View Full Version : LV - Season 7 spoilers/rumours

13-07-2006, 00:35
Discuss/post any spoilers/rumours you hear :D

In the first episode of CSI's 7th season, entitled "Toe Tags" viewers get to find out what happens to the dead after the white sheets are drawn over their bodies for the last time.

According to CSI Files sources, "Toe Tags" takes us directly into Dr. Robbins's morgue, where he's just finished the autopsy on a woman named Donna Altman. Doc Robbins puts Donna in one of the autopsy drawers and shuts it close, turns all the lights off and heads home for the night. The morgue is quiet, but suddenly Donna's eyes open and she comes to life. She sits up and looks around her, and finds the body of another woman, Rebecca McGill, next to her. Rebecca is already awake, and the two women quickly bond over their similar states. Donna and Rebecca lived very different lives but now they have something in common: they're both dead.

Donna can't remember how she got to the morgue. In life, she worked for a Japanese man named Tao Li, and as a former cop, her job was to protect him from any possible enemies whenever he did business in Vegas. Donna doesn't know how she died or why, but she's sure someone out there is going to find these answers. Catherine and Brass are determined to do this. Donna's body was found in an elevator of The Orpheus hotel and casino. Catherine and Brass talk to Tao Li, but he has a strong alibi: he was gambling in the casinos when Donna was killed. Could Donna have been murdered by Mr. Li's supposed enemies? Both Catherine and Donna won't rest until these questions are answered.

Rebecca, a former super model, recently married Gavin McGill, a geek. Rebecca knew in life she and Gavin where an unlikely pair, beauty and the geek, but she fell in love with Gavin. The couple went on a hike the day before when Rebecca suddenly fell off the cliff and into her death. Outside the morgue, Warrick and Sofia interrogate Gavin, who tells them Rebecca has been suffering strong depressions. He rejects their implication that Rebecca could've jumped to her death, after all, he and Rebecca were planning to have a family, and suicidal people don't make plans. Gavin is then infuriated when Warrick and Sofia imply Gavin killed Rebecca. In fact, the only theory Gavin will accept is that Rebecca's death was merely an accident. Unfortunately, this is the one theory Warrick and Sofia can't accept.

Back in the morgue, Jack Snook suddenly comes to life in the drawer next to Donna and Rebecca's. He's looking for his wife and baby daughter, and is relieved to find out they're still alive. His Semper Fi tattoo indicates Jack is a Marine, and he recently completed his tour of Iraq. Jack came home the very same week he was killed in the streets of Vegas. He met his daughter for the first time, and quickly all was taken away from him when a man stepped up to him and his family in a gas station and stabbed Jack to death. Jack doesn't know why he was killed. Outside the morgue, Nick and Greg are finding it hard to answer that question as well.

The morgue is filled with sound and life again when Lou Beltran and Ray Gaynor come to. Lou complains that he's not supposed to be there; Ray, who is missing an arm, merely takes comfort from a cigarette. Grissom and Sara are investigating their deaths, which seem to have something in common: a chain saw. Their bodies are found in Lou's garage; Lou has a deep gash on his neck, Ray is missing an arm. Lou's wife explains she and Lou were in the middle of a nasty divorce but she can't be a suspect, as she was in an airplane when Lou was killed. Grissom and Sara don't seem to have many suspects, but that doesn't stop them from trying to find out what happened to Lou and Ray.

Doc Robbin's morgue isn't hell, heaven, or the purgatory, but merely a waiting room for whatever comes next to these characters. Donna, Rebecca, Jack, Lou, and Ray can't tell what's coming next for them, for now, all they can do is lie in their drawers and hope the CSIs solve their cases and bring them justice so they can move on and finally rest in peace.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Toe Tags" is expected to air in late September of 2006.

Question: if it's to be aired late September (back in 63 *cough*) nah but late Septemberm in USA....when do you think the new series will be shown here?!

13-07-2006, 11:19
Sounds different - could be interesting to see how this works and to see how they have Grissom and Sara working together now they have shown them in a relationship.

I would imagine it would be shown early part of 2007 over here in that case.

Will sticky this thread, so post all rumours/spoilers for season 7 here prior to the season start :D

Chloe O'brien
13-07-2006, 11:37
I think season 7 will probably be shown here early 2007 maybe January or February. It looks like Brass has made a recovery and its back to work. yahoo

19-07-2006, 11:40
Leas source looks good - eonline have confirmed :

From pauline: What storyline tidbits did you learn about on CSI?
I'll tell you more in this week's column (including juice on Srissom and Karrick, wheee!), but in the meantime, here's an interesting upcoming twist: The seventh-season premiere, called "Toe Tags," is different from anything we've seen on the show before. According to sources, we spend the hour with several victims--dead victims--in an autopsy room, where they're all chatting about the events that lead to their death.

19-07-2006, 18:18
we spend the hour with several victims--dead victims--in an autopsy room, where they're all chatting about the events that lead to their death.

That sounds really weird! lol...rather freaky hehe!

19-07-2006, 22:53
That sounds really weird! lol...rather freaky hehe! Didn't you read what you posted that, cos that was what yours said in a nutshell :rotfl:

19-07-2006, 23:00
Lmao! Really.. erm well I skimmed it.. forgot to go back to it :rotfl: *reads it now*
Ahh I see!! Well it still sounds quite freaky. But good all the same :p

Chloe O'brien
24-07-2006, 21:26

EXCLUSIVE - Think Gil Grissom (William Petersen) can't get enough of the seamy criminal evidence he sifts through each week on CSI? Well, everyone has a breaking point. CSI executive producer CM tells TV Guide the CBS series is planning a story line that'll "push Grissom to an emotional place "requiring" a sabbatical of sorts". The truth is, Grissom's hiatus is dictated by real-life circumstances. In the fall, Petersen will head to Providence to star in the Trinity Repertory Company's stage production of Connor McPherson's "A Dublin Carol". (Petersen mentored Curt Columbus, Trinity Rep's artistic director, during his theater days.) "He will be gone for a few episodes", Mendelsohn says. "We're writing it into the show". This comes just a CSI goes toe-to-toe with TV's hottest drama, Greay's Anatomy, on Thursday nights. Producers will try to minimize the impact by casting a big-name guest star to fill in for the Grissom-free episodes airing in January. But the CSI star will be back in time to battle Vegas crime- and Grey's- for February sweeps ~ Stephen Battaglio

17-08-2006, 21:59
So that two parter MH was talking about? Yeah, it looks like this is it, although it also looks like they're going for "original" again and changing things up a bit with respect to the timeframe.

John Mayer guest stars (as John Mayer) and feh because I don't want to run through the halls of my high school nor scream at the top of my lungs.

Sam Braun is back. Unfortunately he won't have a rap session with Mr. Mayer, who would inform him that fathers should be good to their daugthers, that daughters will love like they do, and how girls become lovers who turn into mothers (Lindsey alert!) and that mothers should be good to their daughters, too.

Catherine dances with Nick and it's hinted that (shocker!) Warrick is gambling again. See, ::climbs on horse:: I don't get why people say the GSR will ruin the show, when it's all the other characters who ooze melodrama. You know if it were Sara's mother making appearences as a suspect time and time again, the anti-Sara's would freak out. Or if she started drinking again. Warrick and Catherine seem to be equipped with Get Out Of Jail Free cards in the Monopoly game that is reel life whereas if Grissom and Sara want to take a little vacation to, say, Park Place, there are ****ing hotels there and they have to mortgage off their property, etc. so they don't go to jail. Sigh. Where was I?

Oh, spoilers. Right.

It's out with the old and in with the new for Sam Braun. His first casino ever is being imploded in order to make way for his new casino, the Eureka. Alrighty, then. Let's name a casino after the thing nerds say when they finally solve that math proof they've been working on.

17-08-2006, 22:00
Once again, CSI sheds light on subjects that most of us were happy enough not knowing about. This time the world our favorite gang of forensic scientists is delving into involves beating the **** out of innocent people. For kicks.

A gang of idiot teenagers led by "Pig" (by name and by nature) is finding delight in targeting mostly tourists and going to town on them. A local dishwasher and husband and father of three dies in the teaser, and two tourists are left for dead as the episode goes on.

Oh, and there's Greg. Greg gets beat up. Remember what happened to Catherine in A Little Murder? Right, like that. Only a hug from Warrick ain't gonna make everything better. For all of you Greg lovers out there, this is his episode. He first shows up triumphant from his first appearance at court. Grissom is a little dismissive of him, but nothing new there. Grissom sends Greg out on the field and the former lab tech ends up saving the life of one of the beat up tourists. Greg puts himself in harm's way and keeps his cool about it when it's time for Sara to process him. They hold hands, but not in a sexy way. More of a "I'm sorry this **** had to happen to you" way. Like one of those hand squeezes you give when you're going to a wake and you hold the hand of the dead person's relative for a few seconds. Anyway, enough of that.

So, yeah, this is Greggo's very special episode. He has his Lifetime Moment of Truth and everything.

17-08-2006, 22:11
been reading through the forums but there doesnt seem to be any confirmed source for this but thought id post it anyway.

Catherine gets raped and sara helps the discover the truth.....

21-08-2006, 19:42
been reading through the forums but there doesnt seem to be any confirmed source for this but thought id post it anyway.

Catherine gets raped and sara helps the discover the truth.....

Well I heard thison spoilerfix :

panther10758 said: What about CSI (las Vegas) anything?

CSI (Las Vegas): *extra juicy* Two upcoming episodes will be titled “Built to Kill, Part 1 & 2.” In those episodes, the CSI team is left puzzled when an aging rocker is killed. Catherine wakes up drugged in a shady motel and decides to investigate alone. Eventually, she will have to seek help when her daughter is kidnapped.

Chloe O'brien
22-08-2006, 15:20
I heard a rumour on the csi forum that Grissom is supposed to be beardless again :eek: ARRRRGHHHH

22-08-2006, 23:43
I heard a rumour on the csi forum that Grissom is supposed to be beardless again :eek: ARRRRGHHHH *shakes head* no no no no...that will not do - he isn't allowed to - it must remain!!!!

:nono: Please don't let that be true :crying:

25-08-2006, 10:49
A women is found crucified in a church. Nuns find her. IIRC, the majority of CBS's audience is over the age of 50 and if Janet Jackson's boob caused such a commotion, I don't know how everyone will react to The Passion of the CSI. Remember, Katie Couric is starting their night off as of September 5th. Bloody crucifixions don't scream Katie Couric to me. Fluffy kittens, candy corn, and maybe hardcore S&M, but nothing as controversial as crucifixion. Well, enough of my qualms.

So the dead woman is Charlotte Sommerville (I don't know where they get these names. You have to work really hard to come up with names that innocuous), who seems a wee bit like a kept lady. The guy doing the keeping? Cody Baron (see? What kind of name is that?).

I followed her. I knew where she was going. To Frank.

And when you got there, you crucified her in the rafters of the church.

No, never, I'd never do that. I loved her, I loved her. She was leaving me, and I loved her.

You know how many guys I hear tell me they loved the women they killed? Too many.

Frank rhymes with paramedic and if I were still one of those people who looked for meaning in everything said on this show, my eyebrows would be far into my hairline.

There are nuns, too. One of them is funny. Anyone who knows me knows I love me some funny nuns. Especially nuns that are funny and sing. Bonus points if they FLY. (I love you, Sally Field!) Okay, so, like I said, the nuns find Charlotte hanging from the rafters, dressed in gold, looking like an angel.


I can't smell it...

Ever since Father's started leaving the church open at night...

The church has gotten a lot more use...

As an orgy house and a toilet.

No, people come into (sic) pray at all hours of the night...

Dear Jesus, keep me from blowing all my laundry money on the nickel slots at the Gas'N'Go...

Sister Elizabeth is JUST LIKE ME except for the whole chastity thing. We could be best friends if she, you know, existed in real life. I wonder if they'd be willing to change the age of her from 65 to 23 and I'd so hop a plane to L.A. and audition. They wouldn't have to pay me. I just want to say her lines.

So, yeah, funny nuns. I'm always wary of religion portrayed on television because it's usually done so feebly. Grissom always does get "deep" when he's dealing with religion with mixed results (Alter Boys? Good. Harvest? Baaad). That's something to look forward to.

