’s back in the interrogation room when Mahone enters –and he’s not happy. “You got a call from Nick Savrinn earlier today, what was that all about?” LJ tries to play it cool and just tells him that Nick is his attorney and that’s privileged information. But Mahone’s not falling for it. “Hmm, that’s odd. Nick Savrinn was found dead in his apartment an hour before the call came in to you.” Mahone plays a tape recording of Lincoln telling LJ to remember “on the third, look out for Otis Wright. Until then keep your head up.” Mahone admonishes LJ for playing “fast and loose” with him, and asks once more who Otis Wright is. LJ says he has no idea. Once again, Mahone tries to call him on his bluff –“I think you do. And if you don’t tell me, after you’re convicted, I will be in that courtroom when you’re sentenced and I will hang you out to dry. Take that to the bank.”

Michael and Lincoln climb onto the roof of the courthouse, throw off their suit jackets and get down to business. Michael pulls two yellow plastic guns out of the duffel bag, and spray paints them black. Lincoln uses a screwdriver to remove the grating on a steepled object protruding from the building. After the grate is freed, Lincoln pulls a long sturdy rope from their gear.


30-08-2006, 23:10
Inside the courthouse, Mahone walks behind LJ and the bailiff as they head towards the elevator bank. Mahone is on his cell trying to get in touch with the prosecutor on LJ’s case, and requests a meeting. As LJ stands in front of the elevator bank, he notices the number three on the siding of one of the elevators, and hears his Dad’s voice in his head “on the third, look out for Otis Wright.” LJ then looks up, and sees a sign over the elevators that say “Otis Manufacturing.” The doors to elevator #2 opens, and LJ tries to stall by squatting and tying his shoe as the bailiff and Mahone wait. The doors to elevator #2 close, and annoyed, the bailiff hits the call button again. Elevator #3 opens, and he ushers LJ along. Mahone looks up and sees the “Otis Manufacturing” placard above the elevators and everything starts to fall into place. He stops the elevator doors just as they are about to close, and says “I’ll escort the boy.” The bailiff steps off the elevator, and Mahone gets on; smiling as he pushes the button for the lobby.

In the elevator, alone with LJ, Mahone mutters to himself. “Otis right. Otis elevator, on the right. What is he planning?” Suddenly the grate in the ceiling of the elevator shaft opens, and Lincoln points a gun at Mahone. He instructs Mahone to keep his gun in the holster and no one will get hurt. Lincoln tells LJ to hit the stop button on the elevator. LJ does so and Lincoln says “he’s coming with us, so just stay cool, super cop.” Mahone catches a glimpse of Michael above the elevator and the two glare at each other with a mixture of curiosity and distrust. Michael tells LJ to give him Mahone’s gun. Lincoln threatens Mahone with the gun once more and Mahone lets LJ grab his gun out of the holster. LJ hands it up to Michael, and Lincoln starts to pull LJ up out of the elevator. But as he does so, he accidentally drops his own gun; and it clatters to the floor with a hollow sound, alerting Mahone that it isn’t real. Mahone immediately grabs LJ’s feet and Michael points Mahone’s own gun at him, telling him to back off. Mahone says “Give yourselves up and the kid can walk. It’s the only way he’s getting out of here!” Michael and Lincoln struggle to get LJ out of Mahone’s grip, and as Mahone realizes he’s losing the battle he kicks the elevator alarm switch. LJ’s the first to realize they’re sunk, “Dad, let me go.” But Lincoln won’t. Accepting that it’s too late, LJ pleads with his dad, “You gotta let me go.” Heartbroken, Lincoln releases his grip, and LJ falls back to the floor of the elevator. Michael shuts the panel above the elevator, and LJ tries to incapacitate Mahone by landing one on him, but to no avail. Mahone pins LJ to the wall –and furious, he kicks LJ. The elevator doors open and Mahone points up to the roof, “Up there! Scofield is in the building!” He motions for a couple of guards to take LJ away as he storms out in pursuit, “Scofield and Burrows are in the building.”

Michael and Lincoln sprint down the street desperate to get away from the flatfoots chasing them. Two blue-suited, beat-walkers, happy for a little action, draw their guns, and fire as Lincoln and Michael jump into a small truck parked at the curb. Bullets hit the metal casing of the vehicle as Lincoln starts the truck and speeds away; the blues follow in hot pursuit on foot behind them.

Bellick enters his bedroom at home, and closes it behind him. He takes a seat on his bed looking absolutely crestfallen. “Bradley?” a woman’s voice calls from the other room. “Yeah, Ma?” Bellick answers dejectedly. She wonders what he’s doing home so early and searching for an excuse, he mumbles that he had to take his personal days before they went away. Bellick’s Ma asks why he’s not out looking for the convicts, and Bellick tells her “they’ve got other people doing that now.” She picks up on his distress, but Bellick tells her he’s OK, and gives her a kiss. She exits his bedroom, and once again Bellick is left alone to ponder. He takes his shot gun out of his duffle bag, and sits with it, contemplating his future.

Pope is in his office at Fox River packing up his things. He walks over to the model of the Taj Mahal still sitting on a table, and flashes back to Michael helping him build it – the camaraderie they shared – Pope saying how fortunate he feels to have met Michael. Another flash: Michael holding a shiv on Pope - telling him he’s breaking out, and that he is going to make sure Lincoln goes with him. Back in real time, the Pope stares at the Taj Mahal for another moment before picking up a lamp and smashing the replica, meant as his Anniversary gift, to smithereens.

A blonde T-Bag exits the vet clinic, wearing a crisp, collared shirt. He disarms the alarm of the doctor’s shiny new SUV, --the car beeps and the doors unlock. T-Bag climbs in. He starts the car, and hits a button to dial the OnStar operator. A voice asks T-Bag what she can do for him. Grinning, T-Bag tells her he needs directions to Utah.

Back at St. Louis Tech, Tweener waits on a bench, furtively glancing around. A young woman taps him on the shoulder and he startles. “Excuse me? Sorry. Are you Scott Kolbrenner?” It takes a moment for Tweener to remember his new alias. “Yeah. I am. You must be Debra Jean.” She tells him she was about to give up hope – he was the only person that answered her ad. “I guess there’s not a lot of Utah people out here…” Tweener tells her he’s just headed there to collect an inheritance, his grandpa just died. Debra Jean asks him where his stuff is, and he says he mailed it, which she finds a little strange. “Mailed it? I never heard of that.” But Tweener plays it off as no big deal, he’s got a friend who works UPS and hooked him up. Debra Jean looks a little hesitant, but Tweener turns on the charm, and Debra Jean can’t resist that smile, “I’m parked out front.”

CH-CHUNK - Bellick racks his shotgun, resigned to take his own life. But before he can get any further, his mother calls out to him -- “Bradley?” Bellick sighs, “Yes, Ma?” “They just announced the rewards on TV for the convicts,” she says, “a hundred thousand dollars a piece, three-hundred thousand for the animal who killed the President Reynolds’ brother. Why every wacko in the country is going to be after those cons now, wouldn’t ya say?” The life begins to come back into Bellick’s eyes. He just found his new reason to live.

An armed policemen runs up to the truck that Lincoln and Michael used to flee. But when the cop reaches the driver’s seat, we see that he’s too late –it’s empty. Nearby, Michael and a wounded Lincoln are running on foot; Lincoln is not doing well. “You gotta move-“ Michael urges him, but Lincoln can’t. He collapses onto the curb holding his leg in pain. Michael pauses when he realizes that Lincoln’s been shot. Bad. “Oh my God,” Michael whips into action, and ties a handkerchief around Lincoln’s wound. But all Lincoln can think about is LJ. “I failed him.”

Outside the courthouse LJ is brought to a D.O.C. van by a smart-mouthed C.O. “Hope you packed a lunch. It’s a long way to Arizona.” LJ just ignores him and steps into the van; the door closes with a resounding thud.

Mahone hustles over to the abandoned truck left behind by Michael and Lincoln. Mahone sees the blood, and there’s quite a bit. Mahone barks out orders “Get men at all the area hospitals. Wherever they are, one of them is bleeding good – which means they either come to us, or they die.”

