View Full Version : Episode Edit (Football Mention)

04-07-2006, 14:40
Did anyone notice either on friday or last nights episode (can't remember which) but garry and minty were in the vic talking about david beckham saying "I wonder who david beckham will pass his arm band on to?" well it was something like that anyway, so that basically means that since that was only on the news within 24 hours before that episode was screened, they must have edited that scene in to keep up to date with news.

Jessie Wallace
04-07-2006, 14:52
That has happened on every episode of EastEnders when there's been an England match. And this has also been discussed somewhere else :)

04-07-2006, 14:57
Although judging by the editing it would have probably have been better if they'd just left it out.

Already being discussed here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=40196&page=287) though, so closing... :D