26-08-2006, 10:28
K-Fed to Make His Acting Debut on CSI
FRIDAY AUGUST 25, 2006 10:00PM EST

By Marisa Laudadio and Cynthia Wang

Kevin Federline

Photo by: Tammie Arroyo / AFF

Kevin Federline, who made his nationally televised rap debut last Sunday at the Teen Choice Awards, is going for another first – his debut as a TV actor on America's top-rated drama, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, PEOPLE has learned exclusively.

As Federline tells PEOPLE while on the set of the CBS show, "This is pretty much my first time acting. It's the first time I've actually had a speaking role." He adds that the offer came about quickly. "I was doing stuff for the Teen Choice Awards," he says, "and got the call while we were rehearsing and I pissed in my pants! I was excited right off the bat. It's the only show that I really, really watch."

Federline, 28, started shooting his part in Los Angeles on Thursday night. He will play a menacing, arrogant teen who harasses investigators Nick Stokes (George Eads) and Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan) on a job. The episode is tentatively scheduled to air in October.

Fans of Federline and his wife, Britney Spears, 24, may remember their last foray into broadcast TV – their own reality show, Britney & Kevin: Chaotic, which aired on UPN in 2005. But to take on CSI, Federline will rely on his instincts. "I just read the script," he says. "They told me they wanted it to be more of a natural thing that comes to me."

Earlier in the day, the CSI producers announced another star addition to their lineup: Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter John Mayer, who will make a cameo in the two-part season premiere, airing Sept. 21 and 28. In a scene set in a Las Vegas nightclub, Mayer will sing his single "Waiting On the World to Change" and "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room," both tracks off his third studio album, Continuum.

Federline's first album, Playing with Fire, will drop in October, but he gave a glimpse of it at the Teen Choice Awards, where he performed the track "Lose Yourself." Afterward, he told PEOPLE, "I'm happy. I think I pulled if off pretty well. September 5, we're launching the video. There's a lot of good things going around here."

26-08-2006, 11:25
OMG poor greggy gets beaten up bless his cotton socks :wub:

I also think that even though Grissom may not show it he really does care for our greggy:p

09-09-2006, 19:38
Interesting title.

Two little boys, one dead. A pedophile and a grandfather with some missing teeth. Vintage CSI.

Sofia is in this a bit too much for my taste, however. She has some "heartwarming" scenes with the live little boy that could've easily gone to Brass (or anyone else). Oh, maybe I'm just bitter.

Do you know that parents spend less than 20 minutes of quality time a day with their children. Lucas was starved for attention. All his mother did was complain about his father and how he'd abandoned them. Do you know what that does to a kid?

It doesn't kill them.

09-09-2006, 20:13
Oo sounds good. ones with kids are always rather..sad though :( Did you write the bit about Sofia!? lol

I like the quote.

15-09-2006, 16:21
Premieres: Sept. 21
The "will they or won't they" debate is over. Grissom and Sarah (or "Srissom" as I like to call them, much to the chagrin of fans everywhere) have consummated their relationship, and according to CBS president Nina Tassler, this is just the beginning: "We are going to see more of Grissom and Sara, which was hugely embraced by the audience last year. You will definitely see that relationship evolve." Hugely? Hmmm...not so sure about that, given the hate mail over the hookup that even I've received from pissed-off fans. Regardless, there will be lots more to see this season, including a horrific crime against Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) early on.

Chloe O'brien
15-09-2006, 21:34
The new series begins on Thursday 21 September in the USA for all of the csi fans.

15-09-2006, 22:18
Okay so who wants to get a last minute flight to USA :D

15-09-2006, 23:34
According to CSI Files sources, "Fannysmackin'" will open with the fatal beating of a casino kitchen worker in the employee parking structure behind the Tower Club Casino. Just before the pummeling begins, a series of shadows appear across the garage walls and a hooded figure comes out of the darkness, revealing an animalistic pig-like nose.

Grissom and Catherine examine the victim's battered face, which more closely resembles a pile of ground beef. Brass fills them in on the details. The victim's name is Alfonso Ruiz, a dishwasher at the Tower Club. He had nothing but his casino I.D. on him. No cash, no wallet, no car keys. There was no surveillance in the employee parking structure. The only witness is a Wayne Newton impersonator.

While in the coroner's office, Catherine discovers an unusual piece of evidence in the Alfonso Ruiz case. A cracked half of a woman's toenail with a French tip and a little rhinestone wedged deep between Ruiz' two front teeth. Ruiz is covered from head to toe in bruises and contusions of all different sizes and shapes. His body a human canvas of punishment.

A young woman walks to her motel, with a cheerful swagger, sipping from a 3-foot long souvenir cup. Sinister giggles echo off the strip, an oversized black man rides a little girl's pink bike slowly past her. The woman gets spooked and picks up her pace, half-jogging to her motel. A hooded figure with a pig-like nose sprints out of the darkness and begins punching her.

Nick and Warrick arrive on the scene of the young woman's beating. Her face doesn't look much different than Ruiz', except that she's still alive. Tears fall to the side, into her open wounds. Her wallet and cell phone are gone. Warrick reasons that the souvenir cup screams tourist, while Nick deduces that the emptied purse screams robbery.

At the hospital, the young woman, Jessica Hershberger, tells Sara she didn't see anything, but she did hear a lot of voices. She also heard them refer to her as "number two." Sara collects trace from Hershberger's face and notes on odd-shaped bruise on her lower back -- broken straight lines, a vague shape. Something other than a fist.

Detective Curtis is on the scene of a liquor store robbery. With gloved hands, she holds a gray XXL hoodie sweater. The store clerk relays to her that approximately ten hooded figures ran into the store and stole his good stuff – Alize, Patron and Hennessey. The clerk chased them out and snatched the sweater off one of their backs. The clerk noticed the man he snatched the sweater off had a deformed nose.

In the line of duty, Greg saves the life of another victim of the hooded man with the pig-like nose, Stanley Tanner. Both Greg and the critically injured Tanner wind up in the hospital. Tanner had only been in Las Vegas for twenty hours when he cut through an apartment complex while trying to catch a taxi on a side street and was brutally attacked.

16-09-2006, 10:47

:rotfl: im assuming that doesnt mean the same over there as over here :lol:

16-09-2006, 10:54

:rotfl: im assuming that doesnt mean the same over there as over here :lol: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I think in the US fanny is another word for someones derriere - ahhh they have strange ways :rotfl:

16-09-2006, 16:02
I am looking forward to what Greg's reaction is going to be when he finds out about Gris/Sara.

I like the Greg/Sara pairing and i am pretty sure Greg still likes her :)

Chloe O'brien
21-09-2006, 12:38
Of the newly revealed relationship between Grissom and Sara, William Petersen says, “We knew there was shock value to it because of the little bits and moments that Sara and Grissom have had over the years. So to see them together that way would have impact in terms of, ‘Whoa, there they are!’” Jorja Fox enjoys the mystery of the relationship, saying, “It left so many more questions than it really answered. And I think we’re all going to figure that out as we go into this season. Billy and I aren’t necessarily that far ahead of the audience with this one.”
When asked if there would be kissing between Grissom and Sara, Petersen responded with a laugh, “I’d like to think we could. We’d love to kiss but the network would have to cough up some more money for that. Tongue would cost more. Sometimes they pay for things that are fun.”
Petersen reflected on Grissom’s relationship with Lady Heather, viewing her less as a soul mate and more as a “spanking partner.” According to Petersen, “Every now and then a guy needs a good spanking. Lady Heather could teach this country a lot. How to dress.” “Definitely how to dress,” Fox concurred.
Fox thinks it would be great if Lady Heather and Sara met because every time the show goes places that are sexual, Sara’s never there. “She’s at the car-wash murder across town. So it is a pet peeve of mine that these episodes get written and I’m miles away. And I wonder if that’s partially control on Grissom’s part, since he hands out the cases.” When asked what he was thinking when he chose to wear the aloha shirt in the Season 6 finale, Petersen addressed the history of the shirt. “I got it in the Philippines 10 years ago off a guy’s back. I traded him shirts in the jungle. For Grissom, it was something different. This is how he lets his hair down when he’s with someone he trusts.”

21-09-2006, 12:52
I was just going to post that!!! lol - was just reading it!

I'll give him a spanking if he wants!!! *runs away and hides quick* :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
24-09-2006, 01:01
According to CSI Files sources, “Post Mortem” will open with an elderly woman, Penny Garden, at home listening to old 45s on her record player as she drinks cherry liqueur and smokes a cigarette while clipping coupons.
From Garden’s backyard, looking in through a thick glass window in her sun porch, a 5’8’-ish figure is seen inside the house with Garden. The silhouettes merge and meld, as if dancing, but their movements are too erratic for the music. Suddenly, the glass explodes outward from the impact of a human body.
Catherine examines Garden’s home and finds a drawer neatly packed with a host of prescription medications: Activan, Compazine, Zofran, Dulcolax, Senokot, Protonix and Prilosec.
Brass interviews Garden’s next door neighbor, Jason Tua, a Samoan man in his 20s. Tua says he was just hanging with his boys, indicating toward two large homeboys sitting in lawn chairs drinking beers, when all of a sudden he thought he heard someone breaking into Garden’s home, but it turned out it was Garden breaking out. He didn’t hear any voices, yelling or screams.
Further investigation reveals Tua to be the first suspect in Garden’s murder. Tua is a drug dealer who may have had his sights set on Garden’s prescription for hard to get painkiller fentanyl. Garden was prescribed 40 pills a month, but didn’t have any in her house.
Meanwhile, Greg’s actions in “Fannysmackin’,” which is scheduled to air three weeks earlier, come back to haunt him. In “Fannysmackin’,” Greg saves the life of Stanley Tanner, who he witnesses on the receiving end of a violent gang beating. In the process of saving Tanner, Greg accidentally runs over a young black man, Demitrius James. After James dies as a result, Greg finds himself facing a Coroner’s Inquest – a check-and-balance on the powers of the Sheriff’s office. A jury will rule on whether James’ death was “justifiable,” “excusable,” or “criminal.”
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. “Post Mortem” is expected to air on the 7th of November, 2006.

24-09-2006, 09:30
:crying: :crying: The beard has gone!!!! :crying: :crying:

I'm totally in mourning - how could he do that?! Sara must have been getting irrated by and and getting a rash, so asked him to shave it off so as not to give the game away!! :rotfl:

Haven't watched it yet (on my list of things to do today), but judging by the first five mins that I did see - it looks like an excellent opener - as always :D

24-09-2006, 15:09
have just watched it great start to the new season

The scenes with catherine are quite hard to watch, well i thought so anyway

24-09-2006, 15:59
So, this is the "trial" of Greg "Lizzie Grubman" Sanders. Well, it's not really a trial. It's an inquest into the death of Demetrius James, one of the idiots from Fannysmackin' who, you know, liked to smack fannies or whatever. Demetrius was part of a group of teens/young adults who would swarm around an unsuspecting person and beat the **** out of them for kicks. Greg ran Demetrius over with his Denali in order to save Stanely Tanner, who had been the subject of the fannysmacker's rage. Tanner lived, Demitrius died, and Greg got the crap beaten out of him by said fannysmackers.

It's a media circus. Not quite a trial, an inquest includes a judge, jury, the A.D.A., and the Clark County Coroner (say that five times fast). It's informal but nonetheless harrowing for poor Greggo, who is so far from a cold-blooded killer that Truman Capote is spinning in his grave, whining, "That's the best you could come up with?" Honestly, I can't think of a less likely candidate for murder. Still, Capote would've approved of all the attention this inquest is receiving. The family of Demetrius (and I'm not calling him the "victim" because he was killed as he was, you know, halfway towards committing murder) is working the courtroom and the press, garnering sympathy from the jury. Race is an issue, as Demitrius is black. Some jurors, one in particular, are quite vocal in their distaste. It's all a sad, messy business and Nick and Sofia testify, backing Lil' G up.

I tell you what, the mood would be a whole lot lighter if Judge Reinhold was presiding over the inquest, accompanied by William Hung and His Hung Jury.

In other news, an older woman named Penny Garden is found dead in her home. Sara, Catherine, and Brass suspect she was murdered for her drugs. Specifially for her fentanyl. It's an ingredient in something called a "Las Vegas Cocktail," along with Soma and Viagra, although they're calling it "Prevalis" on the show. Not a real drug as far as I know. I'm guessing they didn't want to get in trouble with the Viagra people. Anyway, don't try this at home.