30-08-2006, 23:16
Ive seen the second episode now and i was on the edge of my seat!! I even felt sorry for Bellick for the slightest second as well!!
Its a must see, im loving this whole series so far and its only 2 episodes in, i cant wait to see the 3rd!!

your so lucky part of me wants to downlaod them so far I have resisted but the other part wants to wait until it's back on five at the moment I'm living off my dvds and the write ups by the way where do you download yours just in case I change my mind

Chloe O'brien
30-08-2006, 23:45
I was intending to be good and wait for it to return in January but I couldn't, the temptation was just too much

30-08-2006, 23:58
your so lucky part of me wants to downlaod them so far I have resisted but the other part wants to wait until it's back on five at the moment I'm living off my dvds and the write ups by the way where do you download yours just in case I change my mind

The episodes are on Putfile, in 5 parts

06-09-2006, 21:43
Episode 203
"Scan" written by Zack Estrin
Airdate: 09/04/2006

Blackened tires, the charred remains of a car; big yellow galoshes squish around burnt wreckage as investigators work the scene. Mahone’s there too, with the medical examiner. “You risk your life, break out of prison, only to end up dead at the bottom of a ditch,” the ME laments. “Kinda sad really.” But Mahone remains focused on the wreckage. “So which one of them was it?”

Twelve Hours Earlier flashes across the bottom of the screen as we pan down the bulletin board at Mahone’s headquarters. The Fox River escapees’ pictures stare back at Mahone as Agent Lang approaches; “We’ve got a blanket on all the hospitals,” she tells him. “If they’ve got Band-Aids and Bactine we’ve got a body there.” She informs Mahone that if Linc and Michael come looking for medical attention they’ll be in a van on their way back to Fox River. Mahone in quires about the other six cons. Lang says they’ve got eyes and ears on the families, but so far nothing. Mahone wonders aloud, “What’s the hardest thing in the world for a con to do?” Lang doesn’t miss a beat, “Nothing,” she says. Mahone agrees, “Few things in life are certain; death, taxes, and the fact that a man on the run will make a mistake sometime in the first 72 hours. Needing distance, he’ll steal a car. Needing money, he’ll rob a store. Needing help, he’ll trust someone he shouldn’t. And when he does – he will leave behind the crumbs that will take us right to him.”

Several urgent raps on a front door, and Nika, Michael’s ‘wife,’ appears. Michael supports a weak and bleeding Lincoln, “I need your help.” Inside, Michael sends Nika on a scavenger hunt; “Cayenne pepper, rubbing alcohol, towels and pain killers.” “And some booze,” Lincoln finishes. Nika hesitates, Michael’s urgent. “Please!” Nika scours the house. Michael pulls Linc’s bloody pant leg up. Lincoln takes a big swig from the bottle of vodka Nika hands him and tells Michael, “Let’s keep moving.” Michael says if they keep moving, Lincoln’s leg will keep bleeding, and they’ll never get out of Illinois. He looks his brother dead in the eye, “This is gonna hurt,” then pours rubbing alcohol directly on the gun shot wound in Lincoln’s leg. Lincoln grimaces with pain and takes another swig of vodka. Michael takes the cayenne pepper, sprinkles it on Lincoln’s leg, “this will seal the capillaries,” he says. Lincoln reels from the pain. Nika tells Michael he shouldn’t have come, that the police have already been there looking for him. Michael tells her he’s sorry, but they had no choice. Nika’s very thankful for the help with the green card, but she doesn’t want to get involved. Michael’s stressed, he knows it wasn’t part of the deal, and he’s sorry – really sorry. Nika calms, “when I saw you on the news I was worried, I hoped you’d crossed the border by now.” Michael nods, “So did I.” He finishes wrapping Lincoln’s leg, hands Nika a prescription bottle of pain pills, “Keep giving him these – see if you can find him some clean clothes.” As Nika goes off in search of clothes, Michael tells Linc he has to go back and get the car. Lincoln’s starting to feel the vodka, “forget the car, we’ll grab another.” But Michael doesn’t need ‘a car’ he needs that car, inside it is everything he and Lincoln need to disappear.

Michael appears from the alley next to the hardware store, looks down the street – not a car in sight. There’s broken glass on the ground by the curb where his car should be. As Michael thinks through possible scenarios, he kneels down, picks up a piece of broken glass. His eyes wander to his wrist and the tattoo of a barcode there with the numbers 38 312 1037.

Mahone approaches Lang “what’ve we got?” Before Lang can answer, Agent Wheeler grabs the limelight, “Here you go, boss,” handing Mahone a backpack. “One of the blues hauled in a vagrant a couple of hours ago. Seems the man was in possession of an item or two that didn’t really belong to him.” Mahone dumps the backpack on the table, sifts through, pulls out two passports. One has a picture of Michael and the name Phinneas McClintock. “Passports,” says Mahone, “Looks like we got our first mistake.”

Bellick grabs a six-pack from the fridge in the liquor store as he searches for his favorite jerky. They’re out. He verbally assaults the clerk with the quasi Fu Man Chu beard– “got any of that ‘oriental jerky.’ You know Teray-yacky?” Bellick’s clearly drunk, and the clerk doesn’t want any trouble – “I’ll check in the back.” On his way, the clerk passes Geary, the security guard, who’s just come back from a trip to the can. Bellick tosses off a “how goes it, Geary?” And follows it up with a right hook to Geary’s face. The pair lock eyes and it is on. Wham - Geary flies into Bellick and they go down – all fists and retribution.

All that settled, Bellick and Geary knock back a couple of beers on the hood of Geary’s car – friendly banter over fight technique. Seems Geary’s a jewel kicker; Bellick’s a biter. Hard to say who was more of a girl. All in all, says Bellick, it’s not each other they should blame, it’s those convicts. They took his job, pension, his dignity. Bellick tells Geary he’s going after the reward money; Geary says Bellick might do well to get himself a wingman. Coincidentally, Geary knows just the guy –himself.

Michael, having figured out that his car’s been towed, negotiates for its return with Chuck, a grease monkey at the tow yard. Concurrently, in the Command Center, Mahone interrogates an old street vagrant about Michael’s duffel bag – the one the vagrant found in Michael’s car. Where did he get it? Seems the vagrant smashed a car window, stole it out of the back. Guy doesn’t recall what the car looked like – when pressed, ‘maybe it was gray.’ At the towing company, Michael confirms. It was a gray Accord. Chuck asks for the license number – and we’re back in the Command Center, and the vagrant’s answering – he’s told Mahone all he knows. Mahone asks where the car is, and the vagrant says ‘it ain’t gonna be there anymore. Tow truck rolled up.” Mahone wants to know - where was the car? The vagrant tells him, ‘I don’t know. Maybe around 15th? “ Mahone’s guys are on it.

Across the bottom of the screen, Defiance, Ohio, and Sucre on a pay phone to his old pal, Petey, in Bedford-Stuyvesant, New York. Sucre’s looking for his girl, and Petey says Sucre’s gotta forget about her; she’s getting married to Hector on Saturday. Sucre tells Petey to get Maricruz over to Petey’s apartment the following night. This will be Sucre’s one chance to change her mind. Before Petey can finish, Sucre hangs up the phone and walks over to an El Camino, smashing the window. A little hotwire and he’s mobile.

At the tow yard, Michael’s very distressed over the broken window and the backpack that’s been stolen. Chuck says it wasn’t in there when they brought the car in.


06-09-2006, 21:43
A nurse looks uncomfortable as she cuts the plastic nametag from Sara’s wrist. The nurse looks familiar to Sara; the nurse reminds her - Sara was the attending when the nurse first started at the hospital. Sara’s been released, but she’s not free to go. A couple of blues come in and cuff her. As they read Sara her Miranda rights and escort her out of the hospital, Agent Kellerman (the guy who whacked LJ’s mom and step dad) places a call to Madame President. “Caroline, they’re taking her in. Of course. I’ll keep an eye on her.”

Chuck instructs Michael where to sign the release form as his phone rings; it’s Mahone. He identifies himself as F.B.I., and asks if a guy’s been there looking for a gray Honda. Chuck smiles at Michael. “Yes sir,” he says. Mahone asks him when. “Right now.”

Mahone dispatches every available body to the towing company as Chuck, slicker than he looks, turns to Michael and tells him the guy on the phone is his supervisor. Mahone yells at Chuck, “are you still with me?” Chuck smiles, turns away from Michael, “Yeah, that car might not be here by the time you get here. You better send somebody now.” Chuck must be psychic, because Michael’s grabbed the keys off the counter, and is high-tailing it out of the yard before Chuck can even blink. Mahone’s blood is boiling, as he’s told his units are still six or seven miles away from the tow yard. He abruptly pushes a stack of files from the desk. As they clatter to the floor, Mahone’s eyes come to rest on the mug shot of a nasty looking bald man named Oscar Shales whose file stares back at him. Momentarily paralyzed, Lang’s voice pulls him out of it. “We’ve got a bead on Franklin - he’s at a payphone downtown.”

