View Full Version : Has Jayne Walked?

12-07-2006, 20:43
According to other forums it was announced on channel four a min ago that jayne has walked out the house??

anyone know if it is true?

12-07-2006, 20:44
Lets hope she's packed Richard in her suitcase.

12-07-2006, 20:50
I saw her on live feed a few minutes ago... but now shes disapeared!? :confused:

Oh god I hope she hasn't gone! I want her there a while longer to drive them all mad and stir up more ****!

12-07-2006, 20:51
Well I didnt see it.... i hope so

12-07-2006, 20:56
I hope she has stayed to be fair becuase i am sick to the back teeth of everyone wanting the characters to leave the show.

Sezer, Grace, and worst of all Lea! Now you want Jayne aswell!? Do you want 7 weeks of boring people!? I've even heard some people say they want Nicki out! How mental!

We need entertainment and Jayne provides that, so she should stay...for the time being anyways!

12-07-2006, 20:56
:cheer: Seriously?! Omg!! Bet it's a wind-up :p

12-07-2006, 20:59
I wish. Shes on live now. shes still in there. false alarm guys

Jessie Wallace
12-07-2006, 21:14
I hope she has stayed to be fair becuase i am sick to the back teeth of everyone wanting the characters to leave the show.

Sezer, Grace, and worst of all Lea! Now you want Jayne aswell!? Do you want 7 weeks of boring people!? I've even heard some people say they want Nicki out! How mental!

We need entertainment and Jayne provides that, so she should stay...for the time being anyways!

Nikki entertaining, omg. If i have to watch any more of her, i think i might spontaniously combust, she is the most annoying person on the planet, and the soon she ain't on my tv screen the better.
I'd much rather watch Ashlene and Pete and Jenni well basically anyone else but Nikki.

12-07-2006, 21:27
I agree with Dawn, Nikki is not entertaining. She was in the beginning with the whole 'fat ox' and 'who is she' thing, but she's had her day now. Lets face it she was never gonna win this was she. :D Richard to go and then her i'm afraid. :)

12-07-2006, 22:06
i really dont like her - she annoys me!!!

13-07-2006, 09:51
she seriously needs to walk!!!!! doing my head in since the moment she went in there

13-07-2006, 11:05
I got all hopeful when I saw this, and then realised she hasn't - gutted!!!

Can someone please convince her to walk please :D

13-07-2006, 22:36
I got all hopeful when I saw this, and then realised she hasn't - gutted!!!

Can someone please convince her to walk please :D Lol i was hoping she had walked , she is doing me head in. but then again i want her to have a proper eviction so she can get booed.

13-07-2006, 22:40
Lol i was hoping she had walked , she is doing me head in. but then again i want her to have a proper eviction so she can get booed.

awww she is so out of order...she needs a slap I would if i was in there- I would really confront her

who does she think she is???who just saw her tonight?

14-07-2006, 16:12
who does she think she is???who just saw her tonight? well did but that was last night now, lol. she reall needs a slap i hope she is up next week

14-07-2006, 16:13
as she hasnt walked im closing this thread.......:D