Re: Grissom and his absence, I'm going to be learning more about it in the upcoming week. Speculate all you want on why he's not here yet, but I can't answer any questions right now, so please don't ask a million questions about him that I can't answer at this moment. He's not in this script as of right now.

All in all, the Greg stuff is the most compelling. I'm not wowed by the case they're working.

24-09-2006, 16:04
Did you ever see The Parent Trap? And not that Lindsey Lohan remake, I'm talking about the real one with Haley Mills as Sharon from Boston and Susan from Monterey -- identical in every way including their British accent. Okay, so, this episode is just like the movie, but without singing and the heinous haircutting -- oh, and the twins die in the episode.

Ramona Sinclair and Jill Case were given up for adoption as babies. They were adopted by two different families and grew up never knowing each other, never knowing the other existed. But they were united in birth and death -- kinda poetic.

Ramona is a housewife, married to a doctor. They have a toddler named Henry who is all too fond of his pacifier. Anyway, Ramona, Gary, and guk-toting Henry live a seemingly nice, well-to-do life. Until Ramona is shot to death on her way to get the drycleaning. In Parent Trap terms, I guess I'd call Ramona the Sharon McKendrick of the sisters, but eh...none of them seem as fun as Susan Evers anyway.

Jill Case in point: she's a workaholic, bad at relationships, IGNORES HER DOG. Jill works for a newspaper. She's a hotshot, climbed the ladder relatively quickly, leaving the CSIs to wonder if the Woodward & Bernsteins to Jill's Ben Bradlee were a little miffed and wanted to exact some revenge by staging a suicide by hanging. Woodward and Bernstein would never have done that to Ben Bradlee (oh, who am I kidding? Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman never would've done that to Jason Robards. All The President's Men is the extent of my newspaper knowledge).

There are a slew of suspects. Jill's shrink, Ramona's husband, Jill's underlings, their birth mother, their half-sister, Henry the baby -- okay, maybe not Henry but my goodness, what is up with all this underestimating the toddlers!?!? Have we learned nothing from Gentle, Gentle?

The suspects:

Dr. Gary Sinclair -- Ramona's husband. Handsome doctor, good father. He's the reason Ramona was out fetching the drycleaning. He needed his navy suit. His "lucky" suit. Maybe he called it that because he wore it when he was getting lucky with...

Natal Peled -- a nurse at Desert Palm. Natal claims she and Gary Sinclair were having an affair. Very gorgeous and very sure of herself, the Israeli native has her sights set on landing a doctor. Maybe she should take a crack at...

Dr. Gus Hoffman -- Jill's psychiatrist. (I have no idea why, but I'm picturing Timothy Busfield in this role. Maybe because I just watched the new show Studio 60. Confession time: I have a major crush on Timothy Busfield. Have had since that damn show thirtysomething that my mom used to watch when I was, like, eight. Really. Seriously, major crush, people. It's bad). Anyway, where was I? Oh, so Hoffman is Jill's psychiatrist who conveniently happens to be doing her. The CSIs hypothesize Jill and Hoffman's kicky S&M habit led to her accidental death, and then Hoffman staged the hanging to cover his ass and save his license, which, I know, should be shot to hell for having sex with a patient but I can't stay mad at Timothy Busfield. Maybe someone will find out. Maybe someone will report it in the newspaper. Hey, it could be...

Jake Lenoir -- Jill's underling and one-time lover. Jakey's been having a little fun with the photoshop, making him less of a Robert Capa and more of a -- I don't know? Who's the Jayson Blair of photographers? I know some guy just got his ass fired for fiddling with pictures of the chaos in the Middle East. Anyway, Jill knew about Jake's little art project. But Jill didn't know her biological mother...

Virginia Pomerantz -- equine enthusiast. I don't want to label her as crazy, but if I spend any more time on this post, I'm going to miss the premiere of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, so I will. She's crazy, people. A few screws are loose. She claims she hasn't had any contact with the twins since she gave them up, which doesn't explain the letter Ramona Sinclair got in the mail from her biological mother asking her not to contact her anymore. Virginia has no answer for them, but daughter #3 does...

Suzy Hughes -- Katie Holmes. No, really. They describe her as Katie Homles pre-Tom-Cruise-Asian-baby catatonia. Suzy is 17 and admits to sending the letter to her half-sister to protect her fragile mother -- and their money. Suzy feared her mother would give the rest of Suzy's college savings to Ramona out of guilt. The CSIs wonder if that is motive enough to kill.

24-09-2006, 16:09
have just watched it great start to the new season

The scenes with catherine are quite hard to watch, well i thought so anyway Brilliant start to the new season - still a shame about the beard though :crying:

The scenes with Catherine were pretty hard to watch - especially when she was collecting evidence - I wonder how Nick will feel about it, if he thinks hes to blame somehow.

Was it me or were Nick and Catherine a lot closer now than last season.

Liked the way they hinted at Grissom and Sara (veggie burger) without shoving it your face though. Nicely done.

24-09-2006, 16:13
Brilliant start to the new season - still a shame about the beard though :crying:

The scenes with Catherine were pretty hard to watch - especially when she was collecting evidence - I wonder how Nick will feel about it, if he thinks hes to blame somehow.

Was it me or were Nick and Catherine a lot closer now than last season.

Liked the way they hinted at Grissom and Sara (veggie burger) without shoving it your face though. Nicely done.

lol veggie burger - look under my avatar

yeah i think nick does get quiet upset about it. It was really sad and hard to watch her collecting her own evidence.

And whats going on with david??? all those mistakes?? Have i missed something in the spoliers?

24-09-2006, 16:25
Thats what I thought - though didn't he say about lunch with the future in laws - maybe hes thinking about that - but its not like him to make all of those mistakes. I was starting to wonder if I'd missed something aswell.

Good to see Robert David Hall on the opening credits finally too.

The only thing with Catherine - if that was me, I'd get the heck out of there after collecting the evidence, and got in the shower at home - not showered at whoevers place it was. They could come back or anything!

24-09-2006, 16:27
The only thing with Catherine - if that was me, I'd get the heck out of there after collecting the evidence, and got in the shower at home - not showered at whoevers place it was. They could come back or anything!

wasnt it a motel or something? didnt think it was someones house

i really dont think i can wait til next week lol!!!!!

24-09-2006, 16:30
wasnt it a motel or something? didnt think it was someones house

i really dont think i can wait til next week lol!!!!! :hmm: You could be right, though with the holes in the curtains etc I thought it was the creepy guy from the bars apartment - I think I'd still want to get home asap though.

Next week is going to come way too slowly for my liking!

24-09-2006, 16:39
i think im going to have to watch it again as im reading another forum and they are mentioning things in it that i never saw.

Something about a ring and sara's face?

Also that grissom has alot more butterflies in his office this season.

Oh and i cant beleive goerge shaved his head again!!! whats l'orel going to say about that!!!!!!

24-09-2006, 16:46
A ring?! Didn't notice that one.

Did we even see Grissoms office in that opening episode - I didn't think we did?!

Loreal must be gutted! Their anti dandruff shampoo is that good, you have to shave your hair off :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
24-09-2006, 18:34
just watched the episode poor catherine nick will probably blame himself when he finds out. The writers did say they were going to get personal this year with the characters and with Greg being assaulted in the coming weeks it looks like being another terrific series. Loved the scene with grissom bringing sara something to eat it was so sweet.

" I want a veggie burger delivered by the cute guy with the dimples" :rotfl:

24-09-2006, 21:07
Wasn't that second crime scene, with the exact replica in model form, spooky!!

Oh, and I forgot we did briefly see beardless :crying: Grissom's office, but it was only for like 2 minutes, so I didn't really take any notice of the butterflies.

24-09-2006, 21:21
yeah bring back the beard!!!!! they all seem to be losing their hair.

Watched it again and still can figure out the look sara gives with the ring!!!

oh ment to ask what happened with warrick and his other half. was that resolved i cant remember

24-09-2006, 21:44
Well, at the end it was left with them splitting after him having a go at her when she was arranging his b/day party in the casino and he thought she was seeing someone else - but nothing else happened after that with them I don't think..

29-09-2006, 09:46
So here's what you have to know for this episode: (Jimmy Hoffa + Las Vegas)/Elvis = Mickey Dunn.

Mickey Dunn was sort of like one of those guys that Michael Corleone had killed in The Godfather while he was baptizing Connie's baby, who was really Sofia Coppola, but whatever. Back in the summer of '76 (oh, I remember it well. I was an egg in an ovary. Good times), crime boss/mobster/man about town Mickey Dunn went missing. Disappeared without a trace in his gold Cadillac. The Caddie was found submerged in Lake Mead, complete with what I can only imagine would be disgustingly decayed remains, in addition to a collection of Partridge Family 8-Track cartridges. Oh, come on! Don't you watch I Love The 70s? Anyway, Catherine and Warrick are hot on the...cold case. Disappeared without a trace? Cold case? I smell CBS Sundays.

In addition to the Mickey Dunn mystery, we've got a crooner named Michael Myers (really, what good can come out of that name? Well...) who's got a good voice (a plus), but has a penchant for pushing wheelchair-bound people into oncoming traffic (I'd have to say that's a negative). Well, what Myers is actually doing is killing, one by one, men who were associated with Mickey Dunn.

At whose behest is the big question.

See? The two cases are tied together. Isn't that funny how that worked out. What a coincidence.

Two interesting tidbits: 1) Mickey Dunn had a run in with a sixteen-year-old Catherine Willows in 1975, although I find it funny that her last name at age sixteen is "Willows" in the script. Leave it to me to nitpick. Anyway, Ms. Pre-Willows and her friends couldn't get into the sold-out showing of Jaws, so they hit the casinos. Goodness me, maybe soon we'll have a flashback of an eleven-year-old Sara hanging out at a bowling alley because E.T. was sold out.

2) Dr. Robbins knocks a guy unconscious...on purpose. An unwelcome photog is snapping pics of the remains in the morgue, so Doc Robbins introduced him to his CANE. Okay, so he doesn't go medieval on the guy, but he's quick to act and Mr. Paparazzi is soon out cold. I'm pretty sure Dr. House has threatened to use his cane on people, but has he followed through? This might be a first for cane-carrying doctors on primetime television.

29-09-2006, 13:55
so has anyone seen the new episode? I cant wait to see it tonight

29-09-2006, 14:19
ok this sounds like it is going to be a strange season of viewing csi

29-09-2006, 14:41
so has anyone seen the new episode? I cant wait to see it tonight I shall be doing my usual Saturday viewing of all three whilst hubby at work - but thats not going to come quick enough as far as i'm concerned!

Chloe O'brien
29-09-2006, 21:33
i'm downloading as we speak at 75% at the moment so I may watch it before bed. It helps me sleep you know (wink: Wink:):D

29-09-2006, 23:21
:rotfl: Kath!!!

Great episode although, still not solved the aged rocker murder.

Has Ecklie rumbled Gil & Sara?!

Felt for Catherine, especially at the end - I presume Sam dies seeing as his eyes were all staring etc. I had a funny feeling it all tied back into the original suicide though.

Not sure if I'm liking the format of not solving both though and carrying this part over again till next week :hmm: The jury is out on that one. Roll on next week though :D

29-09-2006, 23:23
Ahh can't wait to watch it :( You're making me all green eyed :lol:

Sam dies :eek:

Not sure if I'm liking the format of not solving both though and carrying this part over again till next week << Leanne doesn't know what this means, but is certainly intrigued :hmm:

29-09-2006, 23:27
lol - the opening episode is a two parter, but instead of it all being solved by the end, one of the murders isn't - its left open, so whether it will come up next week, or later on in the series, I can't remember.

Sam was shot a couple of times in the chest, so I presume he dies, but then Brass was shot in the chest and he survived so you never know.

29-09-2006, 23:33
Oh right, I get you. Oh better be the week after :eek: How annoying would that be :lol:

And ah right. In a way I'm not that bothered if he does die...won't be a major loss...I'm not too keen on him to be honest. lol.