C-Note’s on the payphone backpedaling with his wife, Kacee, about lying to her about serving in Afghanistan as Mahone and Lang listen in from the Command Center. Kacee wonders if C-Note was ever even in the military. C-Note says he ‘served his country and his country served him up.’ He tells Kacee he loves her and he will explain everything if she gives him the chance. Kacee wants to know one good reason why she shouldn’t turn him in right now. C-Note gives her three – him, her and their beautiful little girl. He says he has a plan to get money and get away – all of them – if she’ll just hear him out. He asks her if anyone has tried to contact her about him. She says no. He says, “That’s good. In the rainbow room, remember that beautiful spot where we took that picture – the one next to the window?” She does. He says he’s gonna be waitin’ there one week from today. And all he wants in this world is to have his girls there. But Kacee isn’t sure. C-Note begs her. Still unsure of where they stand, C-Note hangs up.

In the Command Center, Lang turns to Mahone “The Rainbow Room, that’s a restaurant in New York City.” Mahone tells her to get on it. She tells him she appreciates the assignment; Mahone doesn’t need appreciation, he needs leads, answers, progress, “Anyone can’t deliver? They shouldn’t even unpack. Clear?” Lang’s nods, she gets it. Mahone turns to Wheeler and tells him to stay on Scofield. “Get the plate numbers on the Accord and get it on the wire, now.”

Michael changes the license plates on the car as Lincoln and Nika approach. “What’s going on?” he asks. Michael replies, “Apparently I wasn’t the only one looking for this car.” Great. Lincoln climbs in the passenger seat as Michael says goodbye to Nika. She wishes him luck; he wishes her the same. Michael looks at her fondly; her eyes searching his face for something deeper. Then, Michael gets in the car, “So, I’ll see you.” Nika certainly hopes so. Michael tells Lincoln that they’re heading west, toward the money – toward LJ. And as usual, he just has one more stop to make. Lincoln asks where, Michael turns to Linc and asks if he trusts him.

Back at Fox River, Geary and Bellick coerce one of their former co-workers to let them visit Manche Sanchez, Sucre’s cousin who fell from the wall during the escape and was captured. Manche, ragged and weary, is not at all happy to see Bellick, “Look, I already told the Feds – I don’t know anything, Okay?” But it’s not okay with Bellick. He wants information on where the cons were headed and tells Manche he’ll get it anyway he can. He still has friends with influence inside Fox River and being a, “curvy man, such as yourself – well let’s just say there’s some filthy individuals who might enjoy a cellie with womanly attributes. Now you’re gonna tell me everything you know about where those convicts are headed or I’m gonna throw your fat ass to the wolves.” Manche looks like he’s gonna puke.

Wheeler hangs up the phone, turns to Mahone, “Mistake number three. Someone reported seeing a man matching Fernando Sucre’s description stealing a car.” Mahone walks over to the big map, asks Wheeler where. Wheeler takes a pin, plugs it in, “Definace, Ohio.” Wheeler folds his arms, says confidently “Someone’s going down today.” Mahone knows it’s never that simple.

Sucre’s got that El Camino pushing as fast as it will go. A little bobble-head of The Virgin Mary shakes her head no, Sucre replies, “I know mami, I know.” But that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop.

Sara’s in an interrogation room. Her father, Governor Tancredi, enters, “I paid your bail.” There’s no love lost between these two, “You took your time,” she says. As Governor, he says condescendingly, he has things to do. Sara tells him to go to hell. Doesn’t he even want to hear her side? Dear old dad replies “Not particularly. Especially when I have no idea what side you’re on. Someone is going down for what happened at Fox River. It would be in both our best interests if that person was not you. To ensure that – there are some steps to be taken. One, you will attend daily recovery meetings. Two, you will go before a judge and you will plead ‘not guilty.’ Three, you will tell the D.O.C everything you know about how that prison was run. How Warden Pope granted favors to Michael Scofield in exchange for assistance on personal projects. Thereby exposing him to restricted areas where he might have been able to obtain a key to the infirmary.” Sara says she can’t do that - she's did it, she left the door open, her and no one else. Her father says it’s not true and that she will do as she’s told or there will be consequences for everyone. “Do you understand?” Sara nods, “Yes, sir.” He gets up to leave, as an after-thought adds, “In a week I will be appointed the new Vice President of the United States. There will be a small ceremony. You will be invited but you will not attend. Goodbye, Sara.” A guard lets him out, the door closing behind him, leaving Sara doing her best to keep it together.


06-09-2006, 21:44
Michael and Lincoln drive through a rural neighborhood. “I’ll put some music on,” Linc says, reaching for the radio dial. But Michael promptly cuts him off “No.” “Oh, right,” Lincoln remembers, “I forgot about the radio. Sure is quiet out here,” he says, “no one yelling, no guards making rounds.” Michael looks at him out of the corner of his eye, “You’re right, we should go back.” He and Lincoln laugh heartily at the idea. Lincoln’s eyes wander down to the bar code tattoo on Michael’s wrist –”the tatts weren’t just for getting out, were they?” Michael says breaking out was just the beginning, now it gets more interesting. Linc deadpans “Cause me being strapped to the electric chair wasn’t interesting enough.” Michael explains himself “inside we had the element of surprise, now…that guy, the one in the elevator?“ We flashback to Mahone piecing together the pieces of the puzzle, the tattoo board, finding the hard drive in the river – “it’s like he knows where we’re going, what we’re thinking. It’s only a matter of time before he finds out about the money, Bolshoi Booze, our way into Mexico – everything.” A moment as they both ponder this, Michael breaks the silence, “You ready for this?” Lincoln replies, “Make the call.” Michael takes out a cell phone and dials, “Hey, it’s me. I’ve got Linc – we’re on our way there. If for some reason you can’t make it, call me back.”

In the Command Center, Wheeler announces he just got word from surveillance that Michael left a message on the voicemail he prepaid before he went to prison. Sounds like he was waiting for someone to check the messages, call him back. Mahone looks at the prefix, observes it was made from a cell phone, and that as long as it’s turned on they can track exactly where he is.

Sucre’s still being taunted by that bobble head on the dash, but quickly realizes he’s got bigger problems. He’s being pulled over by a motorcycle cop.

Michael and Lincoln drive, determined looks on their faces, the cell phone nestled between them. It blinks – it’s definitely on.

Sucre tries to stay calm as the patrolman approaches the car, “Is there a problem, Officer?” The officer asks him if he knows why he pulled Sucre over. “Speeding?” he guesses. Patrolman asks to see his license and registration. Sucre says he lost his wallet, digs in the glove compartment for the registration – it’s there! He hands it to the patrolman. Registration’s to a Mrs. Miller – Sucre says that’s his wife, he’s Mr. Miller. Cop says the tags are expired, goes back to his car and runs the registration. Sucre’s sweating like a pig, what’s he going to do? The Virgin Mary bobble head shakes her head with displeasure as Sucre watches through the rearview mirror as the cop talks on his squawk to headquarters.

Bellick saunters down the hall like a schoolyard bully he is, a grin on his face as Geary asks, “Did he sing?” Bellick chuckles, “Like a fat, sweaty bird.”

Through the wrought iron fence surrounding her school playground, C-Note talks to his daughter, Dede. He asks her how she is, tells her he misses her, and asks if she’s keeping her appetite up. She nods and tells him the kids at school tell her that he’s a bad man, and he asks what she thinks. She says that if she were where they wouldn’t let her see him, she wouldn’t want to stay either. C-Note smiles, tells her they’ll be together soon, and he needs her to get a message to Mommy. The message is that if she understood what C-Note told her on the phone, and she’s willing to trust daddy, she needs to turn on the porch light at seven o’clock. “Can you remember that?” She nods yes. One of the teachers notices Dede near the gate and tells her to get away. Dede reluctantly turns, but not before saying “I love you.”

Michael and Lincoln’s gray Accord finds Route 38, corresponding to the 38 in the bar code of Michael’s tattoo. “It’s not much further now,” Michael says, resetting the trip odometer to zero.

Not too far behind them, Wheeler pilots a black SUV with Mahone in shotgun, tracking Michael and Lincoln on a GPS. “They’ve moved off the interstate, heading north on route 38,” Wheeler says. Mahone’s cell rings. They’ve found Sucre. Mahone tells the caller to contact local authorities, make it clear that they want Sucre alive. “Dead men can’t tell us where the crumbs are.”

