View Full Version : That Summer Day

07-07-2006, 17:47
I just watched this about 7/7 it was really good = what did u all think and do you know who played the music teacher cause she looked a bit like sarah manners x

07-07-2006, 17:57
Yeh I thought it was a really good dramaitisation. especially the way it was aimed at kids. I liked it.

07-07-2006, 19:11
I really like the way they did it, it was great to see how it was all aimed about the kids as some it would of happened like that to some of the kids around that area in London, not knowing and fearing the worse. It was good to see Ben's dad at the end, of how he helped people just liked other people did on that very day. It's just amazing how people pull together when big things happen.

08-07-2006, 13:06
I liked it because of the way they did it, they did it aimed at kids so they knew what happened but it wasn't gruesome and stuff.