29-09-2006, 23:40
Nah - its just a shame for Catherine really especially as they fell out and were still not right just as he was shot. He was responsible in a roundabout way for Catherine being administered the date rape drug (although it looks like she didn't get assaulted which is great) and then getting Lindsey kidnapped too, so she was majorly upset with him about that, but hes not really a huge character in it. If he is dead though, it will be interesting to see who his legacy is left to - Catherine or one of his "friends".....:hmm:

29-09-2006, 23:46
Catherine really especially as they fell out and were still not right just as he was shot. He was responsible in a roundabout way for Catherine being administered the date rape drug (although it looks like she didn't get assaulted which is great) and then getting Lindsey kidnapped too,
Wow that all looks really good :eek:

it will be interesting to see who his legacy is left to - Catherine or one of his "friends''
Yeah that will be interesting.. maybe Catherine would be too obvious? But ya never know..

Chloe O'brien
30-09-2006, 00:18
I've just finished watching this episode and can I just say that doc robbins rocks. him and grissom singing while doing the autopsy was class. are they going to carry over the story of the rock star who was killed to future episodes or will they leave it as an unsolved case.

30-09-2006, 09:25
I've just finished watching this episode and can I just say that doc robbins rocks. him and grissom singing while doing the autopsy was class. are they going to carry over the story of the rock star who was killed to future episodes or will they leave it as an unsolved case. Thats what I was thinking Kath.

Oh that scene was hilarious, espesh when Robbins started singing his diagnosis for cause of death - brilliant!! (And how great is it to finally see him on the opening credits - about time too thats what I say!)

30-09-2006, 19:47
omg how fustrating was that episode? i cant believe it ended there!!!! i wont what that pic was at the back - looked like the baby to me.

I was a bit dispointed in the lindsey storyline seemed too easy finding her thought they could have dragged that out a bit more

30-09-2006, 22:56
I thought they found her way too easily too - when they broke into the apartment, I was sure that Lindsey wouldn't be there, but there she was - seemed too simple.

I thought it looked a bit like a doll picture, with him and the baby on one side and a baby doll/dolls eye on the other.

I just hope it all concludes properly next week now...

Chloe O'brien
30-09-2006, 23:37
The photo looked a bit like the face of a china doll. It was a weird ending, hope we find a conculsion next week. Is there a new acctress playing lindsay this series or has she just grown up a lot since the last time she was in the show

30-09-2006, 23:57
is there a new acctress playing lindsay this series
I heard that there was, or read that there was, from Madison McReynolds to Kay Panabaker. Was the new one good? The other one was really sweet and had a sweet voice hehe.

01-10-2006, 10:44
I'm pretty sure it was a new Lindsey and she didn't do too bad, but then we haven't really ever seen much of Lindsey before apart from the odd appearance so I don't think we'd notice it too much to be honest.

06-10-2006, 16:06
Back in March when CBS caught wind of ABC’s scheduling change for Grey’s Anatomy, they say down to creatively talk about Season 7 of CSI. “The producer’s really started challenging themselves,” says CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler.

A couple of the strategies that were created came out in the two-part season opener, “Built to Kill.” The first of which is the creation of serialized storylines. The storyline involving the painstaking miniature model of the crime scene is one that involves a serial killer and will last at least through the middle of the season.

Another strategy is the use of stunt casting. George Eads (Nick Stokes) and Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) swayed to a performance by John Mayer in the season opener. Last week, Danny Bonaduce and Sean Young, both known for dramatic personal and professional lives, were cast as a murdered rock star and his ex-wife.

These strategies are employed to keep the show fresh, in order to compete with it’s sexy night time soap rival. However, long time fans needn’t worry that the changes will ruin the show they love. Executive producer Naren Shankar says the writers understand the unusual chemistry of CSI and may refine the formula, but won’t alter it. “Shows often, I think, make the mistake when they try to change their DNA, for lack of a better term. … When you start trying to change what a show is, in response to what may or may not be on or what you think other people may or may not want, it’s almost always a mistake,” say Shankar.

06-10-2006, 16:08
....A couple of the strategies that were created came out in the two-part season opener, “Built to Kill.” The first of which is the creation of serialized storylines. The storyline involving the painstaking miniature model of the crime scene is one that involves a serial killer and will last at least through the middle of the season. Looks like this bit won't be solved soon then - if its a serial killer, are they going to have the miniature model as their MO and they'll painstakingly make exact replicas of all of their crime scenes do you think??

Chloe O'brien
12-10-2006, 21:37
Those who wonder who the man behind the voice that opens each of the CSI shows is, will soon have the opportunity to see him in a guest starring role on the original CSI. The voice is that of Roger Daltry, lead singer of the rock band The Who. Three of The Who’s more popular songs serve as the opening themes for the franchise. “Who Are You” is the theme of the original CSI, while “Won’t Get Fooled Again” and “Baba O’Reilly” serve as the opening themes for CSI:Miami and CSI:NY, respectively.
The details of Daltry’s role on CSI are being kept under wraps by the show’s producers, who call it “a surprise role that will keep viewers guessing.”
Not only can Daltry sing, he can act as well. Acting since the 1970’s, his portrayal of the title character in “Tommy,” the film adaptation of The Who’s rock opera, garnered him a Golden Globe nomination. More recently, he completed filming on the History Channel series “Extreme History.” His theater credits include "A Christmas Carol" and "The Wizard of Oz." The Who, who received their first record deal in 1965, are currently touring to support their new album, “Endless Wire,” which will be released October 31.

12-10-2006, 21:49
Those who wonder who the man behind the voice that opens each of the CSI shows is, will soon have the opportunity to see him in a guest starring role on the original CSI. The voice is that of Roger Daltry, lead singer of the rock band The Who. Three of The Who’s more popular songs serve as the opening themes for the franchise. “Who Are You” is the theme of the original CSI, while “Won’t Get Fooled Again” and “Baba O’Reilly” serve as the opening themes for CSI:Miami and CSI:NY, respectively.
The details of Daltry’s role on CSI are being kept under wraps by the show’s producers, who call it “a surprise role that will keep viewers guessing.”
Not only can Daltry sing, he can act as well. Acting since the 1970’s, his portrayal of the title character in “Tommy,” the film adaptation of The Who’s rock opera, garnered him a Golden Globe nomination. More recently, he completed filming on the History Channel series “Extreme History.” His theater credits include "A Christmas Carol" and "The Wizard of Oz." The Who, who received their first record deal in 1965, are currently touring to support their new album, “Endless Wire,” which will be released October 31.

OMG this is so cool! I loooove The Who!

13-10-2006, 15:23
Built to Kill, Part 2 -- RIP Izzy Delancy

Post Mortem -- RIP Penny Garden

Loco Motives -- RIP Raymundo Suarez

And it looks like all the Tai Chi* in the world isn't keep Grissom from burning out.

Two cases: 1) Mrs. Ivonova -- dead, old Russian woman, found in her kitchen. Her window? In direct line of sight with the kitchen window of her neighbors, Max and Patty Sullivan, two potential witnesses who Nick, Sofia, and Greg are having a tough time finding. Their suspicion grows when they realize the Sullivan kitchen is a hastily cleaned crime scene. Green JELL-O and blood.

2) Raymundo Suarez -- slaughterhouse employee. Worked at Mannleigh Chicken Processing Plant. Suarez is MCSK's THIRD VICTIM. Oh, and MCSK is short for Mini-Crime Scene Killer. He's found dead -- paralyzed by the current of electricity used to stun the chickens, and he drowned in a couple of inches of water. We get the usual red herrings. Suarez was the owner's wife. Her name is Bubbles. Just...no. The late, great, fake Izzy Delancy hopped on the animal rights train before he died and spoke out against the Mannleigh Chicken Processing Plant. My analogy: Izzy was PETA and Mannleigh was Anna Wintour. Anna doesn't like PETA, and PETA doesn't like Anna, and I, for one, don't think Anna Wintour is above murder. That haircut is pretty severe. The main guy you need to know about? Ernie Dell. He fixes the machines at the plant. Says Grissom:

Mr. Dell, you and I have quite a bit in common. I examine minute bits of things, looking for connections. I'm also trained in the study of insects. I've spent a lot of time alone, and I know the pleasures of small worlds. (hands Ernie his card) Here's my card. Call me if there's anything you want to tell me.

Chloe O'brien
14-10-2006, 14:50
I've just watched episode 4 fannysmaking. Dont watch it poor greggro.

14-10-2006, 15:37
I've just watched episode 4 fannysmaking. Dont watch it poor greggro.

im just about to watch it - is it sad?

14-10-2006, 17:19
Isn't this the one where he gets his "fannysmacked" and I'm not being rude here lol

I think its the one where he gets a kicking though isn't it - going to watch it later (along with NY and Miami oh and NCIS too but thats another story lol)

Chloe O'brien
14-10-2006, 22:44
This is the one where he gets a severe battering. Its such a shame you should see the state of him.

18-10-2006, 16:03
Question: Do you know anything about Grissom and Sara's relationship on CSI?— Aditya Ponto
Ausiello: I know I have this exclusive, only-for-AA quote from exec producers Carol Mendelsohn and Naren Shankar: "After having dealt with a miniature-making serial killer, a murder in a church, a tragic case of two missing boys, and Kevin Federline, Gil Grissom will decide that he needs a short break from the lab... and maybe a break from Sara, too. He'll only be gone a few weeks, but his office won't remain vacant in his absence. Watch out fetal pig, your days might be numbered." As I previously reported, Gil's mini-vacation will air in January, and, per my CSI spy, will be prompted by some bleak parting words from that aforementioned "miniature-making" serial killer. Apparently, he'll affect Gil in a way most standard psychopaths don't

20-10-2006, 22:15
Just watched 7:01.

Really good episode I think. I really feel sorry for Catherine at the end :( Poor woman. Gunna watch the next eppi now *gets excited*

20-10-2006, 23:30
Just watched the next part! Poor Sam! Even though I don't really like him that much, I just felt sorry for Cath, wasn't iher night at all was it :eek: :(

What was up with the end? what did the whole eye thing? :eek: Lea is confused :p

Also that reminded me.. what was Brass's Tattoo about.. May 11 2006... is that when he was shot?

Chloe O'brien
20-10-2006, 23:34
Yeah Lea I think that is when he was shot (but the timelime is set for the American viewing. Still no news on Sam's condition.

06-11-2006, 22:57
Okay, so, as Grissom makes his exit, Adam Novak, a.k.a. Mr. Marg Helgenberger, a.k.a. Mr. President drops by so we won't feel so lonely. He's the lawyer who had an "encounter" with Catherine in Weeping Willows. Novak is establishing reasonable doubt in a case where the ADA is trying to prove a son murdered his mother. Novak is obviously a better lawyer than he is a date, because he gets his client off.

Grissom makes a tiny appearance and Ecklie gets Dr. Parker's recycled lines from Built to Kill"

Don't get me wrong, I think a sabbatical's a great idea. Take some time away before you burn out. Otherwise, you'll be getting migraines, snapping at your team, having an affair with a co-worker, all that mid-life stuff.

Didn't you just by a Porsche?

That's not mid-life, that's divorce. (beat) So Catherine's up to speed?"

Grissom stares at him.

You leave in less than 48 hours. In lieu of postcards, I would tell your team today. [QUOTE]

Catherine and Nick are certain that Mr. Not Guilty, a.k.a. Jay Finch, killed his mother and are on the search to find any more crimes they can charge him with.

06-11-2006, 23:11
:crying: How longs he gone for ??
I don't want him to go. Things won't be the same :p

18-11-2006, 22:45
Long story short: a very popular political figure, Assemblyman Raho Ortiz, is murdered and the city is reeling. Ortiz was a golden boy, and because I don't feel like coming up with adjectives, the public thinks of him as a younger, Latin Barak Obama. You know, someone pretty much everybody likes. The episode opens, however, with Ortiz getting blackmailed with a photograph of him dipping into the nose candy during his not-so-spotless past. So, he's not exactly the future of the Democratic Party.

Liev Schreiber is CSI Keppler. He sticks pretty closely to Catherine, who seems to have replaced Warrick with Keppy as her right hand, younger, tall, male CSI. Because Grissom is off galavanting at Brown University which means no veggie burgers with Sara. There's some "tension" while Catherine sends Warrick off with Nick to go process 20 motorcycles ANYWAY a little bit later, everyone is embarking on a scene when Warrick wants in on the dirty work only to have Catherine order him to take the perimeter. You'd think Warrick's doppelgänger lay inside with his throat slit in a really spacious bathroom. Anyway, because they really seem to be pushing this, I'll post the excerpt:

Keppler and I have it covered. You take the perimeter. Get a diagram started.