Sucre watches as the train crossing gates in front of him begin to lower, and a passing train begins its slow crawl through the intersection. He glances back at the cop - gets the sinking feeling he’s been fingered. The cop hangs up from the squawk, pulls his gun and walks toward the car, “Mr. Miller. I’m going to have to ask you to put your hands outside the vehicle, please.” There’s no response from the car. The cop’s sweating now. “Hands where I can see them, Mr. Miller.” As the cop approaches the car he points his gun inside. But the car’s empty. A half a dozen yards away, Sucre tears through a cornfield dead set on catching a ride on that train.

Back on the road, Michael watches the car’s odometer reach twelve, the same number tattooed on his bar coded wrist. He turns to Linc, “You ready?” Lincoln nods. Michael puts the car into a tailspin, as it screeches to a stop in front of the guard railing on a rural bridge. The pair climb out and Michael checks the rail - it’s loose. “This is the one,” he says. They easily unscrew the loosened bolts to the piece of railing, looking over their shoulders. “Do you see him?” asks Michael. “Nope,” replies Linc, “Maybe he didn’t get your message.”

Not far behind on Route 38, Wheeler tells Mahone that Michael and Linc have stopped. Wheeler wonders aloud “they’re in the middle of nowhere, what are they waiting on?” Mahone postulates, “Or who?”

Michael and Lincoln take bags of blood and bone from out of the trunk and walk towards the front of the car.

Wheeler and Mahone’s SUV is stuck behind a farm vehicle monopolizing their lane. They put the police-cherry on the dash, siren wailing, and haul ass around the tractor, just narrowly missing oncoming traffic.


06-09-2006, 21:45
Back on the bridge, Michael wedges a cane between the accelerator and the back of the driver’s seat. He puts the bags of blood and bone on the passenger’s seat, checks the cell phone – it’s on. “Just one more thing,” he says. And we flash back to where Michael asks Lincoln if he trusts him. This time Lincoln’s allowed to answer, “Of course.” Michael asks, “How do you throw a hunter off the scent?” Lincoln knows the answer to this, “Get rid of the prey.” Back in real time, Michael turns on the car radio – glances at his wrist and the last four digits of his bar code tattoo - 1037. “After we hit scan,” he explains, “we’ll have about 30 seconds before it reaches 103.7. And then she blows.” Linc hits scan, they put the car in gear and it careens over the side of the bridge. Linc and Michael hit the road at full tilt. But no big boom occurs – they have to go back, fix it. No sooner than they reach the car, they hear sirens, “He’s here,” Michael says. Lincoln climbs inside the car, locates the radio stuck on 102.1, turns to Michael, “How many radio stations between 102.1 and 103.7?” Michael replies, “Out here? One. Probably.” Lincoln presses scan.

Wheeler and Mahone round the bend when KABOOM! A fireball races into the blue sky, painting it with thick black smoke.

Bedford-Stuyvesant, NY – Petey opens his low-rent apartment door to insistent knocking. Sucre plows into the room, wants to know where Maricruz is. Petey says he tried to tell Sucre, but he hung up too fast - Maricruz and Hector are getting married in Vegas. Sucre’s inconsolable until he sees the keys to Petey’s motorcycle hanging on a hook on the wall. Over Petey’s protestations, Sucre takes the keys, mounts the bike. Petey tells Sucre he looks like hell, Sucre replies, “I’ve been through hell, Papi. Now I just got to get to Vegas.”

“Hi, I’m Sara and I’m an addict.” The group welcomes the doc and applauds. Next to her, Agent Kellerman, all dressed down and humble, “Hello, my name is Lance and I’m an addict.”

And we’re back where we started, a charred car in a ditch – the ME wondering “which one was it?” Mahone – mid-flashback of Oscar Shales mug shot - says “Shales.” The M.E. asks, “Who?” Mahone corrects himself, “Scofield. I meant Scofield.” Wheeler approaches the M.E. as Mahone walks away, “probably going to find Scofield’s brother in there too.” Wheeler glances back at Mahone, says quietly to the M.E. “Oscar Shales – he’s this guy Mahone tracked for awhile. Nasty little bottom feeder. You know the type. He’s still in the wind.” The M.E. observes, “You can’t get them all, right?” But like Shales, Scofield is getting to Mahone. He takes out his beautiful black pen, unscrews the bottom and taps two pills into his hand.

Michael and Lincoln make it to the top of a rocky precipice, Michael dusts himself off, turns to Lincoln. “We should have a pretty clear path to Utah now, they’ll turn their attention on the other guys for awhile.” Lincoln knows the cops’ll get labs back and realize it wasn’t them in the car. “We’ll be in Mexico by then,” says Michael. Lincoln’s still skeptical, “provided our ride comes through.”

C-Note watches his house, waiting for that porch light to come on. Inside, Kacee watches Dede sleep in her room. Her eyes wander to a rainbow painted on the wall, down to a picture of the entire family hung next to the window. She hears C-Note’s voice in her head “In the rainbow room, remember that beautiful spot we took that picture, the one next to the window? I am going to be waiting in that spot one week from now.” She glances at the clock, 7:03pm, three minutes later than the time she was supposed to turn on the light. C-Note’s about to give up, then the light comes on. He smiles. Inside the house, Kacee steps away from the light switch at the sound of Agent Lang’s voice, who’s seated on the couch. “So, you said you have some information about your husband you wanted to tell me.”

Behind the rock Lincoln and Michael just climbed, a car rolls up. It’s Nika. Michael takes the keys from her and says he owes her another one. He tells her that once they get to Mexico he’ll send her ten thousand dollars for everything she’s done – and another three thousand for the car. Nika nods, but we sense there’s more to her trip here then just money. “Are you going to meet up with her? The doctor lady,” she asks. Michael says he doesn’t know. Michael thanks Nika again, and they all pile into the car and take off.

A few yards away, a beat-up old car idles; the two guys inside watch the brothers. It’s Bellick and Geary. “I knew the little whore would lead us right to ‘em,” Bellick proudly gates. Geary nods and puts the car in drive. The game afoot.

12-09-2006, 23:22
Episode 204
Airdate: 09/11/2006

A car shoots down the rural highway, Lincoln at the wheel, Michael sitting shotgun. Nika’s in the back and asks Michael, “What happens when you get to Mexico? Where will you go?” Michael doesn’t turn around, “It’s best if you don’t know. Best for everyone. We’ll drop you off in the next town. And I’ll wire you that ten thousand like I said. Shouldn’t take more than a week or two.” Lincoln glances in the rearview mirror and notices a car on their tail, coming up really fast. He alerts Michael, who turns and sees the front end of an old beat up four-door sedan and then BAM! Nika’s little economy car is jolted forward from the impact, as Lincoln fights to maintain control. The sedan steps on the gas, comes up beside them; Bellick pokes his mean mug out the window and sneers at them. Lincoln’s shocked, “It’s Bellick!” Geary turns the wheel, and slams the sedan into Nika’s car again. Lincoln’s doing his best to get away, and as Nika screams, he floors the accelerator. Geary continues to bash against them, and Michael, desperate and frustrated asks Lincoln, “Can’t this thing go any faster?!” Linc, equally upset, “What do you think?!” An oncoming truck forces Geary into Lincoln’s lane, but just as soon as it passes, Geary jumps out again to broadside them. He noses the big old sedan into Nika’s little car and, with a thrust on the gas pedal, shoves them clean off the road. Nika’s car takes out a bouquet of mailboxes, and crashes head on into a large tree. The radiator hissing, Lincoln, Michael and Nika get out of the crushed and smoking car, only to be greeted by gunshots. Bellick’s on them in a flash, and fires two warning shots, “Nobody move! Nobody move!” Lincoln and the rest put their hands in the air, as Linc adds “No need for anyone to get hurt, Boss.” Bellick tells him there’s no need for formalities; he’s no longer an employee of the state, thanks to them. Michael: “I think somebody wants that reward…” But Bellick wises them up, “Your pal Manche told me all about your little treasure hunt for Westmoreland’s stash.” Michael and Lincoln look concerned, and they should be, cause Bellick gives them the bad news, “Get in the car. We’re going to Utah.”

At gunpoint, Bellick and Geary push Linc, Michael and Nika into the car, all the while Bellick gloating, “All the cops lookin’ for ya all over the country, when all ya had to do was tail the tail, ya know?” He leers at Nika, “Move the moneymaker, sweetheart.” Geary pushes Linc hard, and he lands on the sedan and looks down, noticing the headlight is broken. He surreptitiously takes a shard from it, and slides it under the wheel of the sedan as Michael tries to reason with Bellick, “If you know about the money in Utah, why do you need us?” Bellick admits that Manche didn’t hear everything Westmoreland had to say before he kicked the bucket, but he heard Utah and five million. He figures Michael and Lincoln can fill in the blanks. Bellick roughs up Nika, as he shoves her into the car, and Michael tries to intervene. But Bellick’s not having it, “Don’t even think about getting cute, smartass. Now you and your brother are gonna take me right to where that money is, or the whore gets dead real fast. Ask me if I’m bluffing.” The car drives off, and we see the tire drive right over the shard of headlight that Lincoln had put into place.

Mahone’s at his desk, staring at the case file of Oscar Shales – the one that got away – as Wheeler enters; they’ve found a hard drive in the riverbed. Serial numbers match an order Scofield put in at Dell a few months before he was incarcerated. They’ve recovered about twelve percent of the data so far. Mahone grabs the folder, starts sifting through it - eyes searching, searching - among the papers in the file is a newspaper article. He grabs a paper clip, rushes out to the bulletin board, and pins the article onto the board. Wheeler’s confused, “And this is helping us, how?” Lang approaches with the blood test results from the car crash – B negative all over the site, and Scofield and Burrows are both B negative. Lang says she’s going to reach out to the media, but Mahone stops her. “If it gets out that the guy who mastered this whole thing is possibly dead, the other six cons are gonna get their guard up even more.” He’s agitated and brings the whole command center into it now, “It is our policy,” Mahone raises his voice to get everyone’s attention, “Excuse me, it is our policy NOT to announce deaths until they’re confirmed!” Lang’s confused, “We’ve got an exploding car and a blood match…” But Mahone’s adamant “Well then run more tests.” “On what?” asks Lang. Mahone doesn’t do much to hide his frustration, “On the bumper. I don’t know, I don’t care! Just delay. I want those guys out there getting more complacent, not more careful.”

Tweener stares out the passenger side of Debra Jean’s car as they make their way to Utah. News radio is on in the background, and the reporter starts to give details on the Fox River eight, but Tweener jumps on the dial and changes it – to a John Denver song. Debra Jean protests a little, “I was listening to that—“ Tweener says he really wants to hear that John Denver song, and Debra Jean seems amused, “Really. You like John Denver.” Tweener insists he does, and to prove it to her, he’s going to sing it: “Country Ho, let’s go home, to your place, I’ve got cash.” Debra Jean can’t help but laugh, Tweener’s charming in his tomfoolery. Debra Jean tells him not to quit his day job though, and Tweener tells her he needs a little tequila to get his karaoke on. They’re laughing and smiling and Tweener is definitely flirting with her –until he notices a cop on the side of the road with a speed gun. He tells her to slow down, Debra Jean says she’s only going sixty-five, but Tweener starts to freak, “Slow down!” Debra Jean rolls her eyes, “Alright, Dad,” and slows the car down. Tweener rubbernecks the cop until they’re clear, and then relaxes, “We can’t be having that, tickets are like two-hundred bones.” “Yeah,” Debra Jean replies, but she seems a little suspicious.

Geary and Bellick have pulled off to the side of the road, and Bellick says he never thought he’d say it, but he thanks God for the day Michael walked into Fox River. Geary chimes in, “and out of it.” They have a good chuckle over this while Michael tries to calm Nika down, “It’s gonna be okay.” But she’s upset; Michael promised her nothing would happen, and now they’re being kidnapped at gunpoint. Nika goes to sit back inside the car, and Bellick comments her behavior, “That’s one pissed off commie you got on your hands there Scofield. Didn’t your momma ever teach you how to treat a lady? Or was she a whore like this one.” Lincoln flips out on Bellick, no one disses his momma. Bellick and Geary level their guns at Lincoln, and remind him they only need one of the brothers to take them to the money. Michael knows there’s no point in fighting right now, so he puts his hand on Linc’s shoulder to try and calm him. “Let’s go buddy, let’s go.”

Sara’s at her daily Narcotics Anonymous meeting; it’s winding down, and the leader asks if anyone would like to share before they wrap up for the day. Kellerman pipes up from a rear pew in the church, and asks to share with the group, if there’s time. He introduces himself, “I’m Lance, and I’m an addict.” He tells the group his mother died of MS last week, just like his grandfather, just like his sister, and just like he probably will. Sara jumps in, telling him “M.S. isn’t necessarily always genetic.” Lance/Kellerman is completely sarcastic when he replies, “Really? What are you, a doctor?” Sara recoils at his harsh tone, “Actually, I am.” Kellerman finishes his share, and Sara turns around in her seat, hurt, --she was only trying to help.


12-09-2006, 23:23
A mobster thug enters the back door of a restaurant kitchen, barking orders, “Everyone face the wall and look straight ahead.” Apparently accustomed, the workers face the wall without protest. The thug gives the “all clear” on his walkie-talkie and two more thugs enter followed by John Abruzzi. He’s prettied up since we last saw him, and wears an expensive overcoat and designer shades. They walk and talk, and Abruzzi asks the thug if everything is ready. The thug fills him in, “We’ve got a container ship down at the Navy Yard. The Captain’s one of ours. He’s got a state room listed as a cargo hold on the manifest. You and your family will be on it when it sets sail tomorrow. Six days from now John, you’ll be in Sardinia.” Abruzzi is pleased to hear this and tells his co-hort good work. Abruzzi enters a back room where his wife Sylvia, son and daughter wait for him. His children run into his arms and he scoops them up. Sylvia touches his face tenderly and tells him that she missed him –he tells her he missed her too. Sylvia is emotional, and as they kiss, Abruzzi assures her, “It’s over, it’s over.”

A weak and ashen-faced T-Bag pulls Dr. Gudat’s SUV into a service station in Friend, Nebraska. In the less than sanitary restroom, he takes the goodie bag the doc gave him and dumps it in the sink. There are a bunch of pills, a stethoscope, and a nasty looking scalpel. T-Bag swallows a handful of pills, and then punches his reattached hand with his good fist, willing some life back into it. He grunts with pain as he does so, but his hand remains unresponsive. He takes the scalpel and punctures a hole in the middle finger of his bad hand, looking for something. The finger yields blood, but the hand is without reflexes. A hippie looking dude walks into the bathroom and catches a glimpse of T-Bag’s suspect activities. The hippie asks him what he’s doing, and T-Bag just gathers the stuff from the sink, stuffs it in the little black bag, and tells the kid to mind his own business. T-Bag exits, heading towards his car, only to find a couple of cops checking out his SUV. He presses himself up against the wall, absconding himself from their view while he decides what to do next.

The tire on Geary’s car has finally gone flat, and Bellick chastises Geary, “What kind of son of a bitch doesn’t have a spare tire in his car.” Geary’s not amused, “The kind that already used it.” Bellick informs Geary that “he’s just the sad sack that has to go back into town to get a new one.” Geary heads down the road to start his three mile trek, and Bellick herds everyone else out of the car and into the woods. Michael tries to guide Nika over the rocky terrain, but she doesn’t take kindly, and tells him not to touch her. Michael tells Nika to “just relax” but she’s still ticked, “You know I believed everything you told me. I did everything you asked. I risked my life for you. For what? For ten thousand dollars I risked my life? And this entire time you’ve had five million dollars just waiting there. You’re a ******* Michael.” Bellick’s grinning like a Cheshire cat, as he listens to the whole thing. “For all your aggravation I hope you got to hit that a few times Scofield.” He ushers them into an abandoned shack, and tells them they are going to wait there till Geary gets back. Nika lingers by the doorway and tells Bellick she needs to speak to him alone. He’s looks suspicious and asks her what she wants. Nika is determined, “To ruin his life, like he ruined mine.”