Warrick reacts to her "rookie" instructions.

Thanks. I've done this before.

Catherine is the new Grissom. Warrick is the new Sara. I CANNOT WAIT until Grissom returns and fills us in on what it was like to be a stripper back when it was about talent and not silicone and for Sara to pile on the coats in the harsh Nevada sun and quote Shakespeare to a room full of people who don't care.

18-11-2006, 22:50
The title refers to a song by the Velvet Underground, and the long line of Jane Does found murdered pretty much straight off the bus.

We get Jane Doe circa 1970s, Jane Doe 1981, 1989, 1997, and...2007. Happy New Year.

Each victim is sexually assaulted and choked multiple times before ultimately dying of asphyxiation. All of the victims are the same type: new to the town, young, nubile, oblivious, naïve. Anyway, every decade or so this sadistic serial killer targets this specific type of girl and kills her. The killer then dumps the body in the area with the highest crime rate at that time. Keppler is impressed.

Smart. Crime center seems to move around pretty quickly here.

In Vegas new is old in five years. Old is history in ten. Nothing leaves much of a mark.

That's one of the things I like about it here.

Keppler is exactly the kind of guy you fake number.

Catherine isn't thrilled with the vibe she gets off of him, either. She finds him "vaguely troubling," according to the script. Take from that what you will.

So far, investigators in the past have not been able to come up with viable suspects for various reasons, including the fact that DNA is only now a fixture of crime labs in the country. Nick has an interesting discussion with the man who worked the Jane Doe 1989 case, CSI-turned-PI Jesse Daniels, that highlights how the advances in technology have aided CSIs in recent years and the increasing awareness of the importance forensics playing a role in crime solving. Basically, we now know what DNA is now and cops don't throw cheeseburger wrappers on crime scenes anymore.

While Nick goes in search of the remnants from the 1989 case, Keppy manages to find a pattern that gets them a step closer to solving the case. So he's not all bad.

So, yeah, anyway, the case is a bummer and it's probably a good thing that Grissom isn't in LV leading the case. Because Jane Doe 2007? Has a butterfly tattoo on her left hip. We all know what happens when Grissom sees a dead girl with a butterfly tattoo, don't we?

Chloe O'brien
18-11-2006, 23:05
oooh Catherine is getting a bit bossy with Grissom being away, I thought they were bringing in someone new to cover his leave. I wonder if any of the jane doe victims will be brunette. :hmm:

26-11-2006, 22:19
Sorry if it has already been said but do we have a date yet of when channel 5 are going to show season 7 ????? I know it will be at the begginig of the year but have they set a date????

Chloe O'brien
26-11-2006, 22:39
I think i read somewhere on the net that season 7 was returning to the UK screens on Jan 30 but I'm not sure. It will be in the new year some time though

05-12-2006, 15:03
I think i read somewhere on the net that season 7 was returning to the UK screens on Jan 30 but I'm not sure. It will be in the new year some time though

I read that as well, I think it was digi spy

07-12-2006, 13:20
Sara, Warrick, Catherine (mostly Sara/Warrick) and Brass work the case of Margo Riley who is murdered. Jesse Hottman is something of a stud and something of a male prostitute, only it's all high class and he and his cohorts pretend it's not prostituting because he has "relationships." How is Jesse important to Margo? Well, read on.

Jesse has "relationships" with a lot of people, so Sara and Warrick go to visit Jesse at his place of employment. This is all high-dollar - the finest of everything - best champagne, Gucci clothes, nice jewelry, etc. Jesse thinks Sara is there to um, be one of his many "relationships" so he tries to schmooze her, and Sara sort of lets him work his "magic" on her (he's a stud, a stud who is a high-dollar prostitute) and is somewhat amused by it before she gets down to business. He tries to hold her hand and she jerks away, she's not that amused.

There is MUCH talk about why women pay for his "relationship" services, and Sara is definitely curious and also somewhat disgusted. It's about the dream, it's about perfection, etc.

The key here -- Margo hired Jesse to work his "relationship" magic on her, only when they got to her place she whipped out a baby photo album. Turns out she gave up a baby many years ago, and has been searching for him. Turns out that baby? Yeah, Margo's baby is Jesse. Whom she hired to have sex with her under false pretenses because she wants a relationship with him, but not that kind of relationship. No, she just wants to be his mama. Jesse? Squicked out to say the least. Margo ends up dead! Who killed her? One of Jesse's other "relationships?" A lot of the women he has relationships with are very jealous, they didn't want Margo moving in on their territory. Did one of them kill Margo?

Also, Sara and Brass visit Bill, Margo's husband. This is longer dialogue than would normally be posted, but interesting:

Brass: I remember you telling me you didn't have kids.

Bill We don't...or I don't. She gave him up right after we met.

Sara: Why?

Bill: She was seventeen. And we were in love.

Sara: And you didn't want kids.

Bill Riley shakes his head "no."

Brass: How old were you?

Bill: Twenty-nine.

Sara: Pretty selfish. Who did Margo give the baby to?

Bill: The father. But he was a drunk. Last we heard, the kid ran away.

Sara: Margo was looking at this photo album when she was killed.

Bill nods.

Bill: Ever since she hit menopause, she's been taking it out.

Brass: Isn't she a little young for menopause?

Bill: They call it premature menopause. She was having a hard time with it.

Sara: Dealing with the finality of not being able to have children. But at the same time, knowing you have one somewhere.

Bill nods, agreeing.

Nick, Keppler and Spork work the other case in this episode.

13-12-2006, 12:42
From Betty: Hey Kristin, any CSI scoop?
I got a little intel on Liev Schreiber's CSI character, a new addition to the cast next month while William Petersen takes some time off. I'm hearing Liev will be playing an investigator named Michael Keppler, who has an interesting past that may or may not involve avenging a former girlfriend's death. Let's just say he's got a few things in common with Mike Delfino, including the girlfriend's father, who's a bit sinister and on Michael's back to commit more crimes.

20-12-2006, 10:10
Question: Please give me some scoop on CSI!— Melinda
Ausiello: William Petersen's month-long sabbatical kicks in on Jan. 4, and exec producer Carol Mendelsohn told my colleague Craig Tomashoff that his absence will cause tension between Gil and Sara, which will become clear in a future episode when Grissom tries to make things right by "sending Sara something." Another plant, perhaps? Pick up the new TV Guide (our first double issue!) for more on Petersen's exit.

13-01-2007, 19:37
I guess we could all learn a lot from Sir Isaac Newton. Including Johannes Keppler Kepler. Keppy #1 needed some help explaining planetary motions.

As for Keppy #2? He gets a visit from a blue collar version of his own Phillip Gerard -- that's the best description I can come up with. His name is Jack McCarty and Keppy loves him like a father. Aw. Jack is a retired Trenton cop (Brass is a cop from Jersey! Maybe they'll get together and, I don't know, go to a Springsteen concert. Or rent a copy of Garden State and cuddle on the couch) whose phone calls Keppy has not been returning. Okay, we've seen Catherine's father and her father figure (remember that episode where she tried to solve the murder of her stripper friend?). We've met Grissom's father figure (the treacherous Gerard!), Warrick's father figure (Random Acts of Violence), and Nick's actual dad (they had nicknames for each other! And we know those nicknames! I could've lived my life without hearing a grown man be called Pancho). I'm sensing a theme here. Four out of five of those guys ended episodes falling from grace in the eyes of their proteges/progeny. What goes up, must come down.

Anyway, I don't have much on the rest of the episode yet, but Keppler does go out to lunch with Wendy "Captain Liberty" Sims. Naomi Watts should watch her back!

13-01-2007, 19:40
So what've we got here? The MCSK puts the cart before the horse and sends the mini before committing the crime. What's the setting? Barbara Glass' condo. Barbie -- mid-50s, a retired psychotherapist -- is none too happy to have her place teeming with officers as she goes about her regimented day. Upon seeing the replica -- and who wouldn't be creeped out (and a little psyched!) to see a mini model of their own living room? -- she and her husband, Peyton, cooperate with Brass. They form a band called Brass & Glass, and tour the country, performing at bluegrass festivals. The end.

Not really. An undercover officer poses as Barbara and gets killed in the process. I guess she was too good.

N-E-WAY, we learn that Barbara did a lot of pro-bono work (not to be confused with pro-Bono work) -- which included helping those in a halfway house. One of the former halfway house residents? Mr. Mitch Jones, a.k.a. Lionel Dell. Ohmigosh, does that last name sound familiar? <rolls eyes> Mitch/Lionel is none other than the only biological child of the late, train-crazy Ernie Dell. The dots are starting to connect...

Mitch/Lionel used to work at Mannleigh Chicken Plant, but got laid off thanks in part to Izzy Delancey's PSA. Raymundo Suarez took over his job. Mitch/Lionel turned to drugs (like the spiders...), which means Penny Garden's stash would've been mighty attractive to him.

Sara (and Sofia) rationalize that Ernie pretty much admitted to the crimes to save his son. Mitch/Lionel is having none of it, and then goes all David Copperfield on them: Ernie and his wife (the also late Mrs. Dell) could not have children, so they foster parented "a ton" of kids. Lionel was a surprise -- hey, so was my cousin, but we love him anyway -- and was added to the already crowded mix of kids. Mrs. Dell died and Ernie became absorbed in his trains. Mitch/Lionel is bitter, indeed.

Every boy needs a father.
If this isn't complicated enough for y'all, Barbara Glass (the real one, not the undercover one) also ends up dead. But Catherine deduces that there's more to Dr. Glass' murder than meets the eye.

Sara and Grissom start looking through tapes of parties the Dells threw for their foster kids. They count at least a dozen children, and speculate on the difficulty they'll have finding these kids -- now adults who have possibly changed their names, like Lionel Dell did.

We call it "graduation."

13-01-2007, 22:03
Is this before or after Grissom takes his sabbatical?

13-01-2007, 22:05
Grissom takes his sabbatical in 'Leaving Las Vegas' then he returns about 4 episodes after... I think it's 4.

Chloe O'brien
13-01-2007, 22:11
Monster in a box is supposed to be grissom's first episode back after his time away.

19-01-2007, 10:45
Rumours are that Keppler dies in Episode 15!!

Dont know how, so could be a car crash or something, rather than a murder, but you never know - it could be the miniature killer !

27-01-2007, 18:41
Teenagers. Sex. Sports. STDs. Jealously. And because this is CSI, death. That's pretty much the casefile summed up. It reminds me of the B-plot in Let the Seller Beware, minus the cannibalism.

Megan Cooper and Ryan Franco, a cheerleader and a basketball player, respectively, are missing. There are quite a few suspects -- including Megan and Ryan themselves -- and it all points to a pretty generic plot. Charlie Keller is the Peter Parker-esque boy who's in love with Megan. Megan loves Ryan. Ryan is in love with himself. Then there's Sheila Latham, Megan's best friend. And Diane Kentner, their photography teacher who has an interesting conversation with Warrick about his divorce. Did you hear that? Warrick is back on the market, ladies!

Seems to me unrequited love follows you your whole life.


On paper, yeah. But until her stuff's out of my garage, I don't consider it official.

I've been through a couple of those. I don't think we're meant to be monogamous our whole life.

This episode kind of screams, "We're saving the good stuff for the finale! Here's a tidbit about Warrick to tide you over!" It seems to be evenly divided between Warrick, Nick, and Brass. Grissom and Greg keep themselves occupied throughout the episode as well. And there's Archie! Archie is in this episode! I don't understand why he doesn't get more attention. He's beautiful. Sara and Catherine are around, but blink and you'll miss them, as of what I have of the script. Sara is presumably dealing with her Grissom!Angst and Catherine is...probably getting a Brazilian wax now that Warrick is single.

31-01-2007, 15:04
Question: You haven't said much regarding any of the CSI shows. Got any spoilers?— Kelly
Ausiello: Would you believe I have stuff on all three shows? Let's start with the mother ship: Sara and Grissom are going to engage in an intimate act that involves her taking a sharp object to his neck. (Bonus scoop: This act takes place in Sara's posh new pad). Over on New York, a casting call has gone out for an actress who looks like a "younger version of Lindsay." (Hmmm.... ) That same episode will feature an appearance by Criss Angel of Mindfreak fame. Last but definitely not least, over on Miami… come to think of it, this scoop warrants its very own question/answer. (Skip past the next question, spoilerphobes!)
Question: Can you give another clue about who will be shot during February sweeps on CSI: Miami?— Amester7
Ausiello: (Major spoiler alert) Prepare yourself for the easiest asterisk quiz in the history of asterisk quizzes. It's D**k*.