The cops question the gas station attendant and a customer at the gas station in Friend, Nebraska about what they saw. Neither of them have much to say. T-Bag walks out from behind the building, and one of the cops spots him immediately, “Hey Buddy. Where’d you come from?” T-Bag plays it cool, “Who me? Just hittin’ the head boss.” The cop asks T-Bag what his name is. T-Bag limps over to the policemen, “Clyde. Clyde May.” The cops ask him for I.D., and T-Bag says since he doesn’t drive anymore, he doesn’t have an I.D., per se, and raises his damaged hand, telling them “Camel jockey left a big box of Boom Boom under my jeep in Kandahar.” The cop asks him if he’s military, and T-Bag says he was. Then the cop asks him “which one’s your vehicle?” and T-Bag indicates his feet, “these two sleds right here, that is in between rides…” The cop notices the small toiletry bag in T-Bag’s hand, “Not much of a bag to be hitchhiking with.” But T-Bag rolls with the punches, “I travel light.” Still though, the cop’s not convinced, “you’re just hoofing it out here, middle of nowhere?” T-Bag plays hurt, asking the Cop if he doesn’t have the right to see a little bit of the country he lost his hand for. Why don’t the officers tell him what this is all about? One of the cops says they’ve got a vehicle without a driver, and right now he’s the only person without a car. T-Bag smiles, “Is that what this is all about? Why didn’t you say so? Dirty hippie kid dropping a deuce in the facilities, came in with that car not two minutes ago.” The cop sends his partner to check it out, and once he’s gone, continues to grill T-Bag, still not sold on his veracity. “What were you, Army?” he asks. “Hell no,” says T-Bag, “Corps.” The Cop smiles “Semper Fi, brother. What outfit were you?” Egads, T-Bag has no idea, and shoots into the wind “196th.” The Cop’s radar is up again, “196th? Never heard of it. Where they out of?” Before T-Bag can formulate another whopper, the other cop comes out of the bathroom, with the hippie in tow. The hippie is indignant, “I didn’t do nothing, man.” But the cop thinks he knows better, and throws his partner a set of keys, Dr. Gudat’s keys to be exact, “Found these in his knapsack, after he said he had no car.” T-Bag sneaks a little smile as they throw the hippie in the back of the squad vehicle. The Cop sends T-Bag on his way with another “Semper Fi, brother.”

Michael and Lincoln are tied to a pipe in the shack. As Lincoln struggles to free himself Michael tells him to stop stressing, it won’t do any good. Lincoln tells Michael that maybe he ought to start stressing if they (Bellick and Geary) are going to put a bullet in their heads. Michael assures him, “They need us. They need us to get that money.” Lincoln shakes his head, “I admire your optimism. She’s rolling man, I can feel it.” In another room in the cabin, Bellick speaks privately to Nika, “So you want to ruin Scofield’s life, well get in line. What are you really looking for?” Nika responds “Same as you. Money.” Bellick says if she wants to make some money, he’ll give her ten grand, they just have to do it now on the floorboards. Nika smiles at him, “Not in a thousand years.” Bellick tells her to beat it then, she’s got nothing else he needs. Nika smiles again “Typical man. I’m talking about millions of dollars, and you’d piss it away for sex. And I was hoping you wouldn’t let Michael outsmart you too.” Bellick says Scofield isn’t outsmarting anyone. “You think that tire goes flat by accident?” Nika says. Bellick asks her what she’s offering. She says she can find out where the money is because Michael trusts her. And what does she want in return, asks Bellick. Nika says she just wants her fair share. Bellick says if she finds out where the money is, she’ll get her fair share, two-hundred thousand dollars. Nika balks, “Out of five million?” Bellick smiles, he’s got the gun, she’s lucky he’s even letting her be a partner.


12-09-2006, 23:24
A thug comes in and tells Abruzzi, who’s sitting with his family, that they’ve found Fibonacci in D.C. But Abruzzi’s heard it all before, “Yeah, he’s in Denver, Atlanta, Miami—“ “No, no, no, this time it’s for real.“ The thug assures him, and tells him that Fibonacci is testifying again, he’s in Washington right now, at the Globe Hotel in room one sixteen. Abruzzi asks him once more, is this information legit? The thug tells him it’s from New Jersey, Fish Head Tommy wants to pay tribute. Abruzzi tells the thug to get the car. Sylvia has overheard the entire conversation and is not pleased. She slaps Abruzzi soundly across the face, “Look at this room, John. Look! We can be a family again. But you’re willing to risk it all, disrespect us…for what? For vengeance?” Abruzzi can’t help himself, Fibonacci betrayed him. Sylvia doesn’t care. Abruzzi tries to break it down for her, “You will never understand what happens when you’re in prison.” Sylvia says he could go right back to prison. Abruzzi looks her dead in the eye, “I swear to God, I’d rather die then go back. There’s no going back. Never, ever again.” Sylvia’s really pleading now, “Christ saved you, John. Don’t turn your back on him,” she presses her crucifix into his hand, “don’t turn your back on us.” Abruzzi takes his wife into his arms and holds her. But you can see on his face that he’s already made up his mind.

Somewhere in rural America, Debra Jean is on her cell phone sounding a little exasperated, “I don’t know, about twenty miles from Gunnison.” Debra Jean sees Tweener coming back from the bushes, and tells the other party on the phone that he’s coming and she has to go. She hangs up the phone, and Tweener asks her who she was talking to, “Nobody,” she says, “Just my dad.” She asks Tweener if it would be okay with him if they stopped at the next motel. Tweener complains - it’s only four o’clock, if she’s tired, he’ll drive. But Debra Jean is adamant, it’s her car and she’s tired of being in it. She just wants to stop – “Okay, Scott?” Tweener knows he’s losing this particular battle, “A’iight.” But internally he’s starting to worry. Has she called the cops on him?

We quickly cut to the FBI command center, where Mahone tells Lang, “Can you believe it? Of all the players in this thing, the rat could give us our first collar.”

Back at the shack, Bellick ties Nika up next to Michael and Lincoln, and leaves the room. But not before putting in his two cents. If the boys have to use the facilities they can hold it, but he’ll watch Nika “tinkle” any time. Once they’re alone, Lincoln turns to Nika, cold, “You took your time.” Nika explains, “It takes time to gain a man’s confidence,” and then to Michael, “You were right, he’ll bite on whatever I say. You just tell me where we trap him, and that’s where I’ll tell him the money is.” Michael smiles, but Lincoln looks uncertain.

As T-Bag walks across a bridge, the guy in the blue station wagon from the gas station pulls over to give him a ride. He wants to help T-Bag for all he’s done for his country. T-Bag is a little wary at first, but accepts, and the guy introduces himself as Jerry Curtin. T-Bag uses the alias, Clyde May again. Jerry tells him his kid Danny is ridin’ shotgun, so he hope he doesn’t mind sittin’ in back. T-Bag walks over to the car and sees a beautiful teenage girl in the passenger seat, “Hi I’m Danielle,” she says. T-Bag smiles back at her with all the charm of Satan, “Hi yourself.”

Nika calls for Bellick, she has to go to the bathroom. Bellick yanks a knife off a side sheath on his belt, cuts her binds and takes her into the side room, “Well?” She tells Bellick they’re planning to trap him. “The big one’s got friends in Utah, criminals, a town called Panguitch. They grow drugs on a farm there. They’ll tell you that’s where the money is, but no money. Just old friends with guns…waiting for you.” Bellick doesn’t seem too concerned. “Easy enough, we’ll just take a pass on Panguitch.” Then he asks where the money really is, and Nika tells him she’ll find out soon enough. “But…two hundred thousand was the old price for this information, I want a new price.” Bellick’s not amused, “She’s trying to negotiate.” But Nika points out that if it wasn’t for her, he’d be face down in a marijuana farm. Nika names her new price, “one-third.” Bellick tells her it’s going to take a lot more than information for a million six, sweetpea. He wants a little piece of Nika whenever he wants it. Nika smiles, that’s all? Bellick asks “what happened to ‘never in a thousand years?’” Nika confesses, “that was negotiating,” and moves in, so that her lips almost touch Bellick’s, “Deal?” she asks. “Deal” says Bellick. They seal it with a kiss.

Sylvia’s in the kitchen counting money, “We’ve got a hundred and fifty grand, with Vittorio’s place in Solanas, we’ll be able to live off the interest.” She walks into the other room where the kids are coloring at a table, “Where’s your father?” she asks. The kids say nothing, but Sylvia knows the answer.

Abruzzi is in a sedan, checking the clip on his weapon, and one of his thugs asks if everything’s alright. “Yeah.” Abruzzi says, “Let’s get this over with. So I can get back to my family.”

In the shack, Lincoln expresses more concern over Michael trusting Nika, and Michael tries to allay his fears, “She’ll get it done. Nika and I’ve come too far together.” Lincoln says that when money’s on the line you trust no one. Michael disagrees, “Sometimes you have to.” Lincoln shakes his head, “Not if you want to survive you don’t.” Michael has a sad realization here, “You really don’t trust anyone do you?” Lincoln is stalwart, “Do you blame me? After all that’s happened?” Michael speaks quietly, “No, I mean before that. Before prison.” Linc is quick to respond, “Every time I put my trust in someone, I got burned. Every time I got close to someone I got screwed. I know better, so should you.”