Chloe O'brien
01-02-2007, 12:09
It is rumoured that when Grissom returns he has his beard back and sara shaves it off in her bathroom.

01-02-2007, 12:11
If this is true - how dare she!!! :angry:

His beard belongs on him!!!!

:rotfl: :D

01-02-2007, 12:26
It is rumoured that when Grissom returns he has his beard back and sara shaves it off in her bathroom.

:eek: :eek: No o o o o o

He looks much better with beard!!!! How very dare she!

01-02-2007, 12:28
We should look after him eh Ems - we'll let him keep the beard :D

01-02-2007, 14:54
We should look after him eh Ems - we'll let him keep the beard :D

Good idea ! We can be the beard watchers and groomers :D

aaaa. sweet happy dreams :rotfl:

03-02-2007, 12:35
http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/741/kepplergrissomog0.th.jpg (http://img529.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kepplergrissomog0.jpg)

:wub: :wub:

Ahhh, thats more like it!!!

Pic of Keppler meeting Grissom in Law of Gravity - click on the pic to make it nice and large :D :D

Chloe O'brien
03-02-2007, 22:35
I was going to post that I seen the latest episode aired in the US "Meat Market" and it shows a clip of Grissom writing a letter to Sarah and the beard is back.

05-02-2007, 19:55
What lmaoo would Sara actually shave his beard off??
I love the beard... but am more of a beardless fan *hides* But still, that's a bit extreme :lol:

Chloe O'brien
12-02-2007, 12:33
According to CSI Files sources, “Empty Eyes” opens with two showgirls, Libby and Cammie, arriving home from work and entering the nice Craftsmen style home they share with four other showgirls. The girls are smoking hot, even wearing sweats and with their hair pulled back. As they walk through the front door, they exchange caddy remarks about one of the other dancers, speculating that she got her role as principal dancer because she’s bad on her feet, but good on her back.
Libby and Cammie go into the messy kitchen and complain about the pigsty. A half-full wine bottle is on the counter next to two empty wine glasses. Crusty dishes are in the sink. They attribute the mess to their roommate Amber’s creepy new musician boyfriend and talk of wanting to move out.
Suddenly the loud thump of hip hop music fills the room, bleeding through the ceiling above. They exchange WTF looks and head upstairs to investigate the source of the music. Along their way, they pass a sexy black bra hanging off a stair rail, then a tank top.
Libby asks if the music is coming from her room. Cammie says it is and hence, is Libby’s problem. Libby disappears down the hallway.
Just as Cammie is about to open her bedroom door, she hears a shriek, muffled by the music. Cammie goes down the hall to Libby’s room and inches the door open. She calls out for Libby. No answer.
An arm snakes out from behind the door and grabs Cammie’s wrist, pulling her inside. She struggles against her unseen attacker, but is no match for his strength. The door flies open as she’s pulled out of frame to reveal two of her roommates, Amber and Jenn, on the floor, mouths gagged, wrists and ankles bound, terror in their eyes.
Three hours later, Sara, Warrick, Grissom, Nick, Greg and Brass are at the scene. Bloody shoeprints are on visible on the stairs. Not there earlier when we saw Libby and Cammie walk up them. The angle of the toe print indicates that blood was tracked down the stairs.
Sara shines her maglite into the darkness underneath a bed. All of a sudden, a bloody hand shoots out from underneath the bed and scratches Sara’s face. Sara draws her gun, adrenaline racing. Grissom and Warrick rush in to assist Sara. A raspy female voice comes from underneath the bed. “Help me.” Sara’s maglite illuminates Cammie’s pale face. She’s still alive. Sara takes her bloody hand, telling her it’s going to be alright and telling Grissom and Warrick to call an ambulance.
Cammie can barely speak through her slashed throat. She manages to tell Sara her name, that a man did this to her and makes references to “pour wine” and “breast knife” that Sara doesn’t understand. Cammie clings to life as she talks to Sara, but dies just as the siren of the approaching ambulance is heard.
Sara examines the half-empty wine bottle downstairs and thinks it might be a clue to the killers identity, as Cammie had said, “pour wine.” The bottle has a personalized label on it reading, “Thanks for everything, Angels. Love, Charlie.”
The CSIs note that the house alarm had been disabled. Perhaps who ever disabled the alarm committed the murders.
Brass interrogates Jake Benedetto, a retro hipster real estate mini-mogul, who appears as if he’s seen the movie “Swingers” too many times. Benedetto rents homes exclusively to showgirls because they always have jobs, pay on time and if they come up short, he’s flexible if they are. When asked why he disabled the alarm at 3705 Nugget Way, home to the murdered showgirls, he explains that they set it off three times the first week they moved in. When he rolled the bill down to them, they asked him to disable the alarm. Upon learning the girls had been murdered, Benedetto’s cool façade crumbles.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. “Empty Eyes” is expected to air on the 1st of March, 2007.

15-02-2007, 12:55
The episode opens with beauty queens,
Catherine has an epiphany about green eyes and contacts. She also has an interesting converstaion with Sara, and, so far, it's the only interesting part of this script.

Orgami? (sic)

Cheap Las Vegas version, I guess. It's a form of paper folding.

Guy was hitting on your vic. Bet you there's a number inside.

Catherine carefully opens the stem of the paper rose to reveal..."Carey. 555.0179."

You get one of these before?

Yeah. Guys are always giving me weird things.

This seems to be a Catherine ep. She has a moment where she remembers Keppy. Sniff. I don't know about you guys, but I loooooooved Keppy.

Chloe O'brien
23-02-2007, 23:30
I liked Keppler he had a thing about him. It's a shame that his character died they could have used him as a recurring character like hodges.

23-02-2007, 23:32
Have you seen all the speculation about either Hodges or Sara being being the MCSK!!

Apparently, a lot of people are basing this on the fact that it hasn't been announced if Jorja Fox has signed up for Season 8 yet and everyone is also saying that Hodges is being way to creepy in this season with regards to the MCSK. I think its just Hodges being totally up Grissom's backside though, rather than anything sinister lol

Chloe O'brien
23-02-2007, 23:37
no I haven't but I have seen the episode "fallen Idols" which was shown in the US on Thursday, were we see Sara shaving Grissoms beard at the end. Man I hope homebase and B&Q have plenty drills.

23-02-2007, 23:40
I think some torture of Sara is required - how very dare she shave off his beard :angry: I would have let him keep it - I could have sat there stroking it every day :wub: :wub: :lol:

23-02-2007, 23:57
What's that lol??

And haha I was unsure about Sara shaving Griss's beard, but I saw some pics, and being the Sara/Griss fan that I am, it looked quite hot :lol:

24-02-2007, 00:06
What's that lol??

And haha I was unsure about Sara shaving Griss's beard, but I saw some pics, and being the Sara/Griss fan that I am, it looked quite hot :lol:

MCSK = Miniature Crime Scene Killer

And :eek: :sick: :nono: :rotfl: Although I'll reserve judgement till I see it...

24-02-2007, 00:38
What no way :eek: rumours about Hodges and Sara.
These are my views on the two...

Hodges: I think it would be a silly idea to make him the serial killer, but then in some ways think it would be really good. As all these years we've been trusting him etc.. and it kind of would make some sort of sense, if he had gone mad etc or something. I kind of hope it is Hodges :rotfl: As bad as that sounds.

Sara: I think that would be a terrible mistake. Not just because she's my favourite. But the writers would get sooo many complaints, and I think if it was Sara, the viewings would drop dramatically (some people are like that). I just don't think that's in Saras character, and would ruin all of which we've watched.

These are just my views of course. And I know they are only specualtion like hee.

24-02-2007, 09:50
I can't personally see it with either of them myself - Hodges was brought in for light relief following Gregs move to the field (and he does crack me up!) although his attention to detail etc and always wanting to be right could go against him. I think he is more of a red herring than anything tbh.

Sara - well...:hmm: I dunno - in some of the episodes already shown the US, it has been mentioned that because of the meticulous nature in which all the crime scenes and the miniatures have been dealt with, with no forensic evidence left behind etc as such, then Nick commented that it could be an inside job (lab, police or CSI), but I think the speculation about Sara is plain and simply to do with her not yet signing up for the next Season (or at least it not having been announced).

I think it will be someone completely difference, but from the clues, apparently the viewers "know" the killer - which makes you go :hmm: :hmm: :lol:

Chloe O'brien
24-02-2007, 20:23
I don't think it's Hodges or Sara that is the minature killer. It's way to obvious to be one of them. I do beleive that it is either a cop or possible a criminal from a previous series seeking revenge on the csi. They probably won't reveal who it is until the end of the series. If reports are true that Jorja (sara) has not renewed her contract yet then maybe they have a plan to make it personal and have a minature of her place and the possiblity that she could be a victim.

24-02-2007, 22:56
That was one of the other possibilities that was being banded about - that if Jorja didn't sign up, she'd be the final victim.

I think we are thinking along the same lines Kath - these two are far too much of red herrings to be the killer - I think its more likely to be someone that we've seen in the lab/police station or where ever that have been very much in the background. Then they will be revealed and we'll be like ... ohhhhhh!

A bit like when the copper got killed in the finale of Miami - everyone was speculating about the death of one of them, and it was him who hadn't really been in it much

27-02-2007, 22:56
From Jen in Stockton, California: I heard a rumor that CSI's Miniature Killer might be David Hodges, or that it might be someone else within the crime lab. Do you know if there is any truth to this rumor?
When I asked Wallace Langham these very questions, he told me, "David Hodges is very much involved with the story of the Miniature Killer. He's been trying desperately to cozy up to Grissom, and...killing people might get Grissom's attention." Wallace (a wonderful man, by the way) tells me the Miniature Killer storyline will be resolved by season's end—and that something very important involving David Hodges is revealed in this season's 20th ep, airing Apr. 12.

Far to much of a red herring surely!!!!

They wouldnt be this obvious !

27-02-2007, 23:02
Maybe Hodges is the one to crack the case, rather than actually be the MCSK. Like you say Em - its far too obvious and lots of people have already been speculating that its Hodges, so surely they wouldn't have it as him. I think hes great! Love his character - he'd better be in Season 8!!!

28-02-2007, 16:13
In the 19th episode, “Big Shots” opens in the parking lot outside Chances, a gentlemen’s club. Beauty pageant winners Miss Boulder City and Miss Lake Tahoe are making out while Miss Sparks stands in the dark smoking marijuana. It’s 4:20 a.m. and they’re getting anxious for their limo to arrive.

The sound of gunshots fills the air. A limo heads straight toward the valet platform, hopping the curb and taking out a newspaper box. The valet attendants, patrons and the beauty pageant contestants run for their lives. The limo plows toward Miss Boulder City who’s heel pops off. At the last instant, she jumps out of the way and the limo crashes into the back of the club.

The limo is riddled with bullet holes. Champ Landley is found dead inside the vehicle, shot in the head.

A young girl is found dead on Green Valley Parkway. COD is craniocerebral trauma. Abrasions on elbows, ribs, and knees caps go down to the bone. She also suffered atlanto-occipital dislocation, a basilar skull fracture and a contre-coup injury from her head bouncing against the ground. She was dragged behind a car.

The young girl is initially identified as Melissa Gentry based on identification found in the victim’s purse. Warrick brings Gentry’s mother, Kathy Gentry, into the police department to discuss her daughter’s death. The conversation is interrupted by a phone call from Catherine advising him that the body was misidentified. Melissa Gentry is alive and well. Warrick shows Mrs. Gentry the picture of the victim initially believed to be her daughter and asks if she knows the girl. Mrs. Gentry identifies the victim as Simone Castro, her daughter’s best friend.

Catherine interviews Melissa Gentry about her best friend Simone’s horrible death. Melissa says that Simone was all about having fun and no one would want to kill her. According to Melissa, Simone enjoys having a good time with guys who have money. She doesn’t have sex with them. She just likes to get drunk and hang out in cool penthouses.

09-03-2007, 11:32
In the 21st episode, “Ending Happy” involves the complicated death of former boxer, Felix Morales aka “Happy.” Happy was found dead, floating in the swimming pool of the Sugar Cane Ranch whorehouse with a large purple contusion on his forehead partially closing one eye and two holes in his neck.

Sugar Cane Ranch is located in Nye County, Nevada. However, the county is not equipped to handle murder cases so the Las Vegas team steps in to assist local Sheriff Bastille. The whorehouse has an unusual carnival atmosphere, filled with attractive young “working girls” and senior citizens. Sheriff Bastille explains that there is an inexpensive trailer park in the hills behind Sugar Cane Ranch.

Sara and Grissom meet one of the senior citizens, Milton, when he screams out from a crowd of the elderly that someone shot his wife. Sheriffe Bastille sets the record straight. Milton’s wife died of a stroke 10 years ago.

Sheriffe Bastille tells Sara and Grissom that Sugar Cane Ranch is owned by George (aka Binky) and Doris Babinkian, who run a tight ship, pay their taxes, provide employment, pillars of the community who have never been a problem. As he extols the virtues of the establishment and its owners, working girl Aimee pushes her way through the crowd to hand the Sheriff his gun belt complete with holstered weapon, which he left in her room.

David Phillips examines Happy’s body at the scene, but doesn’t reach a clear determination as to cause of death. Happy could have drowned, but the large contusion on his forehead is significant. Upon further examination, Phillips notices two dime-sized holes on either side of Happy’s trachea.

Grissom examines two streaks of blood on the dead man’s t-shirt, lining up under the neck holes and running from the collar to mid-chest. Grissom determines Happy was standing when he sustained the throat punctures and could have bled down his throat, drowning in his own blood before he hit the water.

Greg goes to the parlor of Sugar Cane Ranch and lines the girls up to give DNA samples. As he swabs Aimee’s mouth, she tells him to come see her later so she can show him a better way to get DNA.

Brass goes to the Sugar Cane Ranch beauty shop to talk to some of the girls. They all deny having seen Happy the night before. After a little persuasion, he gets them to tell him what they think of Happy. The girls hated Happy. He hit on them all the time, got rough with them, required pills to achieve erection but couldn’t finish the job and he farted a lot. Additionally, he stopped paying for their services. He thought the rules of the house didn’t apply to him. It seems the owners had taken him in, potentially to help him with a comeback in his boxing career. The girls tell Brass that Binky was tired of the way Happy treated them and tried to get him to stop being so obnoxious, but Doris didn’t do much about it because she was fond of Happy. The girls seem to know more about Doris and Happy, but won’t say anything.

Warrick learns that the letters E space S – L- U are visible in the contusion on Happy’s forehead. Grissom, Sara and Greg search the girls rooms looking for defensive weapons that might bear those initials. They uncover a bounty of weapons, despite Doris’ assurance that the girls weren’t allowed to have weapons. Grissom finds a baseball bat in one of the girl’s rooms. Lettering on the bat match the lettering on the victim’s head.

Brass brings Dreama Cox in for interrogation. She is the owner of the baseball bat. After singing a little song for Brass, he reminds her he isn’t Paula Abdul and they get down to business. Dreama admits to hitting Happy in the head with the baseball bat, but claims she did not kill him because he walked out of her room. She hit him with the bat in self-defense and lifts her shirt to reveal nasty bruises on her ribs which she says Happy gave her.

Dreama may be off the hook when Dr. Robbins determines the severe head trauma may not have been what killed Happy.

09-03-2007, 13:21
she tells him to come see her later so she can show him a better way to get DNA.

Best chat up line ever :rotfl:

15-03-2007, 20:21
Gotta love an episode named after Little Orphan Annie's battle cry.

So what do you get when you cross Xenu with those weird tapes found on the Lost island?

The answer is: This episode.

Greg gets bitten by a suspect, Nick wrangles pigs, Sara is reminded why she became a vegetarian, and Grissom may join a UFO-based religion.

Just kidding on that last part.

It's not likely Sara will be joining up, either.

What is this?

I think their UFO club is based on the teachings of this man. Dr. Sidney Buckman. Appears to be a lecture.

...The natural form of these invaders is not human. They are described in ancient accounts as serpents and dragons. And man's weapons against them has been the sword. Cut off its tail and the serpent lives. Cut off its tale and the serpent dies...

Did he think Chyna came from outer space?
(off Grissom's look)
That's the craziest motive I ever heard.

I wish Mulder and Scully would visit.

24-03-2007, 00:24
7 x 23 - The Good, The Bad, The Dominatrix

Lady Heather is back!!! (although apparently in a hospital bed, and Grissom takes her hand at one point - trouble for the Sara/Grissom relationship??)

24-03-2007, 09:41
omg could this be the lead up to the MCSK???

Cant wait to see this.

Im loving this whole thing where they arent solving it straight away as normal they should try this all the time

24-03-2007, 09:47
And apparently the script keeps being re-written even during shooting!

Will LH be the final victim?! The final victim is apparently going to be someone we all know and Jorja Fox has apparently said that all Grissom and Sara lovers will be "happy" with the outcome (which to me says she isn't going to be a victim) but then with the amount of changes that are happening right up till the last final shoot - who knows what the end will be!

So exciting!!!! Roll on May!!!

24-03-2007, 09:53
ooohhh maybe!!! Whats happened to sofia have i missed something??? Havent seen her in a while. Even though im going for LH being the killer im still convinced there is going to be a massive twist at the end. Im so excited

I hate these breaks in the roll on 4th april so we can have our weekly fix!!

24-03-2007, 10:04
Frustrating aren't they!!!

I'm ready and waiting for May though - it seems strange why they would suddenly bring LH back, unless she is either going to be next victim, or is the killer herself. Otherwise, whats the point (and how come shes out of prison so quickly?!)

They are certainly going to be keeping us guessing right until screen time I think. Even now, they still haven't told us whether George, Billy or Jorja have renewed their contracts yet - :crying: I can't take the waiting!!!

But well done to them for creating this whole situation. I haven't seen a season talked about this much for ages!!

Chloe O'brien
25-03-2007, 01:37
I've heard a rumour that Louise Lombard (Sophia) has signed up to star in another tv show so maybe she will be the final victim and leave CSI, which would please some Grissom and Sara fans in the US as they hate Sophia. Will we get a sara and LH showdown.

25-03-2007, 01:45
I don't hate Sophia, but I will be honest and say I won't miss her if/when she leaves. She's done nothing for me personally. But I like her.

Sara and LH showdown.. I possibly may be the only one, but I don't want one :p I like them both, but my heart would lie with Sara, and then if Sara got hurt (physical/emotional) then I'd be upset :p Me no want that. Nothing but good Sara for the rest of the series please :lol: :p *hides*

Chloe O'brien
25-03-2007, 23:44
I don't hate Sophia, but I will be honest and say I won't miss her if/when she leaves. She's done nothing for me personally. But I like her.

Sara and LH showdown.. I possibly may be the only one, but I don't want one :p I like them both, but my heart would lie with Sara, and then if Sara got hurt (physical/emotional) then I'd be upset :p Me no want that. Nothing but good Sara for the rest of the series please :lol: :p *hides*

I agree with you Lea I'm not bothered either way if Sophia leaves or not. Its just the final episodes over the last two seasons has involved main characters being hurt and close to death. I don't think this season will be any different and with Greg and Catherine already being injured this series it only leaves Grissom, Sara and Warrick. Because there has still be no confirmation of contracts being signed for next series I'm still going to say that the series will end on a cliff-hanger with Sara being a MCSK victim and we won't find out until September if she survives.

As for Sara/LH showdown I would hate to see Sara hurt but I would also love to see the two of them come face to face.

25-03-2007, 23:56
Yeah I think it will probably be that Sara will be the cliffhanger. Which will be good, especially as we don't know whether he contract has been renewed or anything. However, would be nice to see Warrick involved in something big, bless him :p.

Yeah I guess, see how each would react to each other would be good.

26-03-2007, 10:12
From my understanding Louise Lombard WILL be returning next season. She has done another show, which is in the pilot stage at the moment, but has apparently had confirmation that should the pilot pay off, filming with both shows won't conflict with each other.

27-03-2007, 06:36
i know this isnt really a spoiler but Ive just startedto watch the oc and is Juile Cooper LH???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

27-03-2007, 10:15
She is Lee - apparently in the US, they always know when LH is about to make a brief return as her character in the OC disappears for a bit lol

28-03-2007, 15:04
Question: Got any scoop on CSI's Miniature Killer?— Ann Bitter
Ausiello: Rumor has it Mini Meanie won't fit the typical serial-killer profile.

02-04-2007, 20:51
i thought id start another thread for the series finale 7x24


03-04-2007, 20:17
http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/7435/still72001kf5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/4551/still72002co6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/1391/still72003zn0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

04-04-2007, 14:32
Lady Heather returns to Las Vegas -- this time as a victim. She is assaulted in the salon of Old Western Town, a family theme park. The attack occurs after hours, when the park is closed.

Old Western Town’s night watchman tells Brass he has no idea how someone would get into the theme park after it’s locked for the night. The night watchman comes on at 6:00 p.m. when the park closes and locks the gate. Then he patrols every two hours. At 2:14 a.m. he found the front gate unlocked, heard music and went to check on it. That’s when he found Lady Heather on the floor. He claims he’d never seen her before.

Catherine and Sara process the crime scene. Catherine dusts for prints, while Sara notes that the sawdust floor will make it impossible to get any footprints. Sara finds pieces of a broken whiskey bottle and notes that since the theme park doesn’t serve alcohol, Lady Heather must have brought her own. A while later, Catherine finds men’s gray colored boxer shorts stuffed in a toilet in the saloon restroom, along with crumpled toilet paper revealed by ALS to contain semen.

Grissom goes to the hospital to visit Lady Heather, who is still alive. She starts to lose consciousness due to the fact that she’s in diabetic shock. A nurse says Lady Heather didn’t say she was diabetic. Grissom speculates that she must have forgotten to take her insulin.

Brass questions Jack Calvin, successful entrepreneur and owner of Old Western Town, along with his son and heir, Benjamin Calvin. Jack Calvin denies giving Lady Heather permission to use the park after hours. The son speaks up and says he let her in. She called the office and asked about renting the park for a private party. Jack Calvin supports his son’s decision, explaining that since Vegas is a 24 hour town, his place should be too and it was a way to generate additional revenue. The son says he didn’t know what she did for a living and the night watchman didn’t know about the private party because he let her in himself as he wanted to know who he was dealing with. He continues on to say that he didn’t stay. Rather he left Lady Heather and told her to lock up when she was finished. Jack Calvin reprimands his son, telling him he should have stayed with her for liability reasons.

The B-story involves a young woman, Ann Moroney, who is found dead, the apparent victim of vehicle homicide. She is found by a patrol car a little after 11:00 p.m. She has green paint chips in her skull. A man’s wallet is in her possession. It contains the drivers license belonging to Jeffrey Lanier. She also has a receipt from Diane’s Steakhouse, located a quarter-mile from the crime scene, indicating a time of 9:52 p.m.

Sophia goes to Diane’s Steakhouse. The first person she sees is Jeffrey Lanier, whom she recognizes from his drivers license photo. Lanier is the Maitre D’. Sophia shows him a picture of Moroney and he remembers her from the night before. He says her date stood her up and he remembers thinking the guy was an idiot. Moroney hung out for about an hour. She was really nice. She gave him a hug after he called a cab from Friendly Cabs for her, just after 10:00 p.m. Sophia tips him off that next time strange girls hug him, he might want to check his pockets.

Lanier tells Sophia that two cabs showed up to pick up Moroney and the drivers started fighting with each other over who was going to take her. He didn’t get a good look at either driver. Eventually Moroney got into the back of one cabs and it peeled out.

Nick and Warrick pay a visit to Friendly Cab Company, where they find a row of green cabs. A dispatcher tells them cab number 29 driven by Chandru Kambhatla was dispatched to Diane’s Steakhouse at 10:01 p.m. Kambhatla doesn’t arrive for his shift until 8:00 p.m., but the dispatcher shows them where to find cab number 29. It’s full of dents, scratches and dings – some old, some new. Warrick notices a rear-facing camera mounted in the vehicle. Nick swaps the front bumper for blood and it tests positive.