Debra Jean is on her cell phone again, telling someone her location -- the Lotus Motel. She tells the person on the other end that she needs to go just as Tweener enters the motel room. Tweener puts a couple of sodas down on the table with the ice bucket. He doesn’t mean to be forward, but wants to ask her something, “You got a man? A boyfriend?” He turns away embarrassed, “Aw man, what am I thinking… you’re Mormon—“ Debra Jean cuts him off, “I’m not Mormon, you think all girls from Utah are Mormons?” Tweener: “They are, aren’t they?” Debra Jean rolls her eyes at him and goes into the bathroom, Tweener follows her, asking, “Yo, then you can party, right?” Debra Jean closes the door in his face.


12-09-2006, 23:25
Mahone’s on the move, packing up his materials as he barks out orders “When I land I want twelve armed agents waiting for me on the ground. Tell them I want to go straight to the hotel from the air strip.” Mahone’s team is on it.

Sara’s considering a piece of pie in the church reception area after the NA meeting. Kellerman’s next to her making himself a cup of coffee as well. “I was an ass before. I apologize.” he says. Sara stays pretty quiet, and Kellerman realizes he’s going to have to try a little harder. “I was a huge ass. I apologize.” Sara says she’s not going to argue with him. He tries to play a little humor into the situation, “I mean what were the odds that you were actually a doctor.” Sara softens a little, “Alright. Fair enough. Not good, but I shouldn’t have interrupted you and I’m sorry.” Kellerman says he’s sorry too and apologies are accepted all around. Sara recommends the blueberry pie and walks away.

T-Bag’s ride has stopped at a motel for the night. He sees young Danielle sitting by the pool reading and approaches her, “Hey there, Danny. Sure was nice of your daddy to buy me a room for the night.” Danny says her dad’s always helping out war vets. T-Bag looks at the magazine she’s reading, “Young Miss,” he says, “That’s kind of insulting, isn’t it? I mean, you’re a grown woman.” He laughs, and Danny looks at him oddly. T-Bag says adults are always trying to infantalize girls her age, treat them like children. Danny agrees, her dad won’t let her get earrings and she’s fourteen. T-Bag’s got her now, “See that’s what I mean, you are more than perfectly capable of making your own decisions.” Danny smiles, “Tell my Dad that…” T-Bag continues, “Yeah, but he don’t want to hear it right?” then he goes in for the kill, leaning in with a whisper, “Because he wants to keep you as a baby, right? Even though you’re more than old enough to choose how you wanna dress, “ he sneaks his arm around her, “or how you want to accessorize.” But Danielle is onto him in a flash, “What are you doing? I’m going to tell my Dad!” And she’s off, T-Bag chasing after her towards the hotel room. When he arrives Jerry’s in the room, arm around his daughter Danny and if looks could kill, T-Bag would be dead. T-Bag tells Jerry that Danny’s got it all wrong, but Jerry’s not buying it. He tells his daughter to go wait outside, picks up a clothing iron, and wraps the cord around it menacingly, “You and I are going to work this out,” he says. T-Bag warns Jerry in earnest, “You really don’t want to do this.”

Back at the shack, Nika’s giving Bellick a sultry lap dance. Bellick tells her he likes her determination. Nika says she’s got family in Klando waiting for her to send for them. Bellick asks her if they know what she does, and she says they think she works at Starbucks. As she kisses Bellick, her hand reaches for his gun. But Bellick’s way too smart for that, and pushes her off of him, snatching his gun away from her. He throws her back in the room with Lincoln and Michael. “My daddy always said, ‘Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice and I put you in the ground.’ No more games or I stop the hooker’s air, understand? ” He refastens Nika’s ties to the pipe, and thanks her for the dance. As Bellick walks away, his hand reaches for his sheathed knife, and he’s stunned to find it’s gone, though he knows who took it –“Bitch.” Lincoln grabs him from behind, the knife gripped in his hand, ready to slice open Bellick’s throat. “Fooled ya.”

Geary shows up rolling a new tire into the shack, “I carried it, the cons can change it.” He enters the main room to find that Lincoln has Bellick’s gun trained on him. “Aw you suck Bellick, you know that?” says Geary as he turns to Bellick, who’s all tied up. They tie Geary up next to Bellick. Michael thanks Nika, she saved their butts again. Bellick tells Nika that she’s as stupid as the prison doc, Michael made her fall in love with him and what did she get for it? An overdose, and a shot at 30 years on the inside. Michael looks confused, and wants to know what Bellick’s talking about. Bellick’s only to happy to tell him that the cops found Sara fishbelly white. Michael’s shaken and tells him to shut up, but Bellick won’t stop, “What do you care – as long as she left that door open for ya.” Michael’s furious with Bellick, “Shut up!” Bellick’s pleased, “Hit a sore spot, didn’t I?” Michael kicks Bellick in the face, and walks out of the shack. Michael’s strong reaction to Bellick’s comments about Sara do not go unnoticed by Nika.

Danny exits a convenience store and sees her Dad’s car rolling out of the motel parking lot. But her Dad isn’t driving, it’s T-Bag, and he’s wearing her father’s baseball cap. He’s a little worse for wear, a few cuts and iron shaped bruises on his face but clearly he’s won whatever battle transpired. Danielle looks at T-Bag with horror, wondering what happened to her Dad.

Outside the church, Sara and Kellerman sit on the stoop, eating their pie. Kellerman says it’s about the best pie he’s ever had. “You know what it needs though,” he says, “Some crack.” Sara can’t help but laugh a little. “You know not a lot, a pinch.” he says. Sara chimes in, “A pinch of crack…” and Kellerman knows he’s on a role. “A pinch of crack. A pinch of crack, a dollop of smack, mmmmm, that’s good pie.” Sara’s starting to like this guy’s sense of humor, “That’s so wrong,” she says licking her fingers. Her cell phone rings and she answers; it’s Michael. She stands and walks away from Kellerman, “What do you want?” she asks. He tells her he doesn’t have much time, and that they’re probably listening to the call right now, but there’s a lot he wants to say, “Please don’t hang up on me,” he says with tears in his voice. Sara is flustered, but firm. “I don’t want to talk to you.” Michael goes on, “I heard about what happened. I want you to know. I want you to know how sorry I am. For everything.”

Sara says ‘sorry’ is not going to do a whole lot of good with what she’s up against right now. Michael tells her to listen, “Anyone with any ties to me or my brother is in danger now.” Sara says she has no ties to either of them anymore, but Michael’s not hearing her – he tells her that there is a way he can protect her. He tells her it’s already in her possession. Sara’s head is about to explode, “What are you talking about?” she asks. “It was real Sara. You and me. It’s real,” Michael urges, as an eavesdropping Nika turns away. Sara loses her connection, “Michael? Michael?” Kellerman looks grimly into the distance from the stoop. He’s heard enough. Sara was talking to Michael Scofield.

Mahone’s on the road with his people, forces out – twelve black SUVs all with Feds in them. “How long to the motel,” he asks his driver. The driver tells him it’s approximately ten minutes. “Let’s make it five,” says Mahone.


12-09-2006, 23:26
Tweener’s all clean and shiny, fresh out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Looking pleased, he tells Debra Jean he hasn’t taken a shower like that in forever. He notices that Debra Jean has her purse on her shoulder. “Where you going?” he asks. She tells him she was going to surprise him with tequila and limes. He says to hold up, he’ll go with her, but she tells him to relax, she’ll be back before he knows it. Tweener says she looks nervous, and she admits that she is. Tweener says, “Trust me girl, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m one of the good guys.” Debra Jean smiles but still looks apprehensive, “You seem like it.” She walks out of the room and Tweener is left alone looking a little apprehensive himself.