Nick brings Chandru (aka “Dru”) in for interrogation. Kambhatla denies ever seeing Moroney before, until Nick shows him several still photos of her that were snapped from inside his cab. Kambhatla is unfazed and says lots of people get into his cab. Nick advises him that she was hit by a green car and the last time she was seen alive was inside his cab. Kambhatla now remembers that she wanted to go to MGM, but the traffic was so bad she asked to be let out to walk. He says he let her out near the Monte Carlo, but Nick can see on his face that he’s lying.

Chloe O'brien
04-04-2007, 20:30
So are we really going to see a scene with Sara and LH in it together. Interesting to see Grissom telling the nurse that LH is diabetic maybe they will reveal what did happen between them.

10-04-2007, 11:14
The CSIs are horrified to find five Las Vegas showgirls dead in the house they all share. All five are bound and with the exception of one, have had their throats slashed. Sara is shocked when she stumbles across a sixth victim, Cammie, the final housemate, and finds the girl is alive. Sara calls for help but the girl dies in front of her, trying to tell her something about wine. The CSIs find a wine bottle in the kitchen with a custom label. Dr. Robbins determines five of the six victims died of exsanguination; the final victim, Becca, was stabbed to death after being raped. Two of the other victims, Emily and Laura, had sexual intercourse prior to their deaths, but Dr. Robbins can't tell if the acts were rape or consensual. He also notes a C-section scar on Cammie's stomach. Warrick is surprised to recognize one of the victims, Emily, as a girl from his old neighborhood and takes on the sad task of telling her grandmother that she's dead. Hodges is also forced to deliver bad news when the mother of Libby, another of the victims, calls her cell while it's in his lab.

The CSIs question Lewis Greyberg, a reporter who did an article on the showgirls when they did a charity drive for another showgirl battling breast cancer. He admits he sent the wine to the girls, but he claims it was a thank you to the girls for the article. When he mentions a kitchen-themed swag bag they gave away at the charity event, the CSIs ask to see the knife that was included in it. Mandy gets a hit off prints on the wine bottle and matches them to a man named Chris Mullins, who DJs at the club where the girls' danced. A trip to Mullins' home proves fruitless, but when they head to the bar he frequents, they find a man in the alleyway, his throat slashed. Sara comforts the man, whose name is Marlon Frost, and rides with him in the ambulence.

The CSIs track down Chris, who tells them he was seeing Lauren and met up with her that night. He claims he drank the wine then, and tells them that when Lauren was running late, he hooked up with Emily. DNA evidence backs up his story. The CSIs sit down to discuss the evidence and Sara has a revelation: Cammie wasn't trying to tell her about the wine, but a wine-like birthmark on the killer's chest: a wine-like birthmark that she recalls from Marlon Frost's chest. The killer has been right under their noses. His throat slashing must have been a failed suicide attempt. The CSIs piece it together: he followed Becca home from a bar where she stopped for cigarettes and threatened the roommates with a fake gun. Sara tracks down Corey, the man who fathered Cammie's baby, and tells him about Cammie's fate. Afterwards, shaken by the case, she admits to Grissom that she lost perspective.

Chloe O'brien
10-04-2007, 12:25
And as the scene ends and grissom and sara leave the lab we see a lone female lab worker moping the floor. Everybody scream at the telly It's her Grissom she's the killer :eek:

18-04-2007, 21:16
aaawww hodges was so cute in lab rats....its my lucky day lol

30-04-2007, 18:39
is this lady heather week? i cant wait to see her

Chloe O'brien
01-05-2007, 11:40
No Luna the Lady Heather episode is next week. there is only three more episodes to go the end of the series.

16-05-2007, 13:38
After dominatrix Lady Heather is nearly strangled to death at the Old West Town saloon, she's found by the night watchman, Vernon Porter. Lady Heather claims she was checking out the Old West Town for a party with the permission of the owner, Jack Oakley, but she refuses to name her attacker. Sara photographs the ligature marks around Heather's neck, but Heather refuses to submit to a rape kit. Grissom arrives and speaks with Heather, but before he can get any information out of her, she passes out, and Grissom is puzzled to learn she didn't inform anyone at the hospital that she's diabetic. He's further perplexed when he finds out Heather was drinking and has three sets of ligature marks on her neck, meaning that she had an opportunity to get away--and didn't take it. The mystery deepens when Vernon Porter is found dead in Old West Town, a bullet in his back. At the Old West Town Saloon, Sara finds a bullet from a revolver lodged in a dummy, indicating there were two shooters present the night Vernon died.

Warrick and Nick are investigating the death of Faith Maroney, a pick pocket with multiple wallets and IDs in her purse. Robbins determines she died of blunt force trauma and hands Warrick paint chips he pulled from her wound. Nick returns to the scene to recover more paint chips only to nearly be struck by a drunk driver. He brings the paint chips to Hodges to compare to the ones from the car that struck Faith, but Hodges determines the latter are from a cab. Sofia learns that Faith had several arrests for shoplifting and was a diagnosed kleptomaniac, while Warrick has followed Faith's trail the evening of her death and located a steakhouse where she had a Blood Mary. Warrick and Nick learn the steakhouse called a cab for her, so they pay a visit to the cab company and find a cab with blood on it's front bumper. The cab driver who drove Faith, Chandru "Dru" Kambhatla, tells the CSIs he dropped her off at the MGM, but a look at the camera in his car proves otherwise, and prints from both Faith and Dru are found on his wallet, indicating that she tried to lift it.

When Hodges reports that the paint chips match a cab but not Dru's, Nick returns to the cab company and finds another cab with front end damage belonging to a man named Gus DiFusco. A look at Gus's camera reveals that he was striking Dru's cab with his own, and Nick surmises that it was Gus striking Dru that caused Dru's cab to hit Faith. Dru tells Nick he was going to turn in Gus for violating the rules, so Gus hit him, but after his cab struck Faith, he agreed to cover it up with Gus. Nick tells him his actions after hitting Faith make him an accessory to murder. Catherine goes to question Lady Heather only to find Grissom by her side, where he's been the whole night, making him her alibi for Vernon's murder.

After his talk with Lady Heather, Grissom does some digging and learns that her daughter, Zoe, gave birth to a child before she died, and that Heather's ex-husband, Jerome. Grissom pays Jerome, and his granddaughter, Allison, a visit, and he tells her Heather left him before giving birth to Zoe and didn't even tell him he had a child. Jerome won sole custody of Allison, but Heather recently sent him money for the girl's college fund. Sara questions Ben Oakley, whose prints were found on the revolver case at the Old West Town. He denies taking a shot at Porter--he admits instead he was aiming at his father, Jack, after learning Jack had emptied out the company account. It was Jack who killed Porter--and nearly Heather as well. Brass goes back to Heather, having put it all together: Jack hired Heather to try to kill her during sex. Heather, who has been depressed since Zoe's death and losing custody of Allison, decided to find a unique way to end her life and make money for Allison's college fund. Brass tells Heather to get help, and Grissom brings her hope: he brings Allison to meet her.

Chloe O'brien
16-05-2007, 23:20
Brass doesn't seem happy to see Heather back on the scene, when Catherine tries to fish out any gossip from him about Grissom and LH he is off-handed with her.

17-05-2007, 22:15
While the CSIs are away, the lab techs will play! David Hodges gathers Mandy Webster, Archie Johnson and Henry Andrews in Grissom's office to examine the miniature crime scenes left behind at four different murders. Hodges tells them Grissom wants the input of the lab team. They recall the miniature killer's first victim, rocker Izzy Delancy ("Built to Kill, Part Two"), the second victim, elderly Penny Garden ("Post Mortem"), the third, Raymundo Suarz ("Loco Motives") and the fourth, an undercover officer impersonating therapist Barbara Tallman ("Monster in the Box"). After Raymundo's murder, the CSIs managed to connect a man named Ernie Dell to the all three victims, but the miniature that arrived after his suicide ruled him out as the killer. His son, Lionel, was questioned, but he suggested the killer might be one of Ernie's many foster children.

To Hodges' consternation, Wendy Simms involves herself in the case, calling a number that appeared on all the victims' phone bills from Hodges' cell phone. The techs try to come up with a common thread between the cases, and Hodges accidentally breaks off a part of one of the miniatures--a tiny replica of a box of bleach. Wendy asks Sara about why Grissom would ask Hodges to help with the case and when Sara implies he probably didn't, she confronts Hodges. Undeterred, Hodges continues to study the miniatures, and realizes the bleach is a common tie between all four. When he points this out to Grissom, the CSI finds the information valuable, and wonders if bleach is a trigger for the killer.

18-05-2007, 18:19
Im watching the finale just now Natalie is so freaky!! Her dad isnt that much better that doll really scared me.

It does seem to be dragging out a bit though they could have fit a hell of alot more into this episode.

all their faces when he said he love sara that was funny!! :eek: :eek:

OMG when she slit grissoms throat!!! :eek: :eek:

I cant believe they left it like that i cant wait until spetember until i find out what happened!!!!

18-05-2007, 18:28
Found this interview of them on the early show this morning


Chloe O'brien
18-05-2007, 21:04
I'm going to watch the finale later. I watched the episode laughed at the part where George (Nick) says he is clueless or pretends to be to what is going on. Hurry up September so we can find out what happens.

19-05-2007, 12:04
How good was that!! Excellently done - I didn't find her wierd though, but obviously very disturbed. But then look at "The Great Ramone". He wasn't particularly all there (which I know was probably half to do with losing Chloe but still...)

The way Grissom said about him taking away the only thing Natalie loved in Ernie, so she was now going to do the same thing to him - I actually found that quite sweet, but still don't like them as a couple :lol:

Do you think that was Jorja Fox under the car or a stand in after the supposed row that is happening? Or was it all a plot? :hmm:

But great stuff - roll on the announcement for re-commissioning and then September (its normally about that time isn't it) for Season 8 and the conclusion!

25-05-2007, 22:42
Continuing their hunt for the miniature crime scene killer, the CSIs track down another of Ernie Dell's foster children, Trevor Dell, but find him dead in his apartment. When Grissom discovers a miniature doll dressed like Trevor, he suspects the miniature killer has beat them to Trevor. Warrick looks at Trevor's computer and determines he's been dead for twelve days based on his instant messaging activity, while Nick reports that Trevor died from a hemorrhage due to blunt force trauma to the head. Grissom recovers a partial fingerprint from the back of the miniature man, and Wendy runs it, surprising him by telling him the DNA of skin cells in the print are female. Grissom takes the small bracelet on the doll to a local miniature shop, and the owner tells him he made the bracelet for a woman named Natalie.

Nick and Warrick determine Trevor was electrocuted when wires behind his sink connected with water in the sink, but what they at first think is an elaborate booby trap created by the miniature killer turns out to be nothing more than a red herring when they discover a neighbor is siphoning power from Trevor's apartment. Trevor's death was an accident, but the CSIs have a lead: they question a Mrs. Wexler about Natalie Davis, who came to her as a foster child before going to Ernie. She tells them Natalie was "broken" and sends the CSIs to Natalie's father, Christopher, a ventriloquist who calls his doll by the same name as his dead daughter, Chloe--Natalie's younger sister. He tells the CSIs that Natalie was responsible for her sister's death: she pushed her from their treehouse and watched as her father cleaned up her sister's blood using bleach.

The CSIs are horrified to learn Natalie has been working as a cleaning woman at their very offices, and Grissom makes a chilling discovery: a miniature car wreck in the desert, with a miniature of Sara under it. The car license plate matches a wrecked car from a case Sara worked weeks ago. Grissom is stunned, and reveals to the team that Natalie is seeking revenge on him for Ernie Dell's death, taking from him the one person he loves like he did to her. The team finds an address for Natalie and storms her apartment. She runs, but Nick and Warrick catch up to her and arrest her. Grissom interrogates her, desperately trying to find out where she's taken Sara, but Natalie doesn't give him an answer. Somewhere in the desert, as the rain pours down, Sara reaches out from under the crushed car...

Chloe O'brien
27-05-2007, 21:18
The part were Grissom and Catherine go to see "The Great Raymando" and he was singing that song about "A pain in my sawdust" was just freeky.

27-05-2007, 21:19
The part were Grissom and Catherine go to see "The Great Raymando" and he was singing that song about "A pain in my sawdust" was just freeky.

yeah and whats more freaky is that thats a real song!! Me and emz found the song sheet on ebay it was written years ago