A black sedan pulls up outside The Globe Motel. Abruzzi gets out, and tells his driver to wait for him. The driver tells him that the motel manager left the door unlocked. Abruzzi walks to room 116, draws his gun and enters. No one’s there. He points the gun toward the bathroom, and is heading towards it when he hears tires squeal and car doors slam. Abruzzi looks confused for a moment, and then Mahone’s voice fills the room, “If you’re looking for the Rat, John, Fibonacci’s two-thousand miles from here.” Abruzzi goes to the window, asks Mahone who he is, local cops or Feds? Mahone says Feds, they only roll out the best for someone of Abruzzi’s stature. Abruzzi wants to know who turned on him, insists he deserves to know. Mahone says the man was facing a RICO rap, and didn’t want to go to prison, “And I’m sure you can appreciate that, knowing what you know about the place now. Whatever you’re thinking about doing, don’t. You are going back to Fox River today, – or the morgue, that’s your call.” John has his wife’s crucifix in his hand and he’s staring at it, “I’m coming out,” he says as he kisses the cross. “Weapons come out first, John.” But John has no intention of going back to Fox River, not today, not any day. Abruzzi whispers to himself, asking God forgiveness for what he is about to do. He walks out of the hotel room, Mahone telling him to go “easy” all the while. John reveals that he has a gun in his hand and Mahone tells him these are serious men here and they have instructions to shoot at the first sign of aggression –please, I’m asking you respectfully. Drop the weapon, kneel and put your hands on your head.” Abruzzi refuses, “I kneel only to God. And I don’t see him here.” Abruzzi raises his gun, and the men fire. Abruzzi is caught in the storm of bullets, and clutches to his wife’s crucifix. As the last life leaves his body, the cross drops to the pavement, and Abruzzi is left dead and bloody on the grass.

Debra Jean and Tweener drink tequila as Debra Jean confesses, “I think I screwed up. My dad’s an Air Force Colonel, total Nazi. One of those nightmare overprotective types. Well I called him, told him I was traveling with you, told him that we were staying in the same hotel room.” Debra Jean breaks into a fit of drunken giggles and Tweener shakes his head. “Girl, you’ve gots to learn how to lie, what were you thinking?” he tells her. She’s still laughing, “I know, I know, but for some reason I just don’t know how. He was mad enough when I told him I was staying in a hotel with a guy, but when I told him I was staying in a hotel with a guy I maybe sorta liked, well – he lost it.” Tweener is taken aback for a beat, and the two stare at each other across the bed intensely. Then Debra Jean leans in, and they kiss.

Michael and Nika stand next to Geary’s car. “At least let us take you into town,” Michael says. Nika shakes her head, if she’s seen with them, it’s only trouble for her, she can walk, it’s only a mile. Michael tells her that they never would have made it this far without her. Nika says “and now you’re crossing the border, without me.” Michael’s said this a hundred times, he’s going to say it again, “You can’t go where we’re going. It’s not a life for you.” This isn’t the answer Nika wanted, but it’s the one she knew she’d get, “Well, that’s it then,” she says, “so long for good.” They hug each other as Linc watches closeby. Done hugging Michael, she walks over to Linc. “Good luck,” she says, and as she wraps her arms around him, she grabs the gun tucked into the back of his pants. Michael is astounded as Nika turns the gun on them, telling him she loved him, “I thought I was going to get that back, but you just used me.” Michael tells her it’s not true. Nika says she deserves more than just being the girl that he calls when he needs something. Lincoln asks her if she really thinks she’s going to find the money in Utah, and she yells back, “I don’t care about the money in Utah. I don’t want any more crime. I turn you in, I get two-hundred thousand dollars,” she says, “Legal money.” She takes the cell phone from the dashboard of the car, “You’re the policeman’s problem now.” Michael’s eyes are trained on her face as he walks toward her and she begins to panic, “Don’t come any closer or I will shoot you,” she says. Lincoln steps forward, “No you won’t,” he pulls the gun’s clip out of his pocket and waves it in front of her. He takes the gun and the cell phone out of her hands and gets in the car. Michael stares at her for a moment, sadly, “Good luck to you,” he says, and gets in the car. The two brothers drive away leaving Nika standing on the side of the road all alone.

It’s night now, and Mahone’s back in the Command Center. Wheeler says that HQ called; they’re wondering why he didn’t intercept Abruzzi when he was walking into the hotel. Mahone replies confidently, “The man was a mob boss, the right move to do was to get him trapped.” But Wheeler and HQ aren’t done with Mahone, “They’re saying the way you played it, there was only one possible out come.” Mahone’s resilient, “HQ has a problem with the way I do things, they can pick up a gun and follow me into the field next time.” Mahone walks over to the bulletin board – and underneath the picture of Abruzzi, is an article about Fibonacci, (the article that he pinned there at the beginning of the episode). “Michael always knew that the Rat was the key to Abruzzi. We just put it out on the wire and Abruzzi bit.” Mahone takes a red marker and sloppily x’s out Abruzzi’s face. Wheeler hands Mahone a folder, “Speaking of Scofield, that crash was staged.” Mahone opens the file and reads. His expression is stony as he says, “Pig blood. Smart kid.

The problem with being that clever is that sooner or later you end up getting too clever for your own good.” Mahone walks over to the board and stares at Michael’s mug shot. As he does, for just a split second, Michael’s photo becomes Shales’ photo. Wheeler says goodnight and leaves. Mahone continues to stare at the picture, as it once again morphs into Shales and then back again to Michael. Mahone violently rips the photo off the bulletin board, and leans against it, trying to catch his breath. We stay on Michael’s crumpled mug shot on the floor as Mahone informs it ominously, “You have no idea what you’re in for."

13-09-2006, 15:48
So Veronica and Abruzzi have died already and there is one more escape to die in the next few weeks while in Mahone's custody so i betting on Tweener or Surce.

20-09-2006, 10:38
have seen episode 205.

am not going to copy and paste the recap off fox.com cos you can all read that!

to cut a long story short...

sarah gets a lot closer to the agent (kellerman?) who pretends he is gay. he then secretly finds one of the paper swans that michael gave her (she gets a new one this week with a phone number on it). he calls the number but it is apparently a disconnected line.

michael and lincoln get to the town in utah where the money is found. they cant find the KK ranch so go to the local records office. the map for the "KK ranch" has been ripped out of the book, so someone must have got there first.

police go to the motel where tweener and the girl are staying. they ask her if she recognises him and she says no. she then gives him her car and tells him to go. she later reports it as stolen.

sucre goes to las vegas to the wedding. he sees one of the bridesmaids who says she will go and find his gf, but instead she calls the police. he escapes on the motorbike.

i cant remember the name of the army guy...but he is on a train without a ticket and gets caught. the police are about to get him but he jumps out of the window of the train (which is luckily on a bridge over a lake) into the water. he has found out the location of the KK ranch by logging into the US army database etc.

michael and lincoln bump into tbag in utah. he claims that tweener has the map to the ranch so they lock him in the boot of their car. meanwhile tweener is in a hardware store buying a shovel. the shopkeeper recognises him and knocks him out with a pole and ties him up.

michael then goes into the store and knocks out the shopkeeper, freeing tweener. meanwhile, tbag has the map and is eating it in the car boot!

michael puts tweener in the boot and has to use tbag to guide them to the ranch.

eventually they reach the point where the silo should be, only to find that a small village has been built over the site!

other minor details include..
agent (ive forgotten his name - the one who is leading the search) is suffering withdrawal symptoms from his drugs, and you see him meeting a dodgy dealer and buying more. he also finds out about the money in utah.

sarahs dad talks to sarah, she apologises and he says he will help her. he then reads the lincoln burrows case details and realises that something dodgy is going on. one of his advisors says he doesnt want to know what is really going on..

thats about it..not the best of episodes if im honest!

tbag arrives in the same town in utah and meets tweener. michael and

21-09-2006, 21:11
When does the second season (New Series) of Prison Break air on Channel 5?
Will it be next year or sooner?

28-09-2006, 11:47
do we know when it will be shown in the uk beacause i am dying to see it!!:clap: :bow:

Chloe O'brien
28-09-2006, 12:17
The second series of PB will not be shown here in the UK until early next year possibly January or Early February.

28-09-2006, 12:38
thank you for the information, it was very helpful

Chloe O'brien
23-12-2006, 23:45
Five is promoting the second series of hit US drama Prison Break with an outdoor, online, radio and press campaign.

Going live in January, outdoor posters will be displayed across London Underground and Network Rail sites in and around central London.

The creative (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds40994.html#article550), developed by advertising agency VCCP, will feature the show’s lead actor, Wentworth Miller, who plays character Michael Scofield.

A new on-line website dedicated to the programme will go live this weekend, and will include exclusive footage, series one recaps and a community forum for fans.

Jane Scott, Five’s director of marketing, said: "This is a dramatic and arresting campaign and is the perfect fit for the classy, edgy, second series of Prison Break."

The second season of Prison Break begins on Five on January 15 at 10pm.

24-12-2006, 22:37
WOW can't wait till then BRING IT ON yay

27-12-2006, 18:31
The second season of Prison Break begins on Five on January 15 at 10pm.

So i have untile then to watch the last 11 episodes of the first series :rotfl:
They have all been recorded and i just never have enough time to watch them all!
Thanks for that.